Saturday, 15 March 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 8, 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 8, 2025

Saturday, 8 March 2025, 1:10 AM


Judy Disclaimer: Please be aware that I can only report the news as I find it, try to credit articles with their original author and am not responsible for the content, which may or may not be true. I encourage you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to what is happening in this great War of Good Against Evil.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 8 March 2025

Compiled Sat. 8 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

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It takes the Brave & Caring
To Believe, To Investigate, To Report, To Save The Children.

“One day in the future stories will be told about us, the warriors of this time. Ordinary people who prayed and meditated, researched and spent countless hours searching for the truth. And even though we have been rejected by society, deep down we know that we are following a calling from long ago. Our soul knows.” …Anon

Border Czar Tom Homan is igniting a nationwide crusade to hunt for missing children. If you suspect a child is in danger, being abused or t********d, Call:1-866-347-2423

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (2011) | The Tabernacle Choir

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
…Nelson Mandela.




Judy Note: According to recently revealed intel, multi millionaires George Soros, Nelson Rockefeller, former US Presidents George HW Bush and Barack Obama were all Deep State Globalist Elite leaders “married” to [Redacted] who carried the Illuminati mandate to depopulate the planet.

Part of that plan was to Chemtrail the Earth’s skies in order to k**l the food supply and cause sickness and death. Evidently the Military Industrial Complex was paying select pilots very high salaries that came out of taxpayer monies, to do it. In other words, right now US Taxpayers were paying to slowly k**l themselves and the precious planet we live on.

HIGH ALERT: Trump/Musk DOGE investigations have found that the Military-Industrial Complex were paying high salaries out of US Taxpayer dollars for Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard Indigo Chemtrail Pilots to spray us and our planet with chemicals – chemicals that were k*****g our food supply and causing sickness and even death, according to the investigation.

“I call them tanker terminators – we are paid more than any other pilot for our service” said a Chemtrail Pilot Whistleblower. …Illuminattibot on Telegram Fri. 7 March 2025

We have a gigantic, very serious worldwide problem caused by our own Deep State Cabal Pentagon’s Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard. I appreciate all the emails received for the last week on the Chemtrails, though I obviously don’t have the authority or resources to investigate, or stop Chemtrail poisoning.

What I did learn from the hundreds of emails received was that Chemtrails were regularly happening on a daily basis all over the nation and planet. Despite last Tuesday’s President Trump promise to stop them, as of Sat. 8 March 2025 they did not appear to be lessening. President Trump needs our help.

Help Save the Planet and Ourselves: I urge you to complain to your senators and representatives in Congress, plus email DOGE on Chemtrail sightings, encouraging them to pass the information on to those in authority who can do what needs to be done: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




What We Think We Know as of Sat. 8 March 2025:

  • [Content Redacted]
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: Michael Pence Military Tribunal, Part II | Real Raw News
  • Watch closely those Democrat and other politicians who were working hard to stop Trump and Musk DOGE investigations of government waste and corruption. There was reason behind their motivation – and likely they had a lot to loose when Trump and Musk uncovered the truth.
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: The Federal Reserve vice chair Michael Barr just resigned ahead of a DOGE Audit.
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: Elon Musk wants to buy MSNBC and turn it into a REAL news network! Tucker Carlson will be the new host, bringing the truth to the forefront.
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: The DOGE Investigation has uncovered documentary proof – audio, video, documents – that  Obama, Brennan, Hillary Clinton and Biden armed ISIS, executed Seal Team Six and then covered it up.
  • Sat. 22 April 2023: Obama/Biden Behind Arming ISIS, Benghazi, Seal Team Six Massacres, 2020 Election Fraud, Child S*x T*********g? | Politics | Before It’s News (  
  • Tues. 21 Sept. 2021: Biden’s, Obama’s, Clinton’s and the CIA’s Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres | Politics | Before It’s News (
  • ALERT!!! The 1985 IRS Commissioner Roscoe Egger Jr. admitted that Income Tax was never legal, and the 16th Amendment was a fraud.
  • [Content Redacted]
  • [Content Redacted]
  • [Content Redacted]
  •  “$135 billion of US Taxpayer monies vanished. Stolen under the cover of C***D relief, laundered into child t*********g, fentanyl, and terrorism, while the Congress did nothing.” …DOGE Investigation on Telegram
  • CIA Files Exposed: “Elite p********s control all branches of government. Staffers commit s*x crimes on children and aren’t prosecuted.” …Buzz Feed News
  • DOGE Documents Uncovered: CIA twice tried to k**l Trump.
  • US Inc. is Dissolved: No More Washington DC, Federal Reserve, IRS, Fiat US Dollar
  • [Content Redacted]
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: “Congress has paid over $17 million in hush money for s****l misconduct…and what’s more is that it was taxpayer money.” …Gitmo TV on Telegram
  • Possible Timing …Gitmo TV and Steve Bannon on Telegram

  • On Mon. 3 March 2025 the Bankrupt UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (US Inc. private corporation government) was officially dissolved (Black Law Dictionary Act of 1871, and 28 U.S.C. §3002/15 (A) (B) (C)). This officially closed the US Inc. holdings of the Federal Reserve, IRS and their financial arm, BlackRock.
  • On Tues. 4 March 4 (on the 164th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Inauguration as the 16th President of the Republic for the United States of America in 1861), President Trump addressed the Nation and a joint session of Congress as the 17th President of the Republic for the United States of America.
  • On that same Tues. 4 March 2025 the Republic for the United States of America began its fiscal year under new gold-backed US Notes.
  • On Friday 7 March 2025 President Trump held a Crypto Summit at the White House to introduce the Trump gold-backed Bitcoin as the new US Currency.
  • On Sat. 8 March 2025 Trump to kickoff what was described as the largest economic change in history.
  • On Sat. 15 March 2025 Med Beds were scheduled to be introduced to the General Public.

  • The U.S. Debt Clock just delivered a DEATH BLOW to the financial slavery system—federal income tax and corporate tax have VANISHED. This isn’t a glitch. It’s a calculated takedown of the IRS and the complete collapse of the Deep State’s financial prison!
  • For over a century, the banking elite, corrupt politicians, and global controllers have stolen the wealth of the people under the LIE that “taxes fund government services.” That was NEVER TRUE. The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air—they never needed your taxes. The IRS was a tool of control, designed to keep you broke while making them rich!
  • Now it’s OVER. The system is COLLAPSING in REAL-TIME. THE ELITE ARE LOSING CONTROL. The removal of federal income and corporate taxes is just the beginning of a total financial RESET. A new decentralized system is emerging—one that operates outside of their grasp, beyond their control, free from their shackles!
  • For years, they MOCKED and ATTACKED decentralized finance (DeFi) because they KNEW it was the END of their power. They FAILED. Now, the unstoppable financial revolution is here.
  • THE ELITE’S NIGHTMARE: WORLD LIBERTY FINANCIAL (WLF) The corrupt banking cartel relied on their tracking, taxing, and controlling networks to enslave the people. But World Liberty Financial (WLF) is untouchable. No centralized banks controlling your money. No taxation on transactions. No forced debt slavery. No financial tracking, censorship, or restrictions
  • This is why they are DESPERATE to destroy it. They know the moment people WAKE UP and abandon their system, it’s OVER for them!
  • THE FINAL SHOWDOWN – CHOOSE YOUR SIDE! The Deep State is scrambling to stop this revolution. They’re launching fake financial crises to scare people back into the old system. They’re pushing for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)—which are nothing but digital slavery!
  • They want you to believe DeFi is dangerous, risky, unstable. LIES. The only danger is to THEM—because they’re LOSING CONTROL.
  • This is HAPPENING NOW. The IRS is DEAD. The Federal Reserve is losing power. The financial system is being REBUILT for THE PEOPLE.
  • The question is no longer IF the system will collapse. It’s collapsing NOW.
  • Global Currency Reset:

  • Thurs. 6 March 2025: BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Department of Treasury to Release NEW BANKNOTES for the RV – Goldilocks Global Banking News VIDEO! – – American Media Group
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: BOOM! Trump’s Executive Orders: Dismantling the Federal Reserve and Shaking World Banking Systems! – – American Media Group
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: BREAKING NEWS: Wealth Managers Are Signing Contracts – Preparing for the Imminent RV – Goldilocks Global Banking News VIDEO! – – American Media Group
  • Thurs. 6 March 2025: URGENT: Social Security Crisis! Will Your Benefits Disappear Within the Next 30 Days? Here’s the Ugly Truth – The Looming Social Security Disaster No One Wants to Talk About – – American Media Group
  • Thurs. 6 March 2025 Bruce:

  • Three good Sources said we would be exchanging no later than Sat. 8 March.
  • Two Redemption Center leaders said we would get notifications over the weekend and start exchanges early next week Mon. 10 March or Tues. 11 March.
  • You can only get the higher Dinar Contract Rate at a Redemption Center, not at a bank.
  • Currencies are in the exchange rate range of $4-$7. This does not include the Dinar and Dong rate, which are higher. Zim rate was on par with the US Dollar.
  • DOGE payments should start in first 15 days of this month of March.
  • Your Retribution and Reconcile amounts are already in your Quantum Account.
  • Social Security increases should happen by the end of the month of March 2025.
  • Wed. 5 March 2025: QFS Functions and Characteristics …QFS on Telegram, Julian Assange

  • No fiat currency is legal in QFS. Banks are no longer in control. Banks are now obsolete!
  • QFS puts an end to corruption, usury and manipulation within the banking system and Central Banking system.
  • QFS is completely independent from existing centralized banking systems; makes all other transfer systems obsolete.
  • QFS is not crypto-currency. After REVAL (re-evaluation) all sovereign currencies will be asset-backed.
  • QFS activation ends “Central Banking System” that perpetuates what some refer to as “Debt Slavery.”
  • QFS is alive with controllable Artificial Intelligence that creates financial security and transparency.
  • A country’s sovereign currency will have the same value as another country’s sovereign currency.
  • Each QFS account throughout the world will be solely owned by the account holder, not owned by banks or governments.
  • QFS replaces SWIFT with new transparent CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System).
  • QFS runs on a new Photonic Computer – based on 24 GPS orbiting satellites (protected by the new U.S. Space Force). All funds are GPS traceable forever.
  • Thurs. 6 March 2025 Global Quantum Financial System (QFS) …White Hats on Telegram

  • The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a super-advanced “out-of-this-world” technology that the Dark Cabal does not have. It has the capacity to hold massive amounts of data. It’s power source is not electricity. It is not dependent on any electrical grid, and not even crystals. It is powered by the limitless energy source of life itself (consciousness). The very source of limitless energy that powers the human individual also powers the Quantum Financial System.
  • It can only operate in the light, and rejects darkness and evil intent. It reads into all organic lifeforms, and understands growth patterns. The way it’s programmed, it is not possible for the Dark Cabal to steal money or wealth from another person or another nation any longer. The system does not recognize any royal line, only the line of “Source of Consciousness” which is present in all of us.
  • It knows intention by reading human brainwaves. It knows a person’s intention because intention is locked in the DNA (living DNA) sequencing of the individual. Not one individual, but all. In the case of nations, it is RNA of the original source of the asset. It calculates true trade values based on REAL production, not what the Dark Cabal wants the world to see. True production of commodities and their respective values will begin to unfold.

  • Trump created a fake Biden Presidency to expose Globalist Crime & Corruption
  • The Emergency Broadcast System will bring in Martial Law until fair and transparent elections can be held.
  • Three Days of Darkness: Planned Cyber Attacks on everything; Blackout – Internet, Communication, Possible Power Grid Shutdown
  • 10 Days of Disclosure: One Website, one Web channel broadcast eight hours a day in loop.
  • NESARA/GESARA Debt Forgiveness implementation
  • The Military will supply needed food to the masses
  • QFS implemented
  • 95% reduction in government
  • Federal Reserve dead, IRS under new US Treasury
  • New tax system where there is only a 14% tax on new items bought only, no tax on food or medicine, wages, etc.
  • Withdraw Maritime Law and change to Common Law.
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Fri. 7 March 2025 Mexican Cartels Preparing For War With US Military:
  • The Real News for Fri. 7 March 2025:




  • Thurs. 6 March 2025 Trump Press Secretary: “The behavior of the Democrats on Tuesday night 4 March was completely disgraceful and demonstrated how severely out of touch they are. It was the most shameful moment in the history of presidential addresses in the chamber. In what was supposed to be a unifying moment for our country – Democrat members of Congress instead screamed at the President of the United States who was just overwhelmingly elected by their constituents, walked out of the chamber, and worst of all – disrespected the American people. Democrats didn’t stand up to keep men out of women’s sports or clap for a girl who got her head smashed in by a man on the volleyball court. Democrats didn’t stand for an innocent and beautiful child who survived brain cancer. Democrats opposed eliminating taxes on tips and taxes on Social Security. Democrats didn’t stand up in favor of cutting taxes for hard-working Americans. Democrats didn’t even stand to clap for two mothers whose daughters were k****d by illegal aliens. One of the only things that could get Democrats off their feet was cheering for Ukraine. It was a very clarifying moment. The Democrats exposed themselves on the side of insanity, hate, and putting America Last. (Judy Note: Ukraine is said to be the center for Child S*x T*********g, illegal US Bioweapon labs and money laundering US Taxpayer dollars back to the legislators who vote for the Ukraine funding bills).
  • Fri. 7 March 2025:
  • Thurs. 6 March 2025: BOMBSHELL EXPOSED: Biden and Obama’s $7 Billion Nonprofit Shell Game – The Largest Taxpayer Heist in American History! – – American Media Group
  • Fri. 7 March 2025: UNSTOPPABLE! 300,000 Military Troops Deployed Globally as the EBS Countdown Begins—Unleashing the Greatest Revelation in Human History with 10 Days of Truth, Worldwide Arrests, and GESARA’s Monumental Wealth Redistribution! – Gazetteller UNSTOPPABLE! 300,000 Military Troops Deployed Globally as the EBS Countdown Begins—Unleashing the Greatest Revelation in Human History with 10 Days of Truth, Worldwide Arrests, and GESARA’s Monumental Wealth Redistribution! – Gazetteller. The final chapter of a centuries-long battle is upon us. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is ready to detonate a truth
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

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    Fri. 7 March 7, 2025 Joe Rogan and Elon Musk: “This one statement alone by Elon Musk should immediately trigger DOJ and FBI investigations into Nancy Pelosi and Paul Pelosi”…President Q45-Q47 on Telegram

  • Joe Rogan “Have a spouse that’s really good at insider trading, like Paul Pelosi”
  • Elon Musk “It’s a lot more than insider trading. The way they’re acquiring wealth”
  • Joe Rogan “What other methods?”
  • Elon Musk “I mean, this is really gonna get me assassinated. It’s like, I’m not lengthening my lifespan by explaining this stuff, to say the least. I mean, I was supposed to go back to DC How am I gonna survive? This focus is gonna k**l me for sure. I actually have to be careful that I don’t push too hard on the corruption stuff because it is gonna get me k****d.”
  • Sun. 2 March 2025 IRS Bombshell: The 16th Amendment Was NEVER RATIFIED – Income Tax Is a SCAM! $330 TRILLION STOLEN! …David Icke on Telegram

  • For over a CENTURY, we’ve been ENSLAVED by a LIE! The IRS has STOLEN every dollar you’ve ever paid in income tax—based on a FRAUDULENT amendment that was NEVER legally ratified! A CONFIDENTIAL 1985 letter from an IRS Commissioner proves the biggest financial CRIME in U.S. history. DEEP STATE EXPOSED!
  • The 16th Amendment—the foundation of the IRS—was never legally passed! That means every tax dollar collected since 1913 was ILLEGAL THEFT! The numbers are staggering: $330 TRILLION looted from hardworking Americans, funneled into corrupt government pockets. EVERY DOLLAR MUST BE RETURNED!
  • THE IRS: A 100-YEAR RACKET OF LIES & EXTORTION: The ratification process was RIGGED. States were coerced, votes were falsified! The IRS was CREATED as a deep-state weapon to control YOU! This is not just fraud—it’s TREASON! They KNEW the 16th Amendment was never legally ratified, but they shoved it through ANYWAY. WAKE UP, AMERICA!
  • THE 1985 SMOKING GUN – A LETTER THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING! In 1985, an IRS Commissioner ADMITTED the truth in a CONFIDENTIAL letter: The 16th Amendment was NEVER legally ratified! The IRS KNEW their entire system was built on a lie, but they continued to EXTORT TRILLIONS from American citizens!
  • Think about this: Every single paycheck deduction, every audit, every penalty, every tax bill—ALL OF IT WAS ILLEGAL! You have been ROBBED for over a CENTURY!
  • $330 TRILLION STOLEN – WHERE DID IT GO? Not into roads, not into schools, not into making America better. It went to corrupt politicians, globalist elites, and deep-state operatives! They stole OUR money and used it to enslave us!
  • THE DEEP STATE IS PANICKING! They are scrambling to suppress this information, labeling it “misinformation” because they KNOW what happens if Americans WAKE UP!
  • They will censor us. They will attack us. They will silence us.
  • Judy Note: They will take away our home and put us in jail. See Ken Cromar “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” Case in #Za of this Update.




    Fri. 7 March 2025 NATO COLLAPSES – TRUMP CUTS TIES – EUROPE IN CRISIS! …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • The European Union is in full panic mode. Ursula von der Leyen’s reckless $840 billion military rearmament plan is a desperate gamble, dragging Europe into an economic and geopolitical catastrophe. NATO is crumbling, Washington is pulling out, and Russia stands victorious.
  • A Financial Black Hole: Europe’s Self-Destruction: The so-called “ReArm Europe Plan” is built on debt and deception. EU nations, already struggling, are being forced into unsustainable financial burdens. This isn’t about security—it’s about control. A debt-ridden Europe is easier to manipulate, strip of resources, and force into submission under a centralized regime.
  • The real winners? The military-industrial complex. Mega-corporations and defense contractors profit while European economies collapse. This is manufactured chaos, deliberately destabilizing Europe from within.
  • Trump Pulls the Plug: NATO Is Finished: Trump’s decision to cut NATO funding has shattered the EU’s illusion of power. No more free security, no more blank checks. Europe depended on Washington, but now it’s left exposed—unable to meet defense spending requirements, bankroll Ukraine, or challenge Russia.
  • Trump’s move forces Europe into a corner. Without U.S. backing, the EU has no leverage and no future as a global power. The message is clear: Russia is now in control.
  • The S*****e Mission: Who Benefits? The EU knows it cannot outmatch Russia. Its military industry is depleted, its energy sector in crisis, and its economies collapsing. Yet, the elites push forward—not to win, but to create permanent instability.
  • This isn’t about protecting Europe—it’s about total control. And as NATO crumbles, the final power shift to Russia is already happening.
  • The blueprint is clear:

    – Sanctions on Russia backfired, destroying European industry.
    – Energy shortages were engineered, crippling national economies.
    – A refugee crisis was manufactured, destabilizing entire nations.
    – Now, a military buildup through crushing debt, ensuring economic collapse.
  • Thurs. 6 March 2025 BQQQM!!! The Hidden Truth: JFK Sr.’s Secret Survival Exposed! …Political Vault on Telegram

  • What if history isn’t what we’ve been told? What if John F. Kennedy Sr. survived not once, but twice, escaping death to outwit the Cabal’s dark grip on the world? This is no conspiracy—it’s a seismic revelation that changes everything we know about power, secrecy, and survival.
  • The Enigma of JFK Sr.’s Death: The world believed JFK Sr. passed in 2021, but mounting evidence points to a different story. Could his “death” have been another escape to protect secrets too dangerous to reveal? With whispers of a Witness Protection exodus involving 900 individuals, it’s clear this wasn’t an ordinary farewell—it was a covert operation shielding monumental truths.
  • The Witness Protection Web: Why were so many relocated under witness protection? These individuals are believed to hold knowledge of JFK Sr.’s survival and the Cabal’s hidden agenda. Witness protection isn’t random; it’s reserved for those in mortal danger due to what they know. The timing and scale of this operation scream conspiracy.
  • The Cabal’s Dark Secrets: JFK Sr. wasn’t just a man of hope—he was a threat to the Cabal, a shadowy group with its claws deep in global systems. Their alleged crimes? Manipulating world events for power. Orchestrating wars, human t*********g, and financial domination. Silencing anyone who dares to expose their corruption.
  • Could JFK Sr. have uncovered their darkest secrets? The Cabal’s desperation to eliminate him—first in Dallas, and later in 2021—only confirms the danger he posed to their reign.
  • The Mysterious Deaths: The Cabal silences threats. From Princess Diana to Chester Bennington, from Anthony Bourdain to Seth Rich, countless figures tied to truth-telling or humanitarian causes met untimely deaths. Coincidence? Or systematic elimination of those who got too close to the truth?
  • A Fight for Transparency: The truth is surfacing, and the Cabal’s grip is weakening. This is a call to action. The people must unite, push for transparency, and demand accountability.
  • The storm is here. The Cabal’s secrets are unraveling, and the world is waking up. History will not remember their lies—it will remember the truth. Are you ready? The fight for freedom begins now.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

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    Must Watch Videos:

  • Thurs. 6 March Situation Update (video): SANCTUARY CITY MAYORS, CHARLIE WARD, CHILD T*********G, DOGE, UKRAINE & MORE.
  • Fri. 7 March 2025 Situation Update (video): 
  • Fri. 7 March 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: DOGE Documents Uncovered: CIA Tried To K**l Trump Twice. US Inc. Dissolved: No More Washington DC, Federal Reserve, IRS, Fiat US Dollar. . . – – American Media Group
  • Fri. 7 March 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: CIA Twice Tried To K**l Trump; GCR, Mass Arrests Imminent; Children Rescued From S*****c Abusers | Politics | Before It’s News  
  • [Note: Sensitive and repeated content in this report has been redacted. See the full unredacted report attached below.]

    Read Full Report (Doc):

    Read Full Report (PDF):

    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 7, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 6, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 5, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 3, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2025 – – American Media Group

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 1, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 28, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 27, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
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    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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