Friday, 14 March 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 17, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 17, 2024

Wednesday, 17 April 2024, 5:59 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 17 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 17 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

“The Storm Has Arrived”
“The Storm will come suddenly and blow everyone away.”
…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Tues. 16 April 2024

President Trump Has Given The Green Light
Wait For the Sound of Trumpets
Militaries Activated Worldwide, Satanic Landmarks Bombed, GESARA Funds Released, We The People Rebuild

New Beginnings are always preceded by a period of crisis and chaos. The new cannot enter before the old falls apart. And, not everyone will understand your calling in the New Beginnings – it wasn’t a conference call.

It’s only wise to have at least a three-week supply of food, water, cash, fuel, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others in case of a disaster.

Love Thy Neighbor: A Special Tabernacle Choir Event – YouTube

Light Dawns on a Weary World When Eyes Begin to See All People’s Dignity
Light Dawns on a Weary World When the Promised Day of Justice Comes

Judy Note: Breaking! Emergency Broadcast Alert! This is Big! It's About to Get Crazy! It's About to Go Down Now! | Alternative | Before It's News (




  • Fri. 12 April: “It’s Time. The Green Light has been given by President Trump. Global Military Alliance in motion. Global Alliance to takeover Fake News Mainstream Media, make Mass Arrests.” …Ghost of Qanon on Telegram Fri. 12 April 2024
  • Sat. 13 April: “A video will be played first; then the Trumpets of Freedom representing the trumpets blown by the Jews when they were liberated from slavery – when Joshua blew the horn, and then at the end of these – will be THE OPERA. This will be sent out to millions of people.”  …Wolverine Sat. 13 April 2024
  • Sun. 14 April: “They have to play out a Fake WW3 Scenario to Ring Sirens in Every National Military Command Center to Activate the Emergency Broadcast System Worldwide. Please Stand By.”…JFK Jr. on Telegram Sun 14 April 2024
  • Sun. 14 April: “There is going to be a BIG Biblical Scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.” …Ben Fulford Report Sun. 14 April 2024
  • Mon. 15 April: “My Fellow Americans what you are about to go through will be very painful. You will learn that your whole life and the generations before you have been nothing but lies. It will take you a good six months to get over it. Some may never. The entire planet will be rewired. Every system and technology you know now will be obsolete. A lot of money is goin to come back. …Q+ on Telegram Mon. 15 April 2024
  • The Commander-in-Chief of the Global Alliance Military was President Donald Trump, also known as Q+. The Alliance military included Stellar and QFS, Space Force and military intelligence in Arizona.
  • The Global Alliance was headed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, Deputy Secretary of Defense Ezra Cohen Watnick and General Michael T. Flynn.
  • The USA National Security Agency was under the leadership of President Richard Grenell. While the United States was under martial law, Grenell conducted military operations in Washington D.C. and in various armies around the world – including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.
  • Wed. 10 April: “Phase 1 Complete. Turn Notifications On. Prepare For Phase 2. Be Prepared For Anything.” …17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Wed. 10 April 2024
  • Tues. 16 April Emergency Alert, Tucker Carlson: Reports suggest that a nuclear plant in Ukraine is “dangerously close” to an accident.
  • Mon. 15 April Black Swan Events have begun. Big things to happen over the next 24-48 hours. WW3 rhetoric is on increase. The Balfour Agreement expired at 6pm Israeli time Mon. 15 April (6 O'clock is a dangerous time – Q). Worldwide Martial Law Lockdown is imminent. Keep your heads on a swivel and stay safe. Get ready for Trump's return.
  • WARNING: Highways across the US will be shutting down Thurs. 18 April 2024. …Q
  • 194 Iraqi Parliament Delegates arrived in the US last Saturday 13 April and were in Washington DC right now in meetings discussing their Economic File. They plan to make an announcement before they leave on Fri. 19 April.
  • Tues. 16 April Warning: US may freeze American bank accounts. There are reports from Canadians that they have been limited in what they can withdraw, or have been unable to withdraw at all, from their personal bank accounts:
  • Mon. 15 April A nationwide shut down of bridges and airports has happened around the country after multiple pro Palestine protestors shut down the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Brooklyn Bridge in New York and the Chicago O Hare Airport was blocked. As the Israel Iran war heats we could see more shut downs of critical infrastructure and supply chains affected.
  • Tues. 16 April President Trump will likely be in his New York Trial for a month and a half, which placed a gag order on him. Clear Election Interference. They are throwing the kitchen sink at him and hoping something will stick.
  • Mon. 15 April Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Activation of #OperationStorm Under Donald Trump, Black Swan Events Have Begun. Special Intel Report 4/16/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Tues. 16 April Situation Update: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Imminent Worldwide Activation of Operation Storm Under Global Military Alliance Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump . . . – American Media Group (
  • Judy Note Correction on Zim Bond Redemption: Thanks to Becky Subrahmanyam and MarkZ I have learned that this statement I made in past reports is not true: “Zimbabwe has announced their gold-backed currency and their bonds must be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024.” There are three kinds of Zim money: 2008-2009 Zim Bonds, Zim fiat money and the new asset-backed Zig. MarkZ explained: “The Zim fiat money must be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024 for the new Zig. The time limitation has nothing to do with 2008-2009 Trillion Series Zim Bonds that we hope to exchange for USN. The gold/asset backed currency is the new Zig currency and it does not need to be redeemed. Only the Zim fiat money needs to be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024.” I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused. …Judy

    Judy Note: If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories or American Media Group ( Websites.

    Black Swan Events Have Begun:

  • “The upcoming movie will not be for everyone. There will be extremely difficult things to process. It’s going to get very ugly.” …Top Secret on Telegram Tues. 16 April
  • Mon. 15 April: “Black Swan Events have begun. Big things to happen over the next 24-48 hours, WW3 rhetoric is on increase, Balfour Agreement expired a little over an hour ago at 6pm Israeli time (6 O'clock is a dangerous time – Q) Worldwide Martial Law Lockdown is imminent.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 15 April
  • Tues. 16 April: Copenhagen Denmark's historic 17th-century Børsen Stock Exchange building in Copenhagen is on fire. The famous spire of the world's oldest stock exchange, Börsen, collapsed as a result of a strong fire, reports Reuters. The building is 400 years old. The 54-meter spire was made in the shape of the twisted tails of dragons.
  • This next Mon. 22 April the pro Hamas crowd is planning something bigger, a lot more nefarious. They want to “clog flow of capital worldwide.” They claim that they have “dozens of cities worldwide on board. We will disrupt global and logistical hubs. Our aim to cause maximum economic impact. If one city faces police repression, other cities will extend or expand blockades in solidarity.”
  • The Iran-Israeli War: In 2007, General Wesley Clark said that the United States had already had a plan to attack seven countries, including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. It was the plan to pave the way for Greater Israel. The ultimate goal was to unleash a war against Tehran.
  • Tues. 16 April: “The media are starting to push this H5N1 Avian Bird Flu, which “experts” now claim has “jumped” into mammals, and now into humans, and could be “100x worse than Covid” (NY Post). Flashback August, 2023, Russian MIL claimed the US were “preparing a new pandemic, just like they did in 2019.” The Russians even specifically mentioned “Avian Bird Flu” as one of the viruses the US were modifying to infect humans and orchestrate man-made pandemics, aka bio-weapon usage. It’s only a matter of time before the Dems start calling for mass mail-in voting and changes to the election laws. If the Deep State want to win in 2024, they have to steal it again.” …Dr. Judy Mikovits on Telegram Tues. 16 April 2024
  • Tues. 16 April: Damage Found Inside Glen Canyon Dam: Damage found inside Glen Canyon Dam increases water risks on the Colorado River (
  • Global Currency Reset:

  • Tues. 16 April Bruce: Bond Holders were expecting their emails to exchange tomorrow Wed. 17 April or Thurs. 18 April. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should go around the same time. Yesterday a lower Tier Bank told us that they expected liquidity Wed. 17 April or Thurs. 18 April. The Iraqi Dinar rate has not yet been made public, but the Dinar is on the back screens of the Forex and trading upward with a Contract Rate that is very high. The Dong Rate is also trading upward in a good direction. Zim is trading over $1, but as you know the US will be at a 1:1 on par with them and all currencies…. The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#.
  • Mon. 15 April TNT Tony: The Three Letter Agencies were saying that the RV could go anytime after 5pm Mon. 15 April through Wed. 17 April. Banks were looking for it into tomorrow morning Tues. 16 April. But Tony thinks we won’t see it until next week.
  • Mon. 15 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting from between Mon. 15 April to Mon. 22 April. We were told from day one that bonds need to be close to completion or well underway before they pull the trigger. We will know by tomorrow from European contacts if the Bonds have kicked off. Tues. 16 April Update MarkZ: Mark couldn’t get hold of any of his Bond Holder contacts. The calls went to voicemail, while another said he was in “Blackout.”
  • Tues. 16 April Wolverine: “My Contact confirmed that there was a “pause” on everything because of our safety. But it was lifted. She said this is the closest we have ever been. She doesn't want to give dates. But things can go any moment. Keep watching Iraq – big announcement coming soon.” Ginger: “I shared late last week that the “Pause” had indeed been lifted and things were set in motion again.”
  • Global Financial Crisis:

  • Hitler arrested and seized the assets of the Rothschilds in Germany in 1933, in Austria in 1938, and in France in 1940. By taking Germany out of the Rothschild owned banking system he transformed Germany into a superpower. The Rothschild family had attempted to infiltrate America through its banking system from the day, America was formed. They were blocked by President Andrew Jackson, but ultimately were able to gain control through the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
  • Tues. 16 April Frank 26:There are many Chief Executive Officers of many banks around the world at the US Treasury meeting right now with Sudani, Alaq and Barzani…Also…CEOs of CitiBank, Chase Bank and Bank of America are there.  We also have all of the JP Morgan representatives, Merril Lynch, all investment companies you can think of, all of them are meeting…The meetings are going on now…This [Iraqi] entourage is here in the United States to meet with their counter parts.
  • Restored Republic:

  • Tues. 16 April Edward Snowden Mega Warning: “We are days away.”
  • Tues. 16 April Breaking Emergency Broadcast Alert: “It’s about to get crazy.” 
  • Tues. 16 April: They’re coming back from the dead: Princess Diana will expose all Royals; JFK Jr. will expose all politicians; Michael Jackson will expose all Entertainers. …JFK Jr. on Telegram Tues. 16 April
  • The Real News for Tues. 16 April 2024:




  • The Astonishing Success Of The U.S. Corporation Gently Imposing Democracy And Peace Around The World Since The Turn Of The Century Is Unfathomable. They Lied To Us About Ukraine. They Lied To Us About Israel. They Lied To Us About Palestine. And, They Are Lying To Us About Iran.
  • Tues. 16 April Tucker Carlson: Last month, the overall illegal crossings along our border totaled 189,372. That brings the REPORTED total at our southern border, under Joe Biden, at over 9.4 million encounters. We need a secure border. We need to hold Biden & Ruben Gallego accountable for allowing this.
  • Tues. 16 April President Trump: Who will explain for me, to my wonderful son, Barron, who is a GREAT Student at a fantastic School, that his Dad will likely not be allowed to attend his Graduation Ceremony, something that we have been talking about for years, because a seriously Conflicted and Corrupt New York State Judge wants me in Criminal Court on a bogus “Biden Case” which, according to virtually all Legal Scholars and Pundits, has no merit, and should NEVER have been brought. This Fake Case is solely meant to attack Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME, who is seriously leading him in the Polls, for purposes of Election Interference. The Judge, Juan Merchan, is preventing me from proudly attending my son’s Graduation. Seems very unfair, doesn’t it? But this whole event is unfair. Every one of the many Fake Cases that are perpetuated by the White House in order to help the Worst President in History, by far, get Re-Elected, are UNJUST SCAMS. We won’t let that happen, but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
  • Tues. 16 April Ben Fulford Report: Benjamin Fulford: Shocking News – Red Alert Warning – Bad News For the Enemy! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Tues. 16 April: General Smith Briefs President Trump on Red Hats | Real Raw News
  • Tues. 16 April Protest in Eugene Oregon Closes Interstate:
  • Mon. 15 April: Operation STORM 2024: Global US Military Operation – Donald J. Trump Commander-in-Chief, The Epochal Showdown in Washington D.C: Continuation of Government – The Event is Imminent! – American Media Group (
  • Mon. 15 April: Putin’s Warning: Russia President Vladimir Putin Warns United States Not to Interfere in the Iran and Israel Tensions – American Media Group (
  • Tues. 16 April: America Under Siege: What is Happening to President Trump is an Attack on the Freedom of all Americans (video) – American Media Group (
  • Tues. 16 April: Anonymous Official: Edward Snowden is BACK “Watch QUICKLY before they mute me” (video) – American Media Group (
  • Declassified CIA documents show that Hitler did not shoot himself but was taken to Argentina, where he lived happily until he was 78.
  • Illuminati Globalist Deep State Cabal Agenda 2030:

  • Bill Gates praises India's “digital public infrastructure”—combining biometric digital ID (known as “Aadhaar”), bank accounts and payments—as “foundational” for keeping tabs on farmers, monitoring people's health records and helping with “climate problems”.
  • Tues. 16 April Dr. David Martin: “If the WHO Pandemic Agreement passes in May, the WHO will gain the ability to “suspend all civil liberties”, should it arbitrarily decide there's a “public health emergency. Covid was used to terrorize the world, convince them that we need some giant protector state that actually has some sort of supranational ability, and then suspend civil liberties as long as they need to be suspended… at the whim of funding agencies who have no criminal accountability. These things are set up to be terror campaigns, to modify the public's willingness to give up their liberties.”
  • 40 Facts Americans Need to Know 40 Facts Americans Need to Know – American Media Group (

    Tues. 16 April My Fellow Americans,

  • Today, we stand at a crossroads, not of roads, rivers, or rails, but of principles and the pathways of our shared destiny. Our great nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal, calls upon its children once again to renew and defend its foundational promises.
  • We are heirs to a courageous legacy—a legacy that saw ordinary men and women reach for extraordinary ideals. From the frostbitten soldiers at Valley Forge to the determined marchers from Selma to Montgomery, the spirit of American resolve and resilience has triumphed over tyranny and oppression. This same spirit must now animate our actions as we confront new challenges that seek to erode our unity and diminish our collective strength.
  • We must embrace this moment with the full heart of our heritage. Let us harness the indomitable American spirit to inspire innovation, drive forward social justice, and uphold the rights for which our forebears sacrificed. Let us reject the siren calls of division and the easy retreats into cynicism. Instead, let us build bridges where walls might otherwise divide. Let us celebrate and elevate our shared values of freedom, democracy, and the unyielding pursuit of opportunity for all.
  • This call to action is born not from a place of fear, but from a profound love for what we have been, what we are, and what we still can be. Our journey is not complete, and the tools of our forefathers—the vote, the voice, the indelible belief in the decency of fellow Americans—remain at our disposal, ready to be wielded with courage and conviction.
  • Let every citizen from every corner of this great land—from the bustling streets of New York to the peaceful plains of Kansas, from the snowy ranges of Alaska to the warm beaches of Florida—join together in this grand endeavor. Let us show the world that America’s greatest days lie not in our past, but in our future, forged through unity and the hard, yet hopeful work of democracy.
  • Together, we are unstoppable. Together, we are the bearers of the light of freedom, illuminating the path forward, not just for us, but for generations to come. Stand with me, my fellow Americans, as custodians of our shared destiny. Let us step bravely into the dawn of this new revolution, hearts alight with the enduring flames of liberty and justice for all.
  • With enduring faith in each of you, and in our beloved United States.
  • Tues. 16 April: A proposed new law on use of the InternetRestrict Act (S. 686)” would give the government access to all the data on our devices, including cell phones, smart watches, smart cars/tvs, anything “Smart” even alarm clocks, Ring and home security apps.

  • It would be a crime to use a privacy device, and if you use a VPN, you could get 20 years in prison and a million-dollar fine on the say-so of the Secretary of Commerce. The bill would remove the right to privacy for all internet users, and the government could freely review, prosecute, and take possession of personal information without permission.
  • The Restrict Act (S. 686) is a government bill that would allow the federal government to review and prohibit certain transactions between persons in the United States and foreign adversaries, including any acquisition, importation, transfer, installation, dealing in, or use of any information and communications technology product or service. The bill is vague and gives the Secretary of Commerce the power to decide if a transaction involves a foreign adversary, without any input from Congress. This could lead to the government silencing free speech with little effort.
  • A corrupt government could use this bill to control the population and remove freedom by accessing personal information, silencing free speech, and punishing those who use privacy devices or VPNs. The bill would give the government authority over all forms of communication domestic or abroad and grants powers to “enforce any mitigation measure to address any risk” to national security now and in any “potential future transaction.”
  • Politian's Responsible (remember the names, they are enemies of the people): Mr. Warner (for himself, Mr. Thune, Ms. Baldwin, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Manchin, Mr. Moran, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Gillibrand, Ms. Collins, Mr. Heinrich, Mr. Romney, and Mrs. Capito
  • Must Watch Videos:

  • Tues. 16 April Situation Update: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Imminent Worldwide Activation of Operation Storm Under Global Military Alliance Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump . . . – American Media Group (
  • Mon. 15 April Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Activation of #OperationStorm Under Donald Trump, Black Swan Events Have Begun. Special Intel Report 4/16/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 15 April Situation Update: Situation Update: “WW3 To Officially Start On Sleepy's Watch! Global Elite Cartel Launches WW3 To Mask Global Martial Law & Launch Global Currency Reset!” – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 15 April X22 Report: X22 Report: Deep State Cyber Attack Narrative, 200 Million People Are Behind Trump, People Are The Cure! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

    Read Full Report (Doc):

    Read Full Report (PDF):

    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 13, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 12, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 11, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 10, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 9, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
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    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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