Friday, 14 March 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 9, 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 9, 2025

Thursday, 9 January 2025, 1:41 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025

Compiled Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

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From Maui to North Carolina to Malibu: Disaster for Profit
The Same Script, Same Villains, Same FEMA
Every Fire, Flood and Hurricane Residents Left Without Water, Food, Shelter, while Deep State Bureaucrats and Elites Cash In.

Nearer, My God, to Thee – The Tabernacle Choir

If you believe in yourself – that you are worthy of respect, love and affection – you will attract the same type of people into your life.

Think of the peace & joy you felt in the times you were caring, kind, loving, humble, brave, wise, affectionate, inspiring, strong and uncritical of others, and then go for it again.

You are a precious Child of God, so act like it.

Judy Note: Beginning Tues. 7 Jan. morning 100 mile an hour Santa Ana Winds and no water were feeding now-four out-of-control rampaging wildfires still ripping the Los Angeles area.




Were the Los Angeles fires manmade and part of a larger Globalist plot to create chaos? P**o Hollywood was being devastated by the fires – by Deep State Cabal design?

  • Were the LA fires manmade?
  • The fires ignited under seemingly calculated circumstances—multiple blazes erupting simultaneously amidst forecasted high winds.
  • California’s far Left Democratic government cut the LA Fire Department’s Budget and made it so the Spring runoff from the mountains bypassed reservoirs to go straight to the ocean. There was no water in the fire hydrants to fight the blazes, let alone staff to man the fight.
  • Was this a deliberate attempt by California’s far Left Democratic government and FEMA to devastate the city so they could land grab and build their seven minute city as planned for the area like they did in the Lahina Maui Hawaii disaster? Adults & Children Burned Alive As FEMA, Maui Cops Blocked Escape Roads | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (
  • From Maui to Malibu: The Same Script, the Same Villains The eerie parallels between the Maui wildfires and the Palisades Fire cannot be ignored.
  • Or, like in the FEMA land grab of the North Carolina disaster so FEMA could take over valuable mining property? Oct. 7 2024: FEMA K*****g Hurricane Helene Victims in Kamala’s Land Grab of Victim Properties | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (
  • Residents had video footage of Drones in the fire area. Did the Drones start the fires?
  • Fires were burning homes of some of the most powerful people in California – though most had been arrested, or targeted for arrest by the Global Military Alliance for p********a and participation in an international Child S*x T*********g Ring. Were the fires manmade and destroying evidence?
  • Fires have entered the Getty Museum grounds – which housed a Child S*x T*********g Underground Tunnel that ran to various celebrities’ homes. Again, were the fires manmade and destroying evidence?
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: They Let Pacific Palisades Burn! Elites Saved Their Mansions While Families Were Left to Die in the Flames! – Gazetteller
  • Additionally, on Wed. 8 Jan. Los Angeles was also rocked by a devastating bombing, leaving the city in chaos and residents in a state of disbelief. The explosion, which occurred in the heart of downtown, has left buildings damaged, streets littered with debris, and emergency services scrambling to respond to the city already in crisis.

    Celebrities living in Pacific Palisades California evacuated as a raging fire burned over 11,802 acres and growing with 0% containment, according to Cal Fire. The Hollywood P**o Stars’ 10,000 idyllic homes – the highest valued Real Estate in the US – has already been completely devastated.

    As of Thurs. morning 9 Jan. all fires were 0 contained, while burning the Getty Museum grounds – which housed a Child S*x T*********g Underground Tunnel that ran to various celebrities’ homes.

    With no water in the fire hydrants to fight the blazes because reservoirs had not been filled, the entire Pacific Palisades fire was 0 contained and burning out of control — where lived the top Deep State Hollywood celebs & producers. These were some of the most powerful people in California – though most had been arrested, or targeted for arrest by the Global Military Alliance for p********a and participation in an international Child S*x T*********g Ring.

    Pacific Palisades residents: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson, Steven Spielberg, Chris Pratt, Reese Witherspoon, Matt Damon, Adam Sandler, Billy Crystal, Eugene Levy, Michael Keaton, Dan Aykroyd, Bradley Cooper, J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, Jennifer Aniston, Chevy Chase, Martin Short, James Woods, Dr. Dre, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Larry David & Conan O’Brien.




  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: MILITARY INTEL! Project ODIN and Military GESARA – A Four-Step Takedown Strategy! O.D.I.N: Observe, Detect, Identify, Neutralize! – – American Media Group
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: Loy Brunson with Exciting Developments on Brunson Case (Jan 7) + Shocking Mark Z Announcement | Prophecy | Before It’s News
  • China Cuts Undersea Internet Cables to Taiwan.
  • Worldwide Banking System Restructuring
  • Stock Markets Poised for Historic Reset
  • QFS Takes Control by Gold/asset Backing World Currencies
  • Worldwide Gesara/Nesara Implementation Underway
  • Fake News Mainstream Media To Face Exposure
  • Military Mass Arrests in Full Swing in Multiple Countries
  • Communication Lockdown Incoming
  • Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet.Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.
  • Fight To Save Our Constitution. Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
  • Help Save T******d Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!
  • Give a Little, Help a Lot: A Family In Desperate Need of Help:
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 8, 2025 – The US Military News  
  • Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: Gitmo detainees, Bird Flu psyop, Greenland, Poison fog, drones, Gates. 
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Trump Set To Liberate Canada, Greenland. Just As He’s Liberating America. Canadian PM Trudeau Has Resigned… – – American Media Group
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump to Liberate Canada, Buy Greenland, Take Down International P**o Ring, P**o Hollywood on Fire | Politics | Before It’s News
  • Judy Note: I am writing a book about Near Death Experiences of extreme a***e survivors. If you are an extreme a***e survivor, or know of one who has had such an experience, I would appreciate hearing from you. Write Judy Byington at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and

    Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 MarkZ: Four banker contacts said they expect something to happen on Fri. 10 Jan. 2025. One banker heard Iraq was supposed to have the new Dinar rate on the Forex on Sat. 11 Jan. 2025.
  • Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Bruce: “By Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 every bank and Redemption Center will be connected on the StarLink Satellite System for the first time. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) notifications could come on Thurs. 9 Jan, with appointments beginning on Thurs. 9 Jan. according to sources. The R&R, Social Security increases and NESARA funds were supposed to begin this month.”
  • Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 TNT Call: Tony said he is 99.9% sure the RV will happen by Thurs. 9 Jan. There is a meeting going on right now discussing when to release the authorization codes. Tony was told that Tuesday or Wednesday the RV will start for us. The RV will be on Forex this Friday 10 Jan. for the general public.
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: BREAKING: Epic Boom! The National Quantum Initiative, XRP, NESARA GESARA, and QFS 3.0! [MUST WATCH] – – American Media Group
  • Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: Iraq’s foreign minister was in DC to settle with the new US Treasury using the new Dinar Rate. The US, having been paid in full, lifted the remaining sanctions on the Iraqi Banks. … Frank26 and WalkingStick
  • Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) activated Worldwide – (meaning the new gold-backed US Treasury Note replaced the fiat Federal Reserve Dollar). US Treasury sent out schedule for immediate payout of Bonds. “This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all.” With the new Iraqi Dinar Rate stabilized, the CBI has stopped their auctions on the fiat US Dollar:Iraqi Dinar Iraqi Dinar Rate Stability and RV Done Now Iraqi Dinar Latest News Iraqi Dinar Today …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
  • On Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 “The CBI will be back on Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 after the reevaluation happens to manage liquidity for the currency after being on Forex like India and Egypt. They already adjusted the payroll and started paying salaries at the new rate on Sun. 5 Jan. 2025.” Majeedsaid.
  • Wed. 15 Jan. 2025: **“The Shocking Truth About Gold: Jim Rickards Exposes the Hidden Forces Changing the Market FOREVER!”** | Economics and Politics | Before It’s News
  • Possible Timing:

  • Wed. 15 Jan. 2025 48 hour Wealth Redistribution Blackout Event begins. Starlink’s Q-Grid is now fully operational, capable of broadcasting emergency information directly to devices globally. This will be vital during the 48-hour blackout starting January 15, 2025, ensuring a seamless flow of critical updates.
  • Fri. 17 Jan. Banks Zero out personal debt: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Fri. 17 Jan. 2025 with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Jan 2025. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Sun. 12 Jan. 2025.
  • Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 Inauguration Day Ten Days of Communication Darkness begins. Project Odin, controlled by the military, will run a major broadcast revealing governmental, banking, and military corruption across ten countries, potentially making this one of the most pivotal days in history.
  • Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 is also the beginning of the Deep State Tribunals that promise to expose and hold accountable high-profile figures involved in human t*********g, bio-weapons, and election fraud. The evidence amassed is poised to dismantle the elites’ power structures globally.
  • On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025 the first phase of the Worldwide Wealth Redistribution to the general public will officially commence, directly benefiting millions and marking the start of real community rebuilding efforts.
  • Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: Med Beds will be introduced to the public, bringing hope and healing to millions. These advanced technologies will begin their initial rollout, prioritizing those in critical need and children suffering from long term illnesses.
  • Wed. 29 Jan. 2025: Global Healing Centers equipped with Med Beds begin operations in strategic locations worldwide. Training programs will be launched to educate specialists in this life-changing technology.
  • Fri. 31 Jan. 2025: Public demonstrations of Med Bed capabilities will be broadcast globally, showcasing their potential to restore health, reverse aging and eradicate disease. A new standard of well being will be established, redefining humanity’s relationship with Healthcare.
  • Mon. 3 Feb. 2025: An international Med Bed Access Program will be announced, ensuring equitable distribution and usage. Leaders affirm that every individual, regardless of status or location, will have the right to healing and restoration.
  • Wed. 5 Feb. 2025: Global tribunals begin, holding Big Pharma Executives and their collaborators accountable for Crimes Against Humanity. Reparations are announced, including the funding of new Health care programs and access to innovative treatments for all.
  • Fri. 7 Feb. 2025: Health Freedom is declared. Countries around the World announce plans to dismantle corrupt medical systems, ensuring that profits will never again take priority over human well being.
  • Mon. 10 Feb. 2025: People begin to learn about natural healing methods, suppressed alternatives and the science of true wellness. Humanity begins to reclaim it’s health and power.
  • The fall of Big Pharma: marks the end of decades of manipulation and suffering. A new path forward is being forged, one built on truth, transparency and care for every individual. The future of healthcare has arrived.
  • End of March 2025: The outdated US Fiat Dollar will cease to exist, replaced by a new standard rooted in transparency and equity.
  • Mon. 26 May 2025 Memorial Day: President Trump announced that he will organize a massive celebration commemorating the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Independence of 1776 that will start on Memorial Day and continue into July 4th.
  • Judy Note on EXCHANGING CURRENCY AND REDEEMING ZIM BONDS: I am not an authority on currency exchanges or ZIM Bond redemption, but I am frequently approached for guidance. The below reflects my personal opinion only and is intended to provide general understanding of the process.

    Based on my understanding and personal opinion, here is an outline of the possible process:

  • WHITE HAT MILITARY OVERSIGHT: The White Hat Military oversees all exchanges and redemptions. Their advanced Quantum Computer system has complete access to personal data, including changes in addresses, contact details, and the purchase history of currencies and ZIM Bonds.
    – Only you can exchange your currency or redeem your ZIM Bonds.
    – The Quantum Financial System links transactions to your unique DNA and body rhythms, ensuring secure identification.
    – Currency rates are uniform for everyone, though you may request the Dinar Contract Rate.
    – The redemption rate for ZIM Bonds is contingent upon your personal Humanitarian Project.
    – If you don’t have a personal Humanitarian Project, you will receive a set default rate on your ZIM.
    – No one can negotiate or exchange on your behalf.
    – If you’ve entrusted your currency or ZIM Bonds to someone else, retrieve them immediately. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your ability to exchange or redeem.
    – If you were gifted currency or ZIM Bonds, you must present a notarized and dated statement from the gifter, including names, addresses.
    – Anyone refusing to return your assets or attempting to exchange on your behalf could face legal repercussions
    – The only exception to involving another person is if they accompany you to your appointment and co-sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
    – Bringing others to your exchange is risky. If they breach your NDA, you will forfeit all funds.
    – If you cannot retrieve your currency or ZIM Bonds, schedule a redemption appointment and explain your situation to the representative for further instructions.
  • Wed. 4 Dec. 2024 BOMBSHELL: Trump Signs GESARA Into Law as Military Alliance Prepares Global Wealth Reset …Patrick B. Kennedy

  • Historic Move Marks the Beginning of Deep State’s End: On December 4, 2024, President Trump secretly signed the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) into law, setting the stage for the greatest financial transformation in human history. The move, shrouded in secrecy, has been orchestrated by a global Military Alliance working with Trump to dismantle the deep state’s corrupt economic control systems and liberate humanity from financial oppression.
  • GESARA: The Blueprint for a New Era: GESARA is more than legislation—it’s a revolutionary framework designed to restore global financial sovereignty. Key features of the act include:

    Debt Elimination: Trump’s Debt Jubilee will cancel fraudulent personal debts, including mortgages and credit cards, incurred under illegal financial systems. This process will be automated, requiring no action from citizens.

    Wealth Redistribution: Trillions of dollars stolen by elites have been recovered, with offshore accounts linked to deep-state operatives frozen. These funds will be redistributed to the public as part of GESARA’s universal wealth initiative.

    Global Currency Reset: Fiat currencies will be replaced by asset-backed systems, starting with the gold-backed U.S. dollar, to stabilize economies and eliminate inflationary manipulation.

    Restoration of Sovereignty: Corrupt central banks and the Federal Reserve will be dismantled, replaced with a transparent and fair financial system rooted in constitutional law.
  • Military Alliance: The Power Behind the Plan: Trump’s signing of GESARA marks the culmination of years of covert planning by a Military Alliance of patriots, intelligence operatives, and strategists. Their mission: to neutralize deep-state actors and establish conditions for GESARA’s activation. With the Quantum Financial System (QFS) nearing readiness and global markets stabilizing, the Alliance is ensuring a seamless transition. This monumental reset will redefine financial systems worldwide, redistributing wealth and restoring economic justice.
  • Deep State’s Worst Nightmare: The Deep State’s grip on global finances is crumbling as the Military Alliance freezes assets, dismantles illegal networks, and eliminates threats. Globalist operatives are reportedly in panic mode, attempting to salvage their collapsing empire.
  • A New Dawn for Humanity: GESARA’s activation will usher in unprecedented financial freedom and sovereignty. The world stands on the brink of a transformative era, as Trump and the Military Alliance work to fulfill this revolutionary vision for 2025 and beyond.
  • The Deep State’s reign is over—humanity’s liberation is just beginning.
  • Restored Republic:

    Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Revolution Disclosed: The Military Occupation Set in Motion by Trump’s Executive Orders – The Reality Since November 5, 2016! …Julian Assange on Telegram

  • Disclose: the explosive truth behind Trump’s inauguration—a military occupation that began in 2016 and continues today. Dive deep into the secret power of the Judge Advocate General, military tribunals, and the war for America’s future. The old government is gone—it’s time to wake up!
  • Military Occupation: The Reality Since November 5, 2016 Let’s be clear: the military occupation of the United States didn’t begin on January 20, 2017. It started earlier, on November 5, 2016, when the new military-driven regime’s wheels were set in motion. Since that day, the country has been under the control of forces far beyond conventional government’s reach. And it’s still happening, right under our noses.
  • Donald J. Trump didn’t just inherit the presidency; he inherited the authority of a War Powers President, a Commander-in-Chief backed fully by the military. Most Americans are oblivious to this fact, thanks to media complicity in keeping this truth hidden. But the signs are there for those who dare to look.
  • Emergency Executive Orders: The Blueprint for Control Under Trump, 11 Emergency Executive Orders were enacted, each a step towards consolidating power and extending military control over the government. These EOs, still in effect today, were not mere policies but a blueprint for maintaining order in a nation on the brink. The Biden administration, nothing more than a puppet, has only extended these orders, ensuring the military’s firm grip remains.
  • The Puppet Government: A Nation Under Siege The current administration is a facade, a puppet government designed to maintain the illusion of democracy while real power lies with the military. The extension of Trump’s Emergency Executive Orders is proof. The old system is dismantled, those in power arrested for treason.
  • The Wake-Up Call: Accepting the New Reality The old system is dead, replaced by military control. The sooner Americans accept this, the better they’ll be prepared for the challenges ahead. The government you thought you knew is gone, replaced by a system prioritizing national security and military oversight. Trump’s inauguration marked this new era’s beginning, and every day since has been a further step into this reality. The old system is gone, and it’s never coming back. The military is in charge now.
  • The Future Under Military Rule The U.S. is no longer the nation it once was; it’s now governed by a military regime, operating behind scenes, pulling the strings of the puppet government the public sees. It’s time to accept the truth and prepare for what’s to come. In this new world, the military reigns supreme.
  • The Hidden Reality of Trump’s Inauguration: A Moment of Military Occupation January 20, 2017, wasn’t just a peaceful transition of power. It was the formal start of a military occupation, a day when Donald J. Trump took command of a nation under siege. This was more than an inauguration; it was a clear signal that the military was now in control. The presence of military figures at the inauguration wasn’t just ceremonial; it was a declaration of the new era of military justice and power.
  • The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (   How To Save America | Republic for USA (  

    Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?




    [Section of Content Redacted]

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    The Real News for Wed. 8 Jan. 2025:

  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: CONFIRMED! Trump Ready to ‘Load Up GITMO’ on January 20: Military Alliance Waits for Him, Deep State Using Anything in Their Power to Release Elite Prisoners, Even Targeting Military Alliance Families! – Gazetteller
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: Toxic Fog Crisis: Mass Poisoning and Spraying Operations Linked to Global Weather Modification Attacks—Residents Report Burning Lungs, Breathing Difficulties, and Overpowering Chemical Stench! – Gazetteller
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: BREAKING: HHS Caught Leading Deep State Operation to Destroy Trump’s 2025 Inauguration – Leaked Memo Exposes Weaponized Medical Deployments and Plans for Total Chaos! – Gazetteller
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: Decoding DJT’s Executive Orders: The Explosive Role of Space Force, National Security, and GESARA in Reshaping America’s Global Power – – American Media Group
  • J.P. Morgan funded the building of the Titanic, and cancelled his long-awaited journey just hours before its proposed departure. Three of the wealthiest men on earth, whom  were against the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank happened to be invited aboard for its maiden voyage.
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: The Biden Administration is sending $40-$87 million a week to the Taliban by paying a stipend to the families of Taliban members who died during the war. But an “Inspector General report came out that they ‘accidentally’ sent $239 million to the Taliban.” We are literally being taxed to send to the Taliban. The stipend being paid to the families of Taliban members who died during the war are to people who literally tried to k**l us. These are people we fought against and they k****d our people yet we are now paying them. …President Q47-Q47 on Telegram
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: China has cut the undersea internet cables to Taiwan.
  • Recently 158 Democrat Congress persons voted AGAINST deportation of migrants for s*x offenses such as p********a and r**e. All 215 Republican Congress persons voted FOR deportation of migrants who had committed s*x offenses such as p********a and r**e.
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 India: In India people are burning 5G Towers.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

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    Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Bakersfield California Illegal Migrants Being Rounded up and Arrested. …Capt.Kyle on Telegram

  • Bakersfield, California: Federal Immigration agents have started operations. “Sightings of border patrol activities is being reported all over.” They are even “GOING DOOR TO DOOR”
  • Chevron worker “Saw arrests firsthand. We usually get our normal people in here coming in. They buy their food, they go to work and they were field workers and as soon as they paid their food and everything they went outside and as soon as they went outside they grabbed them — They, as in border patrol agents”
  • “Bakersfield police tells us they were notified by the Department of Homeland Security and Border Patrol that they would be conducting operations — even door to door and on freeways.”
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    [Section of Content Redacted]

    Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Revolution Disclosed: The Military Occupation Set in Motion by Trump’s Executive Orders – The Reality Since November 5, 2016! …The 47th on Telegram

  • Disclose: the explosive truth behind Trump’s inauguration—a military occupation that began in 2016 and continues today. Dive deep into the secret power of the Judge Advocate General, military tribunals, and the war for America’s future. The old government is gone—it’s time to wake up!
  • Military Occupation: The Reality Since November 5, 2016 Let’s be clear: the military occupation of the United States didn’t begin on January 20, 2017. It started earlier, on November 5, 2016, when the new military-driven regime’s wheels were set in motion. Since that day, the country has been under the control of forces far beyond conventional government’s reach. And it’s still happening, right under our noses.
  • Donald J. Trump didn’t just inherit the presidency; he inherited the authority of a War Powers President, a Commander-in-Chief backed fully by the military. Most Americans are oblivious to this fact, thanks to media complicity in keeping this truth hidden. But the signs are there for those who dare to look.
  • Emergency Executive Orders: The Blueprint for Control Under Trump, 11 Emergency Executive Orders were enacted, each a step towards consolidating power and extending military control over the government. These EOs, still in effect today, were not mere policies but a blueprint for maintaining order in a nation on the brink. The Biden administration, nothing more than a puppet, has only extended these orders, ensuring the military’s firm grip remains.
  • The Puppet Government: A Nation Under Siege The current administration is a façade, a puppet government designed to maintain the illusion of democracy while real power lies with the military. The extension of Trump’s Emergency Executive Orders is proof. The old system is dismantled, those in power arrested for treason.
  • The Wake-Up Call: Accepting the New Reality The old system is dead, replaced by military control. The sooner Americans accept this, the better they’ll be prepared for the challenges ahead. The government you thought you knew is gone, replaced by a system prioritizing national security and military oversight. Trump’s inauguration marked this new era’s beginning, and every day since has been a further step into this reality. The old system is gone, and it’s never coming back. The military is in charge now.
  • The Future Under Military Rule The U.S. is no longer the nation it once was; it’s now governed by a military regime, operating behind scenes, pulling the strings of the puppet government the public sees. It’s time to accept the truth and prepare for what’s to come. In this new world, the military reigns supreme.
  • The Hidden Reality of Trump’s Inauguration: A Moment of Military Occupation January 20, 2017, wasn’t just a peaceful transition of power. It was the formal start of a military occupation, a day when Donald J. Trump took command of a nation under siege. This was more than an inauguration; it was a clear signal that the military was now in control. The presence of military figures at the inauguration wasn’t just ceremonial; it was a declaration of the new era of military justice and power.
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 ALERT! White Hats Launch DEVASTATING Strikes Against the Biden Administration’s Sinister Agenda: Massive Raids CONFIRM Their Plan to Throw Trump Supporters into FEMA Camps, Spark World War III, and Annihilate America as We Know It! …JFK Jr. on Telegram




  • The Shadow Battle: White Hats Take Action A covert alliance of patriots, military insiders, and intelligence operatives is waging a silent war against the Biden regime’s catastrophic agenda. Their mission? To dismantle the treasonous operations orchestrated by global elites and restore America’s sovereignty.
  • Precision Strikes Unveiled White Hats have launched strikes against covert operations including child t*********g and bioweapon labs. A recent raid in Virginia uncovered classified documents and advanced bioweapons, signaling a systematic dismantling of the “Deep State Hydra.”
  • Biden’s Elite Masters Panic As White Hat operations intensify, globalist figureheads reportedly move wealth offshore, preparing for control system collapse. A leaked detail reveals plans for a false flag cyberattack to blame economic collapse on Trump supporters, setting the stage for draconian measures and martial law in conservative areas.
  • Advanced Technology in Play White Hats leverage classified technology, including a secret satellite network and quantum computing systems, to intercept Deep State communications and expose financial corruption tied to Biden’s administration.
  • Escalating Treason Reports indicate the Biden regime is deploying foreign troops disguised as refugees to establish sleeper cells within the U.S. Plans to use FEMA camps for detaining political dissidents are also uncovered, marking an escalation in domestic control measures.
  • Weather Manipulation Tactics The Biden regime’s manipulation of weather to target conservative states is exposed, with HAARP facilities reportedly causing natural disasters in areas resistant to Biden’s policies.
  • Iran Strike: A False Flag in the Making? The proposed military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is seen as a strategy to provoke Middle Eastern conflict and distract from domestic issues, with potential collusion involving Israeli intelligence.
  • White Hats’ Counteroffensive Despite daunting challenges, White Hats are preparing to release damning evidence against Biden, including video footage and financial documents. This counteroffensive aims to support Trump’s return and prompt mass arrests and military tribunals.
  • Final Thoughts With January 2025 unfolding, the battle for America’s soul intensifies. Patriots are urged to remain vigilant and spread the truth, as the fight against globalist tyranny continues. Stay tuned for more revelations as the silent war unfolds.
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Patriots Prepare: January 20 EBS Confirmed – 10 Days of Darkness Incoming, The Day the Cabal Falls, Trump’s Return Guaranteed! …Wikileaks Secrets on Telegram

  • The events of January 2025 are hurtling us toward a seismic shift. New leaks show the Deep State is in a panic, scrambling to cover its tracks while the Alliance strikes back. This is not just a battle—it’s the dawn of our victory.
  • The Truth About CERN: A Gateway to Control CERN, once hailed as a beacon of science, is now exposed. Whistleblowers reveal it’s not just a lab; it’s a portal to other dimensions. The elites used this for dark purposes, tapping into otherworldly powers. But no more—the Alliance is shutting it down, turning CERN into a force for good.
  • Antarctica: The Forbidden Continent Unveiled Hidden under the ice of Antarctica are bases and ruins from ancient, advanced civilizations. The Deep State exploited these for decades, hoarding life-changing tech. But the Alliance is now in control, set to unveil wonders that could transform our world.
  • The Banking Collapse That Wasn’t an Accident Leaked emails show the global banking collapse was a setup by the elites to enslave us under a digital currency. But their plans were foiled by the Quantum Financial System, which saved countless assets from their greedy hands, redistributing wealth back to the people.
  • The Lunar Shadow War: Secrets Revealed The Moon is more than a natural satellite—it’s a control center. The dark side hides bases used to manipulate us, but recent Alliance raids have freed us from this bondage. Technologies recovered are set to liberate and enhance human abilities like never before.
  • Global Weather Manipulation: The HAARP Conspiracy Confirmed HAARP was real—used by the Cabal to wreak havoc through controlled disasters. Now, under Alliance command, HAARP’s tech will be used to heal and prevent disasters, taking back control from the corrupt.
  • The Real Reason for the Communication Blackout The upcoming January 20 EBS blackout is crucial—it blocks a planned AI cyberattack by the Cabal. Starlink’s AI has neutralized this threat, ensuring safety and control during the blackout.
  • The Vatican’s Hidden Agenda: Time Travel Exposed The Vatican hid a device, the Chronovisor, which manipulated timelines. Recovered by the Alliance, it will now be used to correct our history, freeing us from elite distortions.
  • What Comes Next: A Call to Action Stay alert and informed. Prepare for the blackout and support the Alliance. The rebirth of humanity is underway. The Deep State’s end is near, and a new era of freedom is on the horizon. Stand strong, patriots. The Golden Age is almost here.
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: ALERT! White Hats Launch DEVASTATING Strikes Against the Biden Administration’s Sinister Agenda: Massive Raids CONFIRM Their Plan to Throw Trump Supporters into FEMA Camps, Spark World War III, and Annihilate America as We Know It! …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram

  • The Shadow Battle: White Hats Take Action A covert alliance of patriots, military insiders, and intelligence operatives is waging a silent war against the Biden regime’s catastrophic agenda. Their mission? To dismantle the treasonous operations orchestrated by global elites and restore America’s sovereignty.
  • Precision Strikes Unveiled White Hats have launched strikes against covert operations including child t*********g and bioweapon labs. A recent raid in Virginia uncovered classified documents and advanced bioweapons, signaling a systematic dismantling of the “Deep State Hydra.”
  • Biden’s Elite Masters Panic As White Hat operations intensify, globalist figureheads reportedly move wealth offshore, preparing for control system collapse. A leaked detail reveals plans for a false flag cyberattack to blame economic collapse on Trump supporters, setting the stage for draconian measures and martial law in conservative areas.
  • Advanced Technology in Play White Hats leverage classified technology, including a secret satellite network and quantum computing systems, to intercept Deep State communications and expose financial corruption tied to Biden’s administration.
  • Escalating Treason Reports indicate the Biden regime is deploying foreign troops disguised as refugees to establish sleeper cells within the U.S. Plans to use FEMA camps for detaining political dissidents are also uncovered, marking an escalation in domestic control measures.
  • Weather Manipulation Tactics The Biden regime’s manipulation of weather to target conservative states is exposed, with HAARP facilities reportedly causing natural disasters in areas resistant to Biden’s policies.
  • Iran Strike: A False Flag in the Making? The proposed military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is seen as a strategy to provoke Middle Eastern conflict and distract from domestic issues, with potential collusion involving Israeli intelligence.
  • White Hats’ Counteroffensive Despite daunting challenges, White Hats are preparing to release damning evidence against Biden, including video footage and financial documents. This counteroffensive aims to support Trump’s return and prompt mass arrests and military tribunals.
  • Final Thoughts With January 2025 unfolding, the battle for America’s soul intensifies. Patriots are urged to remain vigilant and spread the truth, as the fight against globalist tyranny continues. Stay tuned for more revelations as the silent war unfolds.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    [Section of Content Redacted]

    Must Watch Videos:

  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 8, 2025 – The US Military News  
  • Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: Gitmo detainees, Bird Flu psyop, Greenland, Poison fog, drones, Gates. 
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Trump Set To Liberate Canada, Greenland. Just As He’s Liberating America. Canadian PM Trudeau Has Resigned… – – American Media Group
  • Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump to Liberate Canada, Buy Greenland, Take Down International P**o Ring, P**o Hollywood on Fire | Politics | Before It’s News
  • [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

    Read Full Report (Doc):

    Read Full Report (PDF):

    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 8, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 7, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 6, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 5, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 4, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 2, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 1, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 31, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
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    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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