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Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 29, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 29, 2024

Sunday, 29 December 2024, 2:29 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 29 Dec. 2024

Compiled Sun. 29 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

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In Jan. 2024 A Worldwide EBS Was Set To Announce A Global Currency Reset & 48-hour Communication Lockdown To Mark The Largest Wealth Redistribution in History.

Trump: The Greatest Show On Earth
(A Must Watch Video)

He Lives in You, from The Lion King – Alex Boyé & The Tabernacle Choir (

Fake People Have an Image To Maintain. Real People Just Don’t Care

Judy Note: In Jan. 2024 a Worldwide EBS will announce activation of the Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset of 209 nations, accompanied by a 48-hour Communication Lockdown to mark the largest wealth redistribution in history. The US national debt would be paid off by that switch over to the Quantum Financial System.

On Fri. 17 Jan. President Trump was scheduled to make a GESARA Announcement. Banks would then begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt. All debt would be fully paid off by the end of January 2025.




Three days later on Mon. 20 Jan. the Military’s EBS Project Odin would announce over the new Star link Satellite system to prepare for ten days of communication darkness. Ten countries will be running an international broadcast on internet, TV, and radio – information on all corruption in government, banking, and military. 

On Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 the EBS Emergency Broadcast System ten days of communication darkness starts all over the World.

  • Fight To Save Our Constitution. Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
  • Help Save T******d Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!
  • Give a Little, Help a Lot: A Family In Desperate Need of Help:
  • Judy Note: I am writing a book about Near Death Experiences of extreme a***e survivors. If you are an extreme a***e survivor, or know of one who has had such an experience, I would appreciate hearing from you. Write Judy Byington at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and

    Possible Timing: …Julian Assange on Telegram

  • Fri. 17 Jan. GESARA Announcement: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Fri. 17 Jan. 2025 with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Jan 2025. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Sun. 12 Jan. 2025.
  • Mon. 20 Jan. Red Folder EAS/EBS Project Odin/Starlink: Don’t be shocked when it all happens. Project Odin as you may/not know is controlled by the military. Ten countries are said to be running the international broadcast on internet, TV, and radio – which will entail info on all corruption in government, banking, and military. Mon. 20 Jan. has the potential to be one of the craziest days in history. Alert! Panic Mode! It’s time for change! The final countdown! Upcoming: State of Emergency. Red Folder
  • On Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 the EBS Emergency Broadcast System starts all over the World. The EBS starts on a Tues. 21 Jan. so people can prepare on a Monday by buying food, medications, toilet paper. Take your money out of the bank.
  • Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The Power to entire World will switch off briefly to install our Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.
  • Global Currency Reset:

  • Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 Wolverine: “Get ready everyone we are ready. All protocols have been met and everything is ready to go. We just have to wait for the GO sign. I’m expecting the 1 or the 2nd of January. I’ve had many on a conference call and they all said that we are about to go anytime right now and many are pointing to the 1st and 2nd of January 2025. Not long to go guys. God bless.”
  • Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 TNT Tony: “The green light has been given once again and bankers have a window.”
  • Sat. 28 Dec. 2024: HISTORIC: Trump’s QFS Now in Full Control – Elite’s Billions Confiscated, DNA Verification Enforced, Quantum Wealth Transfer Begins, Redemption Cards Activated, EBS Ready, and Starlink Secures the Grid! – Gazetteller Gesara will roll out with a January 2025 Global Reset Announcement, followed by a 48-hour global communication lockdown, during which the EBS will broadcast the truth about the old financial system and takedown of the elite, marking the beginning of the largest wealth redistribution in human history.
  • Global Financial Crisis:

    CRITICAL! Banks Are Desperate to Block Redemption Centers: Iraqi Dinar, ZIM, QFS, and the End of the Fiat Dollar! …Patrick B. Kennedy




  • A hidden war for global wealth is underway, and the banks—owned by the collapsing Cabal—are panicking. They’re desperate to keep you from Redemption Centers, where a gold-backed financial system is dismantling their control.
  • Banks’ Dirty Secrets Revealed: Banks are not just offering low exchange rates—they’re sabotaging the Global Currency Reset (GCR). For years, they’ve enslaved humanity with debt and worthless fiat currencies. Now, their system is crumbling. Insiders report that banks hoard currencies like the Iraqi Dinar and Vietnamese Dong, claiming they’re worthless while planning to exchange them at Redemption Centers for massive profits.
  • Misinformation campaigns are in full swing. Banks want you to believe Redemption Centers don’t exist because these centers bypass their control. Operating under the revolutionary quantum financial system (QFS), Redemption Centers are immune to the Cabal’s manipulation.
  • The Revolutionary Role of Redemption Centers: Redemption Centers aren’t just for currency exchanges; they’re gateways to financial freedom. Unlike banks, these centers are part of the QFS, ensuring secure, transparent, and asset-backed transactions. The gold-backed U.S. Treasury Note (USTN) and other currencies tied to tangible assets signal the death of fiat money.
  • Even more, Redemption Centers are rumored to distribute tools like quantum access cards and the “Patriot Wealth Fund.” This fund consists of recovered Cabal assets, including seized gold and offshore accounts, redistributed to empower individuals.
  • The Truth They Fear: Banks know their days are numbered. As the GCR and Redemption Centers expose their fraud and usher in a new financial era, the Cabal’s grip on humanity weakens. The choice is clear: trust the system of the elite or embrace the financial freedom of Redemption Centers.
  • Restored Republic:

    Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 “The Green Light Has Been Given” …Julian Assange

  • JFK Jr. has confirmed that the Green Light has been given for the Global Military Alliance. His statement adds weight and credibility to the announcement. JFK Jr.’s involvement signifies the importance and legitimacy of the operations. His words are a rallying cry, inspiring confidence and commitment among supporters.
  • Mission Accomplished. The declaration of “mission accomplished” signifies the successful execution of initial operations. This achievement is a testament to the meticulous planning and dedication of those involved. The accomplishment marks a significant milestone in the broader mission. It also serves as a morale booster, reinforcing the belief in the ultimate success of the plan.
  • Operators Engaged. Operators are actively engaged in executing their tasks. These highly skilled individuals are at the forefront of the operations, carrying out critical missions. Their engagement is vital for the success of the plan. The operators’ expertise and dedication ensure that the operations are conducted efficiently and effectively.
  • May Saturday Bring Peace and Happiness. A message of hope and well-being is conveyed, wishing that Saturday brings peace and happiness. This message underscores the humanitarian aspect of the mission. It reflects a commitment to ensuring a better future for all. The invocation of divine guidance emphasizes the moral and ethical foundation of the operations.
  • Military Stationed in 300-360 Cities. Reports indicate that the military is stationed in approximately 300 to 360 cities. This widespread presence underscores the scale and seriousness of the operations. The strategic placement of military forces ensures readiness and swift response. The anticipation of the Brunson Brothers announcement adds to the tension and significance of the military’s presence.
  • Return of Donald Trump and Impeachment of Joe Biden. The Brunson Brothers announcement revolves around the return of Donald Trump and the impeachment of Joe Biden. This revelation is expected to have profound political repercussions. The return of Trump signifies a significant shift in power dynamics. The impeachment of Biden marks a pivotal moment in U.S. political history.
  • Blackout Necessary After Black Swan Event. A blackout is deemed necessary following the Black Swan Event. This measure is aimed at preventing chaos and maintaining order. The blackout will facilitate the transition to new systems and protocols. The Black Swan Event’s impact on the stock market necessitates this drastic measure.
  • Attention: The Biggest Scandal in Human History! Christ Consciousness Code: Jesus’ 18 “Lost Years” Reveals: How you can use your God-given “abundance antenna”
  • Starlink Space X System. The Starlink Space X System will play a crucial role in restoring power. This advanced technology will ensure a smooth transition from conventional power sources to quantum energy. The use of Starlink underscores the innovative and forward-thinking nature of the operations. This system will help stabilize the situation and prevent further disruptions.
  • 10 Countries Running EBS. Ten countries will run the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to cover the entire world. This coordinated effort ensures that crucial information is disseminated globally. The EBS will play a key role in maintaining communication and order during the blackout. This global coordination reflects the comprehensive and inclusive nature of the operations.
  • Tues. 11 Feb. Bombshell Martial Law Unleashed: EBS Alert’s Urgent Broadcast and How Redemption Centers Might Be Our Only Hope!, Ethan White, Julian Assange on Telegram

  • Deep State arrests: California alone has witnessed up to 8000 arrests, with over 3000 in the Northeast U.S., particularly concentrated in the New England area. Rumors suggest that the populace might be urged to stay indoors for their safety, especially during ‘Disclosures‘, while the final arrests take place. However, a resilient and awakened citizenry, now more than ever, won’t be silenced or confined.
  • The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on the horizon, and when it hits, it will be swift, silent, and shocking. Like a ghostly shadow, everything familiar will fade into obscurity. Just like the eerie silence of 2020, we’ll be asked to remain rooted, perhaps for days, maybe weeks.
  • The Military, it seems, has a broader purpose. As the last of the so-called Satanists face arrest and are sent to GITMO, the Military is also gearing up to distribute food, especially to the elderly. This is not just about control but also about care.
  • There’s chatter about the Military potentially overseeing the nation until fresh elections are held, precisely 120 days post the Gesara announcement. The focus should shift towards electing individuals with business acumen, particularly those who can rejuvenate local businesses, and more importantly, food-growing enterprises.
  • The bustling stock market? Halted.
  • The digital world you’re so intricately linked to? Gone. And trust me, when the EBS alert vibrates your cell phone, echoing the chilling announcement, you’ll know it’s begun.
  • These messages, sourced from the Starlink, are there to stay. Deleting them? Forget about it. They’re imprinted, lasting reminders of the changing times.
  • Essentials First: Stock up on clean drinking water. Ensure there’s enough food, not just for you, but for your pets too. Medicines? Get them in advance. Remember, the digital world is on a hiatus, so medical records are inaccessible. Cash is King: In a world where digital transactions become obsolete, cash will be your savior. ATMs might be out of service, and swiping those cards at gas pumps?
  • Dream on. Mental Fortitude: When the shock hits, it’s vital to keep your wits about you. Before you extend your hand to others, ensure you’re mentally fortified. Some might be in a state of shock, unable to respond. In such cases, a breath of fresh air, a gentle walk, might help.
  • Your TV, phone, and internet will spring back to life, unveiling a spectacle titled ‘Disclosures’. Rumor has it, it might even grace the big screens. But this isn’t your typical Netflix binge. It’s a 24/7, 8-hour block broadcast, lasting anywhere between 3 to 10 days.
  • The content? Oh, it’s the raw, unfiltered truth of events, spanning Military Tribunals and even, hold your breath, Public Executions. Areas drenched in corruption, like Los Angeles and New York, might experience extended viewing periods. But when the switch is flipped back, expect a metamorphosis. A world pulsating with positive energy, devoid of evil’s grasp.
  • The internet? Transformed.
  • Banking systems? Revolutionized.
  • This, dear readers, is the dawn of an era of transparency and abundance. A veritable paradise on Earth. However, as the layers peel back, revealing covert operations, prepare to be flabbergasted. The faces you recognize might just be elaborate masquerades, Hollywood-grade masks, CGI marvels, and eerily realistic Body Doubles. Ever watched the ‘Truman Show’? Our reality might not be far off, with the scripted drama unfolding since 2015, or perhaps even earlier.
  • The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (   How To Save America | Republic for USA (  

    Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?

    Med Beds

  • Med Bed Treatments: BREAKING NEWS, MED BEDS
  • Do not be Scammed. Med Beds are Free: PLEASE DONT GET SCAMMED, PLEASE SHARE FOR OTHERS
  • The Real News for Sat. 28 Dec. 2024:

  • Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 Alex Jones: The Canadians should vote to join the US and watch the King of England activate his martial law powers through his governor general. Then the people of Canada will finally understand that they are not a free country and that their “parliament” is ceremonial. Once Canadians know this fact, they can sign a new declaration of independence and by peaceful force of action emancipate themselves from the criminal Crown just as America did in 1776. Canada take your destiny into your own hands now!
  • Sat. 28 Dec. 2024: YOU’RE THE TARGET: The WHO’s Biometric and DNA Surveillance Agenda Is HAPPENING – This Is the Fight for Humanity’s Future! – Gazetteller
  • Sat. 28 Dec. 2024: Leaked! Explosive Details of Obama’s Dark Agenda: The Global Elite’s Ultimate Puppet, His Plot to Sabotage Trump, and the Brutal Collapse That Made Him 2024’s Biggest Political Failure! – Gazetteller
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    [Section of Content Redacted]

    Sat. 28 Dec. 2024: The Secret Vatican Gold Vault?

  • “The Vatican’s treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest. “But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant.” End quote.
  • This was reported by Henry Mackow. There were reportedly that an international military force that repatriated 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican to the US Treasury.
  • A tunnel between Vatican City and Jerusalem was discovered containing gold. The amount of gold found is “more gold than you can imagine” stacked 13 levels high for the first 150 miles (241 kilometers) of the tunnel and “650 planes used to transport the gold”.
  • The result of this operation was the closure of over 6,000 Vatican bank accounts used for illegal activities. I do not have any conclusive info on that but there was an interesting report that came out from the Vatican itself.
  • In a report from Christian Hospitality they published a Congressional inquiry into the auditing of the Fort Knox gold, and they  were informed by the officials responsible for that gold, that the gold in Fort Knox and other depositries in the USA (261 million ounces) is now part of the gold reserve of the International Monetary Fund (the IMF).
  • IMF controlled by Vatican Jesuits: We have been informed by one of the top lawyers employed by the IMF (eventually sacked because she intended to whistle blow on them), that the IMF was  controlled by the Vatican and the Jesuits. Who is this person you may ask? Karen Hudes. Who has exposed over the years how the IMF worked.
  • Of course a lot has changed since she came out publicly. K. Hudes has some stand out points she has made regarding info that you all have seen on this channel. For instance, Hudes asserts that a clandestine version of the U.S. Constitution, enacted in 1871, handed over significant control to private bankers, significantly altering the original governance framework. Which is true.
  • Also according to her, individuals in court are seen as debtors rather than citizens, which of course is another term if enslavement which effectively dehumanizes us and classifies us as property of the Federal Government. So on and so forth.  Something none of us should be surprised to hear of course.
  • There’s a lot to look into regarding this subject. So take your time and understand that many things have changed that will come to fruition in full force over the coming months. We are no longer under the 1871 Corp Act. Which is why the Chevron Doctrine had to be overturned.

  • Elon Musk’s Starlink has unleashed explosive revelations about the IRS’s role in funding global chaos, t*********g networks, and covert operations. As of December 2024, Musk’s team has laid bare the deep corruption at the heart of the IRS, sending shockwaves across the world.
  • The IRS’s Black-Budget Crimes: $12 Trillion Exposed: Starlink intelligence has uncovered “Operation Dominion Nexus,” a covert IRS operation funneling $12 trillion into black-budget programs in 2024 alone. These funds are tied to sinister projects aimed at destabilizing nations and enforcing elite control, including:
  • Artificial Food Shortages: Payments to corporations to destroy crops and engineer famines, forcing populations into submission.
  • Weather Manipulation Programs: Financing HAARP 2.0 to unleash hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires on dissenting regions.
  • Population Control Bioweapons: Funding DNA-targeted weapons designed to eliminate specific groups while protecting the elite. These crimes aren’t accidents—they’re calculated moves to control humanity while enriching the globalist cabal.
  • [Content Redacted]
  • The IRS-Military Alliance: Targeting Patriots: Starlink has exposed an alliance between the IRS and rogue military factions to silence whistleblowers and patriots. Key operations include:
  • The Phoenix Directive: A secret assassination program targeting over 3,000 individuals in 2024.
  • Weaponized Satellites: IRS-backed funding for satellites used to create “natural disasters” to suppress dissent.
  • The Elite’s Desperate Attack on Starlink: The global elite have launched multiple sabotage attempts against Starlink, including:




  • Quantum Disruption Technology: Devices designed to crack Starlink’s encryption.
  • Biological Payloads: Rogue satellites carrying diseases aimed at SpaceX engineers.
  • False Flag Cyberattacks: Blaming Starlink and QFS to discredit Musk’s initiatives. Despite this, Musk’s engineers continue to outsmart these attacks, reinforcing Starlink as an unstoppable force for truth.
  • Alien Technology and IRS Secrets: Starlink has intercepted communications revealing the IRS’s role in hiding extraterrestrial technology. Black-site contractors funded by the IRS are reverse-engineering alien tech for elite use, with facilities identified in Nevada and Antarctica. Musk has vowed to release this information, stating, “Humanity deserves to know.”
  • Digital Enslavement Agenda Exposed: The IRS, in collaboration with tech giants, is developing the “Digital Collar System,” a biometric financial enslavement program. This system aims to:

  • Eliminate cash, forcing all transactions through traceable digital accounts.
  • Penalize “non-compliance” through financial restrictions tied to health data.
  • Use social credit scores to limit access to funds, travel, and employment.
  • Musk warns, “This system is the death of freedom,” urging patriots to adopt the QFS and resist its implementation.
  • The IRS Collapse Is Imminent: High-ranking IRS officials are fleeing to bunkers as Starlink tracks stolen wealth. Musk’s revelations have sparked a global movement demanding the IRS’s dismantling and the return of stolen funds.
  • Musk’s Message to the Elite: “Your Time Is Up.” Musk declared: “The people are waking up, and your empire is crumbling. The IRS is just the first domino.”
  • This is more than a fight against corruption—it’s the dawn of a new era of freedom, transparency, and justice. The revolution has begun!
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 NESARA GESARA and Med Beds: Behind The Scenes …Julian Assange on Telegram

  • The connection between NESARA GESARA and Med Beds is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. NESARA GESARA, a set of proposed economic reforms, is said to be closely linked with the release of Med Bed technology. Proponents urge the public to “trust the plan,” suggesting that a grand unveiling is imminent. The behind-the-scenes activities involve a complex interplay of political maneuvering, technological advancements, and strategic timing.
  • What to Expect. The release of Med Beds is expected to be nothing short of dramatic. As the world watches with bated breath, the unveiling promises to be a game-changer. Imagine hospitals equipped with these advanced devices, curing diseases that were once thought incurable. The potential for societal transformation is immense, with far-reaching implications for healthcare, longevity, and quality of life.
  • Unpacking the Potential of Med Beds. Let’s delve deeper into what makes Med Beds so revolutionary. At their core, these devices utilize advanced technology to scan and diagnose the human body with unprecedented precision. Once a diagnosis is made, the bed can initiate a healing process that regenerates damaged tissues, restores o***n function, and even reverse aging.
  • Healing Chronic Illnesses. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders could become a thing of the past. Med Beds’ ability to repair and regenerate tissues means that these conditions, which currently require lifelong management, could be cured entirely. Patients who have spent years suffering and managing symptoms could find themselves living healthy, pain-free lives.
  • Reversing Aging. The anti-aging potential of Med Beds is perhaps the most exciting aspect for many. By activating and repairing DNA at a cellular level, these devices could theoretically reverse the aging process. This means not just a longer life, but a healthier, more vibrant one. Imagine an 80-year-old with the physical health of a 30-year-old—this could be the reality Med Beds offer.
  • Enhancing Human Capabilities. Beyond healing and regeneration, Med Beds could also enhance human capabilities. By optimizing genetic potential, these devices could lead to improved physical and mental performance. This could usher in a new era of human evolution, where individuals are healthier, stronger, and more capable than ever before.
  • The Ethical Dilemmas. While the benefits of Med Beds are immense, they also raise significant ethical questions. The idea of human cloning, for instance, is fraught with moral and philosophical dilemmas. What are the implications of creating clones? How do we ensure the rights and dignity of cloned individuals? These are questions that society will need to grapple with as this technology becomes more widely available.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

    Read Full Report (Doc):

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    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 28, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 25, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 23, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 22, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 21, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 20, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 19, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 18, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
  • USA
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