Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 23, 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 23, 2025

Sunday, 23 February 2025, 3:45 AM


Judy Disclaimer: Please be aware that I can only report the news as I find it, try to credit articles with their original author and am not responsible for the content, which may or may not be true. I encourage you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to what is happening in this great War of Good Against Evil.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 23 Feb. 2025

Compiled Sun. 23 Feb. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

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Woman Sees Human S*******e

Trump Returns US To Gold Standard
Through Global Currency Reset
Financial Freedom For All

“The Quantum Financial System Has Gone Live; Cabal Wealth, Seized; Global Currency Reset in Motion; Quantum Satellites and Military-Guarded Nodes Are Securing the Greatest Financial Revolution of Our Time!
…Melania Trump on Telegram

Joy to the World (2006) | The Tabernacle Choir

Our Lives Have a Purpose, Our Lives Have a Plan.
And If We Follow That Plan God Has For Us,
We Will Surely Return to Him with Honor.




How To Save America | Republic for USA
The Republic for the United States of America is the actual de jure government that our founding fathers gave us, and which was abandoned in 1871 when a corporation took over Washington DC and eventually every level of government in the country. Join President Trump, help him take down the corrupt Corporation and restore the Republic. Want to hold a seat in the Republic for the United States of America? For more information and history on the Republic for the United States of America, see #N of this report:

Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Sun. 23 Feb. 2025:

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Trump has returned the US to the Gold Standard with the soon to be released new gold/asset-backed US Note.

With the Federal Reserve under Soros’ control, USAID has given close to $20 million of US Taxpayer dollars to terrorist organizations.

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Help The Children: Former ICE Director Tom Homan is igniting a nationwide crusade: He’s going to deputize every American to hunt for missing kids. No more silence. No more hesitation. Every second lost is another child gone. If you suspect a child is in danger, being abused or t********d, don’t look away. Act Now. Call:1-866-347-2423

Look For:

  • Children who are in places they shouldn’t be—factories, shady businesses.
  • A terrified child with a controlling adult.
  • Kids who NEVER play outside, are hidden away from the world, who are isolated.
  • Over-controlled children – the adult will not let them communicate with others.
  • Children who are always silent or fearful.
  • A child who is not allowed to or is afraid to interact with others.
  • Help Save Ourselves And Our Future – Report Chemtrails: President Trump is fighting a battle with the Cabal against deadly Chemtrails in the skies that are poisoning our environment and food supply. Judy Note: This is for research only. I have no direct contact with the Trump Administration. Please Email Chemtrail sightings to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Judy Note: At time of publication there were around 30 more reports of Chemtrails that I didn’t have time to put into this report, though this will give you a brief look at the serious problem we have of the Cabal poisoning our water and food systems. They are literally trying to k**l us off. It is essential to our very existence that we support Trump’s efforts to stop it.

  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Thank you for allowing citizens to be able to report this Chemtrail crime with possible criminal charges against those doing it to us here. Moodt Air Force Base is located in Valdosta, Georgia. Anna
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Yesterday Chemtrails at Fergus Falls, Minnesota Randy
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Chemtrails in Michigan. North and East of St Joseph  Michigan around 9:30 am. S.
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Plenty of Chemtrails in the sky above Sarasota, Fl today and almost every day. Herb
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025:  I used to live in Kimberling City in MO. I saw them in the skies quite often. Now I live in Branson MO. And I still seeing them, I just saw them yesterday. Susan
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Lately unusual number of sightings of Chemtrails over Rio Rico, AZ, 12 miles from MX., south of Tucson. (large airplane graveyard in Tucson) They ALWAYS have moved North to South, and turn around and go back North.  Last few years they spray at night and leave a murky fog in what are normally clear blue skies and lots of sunshine.  In the last few weeks they are spraying a LOT night and sometimes one or two per day. Always N-S. Fran
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Heavy Chemtrails happening here in Southeast SD last evening and this morning. Terry
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: As of this week we still have chemtrails in North Mississippi.  Planes are continuously spraying our skies.  So many have been sick with various illnesses like flu, C***d, and pneumonia. Jennifer
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Please let the team know Central Valley California our skies are full of chemtrails three planes at a time it’s bad. Sylvia
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: We have the chemtrails over north AR. Most of the time with several yesterday. Randy
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: At least 3 chemtrails over Faribault MN around 11:00 am Friday 2/21 Joel
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Jonesboro AR. was bad all this week, yesterday Friday 21th, was the worse. Steve
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: I’m in Vero Beach FL and today and yesterday we have had chemtrails in the sky. Kay
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: E. Tennessee. I saw planes putting down what we call “webbing” yesterday. Clear blue skies in the morning, then, disappearing chemtrails in a tic-tac-toe pattern.  I’ve also noted that we get very windy weather usually about 3-4 days before major weather change. It’s happened twice already this year. Dirk
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: I live in Naples, FL and both yesterday and today early there have been chemtrails over my home. Cathy
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Went outside at 6AM when I woke up and saw chemtrails – Fort Worth, Texas. Starwoo
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Yesterday afternoon Perry, Florida skies filled with tic-tac-toe chemtrail patterns refreshed by new ones. Perry was hit full blast eyewall by three powerful mysterious Hurricanes in 13 months, same paths, from the Gulf of America, last being Helene.  Why is little remote Perry targeted? Jim
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Chemtrail actually was worse yesterday in Puerto Rico much wider than ever. Luis Martinez
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: I lived in Washington state and took note of many chemtrails sprayed on the West coast of Washington.  Always low at about 2000 feet or below over the ocean and always with a Westerly wind to carry back over the state toward the Seattle area.  My last sighting was last summer while visiting in 2024 when I saw two in one week.  Please help stop this. Gary
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: They’ve been spraying all week over Cochise Co. AZ!
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Hoi hoi, Hier veel chemtrails in Nederland baart me echt zorgen?? Dit was gisteren en vandaag is alles grijs met regen. Pascal 
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Hello I’m from Holland. They keep doing it the spraying here in Holland.10-15 planes Regarxs John
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Today morning chemtrails over Wrocław in Poland. Wysłane z iPada
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: I live in Yuba City Arizona 40 miles north of Sacramento California. They have been chem trailing here for months. Several days this week there were 3 planes up at the same time. Chem trails criss crossing all over our skies. This is regular normal activity in our city. Lisa E
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Germany Bavaria 30 Chemtrails over Eastern Sky Nearly Daily ! Greetnigs Uwe Pimeisl
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: I live in Butte County Ca. I live in the mountains so, because there are other hilltops around me, I can not see the extent of the coverage. When I do see it, it is from one end of the sky to the other. The wispy remnants are still in the sky now. What I have noticed is that they are not doing it hard and heavy like they used to. They seem to be doing a lighter coverage so it is not as obvious…??? 
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Chemtrails, Ludlow Falls, Ohio. Sandy
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025:  I am in Raleigh, North Carolina and I observed at least five  chemtrails.  The pilot had actually created. 2 trails to form a large X in the sky… Pretty brazen…they usually create them near cloud formations so not as noticeable. Stephany
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Chemical Trails flying over LA and Anaheim now. George
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Chemtrails over lower Manhattan  3:30 pm today. Also 3 exec helos flying in formation at the same time.
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: We live in Ranch Penasquitos (north of San Diego—west of Poway) California and have practically all our backyard foliage desecrated with burnt leaves by these chemtrails.  Who knows what it is putting in our lungs.   Today again, I was coming back from shopping and noticed the sky was covered with around 15 or more streaks around 1 p.m. Pacific Time.  This needs to stop ASAP. Thanks for your help.  Marjorie O.
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: I live in Cody, Wyoming and on 2-21-2025 there were 5 planes that had Chemtrails flying south of our town. On 2-22-2025 I have seen 2 today’s far. Karen
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: A Chemtrail above Springville Utah. Lori
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: We are continually getting sprayed in the sky! My car has all the chemicals on it! Jacksonville Florida. We have a democrat left wing Mayor. Can you stop the chemtrails? I have reported in the past to Fl representative, nothing done. We would like to see blue sky and healthy green grass. Thank you! Denise
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: I am writing to you about the chemtrails in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, They have been spraying daily and I noticed that they started spraying at night also. Mike
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: We have chemtrails today as well. They have been up each day since your first request 3 days ago. Prescott Arizona is covered and maybe 50 miles to the west and east. These are different:  fewer trails, but widespread “feathered” strands out to the side. Bob
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Too many to count. Chemtrails criss cross the sky on a very regular basis. Mid Florida. The skies above New Port Richey and surrounding areas. Chemtrails are an almost daily experience. They infuriate me and should many others as well. Please stop these criminals before it’s too late. Thanks RFK & DJT. Don
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Saw Chemtrails over western Riverside County, California. Carl
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Woke up this morning to over 10 CHEMTRAILS over St. George Utah. Jerome
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Chemtrails in Yucaipa California.  Started near noon and continued until mid afternoon. RobJ
  • Thurs-Fri. 20, 21 2025: Yes/ Bakersfield, CA 2/20-21 20th: looked like Something also Shot at jets? Caused a bunch of trails to turn into black smoke beneath white ones; between 7-10+21st: Fewer trails but non-the-less, still happening. Karen
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: I’m reporting chemtrails over NE Wyoming we’ve had them for at least 20 yr. Feb. 21st there were 2-4 at a time from noon till dark hoping you can pass this on so the military can get them out of our air space. Steven
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025:  Chemtrails seen in Curtiss, WI. Jenny
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: Chemtrails were visible in the sky to the south and west of Phenix City, Alabama and Columbus, Georgia. Fort Moore is directly south and east of this area.
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: Polk county Florida full of chemtrails yesterday I’ve reported to our Governor lots of times nothing ever happenings to stop them. Ludi
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: Our blue skies in North Dakota became drenched in chemtrails yesterday, Feb 21.  I have never seen this many at once, much heavier, thicker sightings of these. JM 
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: There was a great deal of chemtrailing activity over Shasta County, CA today.  In fact, this is the second time I’ve seen them at work this week. Sonja
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: Sighted chemtrails in Greenville, Greer, South Carolina. Sylvia 
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: I am in North Cali north of Sacramento they are still chemtrailing us or cloud seeding. At least seven different trails in the sky today. Jean B.
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Chemtrails over Arroyo Grande-Pismo, CA today and frequently. Also frequently seen over Paso Robles, CA. Scott
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Still having CTs over Minneapolis. So hoping Trump and crew get this handled. Blessing Be to You, Dan
  • Thurs. 20 Feb. 2025: Sent from my iPhone when I was in Reno Nevada on 20 February near the airport Kim trails completely Chris cross the sky in every direction vertical horizontal. I’ve never seen so many. Nellie
  • Thurs. 20 Feb. 2025: I live in North Phoenix, AZ. We saw several 2/20/2025. Barb Z.
  • Thurs. 20 Feb. 2025: I am in Central Maine and they were so bad on Thursday, the 20th, I actually thought that maybe they were finishing us off.  I’ve been aware of this depop program since 1991 and I have never seen the sky as thick as it was that day. I am so ashamed of our Governor.  She is evil and so is her brother and all the other politicians here.  Goldie
  • Wed. 19 Feb. 2025: A picture of around 25 Chemtrails over Prescott Valley AZ. Another picture of a very large cloud like figure that looked like a Disk Flying Saucer. Maryann
  • Global Currency Reset Possible Timing:

    Quantum Financial System Goes Live: Cabal Wealth Seized, Global Currency Reset in Motion, Quantum Satellites and Military-Guarded Nodes Secure the Greatest Financial Revolution of Our Time! …Melania Trump on Telegram

  • The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is no longer in testing—it’s here, actively running, exposing and recording every elite move as it rolls out globally. The countdown to full-scale launch has begun, and with it, the world’s financial landscape is about to change forever.
  • October 2024 QFS Deployment Updates: Since the start of the year, QFS has been in “beta” trials within select regions aligned against the global Cabal. These test areas now experience instant, secure transactions bypassing traditional banking, feeding data into the quantum ledger that’s invulnerable and transparent. Over 100 million real-time transactions daily pass through QFS, each transaction documented and tracked within the world’s most secure ledger.
  • Quantum Satellites Guarding the Revolution: Thirteen quantum satellites, guarded by military alliances, now secure QFS’s global network. These satellites, far beyond mainstream agencies like NASA, are developed by classified military contractors and form an unbreakable connection that shields data from hacking. Each transaction is encrypted, every byte safeguarded, ensuring zero vulnerability.
  • Operation Dark Mirror: Exposing Corruption: Operation Dark Mirror uses QFS to map out corrupt networks in the traditional banking system. Every shadow account, offshore haven, and illicit transfer tied to human t*********g or drug smuggling is now cataloged in real-time. High-profile arrests across Europe and Asia have already quietly traced back to QFS data—and these are just the beginning. A permanent record now exists that corrupt elites can’t erase, hide, or manipulate.
  • Banks in Turmoil: System “Glitches” as QFS Interferes: Since mid-November 2024, banks in key regions report “technical glitches” with frozen transactions and fluctuating balances. These are no random errors; they’re the first signs of QFS challenging traditional banking. As QFS runs parallel to legacy systems, it exposes every inconsistency, revealing fraudulent transfers and artificial inflation schemes. The Cabal’s banks are scrambling, terrified by QFS’s presence, which audits every move and shines a light on embezzled funds and manufactured scarcity.
  • Countdown to Global Currency Reset (GCR): The Global Currency Reset (GCR) is on the horizon, bringing an asset-backed currency to replace fiat. Governments are already liquidating gold reserves into QFS, preparing for the largest wealth transition in history. Once this reset completes, fiat currencies will be worthless, replaced by an incorruptible system.
  • Military Oversight: Final Preparations for QFS Rollout: Military forces worldwide are securing key QFS nodes and testing sites, ensuring the system remains uncompromised. November 2024 marks a pivotal month, with special ops safeguarding regional hubs. This presence shows the stakes: if QFS fails, the Cabal regains control, but with soldiers securing these hubs, the elites’ last vestiges of power crumble.
  • Prepare Yourself: The Storm Will Break with QFS: From November 6, 2024, QFS is no longer a test—it’s the dawn of transparency, accountability, and freedom from Cabal control. The countdown has begun, and there’s nowhere left for the elites to hide. The Quantum Financial System is here to end every lie and deception ever used against us.
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025 Crucial Announcement: The Tier 4 B Internet Group is officially active. …QFS on Telegram

  • This is the beginning of a new era! The revolutionary ideas and the concept of NESARA are taking the final form of execution and implementation. It is our great honor to announce the launch of the Tier 4 B Internet Group.
  • With the activation of the Quantum Financial System QFS the need of the specialized platform, administration and services were much needed. The utilization and the unification under the Tier 4B is making all of the systems flawless. If you want to secure your future and be among the smartest individuals you should most definitely join this group and stay informed about the updates. Let’s make our lives worthy and protect our financial freedom together.
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 Iraq will make the new Dinar Rate public as ordered by Trump and according to a high up source.
  • Sun. 23 Feb. QFS set to become fully operational with intense military operations against S***n Worshipping Elites.
  • Mon. 24 Feb. 2025 should be a go for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) according to a high up source.
  • It was rumored that the Chinese Elders, who were backing the Global Currency Reset with their gold, had bought all the Cabal’s Central Banks across the World. Those banks had long been bankrupt and running on fiat monies that their leader, US Inc, printed at their convenience. Those international Banks were now merging with the QFS and taking a different role – they would no longer have access to individual bank accounts. All banks were converting to XRP Ripple digital gold/asset-backed currency.
  • Thurs. 20 Feb. 2025 Bruce:

  • Redemption Center Leaders were to receive an email tonight to tell them to go into work tomorrow morning or Sat morning 22 Feb.
  • Bond Holders emails were to go out. Accounts have been hydrated.
  • A security force at Sparks Reno Airport report they are getting 3 flights in and 3 flights out every hour. Shelves in hanger were filled with new US Note. The US Notes were being moved to where it needs to go. Redemption Centers received more new US Notes in addition to what they had a year and a half ago.
  • You could get up to $3,000 in cash at your appointment.
  • One source said we would get notified Saturday and begin appointments on Mon. 24 Feb.
  • About 20% of what Musk’s DOGE is recouping is going to the American people is supposed to be $5,000 per month for 12 months for age 32 and older. 65 and older $7,500 a month for 12 months. It will go into your Social Security Bank account. This is different from the R&R and is not the SS increase. The first payment should come to our bank accounts over the weekend or early next week.
  • IRS Fraud and Corruption:

    Thurs. 20 Feb. 2025 “Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath IRS” — A fight that exposes DECADES of IRS Fraud and Corruption. …Julian Assange on TelegramI risked everything so you could know the truth. Don’t turn away now! Join my channel immediately!”

  • Ken & Barbara Cromar dared to challenge the IRS, exposing what they call the biggest theft in American history — trillions stolen from hardworking Americans under UNCONSTITUTIONAL taxes. They’ve lost everything — their freedom, their home — but their fight continues.
  • Cromar points to Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4 — NO direct tax without apportionment. Yet, the IRS ignores this, enforcing fraudulent taxes, weaponizing government power, and destroying lives. The Supreme Court agrees — the IRS has twisted the 16th Amendment, pushing illegal “direct taxes” for 60+ years.
  • In 2019, SWAT teams stormed the Cromars’ home, guns drawn, making them homeless — all WITHOUT due process. They returned to their house only to face a 75-man SWAT raid in 2020, including snipers and helicopters. Their crime? Standing up for the truth.
  • In court, Cromar grilled IRS agents under oath: “Show me the law that requires Americans to file federal income tax.” They couldn’t. THERE IS NO LAW. But the court, under Judge Howard C. Neilson Jr., still forced a guilty verdict with false jury instructions — a blatant attack on justice.
  • In 2024, the Supreme Court’s decision in Moore vs. US shattered the IRS’s decades-long lies — affirming the 16th Amendment NEVER authorized a direct income tax. Yet, the judge sentenced Ken to 7 YEARS in prison, ignoring the ruling.
  • This is government weaponization at its worst — the same tactics used against Trump, J6 patriots, and now, the Cromars.
  • The IRS is a tool of control, not taxation. The Cromars exposed it, and now the storm is breaking.
  • It’s time to ABOLISH the corrupt IRS, Audit the Fed, and reclaim America’s freedom.
  • The Real News for Sat. 22 Feb. 2025:

  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2024: In a historic and unprecedented move, the Trump administration on Friday night fired the Joint Chiefs chairman, the Navy’s top officer, the Air Force vice chief of staff, and the judge advocates general of three service branches. President Donald Trump, in a social media post, announced the firing of Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown and nominated currently retired and little known Air Force Lt. Gen. Dan “Razin” Caine to take the post.
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 Planeload of Shackled Feds Arrives at GITMO Following Patel’s Confirmation as Illegals Deported to Honduras | Real Raw News
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 MASSIVE SCANDAL! PROOF That Obama ORCHESTRATED the Biggest CRIMINAL Cover-Up in U.S. History to Protect Hillary Clinton – He ORDERED the FBI to Let Her ESCAPE Justice!
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 The DOGE investigation found that Elizabeth Warren & Obama created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). It was deemed constitutional because unlike most federal agencies, the consumer bureau did not rely on the annual budget process in Congress. Instead, it is funded directly by the Federal Reserve. AND Only the President could replace the Director.
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    Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: The Epstein and Diddy documents are about to be released. Trump has ordered FULL disclosure. The FBI holds every piece of evidence. The biggest scandal in modern history is about to explode wide open. Stay tuned. Stay alert.

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  • Trump is Cleaning the Swamp:

  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: President Trump has announced that Apple will relocate its new plant production to the United States instead of Mexico.
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: Trump is selling the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco. He’s incredible.
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: A massive purge is underway at the Pentagon, with President Trump firing several woke generals and other military leaders.
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025: Trump & RFK Jr. Just FIRED 5,200 Corrupt Bureaucrats from CDC & NIH—The Deep State’s Control Over Public Health is CRUMBLING!
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: DOGE Discovers USAID Secretly Funnels $4 Billion To Bill Gates PLUS Another $880 Million To The World Health Organization That Also Received Over $700 Million!
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025: Pharmacy owner exposes $1.8 billion USD in overpayments and waste by Medicare for just 3 prescription drugs
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    Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 Shadow Strategies: The Soros Legacy of Political Intrigue and Economic Dominance …JFK Awakening Q17 on Telegram

  • In the chaotic storm of world politics, a pattern of control emerges, a shadowy grip on the socio-political destinies of nations. Behind this stands the Soros family—George Soros and his heir Alex Soros—crafting a new world order. Their influence stretches from the heart of Eastern Europe to the volatile battlegrounds of Ukraine, using the façade of democracy to establish a dark agenda. This isn’t just political theater. It’s a multi-decade campaign to collapse economies, destabilize governments, and replace them with systems designed to serve one elite circle.
  • For years, George Soros has been accused of wrecking economies only to step in with his solutions, all while hiding under the mask of his so-called philanthropy. His Open Society Foundations claim to support democracy, but it’s hard to ignore how conveniently these “charitable efforts” align with the global agenda of the elites. Soros’ involvement isn’t about freedom—it’s about control. This is particularly clear in Hungary, where Viktor Orban has been a leading voice against Soros. The Stop Soros laws were created for a reason, and it’s no secret that Soros has been accused of using migration to destabilize entire regions. Mass migration isn’t just humanitarian; it’s a weapon.
  • Ukraine is the next chess piece on Soros’ board. Back in the early ’90s, Soros planted his seeds in Ukraine, creating foundations that would later help shape its chaotic future. His $25 million “investment” in Ukraine in 2022, under the guise of defending against Russia, looks more like an opportunity to lock Ukraine into his web of influence. The truth is, this is a play for power—a manipulated crisis that gives Soros the perfect backdrop for a takeover.
  • Alex Soros, taking the reins, promises to “never abandon Ukraine.” But this isn’t about loyalty—it’s about positioning Ukraine as a geopolitical tool against Russia. The younger Soros isn’t just following orders—he’s crafting a new reality. Behind closed doors, Alex meets with Ukrainian leaders, discussing plans to seize and redistribute Russian assets. This isn’t democracy, it’s a blueprint for domination. With allies like Larry Fink of BlackRock, Ukraine is being shaped into an “open society” controlled by a few, with the masses none the wiser.
  • Look closer at the involvement of Soros-backed entities across Eastern Europe. This isn’t about helping minorities or expanding civil liberties—it’s about undermining national sovereignty. The Soros agenda is a direct threat to national identity, pushing nations to the brink, forcing them to accept a globalist vision. As Hungary’s Orban has said, this isn’t just about one man; it’s about a fight for the soul of Europe. Soros and his cronies are architects of destruction, aiming to erase borders and cultures, leaving behind a puppet world that answers only to the financial and political elite.
  • The Soros legacy is not philanthropy. It’s a calculated power grab, reshaping entire nations from the shadows, one crisis at a time. Ukraine is just the latest battleground in their long-running war against national sovereignty and freedom. The stakes have never been higher.
  • TUES. 18 FEB. 2025: DOGE UNCOVERS $5 TRILLION IN FRAUD, Fires 300,000, and Exposes Social Security & IRS Corruption …John F. Kennedy Jr.

  • Just days into its investigation, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), led by Elon Musk, has cut $5 trillion from the budget and fired 300,000 non-essential employees. Musk has accused the Social Security Administration of massive fraud, revealing that millions of fake beneficiaries—including over five million individuals listed as 140+ years old—have been receiving benefits. Foreign fraud rings have exploited fake Social Security numbers to steal trillions.
  • Meanwhile, President Trump is ordering mass layoffs at the IRS, citing its Mafia-style operations that prey on the public while protecting elites. Trump is pushing to abolish the IRS altogether, replacing it with a 14% national sales tax, exempting food and medicine. House Rule 25 has already been introduced in Congress to make it happen.
  • DOGE is now turning its audit focus to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with more revelations expected soon.
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  • The Deep State’s most powerful figures are now being arrested, as evidence mounts linking elite politicians and globalists to S*****c p********a networks. The fight for truth has just begun.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: The head of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Washington, D.C., Denise Cheung, has suddenly resigned.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Highest Ranking Social Security Bureaucrat Abruptly Resigns After Elon Musk’s DOGE Uncovers ‘Biggest Fraud in History’
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Head of FDA food division, Jim Jones resigns.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy stepping down amid US Postal Service financial turmoil.
  • RFK Jr. & President Trump are taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers from Big Ag tyranny. The Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) Plan will cleanse our food, restore our soil, and Make America Healthy Again.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: The DOGE audits have revealed that since Joe Biden was VP, his family and their shell companies have hauled in $18 million from foreign sources.

    $7.3 million from China
    $4 million from Ukraine
    $3.5 million from Russia
    $1 million from Romania
    $1 million from Panama
    $142,300 from Kazakhstan (for a Porsche!)
    $1 million in other foreign payments

    Joe Biden met with almost every foreign national funneling his family $millions.

    Chairman of CEFC Ye Jianming
    Chinese Fund Executive Jonathan Li
    Burisma Corporate Secretary Vadym Pozharsky
    Russian Oligarch Yelena Baturina
    Kazakhstani Oligarch Kenes Rakishe
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    Must Watch Videos:

  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 22, 2025 – The US Military News  
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: President Trump Returns The US To The Gold Standard. No More Income Tax. Replace With External Tax of Tariff Revenue. . . – – American Media Group   
  • Sat. 22 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump Restores Gold Standard, Fed & IRS Dead | Politics | Before It’s News
  • Fri. 21 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: FT KNOX GOLD AUDIT, EPSTEIN LIST, C***D JAB INVESTIGATIONS & BAN & MORE!  
  • [Note: Sensitive and repeated content in this report has been redacted. See the full unredacted report attached below.]

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    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 22, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 21, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 19, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 18, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 17, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official 

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 16, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 15, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
  • USA
  • Previous articleX22 Report — Episode 3578: The Hunt for the Gold is on, DOGE Exposes Act Blue
    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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