Saturday, 29 June 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 26, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 26, 2024

Monday, 26 February 2024, 7:54 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 26 Feb. 2024

Compiled Mon. 26 Feb. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

100 Countries On High Alert
Under Order of the International Court of Justice
Thousands of Global and Political Elites To Be Arrested
Blackout, Lockdown Confirmed 

It’s The End
Game Over
Thank You For Playing
…President Trump

It’s only wise to have at least a three week supply of food, water, cash, fuel and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others in case of a disaster

 “Love One Another”

Love One Another (2012) | The Tabernacle Choir (

Judy Note: It appeared that last Thursday 22 Feb. The Q Plan was activated with capitulation of the Deep State Cabal and beginning of mass arrests of Global and Political Elites across the Globe. Now there was no turning back.

The World would soon realize a transition to Global Martial Law and a new and transparent electoral process grounded in ideals of the original 1776 US Constitution.  

By March we should experience a three day celebration Event to honor a Global Currency Reset of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 to each other and a subsequent GESARA/NESARA activation.




The Quantum Computer working on what would eventually be  3,000 Starlink Satellites was well equipped to handle everything including Emergency Broadcast System announcements, new Internet, activation of DEWS to destroy threatening nuclear missiles, house a Quantum Voting System and Quantum Financial System, plus ensure Peace throughout the World.  

A World-wide shutdown was set to occur for ten days of Disclosure when Social and Mass Media would be taken over by eight hour documentaries giving background as to the arrested Globalists’ Treason and Crimes Against Humanity.

It’s only wise to have at least a three week supply of food, water, cash, fuel and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

Sun. 25 Feb. 100 Countries on High Alert For Massive Military Strike Against Global Corruption: MASSIVE! 100 Countries on High Alert for Massive Military Strike Against Global Corruption, Elite Arrests, Quantum Gold Launch, and 3-Day Global Shutdown! – Gazetteller  

  • Over 140 military officers from across the globe have joined forces, signaling a coordinated effort against what is perceived as a deep-seated corruption within the echelons of power. 
  • Only 20% of the operation will be visible, with the remaining 80% shrouded in secrecy.
  • The ultimate goal? A transition to governance under US military law, pending the establishment of new, transparent electoral processes worldwide, grounded in the ideals of the original 1776 Constitution.
  • The plan culminates in a global event expected to last approximately three days, followed by a 10-day Earth shutdown.
  • This period will see the activation of the military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) across televisions and radios worldwide, a measure designed to facilitate the dissemination of crucial information directly to the public, bypassing traditional media gatekeepers.
  • The operation promises to usher in a new era of financial sovereignty. The demise of 99.9% of crypto-currencies, deemed to be under the control of the Deep State, will pave the way for the introduction of Quantum Gold, a new currency backed by gold reserves, promising to obliterate the Federal Reserve’s stranglehold on the global economy.
  • The public is urged to prepare, to stock up on essentials, and to divest from crypto currencies in anticipation of the seismic shifts on the horizon.
  • Global Currency Reset:

  • Judy Note: It was now my personal opinion that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification for our redemption appointments right before, during, or directly after the Ten Days of Darkness, or what was better referred to as the Ten Days of Exposure – which at this point appeared to be happening around March 3-13 2024.
  • Sat. 24 MarkZ: “There are a lot of rumors that everything implodes next week.   Plenty of RV rumors running around about Reno and Europe that we could get an announcement today. One of my three redemption center contacts have not been called into work…but they said there is always a possibility. They are being told to prepare for a possibly very busy week this week. There is a potential for them to be working some major overtime this week. There are tons of rumors that things have started processing on the group side but I don’t have any group leaders willing to confirm, or deny that.
  • Sat. 24 Feb. Wolverine: “I am in Queensland in a beautiful hotel. Yesterday, I went to the Summit, and it was fantastic. The amount of love shown to me and my wife, and my nephew was incredible. Everyone was wonderful, people of God, so much love. That is what we are all about. We are here about love and compassion, and I felt honored to be part of this journey. We got there about 12:30. Trish and Doug did the fantastic Trust presentation. No Trust is needed, but every single millionaire has a trust to protect themselves. The QFS is safe but when you transfer money out you may be vulnerable. When you have Trust, you tell people it is not my money it is a trust, nothing to do with me. Besides, it is none of people’s business anyway. I want you guys to get ready. We have been waiting for many years. According to all sources coming in, and these are “Boots on the Ground”, that we are to get ready. People are giving dates, but I am saying it must happen before the end of the month. In Kuwait, when they gave a date, they said it would be delayed, then suddenly, they released it even when they said a certain date, it just happened without warning. This could happen after I stop talking to you, and the funds could be released, so we never know when the notifications will come in. What I have been told is that certain platforms are checking people’s IDs for criminal records. All banks are functioning to get this done. The NAB of Australian may be the bank to exchange, but in HSBC in Australia may be the main bank. But we will find out when we get those notifications where the Australian people will go. I want to say that there are a lot of stories about Skye. Skye is well versed on the Medbeds. The conversation yesterday for an hour, was all about compassion and love, how the Medbeds will function, and they are ready to go. There was nothing about the sorts of things we are reading about. Some people may have had a change of mind after reading Ariel. However, Skye is a nice lady, and has been ill for a long time. She is brave and has guts. She gave a great speech and had a standing ovation. Just get ready, might be any day, and It may be today or tomorrow, but I feel before the end of month. I wanted to reinforce what you guys are hearing. This is it. Most of you will get very emotional and I will be emotional, especially for those of us who are ill. When you go to the redemption center, ask to get a phone number, and of you are severely sick, be sure to tell them you need to go “now” I am trying to go to the Medbed the same day to get my health restored. My mom has dementia, and I also would like all my loved ones restored. Today, we are getting together with leaders out for lunch and then we got back to Sydney. When I get blessed, I will come back here to the Gold Coast with my wife to show her around. Look after yourselves, God Bless you, get that champagne ready, we are nearly ready to go at Light Speed soon! Have a beautiful day. Take care,” Wolverine
  • Sun. 25 Feb. Must Watch Video: Dave XRPLion New NESARA GESARA & EBS (Enhanced Video) Patriot Underground Deep Dive About What Is Happening, Must Watch Trump News | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Sun. 25 Feb. BREAKING! Get Ready for NESARA $105,000 Monthly Payouts for Every American on February 29th! | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Sun. 25 Feb. Dave XRPLion New NESARA GESARA & EBS (Enhanced Video) Patriot Underground Deep Dive About What Is Happening, Must Watch Trump News | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Sun. 25 Feb.
  • Global Financial Crisis: The Global Currency Reset vs. The Great Reset:




  • The Great Reset is the Deep State Cabal’s plan to go to non-asset-backed digital currency where they control everyone’s bank accounts, possessions and lives. Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts dropped serious truth bombs about the World Economic Forum—and its dystopian Great Reset Agenda—in the Australian parliament, “The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing.”
  • The Global Currency Reset involves 209 Sovereign nations’ gold/asset-backed mainly digital currencies revaluing at a 1:1 with each other where The People will have their own secure accounts on the new Star Link Satellite system that only the individual could access.
  • A handful of developing countries are preparing to join the BRICS alliance in 2024. Developing countries from Asia, the global south, Africa, and even Europe are considering securing a spot in BRICS this year. The upcoming BRICS summit will be held in October 2024 in the Kazan region of Russia. The 16th summit will see a new influx of applications from countries that are preparing to join BRICS this year.
  • How Rothschild, Rockefeller and Globalist Elites created the U.S. Federal Reserve system (non-gold backed fiat paper money).
  • NESARA is not a name it's an acronym: N- National E- Economic S – Security A- And R- Reformation A- Act Now ask yourself what countries around the world are doing in order to join the BRICS Nations? They are doing what to meet the requirements necessary? Changing their NATIONAL ECONOMY by doing REFORMS in the banking & economic system through ACTS they are passing through Congress for SECURITY & STABILITY of their country. …Ariel on Telegram Sun. 25 Feb. 2024
  • On October 20th, 2011, the West took it upon itself to use NATO to overthrow Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi — not for any humanitarian threat to civilians as had been repeatedly claimed — but because his planned roll-out of a new currency to be used across Africa posed a palpable existential threat to central banks at the heart of the Western financial and political system. Understand why it had to be this way anon?
  • Argentine President Javier Milei said that he will present a bill to punish any Central Bank official that prints money to pay the deficit.
  • “History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance.” …James Madison
  • Fri. 23 Feb. Unusual insider trade alert: The Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart $WMT. Each sibling (Jim, Alice, and Rob) sold $1.5 billion, the trades were reported after market close Friday – most likely to avoid media coverage. What don't they want us to know?
  • Sat. 24 Feb. Argentina: Argentina: Milei to Introduce Bill Jailing Anyone Who Orders the Central Bank to Print Money to Cover Deficit (
  • Sun. 25 Feb. It looks like the scam of the century is brewing in the US economy. Why did Jeff Bezos, whose stake in Amazon (essentially a huge online store) is estimated at $90 billion, recommend that Americans slow down with personal shopping? Why did Elon Musk need fading Twitter right now? Why did the richest people in the United States, predicting a recession for the last six months, simultaneously buy back shares of their own companies from private investors for a record TRILLION dollars in history? What kind of multi-step scheme have American billionaires started?
  • Bezos sells $8.5 Billion of stock; Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan) sells $150 million of stock; Now the Walton Family sells $4.5 billion of WalMart stock.
  • Restored Republic:

  • Sun. 25 Feb.
  • Sat. 24 Feb. CIA Insider Warning: “This was the Plan all Along, People Should be Preparing” | Prophecy | Before It's News (
  • There are TWO potential scenarios that would put a HALT to the 2024 US Presidential Election. (1.) World War III (2.) A major comprehensive Cyber Attack or EMP on US soil. …Princess Diana on Telegram Sun. 25 Feb. 2024
  • Sun. 25 Feb. The Department of Defense is conducting military training operations at several sites in North Texas through this week. The training will involve air and ground mobility across the metroplex.
  • Sun. 25 Feb. Mr. Shannon on Telegram: “There is a little confirmed news I am getting in bits and pieces right now. I have been told that globalist leaders have moved into bunkers as they are taking the threat of Nuclear war and global collapse seriously. Many sources are reporting the same now.”
  • The President of El Salvador spoke in the United States and said that the Globalists were losing power. He dropped important information about Soros. He said that the military is the only way and discussed the ARREST WARS of the Globalist. Corrupt courts and judges and corporations in the United States must happen. He was intentionally asked to come visit the U S. To hive this speech to let people know the Globalist rule in U.S. WILL come to an END.
  • Sat. 24 Feb. 3,000 Starlink Satellites to run Internet, use DEWS to destroy nuclear missiles, house QVS, QFS and ensure Peace throughout the World: Just In: Starlink Has Military Applications Around the World: Starlink, RVs and GESARA, Quantum Financial System (QFS) & Stellar – The Fort Knox of Ultra-Secure Global Finances! – American Media Group (

  • Starlink is a satellite internet company owned by Elon Musk, founder of the aerospace company SpaceX. Starlink is a constellation of many (now over 1,700) satellites that orbit the planet much closer to Earth, at a distance of about 550 km, and span the entire globe. They expect more than 3,000 satellites to be launched once completed.
  • The company is to provide high-speed Internet to rural areas where it currently does not exist.
  • Starlink is used for SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), just like in the Reagan era, STAR WARS, to destroy incoming enemy nuclear missiles. These will be all the countries of the world, ensuring Peace for all people, all countries on the Planet.
  • Using DEW (Direct Energy Weapon (Laser Weapon), Starlink destroys all missiles, nuclear or conventional weapons if they so choose. Even the ones that are running and 10 feet off the ground.
  • Starlink will also be used for QVS (quantum voting systems). In this QVS no one can cheat again. 
  • The Starlink system will be used to “Maintain World Peace.” The Starlink system will “keep every citizen on the planet, in every country, sovereign and free.” No government will be able to commit criminal acts against any of its citizens.
  • The new Worldwide Quantum Financial System QFS is part of Starlink.
  • Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist Agenda:

  • The Globalist Agenda is that they “want to eliminate 7 billion people and you better not complain about it ” as we fly around in private jets, race around in our sports cars, have multi-million dollar homes, dump pharmaceuticals and other debris in our water, spray aluminum and other contaminates on you, modify the weather,  block out the sun but YOU are the problem- remember that.” …Tucker Carlson
  • A Deep State Cabal Plan is in place to divide the US into 10 districts or regions, to be implemented by FEMA in the event of martial law. This prospect is alarmingly reminiscent of the dystopian scenario depicted in The Hunger Games. Problem: Border Invasion. Reaction: Rumors of a Civil War. Solution: FEMA camps.
  • Sat. 24 Feb. France’s Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, “Europe has run out of money and needs to mobilize the savings of Europeans laying dormant in European bank accounts in order to finance the future including defense efforts.” They are becoming very desperate now because time is running out and are talking about going after people’s “dormant” money in the banks in order to help fund their forever wars and fake climate crisis.
  • The Democratic Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, is allegedly offering migrants a $10,000 incentive from U.S. taxpayer funds in exchange for political support in the elections. Migrants entering the U.S. illegally are not required to carry identification cards (ID) or disclose their expenditures, even under a “fraud control” initiative. Ads promoting this initiative, championed by the mayor, are airing during prime time TV slots. Elon Musk reacts to this political move with colorful language on his X social network. Can you imagine the reaction of a typical Texas taxpayer?
  • When testing the top 20 fast food brands, 100% of them tested positive to contain heavy metals and other harmful ingredients.
  • Drinking water supplies are contaminated by vast array of drugs. If we’re taking it, we’re also drinking it: painkillers, blood thinners, hormones, chemotherapy agents, even cocaine and amphetamines. Whatever goes into us, also comes out of us, through our own biological effluent, every time we flush the toilet. The excreted drugs pass right through most sewage treatment processes and end up in rivers and lakes, and then in our drinking water because most treatment plants do not filter out pharmaceuticals. The issue of drugs in the drinking water first made headlines more than a decade ago, and some people were shocked to learn that the drugs they swallowed didn’t magically disappear.
  • The Rothschilds who own the Central Banking System are really the Orsini bloodline. They changed their names to hide their identities, origins and bloodlines. The Orsinis are higher in power than the Black and White Popes. He's known as the Grey Pope.
  • The Real News for Sun. 25 Feb. 2024:

  • Biden’s 2020 Assassination of Trump Plot Has Come to Fruition: Among the documents Trump released on his official Telegram channel, a video appeared from 2020 (during the election) of Biden and two other governors planning a large-scale assassination of our 45th president. He uploaded the entire video from the security cameras that were in the room where the plan was made.
  • On Wed. 21 Feb. the White Hats Arrested Two Foreigners Plotting To Assassinate Trump: White Hats Foil (another) Plot to Assassinate President Trump | Real Raw News
  • Two days later on Fri. 23 Feb. a Military Source confirmed, “The Plan is in place and being implemented. We have everything on everyone.”
  • Are you ready for Project 2024? You can’t possibly imagine what will happen next. 19th Presidential Cabinet, President of USA Donald J. Trump. Vice President of USA John F. Kennedy Jr. …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Sun. 25 Feb. 2024
  • John Kennedy Jr was rescued from his plane crash by Trump. It was planned and he and Caroline are living in witness protection. He wanted to find out undercover who killed his father. Now we know it was the CIA and George Bush senior. They had 4 children. Ezra Cohen Watnik is their son and McKaley Mackanerny is their daughter. Both are working in government without anyone knowing.
  • A lot began when the White Hat Military came out against Deep State Military operations at the Pentagon so Admiral Rogers was intentionally infiltrated into Deep State Military Operation Top Commanders. Eventually he and others who were also working with the White Hats, were able to activate operations to counter Obama’s Kill Switch to control the Internet and Internet Blackouts.
  • At the same time US Space Force (USSF) was a silently growing White Hat Military intelligence gathering operations and collecting information through the Internet.
  • Later on Trump would publicly place USSF into the U.S. intelligence operations.
  • 7 Compelling Documentaries You Should Watch This Weekend! (Feb 24, 2024) (Videos) | Resources | Before It's News (
  • The NASA Moon Landing was a hoax filmed in a studio and the Nevada Desert. NASA / NASHA in Hebrew means “to deceive.” We are all being lied to. People often ask, why would NASA make all this up? The answer, simple and straight forth from a financial aspect alone: 365 (days) X 62 (years) with funding on average of $55,000,000 dollars a day from tax payers. They had $1,244,650,000,000 reasons to lie. The Deep State netted 100's of BILLIONS of dollars. They put that money in a vast underground tunnel system for child trafficking after living their lavish lifestyle. NASA and their lies very much matter. JRE “Before His Death, Neil Armstrong Revealed a TERRIFYING Secret (
  • Russian President Putin says 95% of terrorist incidents are arranged by the CIA.
  • In 2020 President Trump gave the states power over the Federal Government to enact their own laws.
  • Sat. 24 Feb. Situation Update: Situation Update: The Light Is Exposing The Dark! 2nd Presidential Message! The Illegal Migrant Nightmare! Cyberattacks! Starlink! Cannibalism! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Sun. 25 Feb. Brazil: A possible revolution was taking place in Brazil against Brazilian President Lula.
  • Tesla was able to transmit both radio waves and electric power between continents, without the need for wires. The plan was to build similar towers in major cities around the world that would generate free energy directly from the Ether without having to burn the coal or any other resources. This would allow information to be transferred from point to point.
  • Sun. 25 Feb. “Julian Assange has been attacked in prison and his life is now in danger because he was about to reveal the truth. Pray for Assange.” …Tucker Carlson
  • Sat. 24 Feb. five illegal aliens from Venezuela have been charged with theft from two separate Oak Brook, IL stores: Miguel Ortiz-Griman, 24, Felix Garcia-Diaz, 25, Daniel Fernandez-Rodriguez, 18, Oswaldo Rivero-Herrera, 33, Samuel Alvarez-Garcia, 25. When they were apprehended, they were laughing at the officers and not taking this matter seriously.
  • It’s a Chess Game: Make no mistake, they lost and they know it! In Chess both parties know when the last moves are made before Checkmate. The loser has one option- stall the game- this lasts only moments before the END GAME. TRUTH: The Military DOESN'T need the election audit results. They have everything. It's all OPTICS for RED PILLING the masses. White HATS working hard behind the scene to EXPOSE everything.. From FAUCI to Gates to Election results and bringing to MSM Tribunals against all the leaders in the three branches of the government system that helped Foreign adversaries to capture the U.S Gov. System and brought the Coup against a sitting PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. Promises made. Promises kept. 11.3
  • Sun. 25 Feb. Missouri Governor to deploy troops to the Southern Border:
  • Sun. 25 Feb. New Derek Johnson Unleashes Shockwave: Game-Changing Update, February 24, 2024 – Brace Yourself! | Prophecy | Before It's News (
  • Sun. 25 Feb. Sheriff Chad Bianco Reminds Voters California Has Spiraled Completely Out Of Control & Lays Blame Where It Lies.
  • Sun. 25 Feb. Emergency Broadcast and Communist Chinese, Alex Jones:
  • Sat. 24 Feb. BOOM! The Shocking Truth Behind Alexei Navalny: The CIA/MI6 Operative’s Failed Bid for Power in Russia – CIA’s Failed Coup in Russia! – American Media Group (
  • Sat. 24 Feb. URGENT! MILITARY INTEL! Judgment Day: GITMO Tribunals, Classified Deep State Projects, Pentagon’s Money Laundering Channels and Failed Coup Plot Against Putin! – American Media Group (
  • Sat. 24 Feb. EXPOSED: FEMA and The Hidden Underground Government – Project Mk Rand and the Terrifying Reality of Alternative 2 – American Media Group (
  • Sat. 24 Feb. Pepe Orsini – The Grey Pope and the Hidden Hand of Global Power: Chief of the Rothschilds, Chief of Rockefellers, Head of the Vatican and Chief of the Complete Black Nobility (video) – American Media Group (
  • Fri. 23 Feb. The Great Awakening: Navigating the Treacherous Waters of History to Reclaim Sovereignty – Maritime Law, Title 4 Flag, Birth Certificates, Federal Reserve, Vatican and More – American Media Group (
  • Fri. 23 Feb. MILITARY INTEL! President Donald J. Trump’s Cryptic Warning, Military Tribunals, The Cabal’s Loss and the Enigma of SVB, Preparations for Biden’s Removal – The Powerful Events of 2024 Is Here! – American Media Group (
  • Fri. 23 Feb. The Immortal Truth! Nikola Tesla: “Death does not exist, and with that same knowledge, its fear disappears.” The Nikola Tesla Interview That Was Hidden For 116 Years Will Blow Your Mind – American Media Group (
  • Sat. 24 Feb. BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: “The Plan is in Place and Being Implemented We Have Everything on Everyone.” Black Swan Event: Outages, Cyber Attacks, Martial Law Eposure . . . – American Media Group (
  • Sat. 24 Feb. The CIA is under reconstruction. Patriots are in control, Shadow of Ezra Q on Telegram: Safehouses. Sniper One Take The Shot. Hong Kong. Who are the Wizards & Warlocks? Semper Supra. 1,000 pieces. BOOMERANG IN EFFECT. SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD? Nothing is as it was. Understand. Learn. Can you feel it?

    Sun. 25 Feb. The robots are here and they randomly go bonkers on the human employees. This isn't the first time. Tesla robot attacks engineer at the company's Texas factory during violent malfunction – leaving ‘trail of blood' and forcing workers to hit the emergency shutdown button.

    White Hat Intel:

  • In several CLASSIFIED studies happening for centuries and current century the power of Plasma water and Monoatomic gold in the body is known to create the Energy and spark of life connected to INFINITE energy and Quantum fields that connects multiple dimensions. The vortex around the heart moves through the entire body and quadrillions of water molecules in the human cells can be activated for healing properties, connecting and changing molecular structures of the universe and connected to time travel at Quantum levels.
  • The knowledge of Jesus and many known and unknown, unnamed Masters all understood the sacredness of the body and prayed to the water. They all knew anything is possible by the creation of the divine. Tesla accidentally tapped into this knowledge in his classified experiments and this was part of the reason he was killed.
  • The Nazis classified projects were deep into the vortex of the heart and human body and how monatomic gold levitated.
  • Several classified military projects through the world know the TRUTH of what's hidden in Antarctica , South Western United States, Old Palestine Samar regions and several places through the world.
  • There is a reason the Deep State poisoned the water with chemicals and chlorine through the World that deactivates the holy water plasma field….. But with sacred prayers and belief and FAITH the structure of Water Molecules activate. This is why there is a war for your mind and a war for your DNA. You are Sacred.
  • Sun 25 Feb. Exposed: The Secret Dominion of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans, Joe Rogan

  • Prepare to uncover the startling reality behind the world's most influential families and their immense control over the global economy. The Federal Reserve Cartel, consisting of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans, wields unprecedented power that extends well beyond the realm of oil.
  • Imagine this: The Four Horsemen of Banking, including Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, unite with the Four Horsemen of Oil, such as Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, and Chevron Texaco. Yet, their dominion doesn't stop there. Through an intricate web of private banks, they have expanded their influence to encompass the music industry. These colossal entities, along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays, and other European old money giants, hold the reins of the music industry, allowing them to shape its trajectory and exert their influence.
  • The Machiavellian machinations of the Rockefeller Dynasty reach far and wide, commencing with their commercialization of music in the early 1900s. They orchestrated a sinister plot to shift the world's standard tuning of music to 440 pitch. This insidious frequency was known to provoke heightened aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress, and even physical ailments. Behind closed doors, this manipulation resulted in financial gains for those complicit in the monopoly, including agents, agencies, and companies associated with the North American Rockefeller crime cartel and influential organizations.
  • Fast forward to the late 1980s when the Rockefellers summoned top music executives and artists to a highly clandestine meeting in Los Angeles. Their sinister agenda? To usher in the era of Controlled Rap Music, intricately linked to the privatization of U.S. prisons. These privately owned prisons, operated by the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bush family, and other influential figures, served as money laundering operations, tax exemption schemes, and pyramid scheme enterprises.
  • Crafting a deceitful plan, the Rockefellers aimed to control the rap industry and target black communities by promoting violent music that fueled oppression and civil unrest. They brought together leading executives and prominent black artists, binding them with strict confidentiality agreements. Their objective was clear: orchestrate violence within the rap music movement while major record labels secured exclusive rights for production and distribution across the United States. In return, they would receive shares and points within the private prison systems.
  • The Masonic scheme unfolded with precision, resulting in over 1,500 private prison systems incarcerating more than 1 million black teenagers by 1990. These vulnerable youths, expressing the generational trauma imposed upon them, unknowingly contributed to the Rockefellers' malevolent plan. The private prison systems reaped billions annually from the government, establishing an extensive money laundering network through inflated products, such as ramen noodles priced at 8 times their actual value. The flow of hundreds of billions from government funding, pyramid schemes, and insurance companies transformed prison privatization into a multi-trillion-dollar enterprise.
  • Local courts and judges mercilessly sentenced petty criminals and first-time offenders, filling the expanding private prisons. Consequently, the United States holds the unfortunate record for the highest number of incarcerated individuals in the world, with an unprecedented number of prisons. This was not a coincidence—it was a meticulously orchestrated plan by the Rockefellers.
  • But their influence doesn't stop there. As the true faces of those who wield global authority are revealed, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers find themselves targeted by military alliance operations aiming to dismantle the Rothschilds' deep state power in Europe, the UK, Russia, and China.
  • Must Watch Videos:

  • Sun. 25 Feb. Situation Update: Judy Byington: Blackouts In Progress, Global Martial Law, EBS in Certain Areas, Ballroom Blitz – BE READY! Special Intel Report 2/25/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Sat. 24 Feb. Situation Update: Judy Byington: Look For Black Swan Event: Outages, Cyber Attacks, Banks on the Brink of Collapse, Martial Law, Exposure, Quantum Financial System. Special Intel Report 2/24/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Sat. 24 Feb. Situation Update: Situation Update: The Light Is Exposing The Dark! 2nd Presidential Message! The Illegal Migrant Nightmare! Cyberattacks! Starlink! Cannibalism! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]




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    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 24, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 22, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 21, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 20, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 19, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official



    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
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  • Previous article(Reader: Stwetzler) Noticing a Not So Good Change
    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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