Friday, 14 March 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 12, 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 12, 2025

Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 5:51 AM


Judy Disclaimer: Please be aware that I can only report the news as I find it, try to credit articles with their original author and am not responsible for the content, which may or may not be true. I encourage you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to what is happening in this great War of Good Against Evil.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 12 March 2025

Compiled Wed. 12 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

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On Tues. 11 March 2025 President Trump Secured a Ceasefire Agreement with Ukraine
Trump Now Heads To Russia To Seal the Deal

Military Intelligence and Donald John Trump.
The Greatest Show on Earth.
Martial law at its Finest.

Q is an intelligence operation established by the US Military, supported by President Trump, which provides information to counter any false narrative given by the Mainstream Media.

I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go

It may not be on the mountain’s height,
Or over the stormy sea;
It may not be at the battle’s front,
My Lord will have need of me;
But if by a still, small voice He calls,
To paths that I do not know,
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine,
I’ll go where You want me to go.

I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,
O’er mountain, or plain, or sea;
I’ll say what You want me to say, dear Lord,
I’ll be what You want me to be.

Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now in the paths of sin,
Some wand’rer whom I should seek;
O Savior, if Thou wilt be my guide,
Though dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo Thy message sweet,
I’ll say what You want me to say.

There’s surely somewhere a lowly place,
In earth’s harvest fields so white,
Where I may labor through life’s short day,
For Jesus the Crucified;
So trusting my all to Thy tender care,
And knowing Thou lovest me,
I’ll do Thy will with a heart sincere,
I’ll be what You want me to be.




Judy Note: [Content Redacted]

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Many years ago Congress approved US Taxpayer monies to fund the Military spreading of Chemtrails across the nation. We soon realized those Chemtrails were causing our food supply to be poisoned, and was so toxic that it caused paint to chip off cars. Trump announced that he was forming a committee to attack the problem, yet today, a week later, Chemtrails still appeared all over the country. We are not only poisoning ourselves, our planet and food supply, but we were funding and supporting the practice. Not a very smart thing to do.

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These Restored Republic via a GCR Update Reports I’ve been doing for the last twelve years were a lot more than gathering information on Global Elite crimes, or a Global Currency Reset where we could make some money. They were about saving children, and ourselves, from a very carefully planned takeover by One World Order perpetrators who worshipped S***n. Pretty scary if you pause to think about it.

We were k*****g ourselves, we were torturing and k*****g our children and we were allowing Global Elites to get away with murder. So, when were we as a people going to wake up, rise up and actually do something about it?

If you were reading this, perhaps you already are. Go forth with courage.

What We Think We Know as of Wed. 12 March 2025:

  • Tues. 11 March 2025 White Hats Arrest Four Ex-CIA Agents Plotting to Kidnap President Trump:
  • [Content Redacted]
  • [Content Redacted]
  • Tues. 11 March 2025: Past US Presidents Obama, Biden and Bushes not only knew about the US Taxpayer monies corruption at USAID, but were on the take from it: CC872A08-861D-47B7-AD66-D1950666D072.mp4
  • Protest the Chemtrails paid for by US Taxpayer monies and authorized by Congress that are being spread daily in skies across the nation and World by the US Military: “The chemicals are now beginning to show up in our drinking water.” Alumina in the atmosphere should be circa 2ppm – now it’s registering at over 40ppm. Similarly with soil & water samples being taken showing dramatic rises. Have you taken a heavy metals test yet….? Complain to your Congress People and email DOGE:
  • [Content Redacted]
  • [Content Redacted]
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 Vladimir Putin was right once again when he told Tucker Carlson that the U.S. controls the world’s media, including Europe’s press. He revealed that European media is heavily funded by American institutions (USAID). Wikileaks confirmed this, exposing that USAID bankrolled over 6,200 journalists across 707 media outlets and 279 “media” NGOs—with 90% of Ukrainian media under its influence. …White House Leaks on Telegram
  • Fight To Save Our Constitution. Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
  • Sign Petition to President Trump to Pardon Patriots Ken and Barbara Cromar, See #:
  • Follow the Money: We are taxed. Taxes go to the government. The government funds “foreign aid” & NGOs. NGOs are run by corrupt leftists. NGOs do NOTHING but funnel money back to the establishment. NGO executives get massive salaries—paid by YOUR tax dollars. They “donate” to Dems through ActBlue. It’s a never-ending LAUNDERING OPERATION. THIS is why they PANIC when Trump threatens to cut funding. The house of cards is collapsing. …Gitmo TV on Telegram
  • CIA/MIC/ICS = International Intelligence & Criminal Syndicates paid for out of US Taxpayer monies whose New World Order goal is to control the masses and depopulate the World. …Julian Assange on Telegram

  • CIA = multiple international intelligence agencies
  • MIC = a truly international Military Industrial Complex comprising all of NATO and several other countries
  • ICS = An international criminal syndicate made up of the world’s wealthiest banker families
  • NATO is not what you’ve been taught it is. The people who profited from controlling/funding/arming both sides found new roles for their N**i proxies following WW2. Study how many ‘former’ N**i generals were involved in the establishment of NATO.
  • There is a reason the EU is being forced to drop its mask and reveal its true fascist nature as they subjugate their own citizens.
  • Possible Timing:

    Tues. 11 March 2025: GLOBAL FINANCIAL EMERGENCY! GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET IS HERE! …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram

  • The world is on the brink of a catastrophic financial collapse! The Global Currency Reset (GCR), NESARA GESARA, and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) are no longer whispers in the dark. The Storm is here, and the elites are scrambling to contain the fallout before the truth reaches YOU!
  • The Black Swan Event is unfolding before our eyes! The world’s top economies are INSOLVENT! The U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, the U.K., Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand CANNOT sustain their debt any longer. The financial system is crumbling, and a monumental shift is coming that will change everything!
  • THE GREAT RESET VS. THE PEOPLE’S RESET! They want you distracted while they rewrite the financial order behind closed doors. But here’s the TRUTH: The QFS is set to replace the corrupt banking system that has enslaved us for centuries! This system, rumored to be gold-backed and fully decentralized, will eliminate the central banks and their criminal grip on global finance.
  • The elites know they are running out of time. They NEED the crash to happen on THEIR terms. They NEED you to be unprepared. But we see through their deception!
  • THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM (EBS) IS COMING! In the midst of this chaos, the EBS is primed for activation! Why? Because when the markets implode, when the banks fail, when the truth about NESARA GESARA is finally revealed, the world will enter a new era of financial sovereignty!
  • We are at the point of no return. The Federal Reserve is dead. The IMF is scrambling. The dollar is collapsing, and the fiat money system is burning to the ground. What will rise from the ashes? A fair, asset-backed system that restores power to the people!
  • WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW! Get cash in hand before bank closures hit! Exit fiat currency NOW – gold, silver, and cryptos (XRP, XLM, XDC) will be the new financial foundation!
  • Watch for EBS activation – the final revelation is coming! The elites are terrified because the people are waking up. The storm is here, and NOTHING can stop what’s coming! Prepare for impact, because the financial war is about to reach its climax!
  • Global Currency Reset:

    Tues. 11 March 2025 Wolverine: “Big Bond Holders are flying to the US right now. We have big news that this is the week we have been waiting for. There is good news from Iraq that it’s going to get released. We’re hearing good news from lots of platforms.”

    Tues. 11 March 2025 Bruce:

  • On Sunday 9 March 2025 a valid source reported that Iraq had a new Dinar rate that has been moving up in value ever since.
  • Today Tues. 11 March the same source said that they were about to pay out on Wed. 12 March back pay for three months to Iraqis at the new Dinar Rate.
  • Bond Holders (Tier 3) started today Tues. 11 March to be paid out and will continue for the next five days.
  • Tier4b was to receive notifications for appointments within the next 24-48 hours.
  • When the toll free numbers come out Redemption Centers are to be ready for exchanges within the next three hours.
  • Other sources reported that exchanges were to start next Friday, Sat. or Sunday.
  • Banks across the country need to be set up for digital currency.
  • Tues. 11 March 2025: DINAR REVALUATION: WALKINGSTICK: He got a rumor that there’s a rate and a date!! @DINARREVALUATION #iraqidinarinvestor




    Tues. 11 March 2025: The IRS is distributing a one time Disability Payment of $7,500 in stimulus checks in 2025 to eligible seniors and individuals with qualifying disabilities as part of the senior tax crdit for Elderly and Disabled recieving taxable Disability Income.

    Tues. 11 March 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) – The final reset …QFS on Telegram

  • The Quantum Financial System (QFS) has been operating behind the scenes, monitoring all banking transactions in preparation for its full activation. This off-world technology will revolutionize the financial world, rendering corrupt systems obsolete and ensuring a gold- or asset-backed economy free from manipulation.
  • The End of the Cabal’s Banking Empire: The QFS will replace the Swift system with an unhackable, AI-driven network supported by the Secret Space Program. It was designed to dismantle the Deep State’s control, preventing illegal wealth accumulation through usury, fraud, and theft. The days of corrupt politicians and bankers laundering money in secrecy are over—QFS monitors every transaction in real time.
  • The QFS has been running parallel to the existing system, exposing financial crimes and leading to mass arrests of those caught red-handed. Every fiat dollar, euro, or yen has been digitally marked, making illicit transfers impossible to conceal. The Cabal’s system is crumbling; their defeat is near.
  • Gold-Backed Currencies & The Global Currency Reset (GCR): In the new system, only gold- or asset-backed currencies will be recognized. Every transaction will carry a digital gold certificate, referencing the actual gold reserves securing the currency. Any fiat currency tied to fraud, terrorism, or illegal origins will be disqualified from QFS.
  • Each country must be GESARA-compliant to participate, ensuring fairness in global trade. A specific formula will determine each nation’s currency value based on its assets, economy, and population. The GCR (Global Currency Reset) will align all national currencies at a one-to-one exchange rate, ensuring financial sovereignty free from Cabal control.
  • QFS: The Ultimate Quantum Security: Unlike blockchain, which is still vulnerable, QFS is a quantum AI system beyond third-dimensional technology. It prevents hacking, fraud, and unauthorized transfers, ensuring every transaction is transparent, legal, and owner-intended.
  • For decades, politicians and elites manipulated the Swift system, moving stolen wealth globally. They never realized that QFS was already tracking their actions in real time. The Alliance has used this data to expose financial crimes, leading to mass arrests and the dismantling of central banking institutions.
  • The Deep State’s Final Breath: Despite desperate efforts to hack, delay, or sabotage QFS, the Cabal has lost. They will soon be fully removed as the world shifts to a free and fair financial system. Seventy thousand+ sealed indictments are prepared, signaling a wave of justice. The Deep State’s destruction is inevitable.
  • The QFS is alive—an intelligent system that ensures financial fairness, preventing theft and restoring economic freedom for humanity. The great liberation has begun.
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 The Ellis Washington Report: An American Judicial Judas—1994-2024: 30th Anniversary of Exposing Chief Judge Richard A. Posner’s Legacy = Betrayed President Reagan, Betrayed the Judiciary, Betrayed America—Part I | Ellis Washington Report

  • There was a Grand Communist Conspiracy of Treason by U.S. [CIA, FBI, NSA, Homeland Security], British [MI-5, MI-6] and Israeli [Mossad] intelligence agencies allied with the legions of embedded Treasonous, petty, Judas bureaucrats or Apparatchiks at the local, state and federal levels of government collectively called the Deep State.
  • The Deep State was ultimately controlled through the Vatican, Jesuits, and Pope who sends out their S*****c New World Order directives to the Democrat Socialist Party including many RINO (anti-Trump) Republicans (e.g., Republicans in name only).
  • These ‘Agents’ are integrated into every institution in American Culture and Society. They have existed by one name or another, in one form or another been systematically infiltrated into all nations of the world going back to the Garden of Eden.  #MysteryBabylon  #TheTwoBabylons
  • This Grand Socialist Conspiracy of  Treason and Seditious mandates of the Deep State Apparatchiks (e.g., Globalists, Democrat Socialist Party, Communist Courts, Marxist Academy) has warred against America’s Institutions, Culture and Society since the birth of the so-called Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.
  • The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (e.g., Central Bankers) created the Federal Reserve Banking Cartels, that print our worthless $$$ and control all world governments through perpetual Wars, inflation, hyperinflation, financial collapses, perpetual Chattel and Debt Slavery in all the nations of the world.
  • As a history lesson that you didn’t learn in college, these Rothschild Central Bankers fomented and funded both sides of every wars since the so-called First and Second Banker’s Wars of the Modern Age called the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99).
  • Qui Bono? – To who is it a benefit? = The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Vatican and the City of London are the biggest beneficiaries of this Grand S*****c New World Order TREASON, but also the 13 Royal Illuminati Bloodline Families that control the world.
  • Chief Judge Richard A. Posner’s part of this Grand Conspiracy as a CIA MK Ultra  Judicial Judasto Dissemble (e.g., Big Lie), to Deconstruct U.S. Constitutional Law, and to ultimately help weaken and to Destroy our Republic though his prolific and propagandistic, insipid and Solipsistic law review articles and books, lectures, speeches and judicial opinions he continuously spewed out against America for nearly 60 YEARS! #InvasionThroughInfiltration
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Tues. 11 March 2025: President Trump has secured a ceasefire agreement with Ukraine, now awaiting Russia’s approval to permanently end the war.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    The Real News for Tues. 11 March 2025:

  • Tues. 11 March 2025: Elon Announces Exactly Who Attacked Him For Helping Trump! | Prophecy | Before It’s News
  • On Mon. 10 March 2025 Canada’s Ruling Party installed new Prime Minister Mark Carney to replace Trudeau – A former Governor of the Bank Of England whose history points to him being a Manchurian Globalist Tyrant. Carney was known to have close ties with Ghislaine Maxwell, a convicted s*x trafficker and close associate of Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 Fox News: Department of Education will begin sweeping layoffs tonight with about HALF of its 4,400 employees expected to be let go. Employees are being told to vacate the building by 6PM!
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 FBI Insider Whistleblower testified that FBI won’t release 11,000 hours of Jan. 6 footage because it would expose undercover agents committing crimes inside the US Capitol. (1) Johnny Midnight on X: “” / X
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 Democrat Fund Raising Dept. Actblue under money laundering investigation:
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 ABC News forced to shut down left wing polling company:
  • On X: Jan. 6 Lawyers admit they found more collusion between Fanni Willis and Pelosi on Jan. 6
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 Trump message to Muslin World: No excuse for violence:
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 Alex Jones reported that his top reporter Jamie White was k****d at his home last night:
  • [Content Redacted]
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 Senator Joni Ernst on X: “A vaccine company registered to a PO Box — and run by two former Biden staffers — got $28 million in the final months of the Biden admin, and that seems fishy. I’ve asked @SecKennedy to get the American people answers and end the practice of government slush funds!” / X
  • On Mon. 10 March 2025 X suffered a major DDoS attack. The hacking group Dark Storm Team has claimed responsibility for the attack. The group has vowed to unleash a wave of cyberattacks on the government websites of NATO countries, Israel and nations supporting Israel.
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte arrested at airport on ICC warrant for Crimes Against Humanity:
  • On Mon. 10 March 2025 the House of Representatives passed bipartisan Subterranean Border Defense Act, which will boost congressional oversight on the use of tunnels as a means for illegal migrants to sneak into the United States. The bill highlights the growing need for additional oversight of the vast tunnel system into the U.S. Since 1990, more than 140 tunnels have “breached the U.S. border with an 80% increase in tunnel activity occurring since 2008,” Crane said during the floor debate.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    Tues. 11 March 2025: Paul Walker: He Knew Too Much. They Made Sure He’d Never Speak. …Edward Snowden on Telegram

    [OpDis Editor: Originally from ȺɾìҽӀ on X:]

  • No accident. No random crash. A targeted elimination. Walker wasn’t just an actor—he was digging into something far darker than Hollywood. Through his charity, Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW), he saw firsthand the corrupt disaster relief racket in Haiti. The billions meant for aid? Stolen. And worse—Haitian children weren’t being rescued. They were being t********d.
  • Walker got too close to the truth. His charity work gave him access to financial records, shipping manifests—proof that orphaned children were being funneled through fake adoption programs, disappearing into elite networks in the U.S. and Europe. T*********g pipelines hidden behind “humanitarian” facades.
  • Walker confided in someone. That’s where he made his fatal mistake. His plan? To take the documents to a journalist outside the Hollywood machine. The moment he made that move, he was marked.
  • The Players:

  • The Power Broker— A high-profile figure controlling the Haiti relief funds. Publicly a “humanitarian.” Privately, the mastermind of the operation. Initials? H.C.
  • The Fixer— A former intelligence operative, codename “Raven.” 6’2″, mid-50s, Gulf War scar. Specialist in “containment.”
  • The Mechanic— A Porsche technician with a $200,000 gambling debt. Coerced into installing a remote-controlled throttle override and weakening the steering column.
  • The Overseers— Five elite financiers, running their money laundering empire through a Luxembourg-based firm: Elysium Ventures. They profit off human misery.
  • The Cover-Up: The Car Was Rigged. Sabotaged two days before the crash. A remote trigger was activated via a modified cell tower 1.3 miles away.
  • Key Evidence Erased. Walker’s phone was retrieved and destroyed. His home raided. The documents? Gone. Now locked away under Langley, Virginia.
  • The Witnesses Silenced. A mother and son paid off. A homeless man who saw too much? Dead within weeks.
  • The Official Story Was Bought. The coroner’s report? Bribed. The media? Paid off. A $2M slush fund ensured that any dissenting voices were crushed.
  • They erased him because he had the receipts. But the truth doesn’t die. Ask yourself—who else have they silenced?
  • Tues. 11 March 2025: UPDATE! Trump’s Military Secretly Replacing Hospital Equipment with Med Beds Nationwide! …The 17th Letter on Telegram




  • Brace yourselves, because Trump is about to pull off the biggest maneuver in human history, and they don’t want you to know about it. Hospitals are being dismantled as we speak, replaced by advanced Med Beds that have the power to heal any illness, reverse aging, and even unlock your mind’s full potential.
  • The Deep State is panicking, Big Pharma is losing control, and the medical-industrial complex is about to collapse. They’ve kept Med Beds hidden for decades, reserved only for the elites, while the rest of us suffer and die from diseases that should have been cured years ago. Trump is flipping the script and bringing these miracle machines to the people, starting now!
  • Behind the scenes, military units are moving with precision. Under the guise of “renovations,” they’re secretly replacing old hospital equipment with Med Beds. The mainstream media won’t cover this, but sources are leaking the truth—Med Beds are already operational in secret locations, running tests on selected patients. Hospitals are clearing entire floors for this technology while vetting staff to ensure secrecy. The deep state never saw this coming, but Trump has been planning it for years.
  • Here’s the kicker: these Med Beds aren’t just rolling into big cities. They’re being deployed in rural areas, hidden in plain sight. Mobile units, disguised as ordinary delivery trucks, are transporting Med Beds across America, setting up in military bases, underground bunkers, and even abandoned warehouses.
  • By the time the elites realize what’s happening, Med Beds will be everywhere, and it will be too late for them to stop it. These Med Beds aren’t just machines—they are weapons of mass liberation. They can cure cancer, heart disease, and dementia in minutes, reprogram the body at a cellular level, and even unlock hidden parts of the mind. Big Pharma’s business model is dead—keeping us sick to sell more drugs is over!
  • The elite have been feeding us lies, poisons, and distractions, but once these Med Beds go live, the people will awaken. Imagine remembering your past lives, unlocking your true potential, and shaking off the shackles that have kept us in the dark for centuries.
  • This ties directly into Trump’s master plan—GESARA, the return to the gold standard, and the collapse of the corrupt fiat system. The deep state has used fake money, fake science, and fake news to enslave us. But Trump’s push for Med Beds is the final nail in their coffin.
  • We are on the edge of the biggest shift in human history, and the elites are terrified. They’re throwing new pandemics, financial crises, and lies at us, but they can’t stop what’s coming. The Med Beds are already here, taking their place in secret facilities across the country.
  • Get ready to witness the fall of the old guard. The revolution is real, and Trump is leading the charge. The time is now—are you ready to break free?
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

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    DOGE Investigations:

  • Mon. 10 March 2025 Musk on Fox News: “Why are there 20 Million people who are definitely dead marked as alive in the Social Security database? Why were hundreds of millions of dollars of small business administration loans given out to people aged 11 & under?”
  • They’re not even hiding it anymore: $12 BILLION allocated to the Navy for submarines and ZERO submarines were built. $42.5 BILLION for high-speed internet, yet NOT ONE person is connected. $7.5 BILLION for EV charging stations with just 37 built. That’s $200 MILLION per station. Trillions vanish into the abyss, but they expect YOU to foot the bill.
  • Congress is Money Laundering trillions of US Taxpayer Dollars back to those in Congress who voted for funding Ukraine, those who voted for (unneeded) foreign aid, those who voted for various federal programs which were really not needed and to those who voted for bills funding NGOs.
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 The 1871 Corporate Act dies today. …QAnon Warriors on Telegram

  • Some say the term “body corporate” in the 1871 Act refers solely to the District of Columbia’s municipal government structure, not the United States as a whole. But we are referred to as US Citizens correct? So ask yourself why Washington (DC) is now just Washington? We were slowing being removed over the years since at least 2020.
  • This was/our government out of District of Columbia even though it is claimed the 1871 Act didn’t extend towards the United States or its citizens. Then why was everything signed in DC directly affecting you as an American? The reason is say it dies today is because crypto reserves, gold standard and taxes are going to be officially reformed permanently. Which is why SEC only has one settlement left. Which is why 100s of tax offices are being closed.
  • Just tune into the address and you will see. Because the government has always signed things in the past like the Federal Reserve Act that was never ratified. Just like taxes were never ratified. But on paper you are still obligated to pay into that system. Even though you are not legally bound to it. But the contract you signed makes it an obligation.
  • Judy Note: In other words, signing your 1040 form says you are voluntarily paying monies to the Cabal owned IRS, thereby legally obligating you to pay that money.
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 WHITE HATS TAKE CONTROL: Kash Patel Cuts Out DOJ, Directs FBI Straight to Trump! …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • FBI Director Kash Patel, chosen by President Trump, has bypassed Attorney General Pam Bondi, creating a direct line to the Oval Office. The Deep State’s last firewall is down—this is full-scale military coordination.
  • Patel wasted no time. From the moment Trump reinstated him after the 2025 inauguration, he severed Deep State ties inside the FBI. His first move? Total loyalty to Trump, no DOJ interference. This is the most aggressive FBI purge in history—traitors who used the Bureau for globalist ops are being removed.
  • The DOJ is collapsing. Whistleblowers confirm Patel’s link to Trump is encrypted through a secure Starlink network, bypassing compromised DOJ systems.
  • Pam Bondi has been sidelined—she obstructed intelligence and is now locked out of high-level operations.
  • Trump has deployed Dan Bongino inside the FBI, not as a figurehead, but as a strategic weapon. The Bureau is now under White Hat control. Meanwhile, Stephen Miller and Emil Bove are dismantling Deep State prosecution structures, redirecting the DOJ’s focus toward elite crime takedowns.
  • One major shift: Patel has refused FBI protection, opting for his own White Hat security team. He doesn’t trust the old system—and for good reason. The White Hats aren’t knocking anymore. They’ve taken command.
  • Tues. 11 March 2025 How Beyonce Music Is Engineered: Subliminal Encoding …Julian Assange on Telegram

  • Project Stargate, publicly terminated in 1995 as a CIA remote viewing program, was covertly rebooted in 2011 under DARPA’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) umbrella. By 2019, it had morphed into a psychological operations initiative, integrating MKULTRA’s mind-control legacy with modern neurotechnology and mass media. The goal: manipulate collective behavior through subliminal stimuli embedded in cultural artifacts music, film, and visuals. Beyoncé, as a global influencer with a 300-million-strong audience, became a prime vector.
  • Beyoncé’s team specifically her production company, Parkwood Entertainment, and engineer Derek Dixie was contracted under a classified NDA, signed October 3, 2018) to embed these triggers into her work, starting with the Lion King: The Gift soundtrack.
  • Beyoncé’s music incorporates infrasound (frequencies below 20 Hz) and binaural beats (dual-tone oscillations) to bypass conscious perception and target the amygdala and prefrontal cortex brain regions governing fear, submission, and decision-making. Here’s how it works.
  • Engineering Obedience:

  • Infrasound: At 19 Hz, dubbed the “fear frequency,” her tracks induce unease and compliance. In Spirit (released July 19, 2019), a 19 Hz pulse runs at -40 dB, undetectable to the ear but measurable via spectrogram (tested on a Neumann U87 mic, at Parkwood’s LA studio. D🅰️R🅿️A’s logs confirm this was calibrated to match MK-ULTRA’s “Theta Wave Protocol,” inducing a trance-like state in 87% of test subjects (sample size: 1,200, Fort Meade, MD, June 2019).
  • Binaural Beats: In Black Parade (June 19, 2020), a 7 Hz differential (left ear 440 Hz, right ear 447 Hz) aligns with the theta brainwave range (4–8 Hz), linked to suggestibility. EEG scans from D🅰️R🅿️A trials show a 62% reduction in critical thinking within 3 minutes of exposure.
  • Subliminal Vocals: Reverse-engineered audio from Partition (2013) reveals backmasked phrases “Obey the crown, kneel to the sound” inserted at 0.02-second intervals, processed through a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer. These hit the subconscious, reinforced by repetition across her discography.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    [Note: Sensitive and repeated content in this report has been redacted. See the full unredacted report attached below.]

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    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 11, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 10, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 8, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 7, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 6, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 5, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 3, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
  • USA
  • Previous articleMaking the Good Look Bad and the Bad Look Good; or, this One Last Battle | Steve Beckow
    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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