Sunday, 22 September 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 15, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 15, 2024

Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 5:23 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 15 May 2024

Compiled Wed. 15 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

EBS Alert!
The US Military is stationed in around 300 to 360 cities, bracing for the shockwave of the Brunson Brothers announcement, which revolves around the return of Donald Trump and Impeachment of Joe Biden.

…Trump Mission on Telegram Tues. 14 May 2024

President Donald Trump
Champion of the Free World
“President Trump embodies not only the defender of America but also the champion of the entire free world. He represents you too. His importance resonates in his contributions to humanity, akin to Abraham Lincoln's actions in 1863, where he played a pivotal role in eradicating one of history's darkest blights: slavery. President Trump is dismantling our invisible restraints, be they debts to banks, or the machinations of hidden powers. He strives to quell global conflicts and foster reconciliation among nations, liberating us from the grip of clandestine forces and granting us the gift of liberty.”
…JFK Jr., USA Vice President

I Am a Child of God (

Judy Note: Q is the 17th Letter of the Alphabet, while the Letter 17 is considered the greatest operation in the history of the world. The Q Movement supports the Global Currency Reset and is behind forming and running the Global Military Alliance. Right now the Global Military Alliance is arresting and bringing to justice, over half a million Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalists. That Globalist’s New World Order Agenda 2030 is designed to completely control The People by depopulating the World, creating bio-weapon [redacted] and food shortages, plus implementing a fiat digital banking system that controlled what, how and where you spend your money.

  • Tues. 14 May 2024: “Already started. Boom week ahead! Rothschild is dead. Today’s Delta, it's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago. [-21] Within the next 21 days BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place. My fellow Americans, what you are about to go through will be very painful.” …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Tues. 14 May 2024
  • Tues. 14 May 2024:We are warriors doing battle on this irregular Battlefield, throwing daggers at the enemy; collecting important Intel to use as we wish, knowing God has a hand on our shoulders. God Bless our brave troops, and may God bless our lost and injured children.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Tues. 14 May 2024
  • Mon. 13 May 2024: Q+ ( THE GREAT AWAKENING ) 17 cities.1 event. Time to put out fires. THE 34 SATANIC PLACES TO BE DESTROYED: (
  • On Fri. 10 May 2024 the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that talks to draw up a global pandemic pact to fight future pandemics have ended without a draft agreement. Benjamin Fulford said his Pentagon sources confirmed that the millions of military age male illegal immigrants brought to enforce the WHO treaty would be rounded up and sent home.
  • In the early morning hours of Mon. 1 Feb. 2021 and with the US functioning under Martial Law, Joe Biden and 464 elected government officials were said arrested and released inside the Capitol Hill area. Capitol Hill had been surrounded in eight foot high barbed wire fencing since Inauguration Day 20 Jan. 2021. Washington DC remained guarded by over 30,000 National Guard troops.
  • Tues. 14 May 2024 A Thank You from Q: “Mission accomplished. Irregular warfare. Operators engaged. Thank you for your service. WWG1WGA! …Q The Storm on Telegram Tues. 14 May 2024
  • Mon. 13 May 2024: Situation Update: Black Swan Is In The Air! NATO & The West Continue To Provoke War Worldwide! Biden Show Falling Apart! The Dollar Collapse Is Imminent! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 13 May 2024 Situation Update: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 5/13/24 (
  • If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories or American Media Group ( Websites.

    Timeline Hints




  • Wed. 8 May 2024: EAS, EBS ACTIVATED! PACK UR BAG, LEAVE THE BS BEHIND. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Wed. 8 May 2024
  • Thurs. 9 May 2024: LOOK UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. GREEN SKY EN ROUTE!!! ITS COMING. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Thurs. 9 May 2024
  • Thurs. 9 May 2024: WARNING: ONLY 24 HOURS REMAINING!!! TURN NOTIFICATIONS ON !!! BE READY. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Thurs. 9 May 2024
  • Fri. 10 May 2024: COUNTDOWN INITIATED. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Fri. 10 May 2024
  • Sat. 11 May 2024: Mission accomplished. Irregular warfare. Operators engaged. Thank you for your service. WWG1WGA! …Q on Telegram Sat. 11 May 2024
  • Sun. 12 May 2024: MILITARY GREEN LIGHT ACTIVATED. PRAY. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sun. 12 May 2024
  • Mon. 13 May 2024: TICK – TOCK THE SHIFT IS HERE. IT’S DONE. ENJOY. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 13 May 2024
  • Tues. 14 MAY 2024: Mission accomplished. Irregular warfare. Operators engaged. Thank you for your service. WWG1WGA! …Q on Telegram Tues. 14 May 2024
  • Tues. 14 May 2024: “May this Saturday (Sat. 18 May) bring peace and happiness into your life, as always may the Lord be there with you, and guide your footsteps along each day of your life!” …Q on Telegram Tues. 14 May 2024.
  • Tues. 14 May 2024 The military is stationed in around 300 to 360 cities, bracing for the shockwave of the Brunson Brothers announcement, which revolves around the return of Donald Trump and the impeachment of Joe Biden. EBS Alert!!! Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of U.S. Cities! 10-Day Blackout, GITMO’s Secret Tribunals and the Rollout of Redemption Centers & Quantum Financial Cards! – Gazetteller
  • Tues. 14 May 2024 = The Final Battle. Guaranteed Victory. Rats are taken care of. WE ARE THE ELITE PATRIOTS. Foreign heads of state are in hysteria. BOOMERANG. Hold the line. …Q
  • The Black Swan Event & EBS = Downfall of the Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalists:

  • Tues. 14 May 2024: BOMBSHELL! Deep State’s Downfall – Trump and the Quantum Financial System Launch an All-Out Assault on the Globalist CABAL! – Gazetteller
  • Tues. 14 May 2024 Black Swan Financial Event Has Begun, Juan O Savin:
  • Tues. 14 May 2024: EBS Alert!!! Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of U.S. Cities! 10-Day Blackout, GITMO’s Secret Tribunals and the Rollout of Redemption Centers & Quantum Financial Cards! – Gazetteller

  • The military is stationed in around 300 to 360 cities, bracing for the shockwave of the Brunson Brothers announcement, which revolves around the return of Donald Trump and the impeachment of Joe Biden.
  • In recent times, a staggering 13,000 arrests have taken place in California, with an additional 3,000 in the Northeast U.S., especially concentrating in the New England region.
  • Navy Seals managed to save over 300 children, some as young as toddlers, from an oil tanker off the coast of San Francisco. Unfortunately, 15 of these innocent souls didn’t make it. These children were transferred to a battleship where they currently receive care and attention. But who’s orchestrating these malevolent acts? Who stands to gain from such wickedness?
  • Some cities were already under Military Law – those with a significant Antifa/BLM presence.
  • The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) promises a blackout akin to a cataclysmic event, so preparations are essential. Starlink, the entity that will drive the EBS, ensures its messages are indelible.
  • Our lives will pivot to a standstill, as we may lose access to the internet for an agonizing span of 3 to 10 days. 
  • Have in storage essentials like clean drinking water, adequate food supplies, medicines and cash on hand. 
  • Once the eerie silence of the EBS ends your TV, phone, and even Internet will spring back to life, revealing the Disclosures, a series of broadcasts split into 8-hour blocks and running continuously.
  • Cities drenched in alleged corruption like Los Angeles and New York may face a prolonged viewing period.
  • 900 individuals presumed dead are alive, protected by the Witness Program.
  • Redemption Centers are gateways to claim our Gesara (Globally) and Nesara (U.S.) monetary entitlements via the Quantum Financial Access card.
  • Wells Fargo has taken the mantle of mirroring all bank accounts onto this futuristic Quantum Financial System (QFS). This ensures the safety of our money, including 401ks and retirement funds.
  • Bond and Zim Holders will be contacted according to your Zip Code.
  • Redemption Centers operate round-the-clock, prioritizing exchanges based on the gold-backed value of currencies like Zim, Dinar, Dong, and the Dollar. Not all bonds are welcome; only those under a Special Keep Receipt (SKR) for over five years are eligible. Judy Note: It is my opinion that this note about SKRs was not referring to the Zim Bond.
  • The process of bond payments is predicted to span across three years, marking a gradual transition. It’s a game of value and volume. Those with container loads of bonds will be in the fast lane, while someone with a mere three pallets might face a longer wait. Bond payouts can stretch up to 25 years. They are of great value since they’re gold-backed.
  • The American continent enjoys a unique advantage. The rate of foreign currencies, especially Zim, fluctuates. There’s chatter about a hefty 80% humanitarian project deduction from Zim Bonds.
  • Entering a Redemption Center isn’t a straightforward process, especially if one’s past is tainted with felonies. A felony, typically punishable with a year’s imprisonment, isn’t an automatic disqualification. Yet, the intricacies of Redemption require felons to entrust their representation to an attorney. This legal mediator serves as the bridge between their tainted past and the promise of a new financial future.
  • Indiscriminate investments or donations can lead to the confiscation of funds. At Redemption Centers, individuals are provided a comprehensive 55-page guide listing entities that are permissible for investments and those that are off-limits. This is about ethical choices. Funding endeavors that perpetrate ‘Crimes Against Humanity‘, be it human trafficking, drug trade, or gun-running, can lead to dire consequences.
  • Redemption Centers are equipped with technology that claims to gauge the purity of one’s heart. As outlandish as it sounds, this ‘heart scan’ is the first checkpoint. Those harboring criminal intentions or malice are identified. Their ill-gotten gains aren’t just confiscated but redirected to Humanitarian Projects, ensuring that the wealth benefits the greater good.
  • Tues. 14 May 2024: EMERGENCY!! Phone & Internet BLACKOUT in MULTIPLE STATES – Law Enforcement WARNING PREPARE NOW!! – Gazetteller
  • Tues. 14 May 2024 PROJECT ODIN will go together with the EAS/EBS… It is a military unit that supervises military forces in ground operations.

  • ODIN means:
    ● DETECT
  • During the EBS every major media channel on the planet will broadcast for 10 days all the channels on the planet will be taken over by the Alliance everything will be revealed political institutions famous religious
  • The final three days will reveal suppressed extraterrestrial life Patents and the new Earth.
  • PROJECT ODIN and military GESARA, a monumental combination that promises to overthrow the Cabal's hold on global power.
  • Prepare for the most dramatic change in modern history when the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) emerges, signaling a new era of truth, justice and liberation.
  • The stage is set, the actors are in position, and the world is about to witness a seismic shift that will reshape the course of history.
  • PROJECT ODIN, a project shrouded in secrecy, is about to be revealed to the world.
  • But what is PROJECT ODIN and how does it connect to the military GESARA and the long-awaited Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)? PROJECT ODIN: PROJECT ODIN, as cryptically mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is not just another codename; It is the key to dismantling the Mossad Media satellite network that has been at the center of global manipulation for too long.
  • This bold mission is not for the faint of heart; is the linchpin of the Quantum Starlink system, a quantum leap in technology that promises to redefine our world.
  • The new Quantum Systems, part of Quantum Starlink, represent a paradigm shift in technology.
  • These systems are protected by secret space programs that operate beyond the reach of the Cabal, ensuring their integrity and security.
  • As the Cabal-controlled media crumbles, these Quantum Systems will emerge as heralds of truth and transparency.
  • The Cabal's Last Stand: Q, the enigmatic figure behind many revelations, has predicted the elimination of the Mossad media.
  • But what comes next is even deeper. Whiplash has hinted at a major theatrical production, a misleading depiction of World War III, that will actually serve as a catalyst for the activation of military forces around the world.
  • A Biblical Scenario Revealed: In a twist of fate, this orchestrated chaos will pave the way for the activation of Armed Forces around the world, unleashing a torrent of events that will bring the Cabal to its knees.
  • The NESARA/GESARA funds will finally see the light of day and the people will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.
  • Identifying the Illuminati's Satanic Strongholds – The Kabbalah network stretches far and wide, but Q has given us insight into its most prominent strongholds.
  • The United States in an almost instant military dictatorship. Commanded by none other than Joe Biden, a multitude of events take place as the Kabbalah faces its reckoning, a cascade of events will unfold.
  • Global Currency Reset:

    Tues. 14 May 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

  • On Sat. 11 May the attempt on Trump’s life at his rally temporarily rescinded the GCR Green Light. That Green Light has not yet been given.
  • Bruce’s US Space Force contact indicated Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would have a window to receive notification between tonight Tues. 14 May and Wed. night 15 May.
  • An Iraqi source said there was an in-country Dinar Rate at over $8. The Dong was just below $8.
  • The Dinar went on a CBI platform to trade (not on the Forex).
  • On Sun. 12 May the PM of Iraq made two of the three announcements he was supposed to make, with the third announcement made on Mon. 13 May.
  • Our banking accounts have been mirrored on the QFS. Those accounts were made live on the QFS yesterday Mon. 13 May.
  • Tues. 14 May 2024: The Ancient Frequency Powering the Quantum Financial System Revealed: Setting Up the QFS Accounts!
  • Mon. 13 May 2024: NESARA & QFS Plan: The Process of RV Redemption Started, Actual Signature Forms like NDA and Post-Redemption Plan Documents – Trust the Plan! – American Media Group (
  • Tues. 14 May 2024: EBS Alert!!! Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of U.S. Cities! 10-Day Blackout, GITMO’s Secret Tribunals and the Rollout of Redemption Centers & Quantum Financial Cards! – Gazetteller
  • NESARA/GESARA: The Dawn of a New World

  • “The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!” Prepare for a world where poverty, hunger, and debt are relics of the past, replaced by global prosperity and lasting peace for all!
  • NESARA Joins Forces with GESARA: In a monumental shift, NESARA, a comprehensive economic reform plan for the United States, has united its destiny with GESARA, its global counterpart. This momentous announcement heralds a profound transformation that will impact not only the United States but also a coalition of 206 sovereign nations worldwide. The linchpin of this transformation is the new financial system enshrined within GESARA.
  • A Global Gold-Standard Monetary System: Once GESARA takes center stage, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will declare the inception of a “global gold-standard monetary system.” In this new era, all remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-backed currency, a significant step away from paper money. The march toward digital currencies will gain momentum under this revitalized financial system.
  • A Transition Rooted in Simplicity: To ensure a seamless transition, meticulous preparations have been made. The new financial system has been operational for months, securely hosted on a quantum server impervious to hacking or unauthorized access. Crucially, wealth proliferation is a cornerstone of this transformation. Newly minted wealth holders are more inclined to contribute to humanitarian efforts, ultimately fostering wealth for all.
  • Wealth-Building Mechanisms: This transformation might witness a shortage of skilled workers, which, paradoxically, is a wealth-building catalyst. The resulting surge in wages and salaries counterbalances the price drop stemming from tax reductions, sometimes up to 80% of final product costs, thus ushering in deflation. Lower energy costs, thanks to free-energy technologies, further contribute to this financial renaissance.
  • The Future: A Glorious Reality: Our future is poised to be a grand tapestry of innovation and abundance. Technologies once suppressed by the cabal, some dating back centuries, are finally being unleashed. For instance, the pristine waters of Antarctica will revitalize arid regions and infuse life into all flora and fauna. A world with personalized credit cards, Replicators that produce everything, and newfound awareness of the power of the mind to manifest our desires awaits. Real healthcare capable of rejuvenating our bodies, re-growing limbs or organs, and even reversing the aging process by decades is on the horizon.
  • Liberation from Financial Chains: Money and traditional banking, tools historically employed by the cabal to manipulate and control us within a debt-based economy, are slated for obsolescence. Coinage, however, will endure. With the elimination of national debts globally, taxes will be lowered for individuals and corporations. Instead, a flat sales tax of approximately 15% on new items will be implemented.
  • The Dissolution of the Global Elite's Pyramid: The current pyramid structure dominated by the global elite, governments, and corporations has reached its limit. This structure perpetuates class divisions and scarcity. True spiritual evolution arises when one's identity transcends material attachments. With the advent of free energy, advanced transportation, and Replicators accessible to all, true equality emerges. No one will be enslaved, people will pursue their passions with ample free time for reflection and creativity. Hoarding becomes unnecessary.
  • A Vision of Advanced Civilization: In advanced civilizations, concerns about food, shelter, and transportation are relics of the past. As NESARA and GESARA unfurl, we stand on the brink of a world where prosperity, freedom, and innovation thrive, and the human spirit soars unburdened by material concerns.
  • The Critical GESARA Teachings Every American Needs to Learn Before the Financial Reset!
  • The Real News for Tues. 14 May 2024:




  • Alaska: The electromagnetic waves of the military funded HARP machine in Alaska can destroy everything on Earth. They have started fires and caused earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes.
  • Tues. 14 May 2024: (HAARP-caused?) tornados and floods have resulted in Federal Emergency for Nebraska, Oklahoma, Michigan, Louisiana: The National Guard has been deployed to the streets and mass looting is taking place in Nebraska, Oklahoma and Michigan after major tornado damage. Also Louisiana has been issued multiple tornado warnings tonight. The National Guard will stop people and arrest looters. Emergency services haven’t been able to get gas due to looting. Gas shortages blackouts and societal collapse are happening right now. A State of Emergency has been declared in multiple states. The sheriff is warning and law enforcement that things could get worse. “Stand firm, and you will win life.” Federal Emergency!! National Guard On The Streets! Mass Looting! Multiple States! – Patrick Humphrey News | Survival | Before It's News (
  • There is no law in the US 50 states that says you must pay taxes on your income.
  • Tues. 14 May 2024 Canada: A recent measure dictates that individuals who gain capital taxes exceeding C$250,000 ($180,804) will face a tax rate of 66.7%, a notable increase from the current 50%. Moreover, companies and trusts will also see their capital gains taxed at the same elevated rate of 66.7%. This adjustment aims to ensure a fairer distribution of tax burdens and aligns with efforts to address income inequality and bolster public revenues.
  • Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist Agenda:

  • Mon. 13 May 2024: Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones & Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity (
  • Must Watch Videos:

  • Tues. 14 May 2024: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Ready? Warning: Stay Tuned! Blackout! Three More Days. Be Ready. Special Intel Report 5/14/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 13 May 2024 Situation Update: Situation Update: Black Swan Is In The Air! NATO & The West Continue To Provoke War Worldwide! Biden Show Falling Apart! The Dollar Collapse Is Imminent! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 13 May 2024 X22 Report: X22 Report: Deep State Panics Over NJ Wildwood Rally! Blue To Red! Sum Of All Fears! This Is The Final Battle! – A Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Tues. 14 May 2024: Pascal Najadi: New, Urgent Info – Cutting Away the Head of the Snake (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

    Read Full Report (Doc):

    Read Full Report (PDF):

    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 14, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 13, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 12, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 11, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 10, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 8, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official



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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
  • USA
  • Previous articleA True Outline of the Power of Archangels within the ET Agenda Now Gripping Earth
    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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