Friday, 18 October 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 19, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 19, 2024

Friday, 19 April 2024, 4:11 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 19 April 2024

Compiled Fri. 19 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

Israel Has Attacked Iran, Iraq, Syria Nuclear Facilities,
Iran Announced It Will Launch a Counterattack on Israel's Nuclear Sites.
Radiation Being Leaked Throughout the World
World War III Triggered

Worldwide EBS
Global Martial Law, Lockdown
Worldwide Stock Market Crash
Worldwide Blackout

Trump To Remain in Power, JFK Jr. To Return as VP
JFK Sr. Alive, Survived in White Hat Military Victim Witness Program

We're in Divine Hands.
Trust the Plan.
Be the We in Where We Go One, We Go All.
We are Q.

God Wins.
…Tucker Carlson on Telegram Thurs. 18 April 2024


It’s only wise to have at least a three-week supply of food, water, cash, fuel, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others in case of a disaster.




Andrea Bocelli and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir – The Lord's Prayer – YouTube

You Raise Me Up | The Tabernacle Choir – YouTube

Judy Note:

  • Fri. 19 April Fox News: Reports coming in that Israel has attacked Iran’s Nuclear facility.
  • Thurs. 18 April: Reports of huge explosions in Baghdad / Babylon in Iraq, Isfahan in Iran, and Suwayda in Syria. Claims of nuclear facilities being targeted.
  • Black Swan Events Underway! EBS Imminent! US Military Bases on High Alert! U.S. Nuclear Forces At Defcon 2 – the second highest level of readiness for a Nuclear Attack! Massive Cyber Attacks on Nine State’s 911 Services! All US Highways Have Begun to Shut Down! Bank Runs Imminent! U.S. Nuclear Forces At Defcon 2! US Military Bases on High Alert! Bank Runs Imminent! US Planes Over Israel and Iran. Israel Missile Strike Hits Iran. Ukraine Destroyed Russia Radar – Same as Hitting Nuclear War Facility. EMERGENCY ALERT!! U.S. NUCLEAR FORCES ON MAX ALERT!! U.S. BASES RAISE SECURITY LEVEL!! – American Media Group (
  • Thurs. 18 April: Emergency Alert!! U.S. Nuclear Forces At DEFCON 2!! SkyMaster Messages Going Out!! | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Thurs. 18 April JFK Sr. Alive, Survived in White Hat Military Victim Witness Program: BOOM! White Hats in Action: The Unbelievable Escape! JFK’s Foiled Assassination Plot and the Military Witness Protection Twist – American Media Group (
  • Thurs. 18 April FBI Director Christopher Wray has announced that Chinese government-linked hackers have infiltrated U.S. critical infrastructure. And are preparing to attack US infrastructure.
  • Thurs. 18 April USA: Nine States Report Fiber Line Cuts to 911 Trunk System: Mysterious widespread outages are currently occurring across the nation, including the whole state of South Dakota and Nebraska, parts of Nevada, Texas, Iowa, Florida, Wisconsin, and Kentucky. Officials report major disruptions in 911 services, preventing emergency calls from getting through. The cause of this outage remains unknown at this time as officials are actively investigating. This situation is still developing with more outages occurring.
  • Q+ The Great Awakening: Treason, Military Coup. Everything leads to dismantling the CIA. Bring down the FBI and Deep State Military Intelligence that protect the Elites, their pedophilia rings and corrupt banking systems. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Thurs. 18 April.
  • Thurs. 18 April Situation Update Black Swan Events Inbound: Situation Update: Black Swan Events Inbound! Banks To Start Limiting Cash Withdrawals! Why WHO Treaty Now? Why Bird Flu Now? Why Another War Now? Middle East War On The Brink!… | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News ( 
  • Thurs. 18 April Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Global Martial Law & Lockdown! All U.S. Highways Will Begin to Shut Down! Blackout Necessary! Special Intel Report 4/18/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Thurs. 18 April Experts Warn U.S. Government Planning To Freeze ALL American Bank Withdrawals: Experts are warning that the U.S. government is secretly planning to freeze all American bank withdrawals in the coming months due to the imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar. The freezing of bank accounts already has a name: “bail-ins.” Full article: The People’s Voice
  • Thurs. 18 April: Tom Homan is going back to White House with President Trump and he’s going to run the biggest deportation operation this country has ever seen.
  • Thurs. 18 April Tucker Carlson exposed what the Globalist Elite (Democrats) were doing with millions of Illegal Aliens: There were over 22 million illegal Aliens now in the US. The Democrats were calling for them to become US citizens. Surveys show that Illegal Aliens overwhelmingly would vote Democrat because the Democrats provided them a way to enter and live in the US. The most voter turnout in an election was around 16 million. Get it?
  • Thurs. 18 April BREAKING NEWS! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Imminent! Global Martial Law & Lockdown – All US Highways Will Begin To Shut Down on Thurs. 18 April, 2024 – Ring The Bell. . . – American Media Group (
  • Judy Note Correction on Zim Bond Redemption: Thanks to Becky Subrahmanyam and MarkZ I have learned that this statement I made in past reports is not true: “Zim Bonds must be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024.” There are three kinds of Zim money: 2008-2009 Zim Bonds, Zim fiat money and the new asset-backed Zig. MarkZ explained: “The Zim fiat money must be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024 for the new Zig. The time limitation has nothing to do with 2008-2009 Trillion Series Zim Bonds that we hope to exchange for USN. The gold/asset backed currency is the new Zig currency and it does not need to be redeemed. Only the Zim fiat money needs to be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024.” I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused. …Judy

    Judy Note: If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories or American Media Group ( Websites.

    Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 17 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting before Mon. 22 April.
  • Tues. 16 April Wolverine Live Chat: By Mon. 22 April a lot of countries will be gold backed.
  • Thurs. 18 April Bruce: The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

  • A Wells Fargo Paymaster in Tier 3 reported that Bond Holders would receive their emails to set their exchanges anytime after midnight Central Standard Time tonight- tomorrow morning Fri. 19 April.
  • He also said Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive our emails to set exchange appointments on Sat, Sun or Mon. 20, 21, 22 April, with appointments starting thereafter.
  • Two older men who worked for the US Treasury under President Reagan said that in their opinion Tier4b would receive their emails to do exchanges on Fri. or Sat. 19, 20 April.
  • A Bank Contact told Bruce that Tier4b would be notified over the weekend, meaning Fri, Sat. or Sun. 19, 20, 21 April.
  • The new Dinar and other currency International Rates of the 32 nations which were going up in value, would be public when the Forex reopened at 5 pm EST on Sun. 21 April.
  • It would be preferable to go to a Redemption Center to exchange rather than a bank because of the higher rates offered at a Redemption Center. Zim Bonds could only be redeemed at a Redemption Center.
  • Charlie Ward made an announcement in Brazil today Thurs. 18 April and will make another one in Africa in a couple of days. It was assumed that announcement was about activation of GESARA Worldwide.
  • Global Economic Crisis:




    Stock Market Crash Is Here:

    1) Iran attacks Israel.
    2) Oil spikes.
    3) Israel counter-attacks Iran. 
    4) Oil in Yen spikes.
    5) The Bank of Japan panics to save the Yen.
    6) Treasuries initially sell-off hard then reverse.
    7) Reverse carry trade.
    8) Global margin call.
    9) Stocks crash.

  • Thurs. 18 April: Banking Crisis Worsens:
  • “More than 40 states are applying for membership in BRICS. And every month the number of such countries increases. This indicates that such a free, flexible form of interaction within the BRICS is very attractive ,” the politician said.
  • Tues. 16 April Frank 26: “There are many Chief Executive Officers of many banks around the world at the US Treasury meeting right now with Sudani, Alaq, Barzani and CEOs of CitiBank, Chase Bank, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch and all investment companies you can think of. This [Iraqi] entourage is here in the United States to meet with their counter parts.”
  • Thurs. 18 April: Royal Bank of Scotland to Close 1/5 of Branches:
  • Thurs. 18 April: Brace for S&P 500 to Crash:
  • Thurs. 18 April JPMorgan Chase announces it is selling 80 million customer transaction histories to third party advertisers:
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Thurs. 18 April ISRAEL has reportedly attacked an Iranian Nuclear Facility.
  • Thurs. 18 April Israeli PM Netanyahu lied and said he postponed counter strike on Iran till after Passover next week.
  • Thurs. 18 April: Reports of huge explosions in Baghdad / Babylon in Iraq, Isfahan in Iran, and Suwayda in Syria. Claims of nuclear facilities being targeted. Flights are being diverted over Iran. State media reporting three large explosions in central Iran.
  • Thurs. 18 April: Iranian media are now reporting that Israel is responsible for the airstrikes in Syria and Iraq.  Israel probably hit Iran tonight, where explosions can be heard.
  • Thurs. 18 April: ‘Death to America’! Things Going As Planned: FBI Confirms Islamic Jihadi Training Camps In America (video) – American Media Group (
  • Thurs. 18 April: THE STORM IS UPON US: “The rights of man come from the hand of God” – JFK 1961 – April 15 2024 the surfacing 50 USC 1550, EO 13818 STORM – The End of Corporation America. . . – American Media Group (
  • EBS Alert!!! Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of U.S. Cities! 10-Day Blackout, GITMO’s Secret Tribunals and the Rollout of Redemption Centers & Quantum Financial Cards! EBS Alert!!! Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of U.S. Cities! 10-Day Blackout, GITMO’s Secret Tribunals and the Rollout of Redemption Centers & Quantum Financial Cards! – Gazetteller

  • The military is stationed in around 300 to 360 cities, bracing for the shockwave of the Brunson Brothers announcement, which revolves around the return of Donald Trump and the impeachment of Joe Biden. These strategic placements are not to protect citizens but to smother potential uprisings and control narratives.
  • In recent times, a staggering 8,000 arrests have taken place in California, with an additional 3,000 in the Northeast U.S., especially concentrating in the New England region.
  • Navy Seals managed to save over 300 children, some as young as toddlers, from an oil tanker off the coast of San Francisco. Unfortunately, 15 of these innocent souls didn’t make it. These children were transferred to a battleship where they currently receive care and attention.
  • It’s uncertain whether Martial Law will stretch its dark hand over your city. Interestingly, you might notice that the cities already under this militaristic grip are ones with a significant Antifa/BLM presence.
  • The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) arrives with a blackout akin to a cataclysmic event, so preparations are essential. Starlink, the entity that will drive the EBS, ensures its messages are indelible.
  • Our lives will pivot to a standstill, as we may lose access to the internet for an agonizing span of 3 to 10 days. A robust preparation checklist includes essentials like clean drinking water, adequate food supplies, and medicines. Also, ensure you have cash on hand, as our modern conveniences might just betray us.
  • Once the eerie silence of the EBS ends, your TV, phone, and even internet will spring back to life, revealing the Disclosures, a series of broadcasts that may very well redefine the fabric of our understanding. These broadcasts, split into 8-hour blocks and running continuously, will shed light on what has transpired, including glimpses of Military Tribunals and even Public Executions.
  • Geographic disparities will determine the duration of these broadcasts. Cities drenched in alleged corruption like Los Angeles and New York may face a prolonged viewing period.
  • Redemption Centers are gateways to claim our Gesara (Globally) and Nesara (U.S.) monetary entitlements via the Quantum Financial Access card.
  • Wells Fargo has taken the mantle of mirroring all bank accounts onto this futuristic Quantum Financial System (QFS). This ensures the safety of our money, including 401ks and retirement funds. However, a word of caution to those with brokerage platforms: transfer your funds before ‘the lights go out’ as these haven’t been mirrored like traditional banks.
  • For Zim holders and Humanitarians, your journey will be led by your zip code. Redemption Centers operate round-the-clock, prioritizing exchanges based on the gold-backed value of currencies like Zim, Dinar, Dong, and the Dollar.
  • Not all bonds are welcome; only those under a Special Keep Receipt (SKR) for over five years are eligible.
  • Bond payouts are from 3-25 years.
  • In America the rate of foreign currencies, especially Zim, fluctuates. Although there’s chatter about a hefty 80% humanitarian project deduction from Zims, the narrative is rife with speculation.
  • Entering a Redemption Center isn’t a straightforward process, especially if one’s past is tainted with felonies. A felony, typically punishable with a year’s imprisonment, isn’t an automatic disqualification. Yet, the intricacies of Redemption require felons to entrust their representation to an attorney. This legal mediator serves as the bridge between their tainted past and the promise of a new financial future.
  • Indiscriminate investments or donations can lead to the confiscation of funds. At Redemption Centers, individuals are provided a comprehensive 55-page guide listing entities that are permissible for investments and those that are off-limits.
  • NDA Bombshell: Humanitarians Forced to Sign at Redemption Center Appointments! – Gazetteller 
  • The waiting period of at least 90 days before initiating humanitarian projects is a critical juncture. This isn’t idle time; it’s a crucial phase for planning, strategizing, and internal preparation. For many Humanitarians, this is also a time to stabilize their personal circumstances, as many find themselves in less than ideal living situations. This waiting period is a strategic pause, ensuring that participants are not just ready financially, but also mentally and emotionally for the tasks ahead.
  • The consequences of breaking the NDA are severe and unequivocal. The forfeiture of humanitarian funds is not just a penalty; it’s a stark reminder of the trust and responsibility bestowed upon each participant. This strict stance is a testament to the seriousness with which the QFS and its affiliates approach the distribution and management of these funds.
  • The role of the Military Alliance in this process adds a layer of intrigue and complexity. Their involvement in assisting with the packaging of Humanitarian Project requests suggests a coordinated, strategic approach to global rebuilding efforts. This partnership between financial and military entities hints at a larger, more comprehensive vision for global reconstruction and renewal.
  • Judy Note: The Examiner Called My Articles “Inappropriate” When I Dared To Report On The [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted] of Children.

    Back in 2013 I was writing for an Online News Site called The Examiner The Examiner News – Small News is Big News. Within a few months I received a letter from The Examiner legal department informing me that The Examiner had erased all of my many articles from their website and that my services were no longer needed due to “inappropriate reporting.”

    After The Examiner rejection I placed my articles such as Are Governments Abusing Children in Mind-control Experiments? | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News ( on the World’s largest Internet news website Before It’s News. This was my “inappropriate” article on The Examiner as republished in Before It’s News: Pope Bergoglio, Queen Elizabeth charged for child [redacted]? | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (

    Presently there now lay on Before It’s News over 230 of my articles written since 2013. They mainly report on the horrendous practice of the [redacted] and [redacted] of children in our society: Judy Byington – Stories Contributed | Before It's News (

    The Real News for Thurs. 18 April 2024:

  • Thurs. 18 April: A National Shame: The Horrific Reality of January 6 Prisoner Abuse Exposes the Dark Beginnings of Concentration Camps in the United States – American Media Group (
  • Australian MSM news broadcast from 2016: “Residents in southern Tasmania are demanding to know why cloud seeding was conducted… the day before the worst floods in 40 years. Cloud seeding is a technique used to increase rain. Farmers believe the technique could have made the flooding worse.”
  • Wed. 17 April: Sen. Hawley calls for Energy Secretary Granholm to resign during heated exchange: “It is outrageous that you misled us. It is outrageous that you're continuing to mislead us. It is outrageous that you're going to conference and events funded by foreign billionaires using dark money to influence our politics. This is got to change and frankly you should go.”
  • Thurs. 18 April: US Military Industrial Complex Chemtrail Patent proves the existence of Chemtrails.
  • Thurs. 18 April: BOOM!!! Aaron Rodgers Drops Bombshell: ‘Fauci Created AIDS in 80’s as Part of Depopulation Experiment’! MUST-SEE VIDEO – American Media Group (
  • Wed. 17 April in a vote of 51-49 the U.S. Senate Democrats dismissed both articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas. The impeachment trial was adjourned. There will be no trial.
  • Thurs. 18 April Democrats have destroyed every institution in America. Senate KILLS Articles of Impeachment Against Open Borders Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Breaking 227 Years of Congressional History:
  • The Deep State has fallen. The Main Players are gone and their Puppets will be done with. A better tomorrow is coming. Donald Trump will soon be recognized as the President of the American USA (Q+), with JFK Jr. (Q) returning as his Vice President. The tables are turning. Literally, the bad actors will be exposed. Evil will no longer rule this once great country!
  • BLOODLINES: Omar (President Lincoln's son) is Jfk Sr & his brother's Father) William Wallace (President Lincoln's Son). All FAMILY. The 2 Kennedy Brothers were adopted into the Kennedy Family (Both brothers are Lincoln Kahlooni) by birth..Not Kennedy’s. Abraham Lincoln (is a Kahlooni) = Druze/Jesus Bloodline. President Trumps real Father is General Patton. Trump was adopted into the Trump family..General Patton is William Wallace Lincoln Kahlooni's Son (William Wallace is President Abe Lincolns son). Trump = Druze/Jesus/Bloodline.
  • To Governments around the world, WE THE PEOPLE have a message for you: Liberatores Servitutis …The Covid Truth on Telegram Thurs. 18 April

  • For too long you have kept us at bay, indoctrinated and asleep, silenced and used but those times are over!
  • You have used our labor to enrich yourselves at our expense.
  • You have lied to us constantly through MSM to further ur personal agenda of global dominance.
  • You have sacrificed us in wars to for personal gain.
  • You have poisoned us to keep us dependent upon Big pharma
  • You have thrust us into Satanic idolatry to affect our future generations
  • You have played with innocent lives for too long, that ends now!
  • Surprise! Surprise! The US Is Still Under Legal Rule of Great Britain and the King:




    1) The Revolutionary War was a fraud. The “United States” did not actually declare Independence from Great Britain or the King.

    2) America is a British Colony. (“THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS, THAT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR”. [Information taken from the Articles of Association, October 20th, 1774] [Further more] “THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.” – Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209.)

    3) The King of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary War. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80.)

    4) The gold fringe (symbolic of Royalty), which is attached to the border of every U.S. flag hanging in every courtroom across America, symbolizes America being ruled, to this day, by Great Britain, under International Maritime Admiralty Law.

    5) There are no judicial courts in America and there have not been any since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)

    6) There have not been any judges in America since 1789. There have only been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138- 178)

    7) The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

    8) If you are of legal age and retain legal counsel in your defense, you are automatically assumed, by the court, to be a mentally incompetent ward of the court, and can therefore be remanded indefinitely to any mental institution of the court’s choosing.

    9) You cannot use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself, because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.)

    10) “The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & CitCouncil of Baltimore, 32 U.S. 243)




    11) You own no property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a tenant. Legally, the term human “being” refers to an animal impersonating a human, such as a slave. Under the law, slaves can’t own property. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session.)

    12) We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, not even what we think are our children. Read your birth certificate. Your mother is listed as an informant. (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People

    13) Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts based upon the ritualistic practice of dissecting Masonic squares. This is why, even today, so many towns are built on ‘the square’. America truly is “the land of the free”, Freemasons, that is. (Messages and papers of the Presidents, Vol. 1, pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

    14) In addition to obsession with Masonic ritual, symbols, and architecture, the “United States” is the first “Country”, from it’s very inception, to have been surveyed and engineered according to Masonic ritual and specification.

    15) The United States does not have any employees, because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganization. (Executive Order 12803) Do not impersonate one of it’s creditors or shareholders or you will go to Prison. (18 U.S.C.914)

    16) Before “911” and “Pearl Harbor”, the “Boston Tea Party” was the first ‘false-flag’ operation enacted to promote further hostilities toward the indigenous tribes of North America.

    An Open Letter to the Military from USA American People …Trump Advice on Telegram Thurs. 18 April

  • We the People are asking you to assist us to take our country and sovereignty back from the corporation and FED banksters and corrupt politicians. We are FIRING every last one of them! They no longer represent us; therefore, they are FIRED! 
  • We are done being slaves and paying taxes that our gov wastes our $$ and it's not even backed by gold, which is fiat worthless paper by illegal and corrupt FED! 
  • We want the 2020 election fixed;
  • We have the right to dissolve the gov when all other measures have been exhausted.
  • We have tried January 6th protests, Convoy’s, Multitudes of protests, going to school board meetings, Town meetings, Attending the Trump Rallies, the rightful winner! Social Media Warriors Voting: election machines rigged & It was ALL rigged, See the movie RIGGED and Mike Lendel’s Proof.
  • We have lost friends, family members thru Covid, poisonous [redacted], and thru sharing the horrific truth of all hidden from us for decades. The Kennedy assassination and 9/11 were just two of 100s of examples we could give.
  • We are tired of wars and paying for wars we DO NOT want! We do NOT want to support any wars unless enemies attack us.
  • We want our country back and are demanding you act ASAP on our behalf; we want action; we want our sovereignty.
  • We never agreed to be a mini corporation at birth and given all Capitol letters on our birth certificates! We never agreed to be traded like cattle while others make $$ from us unknowingly.
  • We refuse to be slaves to the Deep State for one moment longer.
  • We want NESARA implemented ASAP.
  • We will put another much smaller government in place once these horrible, inept people are fired and prosecuted for their crimes against us and our CHILDREN.
  • Patriots who agree please share. Patriots this needs to go viral on every platform.
  • Those in the Military reading this, please take this message from We the People to your commanding officers.
  • Please respond to us using the EAS system.
  • We the People have spoken. Military needs to act now on our behalf – before we have no country left!
  • Escalation Amidst Crisis: Putin's Strategic Military Enhancements and the Impending NATO Standoff, David Wilcock

  • Vladimir Putin has taken significant steps to intensify his military campaign in Ukraine by enhancing his nuclear forces' readiness and substantially increasing troop numbers by over 350,000. His commitment to “spend whatever it takes” to boost the military underscores a serious escalation in readiness and capabilities, aiming to expand the troop count from 1.15 million to 1.5 million.
  • Amid these developments, Putin is setting the stage for a major military push that could involve Finland and Sweden, the newest members of NATO. This strategy indicates a potential advance towards these nations, marking a critical pivot in the Russian military's operational focus.
  • As tensions mount, the specter of a nuclear standoff looms large, with major powers already deploying advanced nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles. Russia's vast reserves of oil and gas continue to fuel its military endeavors without apparent limits. Meanwhile, Europe faces a severe energy crisis, with key nations like Germany and France negotiating desperately for Russian oil, and others like Poland, Italy, and Hungary challenging the collective EU stance against Russia's actions.
  • In a recent public address, Putin spoke on the setbacks faced by Russian forces in Ukraine, a move that the Pentagon views with concern, interpreting it as a coded command preparing for further aggressive actions. This speech, set against the backdrop of strategic oil manipulations with Saudi Arabia and the resultant pressures on the European energy grid, highlights a calculated play by Russia as the EU grapples with depleted weapon and energy reserves.
  • The looming threat of a significant Russian offensive in January raises alarms over a possible catastrophic weakening of NATO and EU positions, potentially culminating in a nuclear crisis. Such a scenario could see global superpowers, including China, rallying behind Russia, leading to a profound geopolitical standoff.
  • This critical juncture underscores the necessity of strategic foresight and preparedness, as highlighted by the previous U.S. administration under President Trump. Trump's tenure, characterized by a staunch opposition to new military conflicts, effectively halted the war-centric money laundering by the so-called “Cabal” or deep state, which thrived on such conflicts to funnel vast sums. His administration's disruption of these operations was further compounded by the mishandled release of the pandemic, trapping deep state players in their own game.
  • Significantly, on Christmas Eve 2016, a covert operation by the U.S. military and allied forces targeted major Cabal figures in Italy, including influential families like the Rothschilds who had longstanding financial control over European institutions. This bold move recovered trillions in gold and seized key evidence of corruption and other criminal activities, culminating in a dramatic financial and authoritative turnover to the U.S., symbolized by Trump's consequential meeting with the Vatican that led to the bankruptcy of the institution due to the asset transfers.
  • These events reveal the intricate and shadowy dynamics of global power struggles and the critical role of informed leadership in navigating them. This historical perspective not only sheds light on past actions but also frames the current situation, where understanding and strategic planning are paramount to maintaining stability and averting crisis.
  • Must Watch Videos:

  • Thurs. 18 April Situation Update: BREAKING NEWS! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Imminent! Global Martial Law & Lockdown – All US Highways Will Begin To Shut Down on Thurs. 18 April, 2024 – Ring The Bell. . . – American Media Group (
  • Thurs. 18 April Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Global Martial Law & Lockdown! All U.S. Highways Will Begin to Shut Down! Blackout Necessary! Special Intel Report 4/18/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]




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    Updates for the Week Prior:


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 17, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 13, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 12, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 11, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
  • USA
  • Previous articleThe Michelle Moore Show — Former Employee of Miki Klann, Matthew Tucciarone Blows the Whistle on the State National and Truther Movement
    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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