Judy Disclaimer: Please be aware that I can only report the news as I find it, try to credit articles with their original author and am not responsible for the content, which may or may not be true. I encourage you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to what is happening in this great War of Good Against Evil.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 16 Feb. 2025
Compiled Sun. 16 Feb. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”
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Woman Sees Human S*******e
The Republic of the United States of America Is Being Restored
Trust The Plan
Save The Children
“No Dream is Too Big
No Challenge is Too Great
Nothing We Want for Our Future is Beyond Our Reach”
…President Donald Trump
A Child’s Prayer (2013) | The Tabernacle Choir
Judy Note: Results of the Trump/Musk DOGE investigations have clearly shown that a criminal enterprise run by US Inc. private bankers has had control of US Taxpayer monies since the early 1900s.
And, guess where the monies go – straight to the UK Crown and Vatican. The Jesuits control the Vatican and are the real controllers of the New World Order – the Deep State Cabal which rules the World with our hard earned US Taxpayer Dollars.
The Vatican Deep State Cabal – the ones who, along with our very own CIA – run the international Child S*x T*********g, O***n and A**********e H********g Ring with our hard earned US Taxpayer Dollars.
This Deep State Cabal has stolen trillions from the US Taxpayer to use for their own nefarious purposes, overspent so much that the now-fiat US Dollar was no longer being used for international trade while running the nation into even more trillions in debt – that they claim US Taxpayers owed back to them.
The monies were laundered through BlackRock Corporation – owned by the Deep State Cabal.
No More. On Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 BlackRock Executives were arrested by the White Hats.
Trump and Musk’s DOGE Investigation has also uncovered trillions in waste and missing US Taxpayer dollars that has likely been money laundered back to the corrupt politicians who created the debt in the first place.
Among the most disturbing payouts that have been announced:
Since 2008 Taxpayers have funded the Unaccompanied Children Program (Child S*x T*********g) with $19,945,892,007.
The DOGE investigation has produced evidence that DEWs were used in 9/11, caused Maui, LA and northern California fires, plus manmade floods and hurricanes were used to destroy North Carolina and Georgia, Florida – all of which were done to clear the land for Cabal takeover and to build “Smart Cities.”
In the last four years $18.5 billion has been sent from USAID to be laundered through DA Afghanistan Bank and given to terror states located in the Middle East. Another $1.3 Billion has been paid to Terrorist Organizations around the World
USAID has given $500 Million through secret NGO to Internews Network which is basically a training ground for “journalists” across the word to train them how push government propaganda. 4291 networks involved and 9000 trained journalists across the globe.
Another over 33 million $ was paid out by USAID to promote a Leftist Agenda in the Press.
The World Economic Forum (run by the Deep State Cabal) received $68 MILLION from USAID.
There has been $2.7 TRILLION in improper payments made to Medicare, Medicaid, and overseas organizations.
[Content Redacted]
Social Security Fraud Payments: $100 billion has been paid annually to “individuals” who don’t even have Social Security numbers.
There was $600 million paid out every two months to facilitate illegal immigration. In addition, $59 million was paid out yearly to house illegals in a fancy NY hotel.
USAID paid out over $150 billion to promote Climate Change – which has been proven to not exist.
The U.S. Army diverted over $151 million meant for soldiers’ food, according to the Military Times. No one seems to know where the money went.
Trump’s Operation Hammer was about to be made public. It involved the White Hats Military which was in the middle of making arrests on over 700,000 Sealed Indictments, has been holding thousands of JAG Military Tribunals and executing those who have committed Treason.
What We Think We Know as of Sun. 16 Feb. 2025:
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: GLOBAL MULITARY CHECKPOINTS TO ENFORCE NESARA/GESARA During 10 Days of Darkness! ALERT! 700,000 Indictments Exposed, Arrests Already Underway: EBS Documentaries and QFS Activation …Melania Trump on Telegram
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Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: BQQM! The FBI, USDA & FDA Have Also Known Since At Least 2022 That Fluoride Causes Neurological Damage in Children
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Following Trump’s order, the FBI has uncovered approximately 2,400 records related to JFK’s assassination that were never handed over to the board responsible for reviewing and releasing the documents.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: BREAKING: Police Investigating Alex Soros for Conspiracy to Assassinate President Trump – The Deep State’s Desperation! Watch The People’s Voice Video – – American Media Group
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: BOOM! JD Vance TORCHES European Leaders for Their Pathetic Whining Over Elon Musk – Great Speech by VP JD Vance! – – American Media Group
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Shocking Exposé: Evergreen Inc., CIA Front for Human T*********g – The Clinton-Maryland Connection Revealed! Must Watch Video – – American Media Group
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: EXPOSED: Jesuits Control the Vatican and Are the Real Religious Controllers of the New World Order! – – American Media Group
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Pepe Orsini – The Grey Pope and the Hidden Hand of Global Power: Chief of the Rothschilds, Chief of Rockefellers, Head of the Vatican and Chief of the Complete Black Nobility (video) – – American Media Group
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: BOOM! RFK Jr. & Trump Declare War on the USDA! The MAHA Plan Will Crush Corruption, Ban Toxic Chemicals, and Save American Farmers! VIDEO – – American Media Group
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Pennsylvania Investigators Found Strong Evidence Of A Criminal Network Handling Trump’s Attempted Assassin In Butler, Penn. The FBI On Multiple Occasions Threatened Private Investigators Conducting Interviews / Research On Behalf Of Then Candidate Trump
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: BQQM! The FBI, USDA & FDA Appear To Support Cabal Companies That Are Taking Down the Small Farmer, While Poisoning Our Food Supply With Chemical-Laced Manmade Food. Worldwide Martial Law Is Not Only The Only Way, But Is On It’s Way.
[Content Redacted]
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Anna Paulina Luna has been chosen by Trump to lead the House Oversight Task Force on Declassification of Federal Secrets Including JFK’s Assassination, the Epstein List & more.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: RFK Jr. has revealed that President Trump’s DOJ will launch RICO investigations to prosecute the collusion between medical boards, medical journals, and Big Pharma.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Disclosed emails prove that the classified documents case against Trump wasn’t a spontaneous investigation—it was a carefully orchestrated political operation directed from the White House months before the official story began.
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Chernobyl Under Attack: Russia Accuses Ukraine of a False Flag Operation Ahead of the Munich Conference – – American Media Group
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: AG Pam Bondi has just announced she has CHARGED NY Gov. Kathy Hochul and Letitia James for failing to enforce immigration law.
Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025: GUANTANAMO BAY OPENS ITS GATES: Operation Hammer! Arrest Wars & White Hats Military: 450,000 Sealed Indictments, 1000s of JAG Tribunals, Trials, Sentencing, and Executions!
The DOGE investigation has produced evidence that DEWs were used in 9/11, caused Maui, LA and northern California fires, plus manmade floods and hurricanes were used to destroy North Carolina and Georgia, Florida – all of which were done to clear the land for Cabal takeover and to build “Smart Cities.”
The time for hand-wringing and empty political posturing is gone. America is no longer playing defense. Under Trump’s direct orders, Guantanamo Bay—a prison that once held the worst terrorists in the world—is being expanded and reinforced to house a new class of enemies: Deep state operatives who conspired against the United States; FBI agents who leaked classified intelligence to foreign criminals; Political figures who engaged in treasonous plots, including an assassination attempt against the President; Corrupt bureaucrats who obstructed justice and sabotaged national security
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: USAID funded an organization that fabricated evidence which was used to impeach President Trump. The Deep State frequently funds regime change efforts abroad, but when it uses taxpayer money to undermine our own government, isn’t that treason?
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Washington DC Is The Child S*x T*********g Capitol of The World | Politics | Before It’s News
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 15, 2025 – The US Military News
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: DOGE AUDITS IRS, CHERNOBYL HIT W/BOMB, VAIDS/HIV, AOC & MORE!
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: In God We Trust – Trust His Plan! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 – – American Media Group
Possible Timing:
The Global Military Alliance has confirmed that Mass Arrests were in progress and Trump has given the Green Light for the Emergency Broadcast System to be activated.
On Thurs. 30 Jan. 2025 the privately owned Fed officially dropped dead – with the privately owned IRS on it’s way to a shadowy grave – when the US Treasury withdrew from the Cabal’s Bankrupt Central Banks across the World.
Since Friday 3 Feb. 2023 all Basel 4 Compliant banks went public with the new Gold / Commodity-backed currency International Rates as required by the GESARA Law. This is the Re-evaluation of all the global currencies (meaning the global currency reset).
Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 Official Notification: Leaders in the Global Currency Reset received signal payments authorized by the Quantum Network
This week the Quantum Financial System was said to be fully operational for completion of that Global Currency Reset.
The use of the FIAT US Dollar will be used for up to 90 days Feb. / March / April parallel with the new United States Note (USN), they may cut it off of by April 30th or soon thereafter. …Bruce
Global Currency Reset:
Mon. 10 Feb.: Liquidity was released to the 12 platforms that then funded the 38 platforms beneath them (Tiers 1 and 2). …JR Truth
Tues. 11 Feb. 2024: A military Intel contact said they released everything for the Global Currency Reset at 3pm PDT on Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 to start the shotgun release of liquidity & notifications over next 72 hours for the lower levels / tiers including Tier4B. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
Wed. 12 Feb. Funding released to Bond Holder accounts. Banks could no longer see or have access to individual bank accounts. Some private groups were paid out on Wed. 12 Feb, while others will be paid on Thurs. 13 Feb. …Bruce
On Thurs. 13 Feb. Nesara funds started going out. Redemption Center leaders went into work at 10am on Thurs. 13 Feb.…Bruce
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Tier 1 and Tier 2 have been paid, I was just told. …Mike Berra
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: I’ve been told my platform (that has currency and bond holders in it) started today Fri. 14 Feb. and will start payments on Tues. 18 Feb. I expect currency notifications around same time. …JR Truth
The Republic for the United States of America: How To Save America | Republic for USA
The Republic for the United States of America is the actual de jure government that our founding fathers gave us, and which was abandoned in 1871 when a corporation took over Washington DC and eventually every level of government in the country. How To Save America | Republic for USA (
The de jure restored Republic for the United states of America is recognized by over 80 Countries and documented.
The original plan to restore the republic, abandoned by corrupt, unprincipled men, was reviewed and approved by the Military from its inception relying on the Northwest ordnance to reinhabit the republic.
The original president of the Resorted republic was offered 1 Trillion dollars to walk away from the republic, or he would be assassinated. Refusing, In May of 2010 while in a business meeting in Seattle Washington, many his associates Spirit warned him they all had “a bad feeling” in the hotel something was not right, and Tim had the same feeling. His NATO military intelligence told to disable all eletronics, and his cell phone and get out of the hotel. His group split up into 3 groups and went different ways to loose anyone following and were to meet at a special location, Two armed men were seen in the hotel. He later found out 6 mercenaries were hired for the job. He was almost caught in Omaha and Kansas City prior. Shortly thereafter the enemy was neutralized and God’s grace, like with Trump protected him from the enemy. Re-inhabited Vol II. page 38-39.
The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (
In 1871 the United States was abandoned and the US Inc. Corporation (controlled by foreign powers) took over.
By 1913 US Inc. had managed to change the Constitution. Even though the act was never ratified by Congress, the independent foreign bankers formed the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) so that all US Taxpayer monies were paid to themselves as international bankers.
The privately owned Rothschild family Bank also owned the Federal Reserve and IRS. Through their privately owned US Inc. corporation, they had complete control of US Taxpayer dollars and were charging the US Government interest to use their own monies.
When President Trump formed “The Republic for the USA,” it changed all that. By Aug. 2020 Trump was able to roll US Taxpayer dollars that had been going to the Federal Reserve since 1918, into the new US Treasury near Reno Nevada.
To join Trump, help him take down the corrupt Corporation and Restore the Republic, go to: How To Save America | Republic for USA
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?
Global Financial Crisis:
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: BOOM!!! The Quantum Financial System Reigns Supreme: The National Quantum Initiative Act and GESARA NESARA Will Eradicate Financial Tyranny and Unite the World! VIDEO – – American Media Group
The Real News for Sat. 15 Feb. 2025:
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: BQQQM!!! List of Famous People Arrested & Executed ‘The Movie’ – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles: Kimmel, Oprah, Biden and More… – – American Media Group
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 GITMO Update: GITMO Update Feb 15 – The Military And Trump Got Them All > Truth Bombs Shock The World | Prophecy | Before It’s News
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Project COLDFEET: The Illegal Fly Zone, Deep State, Underground Bases, FBI, CIA, and the Cold Icy Shadows of Antarctica – Secret War In Antarctica Video – – American Media Group
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: It’s BQQM Time! John Fitzgerald Kennedy: The Beginner and the Origin of “Q” – The Greatest Intelligence Operation of Our Time – You Must Watch the Video to Believe! – – American Media Group
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Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 President Trump on Trade:
On Trade, I have decided, for purposes of Fairness, that I will charge a RECIPROCAL Tariff meaning, whatever Countries charge the United States of America, we will charge them – No more, no less!
For purposes of this United States Policy, we will consider Countries that use the VAT System, which is far more punitive than a Tariff, to be similar to that of a Tariff. Sending merchandise, product, or anything by any other name through another Country, for purposes of unfairly harming America, will not be accepted.
In addition, we will make provision for subsidies provided by Countries in order to take Economic advantage of the United States.
Likewise, provisions will be made for Nonmonetary Tariffs and Trade Barriers that some Countries charge in order to keep our product out of their domain or, if they do not even let U.S. businesses operate.
We are able to accurately determine the cost of these Nonmonetary Trade Barriers. It is fair to all, no other Country can complain and, in some cases, if a Country feels that the United States would be getting too high a Tariff, all they have to do is reduce or terminate their Tariff against us. There are no Tariffs if you manufacture or build your product in the United States.
For many years, the U.S. has been treated unfairly by other Countries, both friend and foe. This System will immediately bring Fairness and Prosperity back into the previously complex and unfair System of Trade.
America has helped many Countries throughout the years, at great financial cost. It is now time that these Countries remember this, and treat us fairly – A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD FOR AMERICAN WORKERS.
I have instructed my Secretary of State, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of the Treasury, and United States Trade Representative (USTR) to do all work necessary to deliver RECIPROCITY to our System of Trade!
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 The Storm Rages On: The Q Phenomenon and the Great Awakening …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
In the eerie calm before the storm, the air crackles with anticipation, the kind that makes you stop and wonder what’s coming next. This isn’t just any storm—it’s a storm shaking the very foundations of global power. It’s not thunder and lightning, but a clash of intelligence, truth, and deception. And at the heart of this storm stands ‘Q,’ a force that has captured the attention of those who seek truth in a world of lies.
This isn’t just one person. The ‘Q’ operation is a collective of high-ranking insiders, warriors from within US Military Intelligence, armed with the truth and access to the darkest secrets of the elites. They’ve spent years preparing for this moment, positioning themselves to expose corruption at every level, to unveil the twisted alliances that control the world from the shadows. Their mission? A great awakening of the masses, where the truth will burn away the fog of deception that has kept us blind for too long.
What ‘Q’ is leading isn’t just a movement—it’s the largest operation against treason in world history. This is bigger than any government, more significant than any headline. This is a battle for the soul of humanity, a war fought with information, intelligence, and the will of the awakened. As we dive deeper into this storm, we aren’t just spectators; we are warriors in a revolution that will expose everything—from global corruption to the fraud that threatens our way of life.
The storm isn’t coming. The storm is here. The Great Awakening has begun. This is not a time for hesitation. The revelations of ‘Q’ have set the stage for the ultimate showdown, a fight against those who seek to enslave us under a cloak of secrecy and control. Every drop of information, every truth revealed, is another nail in the coffin of the global elites who thought they could keep us in the dark forever.
We aren’t waiting for the storm to hit us anymore. We are the storm. Armed with truth, we are the warriors in this battle for freedom. Together, we will shine a light so bright that the darkness will tremble. The world is watching, the elites are trembling, and the time for action is now.
This is our reality. The storm is upon us, and we must stand tall, ready to fight, ready to expose the lies. The future depends on our resolve. The fight for truth has just begun, and we are the force that will bring the corrupt to their knees.
Let the storm rage on. We are the Great Awakening. We are the ones who will take down the elites. This is our time, and this is our fight.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 DOGE Audit:
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Trump Joins Musk In Call For Corrupt Activist Judges Blocking DOGE Investigations Into Massive Fraud, Waste, & A***e To Be Impeached.
Thurs. 13 Feb. 2025: EXPLOSIVE: All Hell Just Broke Loose In DC After Musk’s DOGE Boys Exposed The BIGGEST SCANDAL YET! For decades, the American people have been systematically robbed blind while the Washington elite, defense contractors, and special interests gorged themselves on taxpayer money. The numbers that Musk’s team has brought to light are beyond sickening—they are an act of war against the American people.
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Trump Announces DOGE’s Latest Bombshell Revelation: ‘Give Back The Money, Now!’ The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) was doing a widespread probe into the inner workings of the federal budget, much of which has been laid bare by leader Elon Musk over the past few weeks. Among the announcements was news of payments to media outlets like the AP and Politico for what President Trump has claimed was a quid pro quo: dozens of pricey subscription plans in exchange for favorable coverage of Democrats. The latest finding: radical Left news outlet Reuters was paid $9 million to spread Leftist propaganda.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: A federal judge has just sided with Elon Musk and DOGE, allowing them access to the government information system!
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: President Trump Ordered DOGE To Raid The IRS– Top Agents Already Reported To Be In The Building.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: As a direct result of DOGE audits75,000 federal employees accepted President Trump’s buyout; 19,700 USAID employees will be let off, 1,300 CDC workers fired and the IRS will be cutting their workforce by 10%. Washington DC will soon be a ghost town with the thousands of homes there and in the surrounding area for sale.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 SHOCK: The U.S. Army has diverted over $151 million meant for soldiers’ food, according to the Military Times. …Truth Sparkles on Telegram
Financial records show that more than half of the money collected from junior enlisted troops was spent elsewhere. Food fund allocations at select Army bases.
Army officials refused to disclose where the missing funds went, despite growing concerns about food shortages on bases.
Soldiers require sufficient meals with adequate caloric intake and nutrition. Meanwhile, taxpayers demand that their funds are spent on what the U.S. government claims they are being spent on.
The Pentagon continues to be in need of reform. The DOGE’s audit of the Department of Defense should be an informative one, since it has failed seven audits in a row.
• Fort Stewart, Georgia: $17 million collected, $2.1 million spent on food
• Fort Drum, New York: $18.2 million collected, $3.9 million spent on food
• Fort Carson, Colorado: $22 million collected, $5 million spent on food
• Fort Riley, Kansas: $19.1 million collected, $5.1 million spent on food
• Fort Bliss, Texas: $22 million collected, $11 million spent on food
• Fort Cavazos, Texas: $42.5 million collected, $11.7 million spent on food
• Fort Bragg, North Carolina: $34.6 million collected, $16.6 million spent on food
• Fort Campbell, Kentucky: $18 million collected, $5.1 million spent on food
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 A list of the sick and insane projects on which they spent American Tax Payer Money: CaptKyle Patriots on Telegram:
Taxpayers have funded the Unaccompanied Children Program with $19,945,892,007 since 2008. (child t*********g)
— 18.5 billion sent from USAID in the last 4 years, laundered through DA Afghanistan Bank and given to terror states located in the Middle East.
$500 Million through secret NGO to Internews Network which is basically a training ground for “journalists” across the word to train them how push government propaganda. 4291 networks involved and 9000 trained journalists across the globe.
The World Economic Forum received $68 MILLION from USAID.
— 2.7 TRILLION in improper payments to medicare, Medicaid, and overseas organizations
— Bill Gates “vaccine” organization GAVI was awarded $4,880,000,000.00 from USAID.
— $100 billion in annual payments to “individuals” who don’t even have Social Security numbers.
— $500 billion to do animal testing since 1998
— $1.3 Billion to Terrorist Organizations Around The World
— $1.3 Billion Saved after Shutting Down anti white DEI Contracts
— $600 million EVERY 2 MONTHS to facilitate illegal immigration.
— $330 Million to “help” Afghanistan grow Opium Poppies !!!
— $697 million to Afghanistan in 2024 with weekly shipments of cash since 2021 of $40 – $80 million
— $200 million to build an unused Afghanistan dam
— $250 million to build an unused Afghanistan road
— $53 million to the Wuhan Lab In China for research on the creation of the MRNA C***D 19 Virus
— $241 million to change the s*x “t*********r” animals
— $9,249,379 to SSG Advisors (now Resonance Global) to help PepsiCo “rethink” how it works with farmers –
— $52 million to the associated press (government propaganda)
— $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid “binary-gendered language”
— $20 million for a new Sesame Street show in Iraq
— $4.5+ million to “combat disinformation” in Kazakhstan
— $1.5 million for “art for inclusion of people with disabilities”
— $2 million for s*x changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
— $6 million to “transform digital spaces to reflect feminist democratic principles”
— $2.1 million to help the BBC “value the diversity of Libyan society”
— $10 million worth of USAID-funded meals, which went to an al Qaeda-linked terrorist group
— $25 million for Deloitte to promote “green transportation” in the country of Georgia
— $6 million for tourism in Egypt
— $2.5 million to promote “inclusion” in Vietnam
— $16.8 million for a SEPARATE “inclusion” group in Vietnam
— $5 million to EcoHealth Alliance, one of the key NGOs funding bat virus research at the Wuhan lab
— $20 million for a group related to a key player in the Russiagate impeachment hoax
— $1.1 million to an Armenian “LGBT group”
— $1.2 million to help the African Methodist Episcopal Church Service and Development Agency in Washington, D.C., build “a state-of-the-art 440 seat auditorium
— $1.3 million to Arab and Jewish photographers
— $1.5 million to promote “LGBT advocacy” in Jamaica
— $1.5 million to “rebuild” the Cuban media ecosystem
— $2 million to promote “LGBT equality through entrepreneurship” in Latin America
— $500K to solve sectarian violence in Israel (just 10 days before the Hamas October 7 attack)
— $2.3 million for “artisanal & small scale gold mining” in the Amazon
— $3.9 million for “LGBT causes” in the western Balkans
— $5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda
— $6 million for advancing LGBT issues in “priority countries around the world”
— $6.3 million for men who have s*x with men in South Africa
— $8.3 million for “USAID Education: Equity & Inclusion”
— USAID’s “climate strategy” outlined a $150 billion “whole-of-agency” approach to building an “equitable world with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”
— $18 million for a low-emission ferry.
— $22 million to plug small oil wells.
— $87 million for a “climate-smart” dairy initiative.
— $900 million for the LA Metro.
— $65 million for 29 state vehicles.
Paid Hollywood stars to travel to Ukraine:
Van Dam – $1,500,000
Ben Stiller – $4,000,000
Sean Penn – $5,000,000
Orlando Bloom – $8,000,000
Angelina Jolie – $20,000,000
— $2 million for Moroccan pottery classes
— $11 million to tell Vietnam to stop burning trash
— $27 million to give gift bags to illegals
— $9 Billion of $35 Billion on “admin” for National Institute Of Health should have been $5.25 Billion
— $182 Million on HHS “admin”
— $165 million saved shut down 162 consulting contracts
— $45 million in DEI scholarships in Burma
— $520 million for consultant-driven ESG investments in Africa (climate change scam)
— $1.02 Billion on grants for DEI programs in the Department of Education
— $17 million on tax policy advice for Liberia.
— $101 million on DEI training grants (from department of education)
— $881 million on department of education contracts
— $9 million on assorted intersectional feminist projects in the department of agriculture
— $59 million a year from FEMA to pay for a hotel in New York which houses illegal immigrants (money now recovered)
— $45 million a year for 3 Environmental Protection Agency DEI contracts
— $150 million a year in media DEI across many government programs with 58 contracts in total
— $25,000 for Empowering LGBTQIA+ Refugees in Greece
— $50 MILLION justice grant to the Climate Justice Alliance, which believes “climate justice travels through a Free Palestine”.
— $33 Million on The Department of Education grants to the four “Equity Assistance Centres” (now terminated)
If you open the link below you’ll find more he listed in the comments:
US taxpayer dollars were going to be spent on the following items, all which have been cancelled:
– $10M for “Mozambique voluntary medical male circumcision”
– $9.7M for UC Berkeley to develop “a cohort of Cambodian youth with enterprise driven skills”
– $2.3M for “strengthening independent voices in Cambodia”
– $32M to the Prague Civil Society Centre
– $40M for “gender equality and women empowerment hub”
– $14M for “improving public procurement” in Serbia
– $486M to the “Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening,” including $22M for “inclusive and participatory political process” in Moldova and $21M for voter turnout in India
– $29M to “strengthening political landscape in Bangladesh”
– $20M for “fiscal federalism” in Nepal
– $19M for “biodiversity conversation” in Nepal
– $1.5M for “voter confidence” in Liberia
– $14M for “social cohesion” in Mali
– $2.5M for “inclusive democracies in Southern Africa”
– $47M for “improving learning outcomes in Asia”
– $2M to develop “sustainable recycling models” to “increase socio-economic cohesion among marginalized communities of Kosovo Roma, Ashkali, and Egypt”
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Trump Fires USAID Director:
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 House Republicans are reportedly planning articles of impeachment against federal judges that are blocking DOGE and President Trump’s policies.
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025: Did I just hear the WH press briefing question correctly? $2.7 TRILLION in improper Medicare/Medicaid payments to people overseas who weren’t entitled to the benefit? …Julian Assange on Telegram
This cannot be real. The entire national debt is ~$36T, and you’re telling me that you sent checks for $2.7T to people overseas?? I am telling you right now, by the time we’re done with these audits, we will find at least $36T worth of waste, fraud and a***e.
The entire national debt is waste, fraud and a***e. ON TOP OF THAT.. how long have we been debating Medicare/Medicaid insolvency? NO WONDER IT’S GOING INSOLVENT?!?!
YOU’RE WRITING CHECKS TO THE ENTIRE GLOBAL POPULATION… How many years have we been taking about this???.
This is just beyond lunacy, and that the dumbest among can’t see it is a testament to our ignorance as a nation. What an embarrassment.
I risked everything so you could know the truth. Don’t turn away now! Join my channel immediately!
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Must Watch Videos:
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Washington DC Is The Child S*x T*********g Capitol of The World | Politics | Before It’s News
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 15, 2025 – The US Military News
Fri. 14 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: DOGE AUDITS IRS, CHERNOBYL HIT W/BOMB, VAIDS/HIV, AOC & MORE!
Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: In God We Trust – Trust His Plan! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 15 Feb. 2025 – – American Media Group
[Note: Sensitive and repeated content in this report has been redacted. See the full unredacted report attached below.]
Read Full Report (Doc):
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Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 14, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 13, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 12, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 11, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 10, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 9, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 8, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
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