Monday, 13 January 2025

(Reader: Thomas Smith) Response to “The End of the Deep State Cabal (Scenario One)”

(Reader: Thomas Smith) Response to “The End of the Deep State Cabal (Scenario One)”

Thursday, 28 March 2024, 14:14 PM


Reader Post | By Thomas Smith

Before I give my version of how this should end I would like to give some facts about war. History has proven that as a war heads to a conclusion the fight turns into a death struggle where the victor has suffered unthinkable casualties and it’s civilian population has had to endure the unthinkable for the survival of their nation. When the end is near the real killing begins . The battle turns into a frenzy of killing anything  that moves . They destroy everything especially the will of the enemy’s civilian population to continue the war. Now with that being said I will give a scenario how this should end.

A war is a war, the war we are in is no different except for one thing we only see the devastation perpetrated on the civilian population and the toll on the military is unseen.

We have gone through devolution the drip drip drip of facts to the world population.

I believe we ate at a point where the waking up of sleepers is not worth the cost of innocent lives that are being lost . So here’s my solution.

1. The military is in place worldwide in all the hot spots and they are locked and loaded ready to act at a seconds notice.

2. The military must publicly arrest all government officials and declare marshal law and lock down the world.

3. anyone who disobeys the lock down should be arrested.




4. If rioting or chaos erupts it should be put down with deadly force.

5. Then the White hat alliance should show their proof of what has happened to the people of earth in all its horror and corruption planned by a few through 10 days of videos,

6. the White Hat alliance should then show the world’s population what awaits them a world of peace prosperity a world with out needless suffering. A world of technology that will dazzle the mind.

7. Then gradually reopen society world wide to a sure safety for all .

8. the military will hold safe and legitimate elections for government of the people by the people and for the people worldwide.

The time is now not tomorrow but today . The sacrifice of innocent lives is no longer acceptable . The saving of one innocent live is worth a thousand of those who refuse to accept the plan truth.

Now I will end this with a prayer that all in should should pray 




LORD grant us this last victory for world peace and we swear that from the sun now stands in the sky we fight no more forever 


I wish peace and prosperity for all.

Respectfully yours
An Ardent Patriot 
Thomas Smith


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