Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 7, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 7, 2024

Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 4:27 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 7 May 2024

Compiled Tues. 7 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

Game Over.
Thank You for Playing.
Be Prepared.

“Together we are stronger. Together we are unbroken. Together we can do anything.”
…Donald Trump

In case of a disaster, it’s only wise to have at least a three week supply of food, water, cash and essential items for yourself and to share with others.

Love One Another (2012) | The Tabernacle Choir (

As I have loved you,
Love one another.
This new commandment:
Love one another.
By this shall men know, ye are my disciples,
If ye have love, one to another.

If the Devil keeps asking you to look at your troublesome past, you can be assured there’s something fantastic in your future that he doesn’t want you to see.

Judy Note: There’s a Long Week Ahead. Keep the Faith. Stay United. Trust The Plan.

  • GLIMPSE: You Cannot Possibly Imagine the Size of This. Trust There are More Good Than Bad. We are Not Alone. The World is Helping. We are All Connected in this Fight. PATRIOTS UNITE. We are Winning BIG. Watch the Speech. God Bless. …Mr. Pool on Telegram Mon. 6 May 2024
  • Sun. 5 May, Q: Patriots, stay united, and keep the faith strong. It will happen in due course. It's hard to be patient, and we don’t know the plan, but good will prevail. Freedom is coming. Trust in God and trust President Trump!!!
  • The EBS Emergency Broadcast System will soon be activated to play an 8-hour video 3 times a day for 10 days. 7 EBS text messages will be sent to all phones alerting us to tune our TVs. The videos will detail mass arrests, court cases, fraud, corruption and pedophilia by elites.
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: Pharmaceutical companies knowingly sold a treatment infected with HIV to the NHS:
  • Former President Donald Trump vowed to deliver the “largest mass deportation effort” in American history if elected – nearly 20 million illegals will be deported.
  • Facts you need to know: Biden stole the election. Fauci can't be trusted. Bill Gates isn't a doctor. Hillary belongs in prison. Epstein didn't kill himself. The Media is propaganda. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 6 May 2024
  • Sun. 5 May 2024: Benjamin Fulford: BLACK SWAN EVENT WARNING 5/5/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Trump Return Sparks Fear of Imminent Financial Collapse, Johnson:
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: Google's own AI said that the US moon landing photos and videos were fake. Putin didn’t look surprised. He already knows. They're all in on it.
  • By 1993 the CIA had developed masks so real that they couldn’t be detected in a face to face conversation. Imagine the advances that have been made in the last 30 years.
  • Sun. 5 May 2024 Situation Update: Situation Update: Operation Storm! President Trump Calls For Jack Smith To Be Arrested! Biden's Deep State Donors Also Fund Violent Protests! Global Nuclear Scare Event! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: BIG Week Ahead. The Storm is Upon Us. Be Ready. When the Moment Arrives, We Are Ready to Go. Together We Will Drain the Swamp… – American Media Group (
  • Sun. 5 May 2024 Situation Update: Situation Update: Operation Storm! President Trump Calls For Jack Smith To Be Arrested! Biden's Deep State Donors Also Fund Violent Protests! Global Nuclear Scare Event! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Judy Note: Donations Badly Needed For Maui Victims. The Deep State Cabal wanted to make Lahaina Maui Hawaii into a SMART city, so last August they used Direct Energy Weapons to burn it to the ground. The resulting Lahaina fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in Hawaii State history:2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated.




    Every day since, the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation native volunteers have been supplying three meals a day to their now 2,369 still-displaced fellow victims.

    The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has recently cut funding down to one meal a day for those victims. Any amount you could give would be greatly appreciated. There was $500K needed right away to continue the three meals a day.

    Please send your donation to the Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina Website – the only site dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua  Donations (

    Judy Note: I have had numerous reports that when sending my Updates to someone by email that they have been automatically directed to those people’s Spam, Junk Mail or Trash. The Cabal can be very frustrating – but realize we are far greater in number and have much more power than they. We just need to learn, speak out and act – and if that means searching through your Trash to find out the latest, so be it.

    If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories or American Media Group ( Websites.

    Apparent Timing

    Mon. 29 April: The Military Alliance was given the Green Light to begin Operation Storm and make mass arrests of Global Elites charged with Crimes Against Humanity.




    Wed. 1 May: The Global Currency Reset of 209 countries began.

    Fri. 3 May: Iraq celebrated their financial inclusion in the Global Financial System. Columbia, Brazil, Chile Paymasters began RV-ing.

    Sat. 4 May: Foreign Currency Exchange Regulations were completed.

    Mon. 6 May: According to Wolverine, the majority of RV appointments began on Mon. 6 May and would go through Fri. 10 May, with launches continuing on Mon. 13 May and ending on Fri. 17 May.

    Wed. 15 May: “We are passing through the gate (on Wed. 15 May).” …17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

    Mon. 20 May:

    Mon. 27 May: Civil War Two might begin in the USA on Mon. 27 May when Texas is set to secede from the rest of the country, while on that same Monday Biden planned to cede US Sovereignty to WHO in a Pandemic Treaty.

    Thurs. 11 June: A very famous music artist was set to reveal that they faked their own passing.

    Thurs. 19 September: The first ever Category Six Hurricane could occur on the US East Coast, slamming the Carolinas

    Global Currency Reset:




  • Mon. 6 May 2024 MarkZ: “I absolutely know this has started. I know people who now have dollars. According to my best contacts in the group, there was an interesting movement of money over the weekend. It's clearly positioned to go, but I'm not sure we'll see it today. Wolverine says 1,000% it will go today. We’ve seen a lot of money movement over the weekend so it could go today. I’m not quite certain, though there’s certainly a potential.”
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Wolverine: “It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. What I can tell you is that we are liquid. The money is actually available. It’s just a matter of time in order for the Green Light to be given. Exchanges have started. I’ve been told not to say anything more. I can’t give you a date. Remember, it’s a military operation, but we are defiantly close. Take care. Have a beautiful day. Wolverine.”
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Wolverine: From a member “My $17,000 old student loan, which was actually a parent loan for my son was just paid in full. I hadn’t paid on it in years cause I knew it was illegal debt so I put it in forbearance. $17,000 was paid in full. Thank you, Nesara!”
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Golden Telegraph on Twitter: “Zimbabwe will convert its annual budget to its gold-backed currency. Officially transitioning its currency from paper to gold. Let's watch”:
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Banking Intel: Commercial Lenders (Relationship Managers) are currently receiving electronic messages to sign up for Foreign Currency Training. Commercial and Investment Banks are a fundamental part of the Foreign Exchange Market. Essentially, they are the ones that push trades through on behalf of their customers and high dollar clients. Commercial Lenders (Relationship Managers) are the go-between by which all participants must trade when it comes to Foreign Currency Exchanges. Since they are the principal sellers (Wealth Managers) within the Forex Market, they are the person who gives someone else authority to act on a client's behalf. Goldilocks,sellers%20within%20the%20Forex%20market,clients%20through%20various%20loan%20processes,as%20a%20seller%20or%20buyer.
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Major Update on Dinar, Ariel:

  • Economic affairs expert Safwan Qusay confirmed that financial liquidity is available and there are no high risks regarding the existence of the Iraqi dinar. He pointed out, “Iraq has completed all its financial needs, and the rest of it needs the price of a barrel of oil to reach only $96 to cover the financial deficit.”
  • The Foreign Currency Exchange Regulations were completed on May 4th, 2024.
  • Foreign Currency Exchange Regulations play a crucial role in the Iraqi Dinar revaluation and conversion to USD in 2024 by ensuring the process is conducted smoothly and transparently. These regulations set the framework for international transactions involving the Iraqi Dinar, which is vital for the currency's international acceptance and stability. They also help prevent illegal activities like money laundering and support Iraq's efforts to combat the financing of terrorism.
  • Economist Muhammad Hashem Helou confirmed that the Central Bank cannot float the dinar exchange rate.
  • The parallel market is reaching the official price of the REER-(Real Effective Exchange Rate).
  • Al-Rafidain Bank announced the application of the new platform that will allow electronic banking for Iraqis. Which is the main branch.
  • The Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Planning Committee, Muhammad Karim, confirmed last Thursday, that the 2024 budget will proceed after completing the changes in its schedules for allocations for governorate and ministries projects.
  • Atheer Daoud Al Ghurairi, Minister of Commerce of Iraq, has confirmed that Iraq has completed the requirements to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) after completing economic reforms and improving the business environment.
  • There is an accession ceremony happening on May 9th for 9 countries, Iraq being one of them per article that came out a month ago.
  • Global Financial Crisis:

  • Fri. 3 May 2024: Alert: Debt Crisis Equal Currency Crisis Equal Currency Collapse… Which Begins in 3 Weeks | Politics | Before It's News (
  • French banks exit from Africa will create opportunities for local banks, Fitch Solution:
  • A timeline of DBS’ recent banking glitches:
  • Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve is shut down. U.S. Corporation is bankrupted.
  • Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara is growing! QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested.
  • The Global/Galactic Alliance was working on removing the vise-grip on humanity from the Deep State Cabal — currently removing the satanic spell on the global mass. The Deep State was in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & lunging wild attacks.
  • Q45 JFK Organization on Telegram Mon. 6 May 2024:

  • My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days, you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country, the land of the free, from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.
  • Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.
  • On POTUS' order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned, and special ops carried out.
  • False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and ensure special operator necessity.
  • Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted fully.
  • However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided, as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.
  • We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.
  • Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-written to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
  • The Real News for Mon. 6 May 2024:

  • Wed. 1 May Pandora's Box Evidence: Mike Gill Has Conversation With A Cartel Hitman, Exposing The Money Laundering Network, Multiple Car Dealerships Involved (VIDEO) | Resources | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 6 May: JAG Arrests Former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman | Real Raw News
  • Fri. 26 April 2024 Trump Drops Truth Bomb, Charlie Ward:
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: Elon Musk & Tucker Carlson have successfully canceled: MSNBC, CNN, BBC, FOX, The New York Times, The Washington Post, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and every media & social media outlet that has consistently censored free speech.
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Justice Kavanaugh Asks Jack Smith’s Prosecutor Why Barack Obama Was Never Charged For Drone Strikes Against Civilians:
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 White Hats Won: US and Israel Will Cease to Exist, World Peace: 
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 JFK Jr.: “We use the mosquitoes like they're 1000 small flying syringes.” Genetically modified mosquitoes have been given the green light to be released in America, for use in “vaccinating people against their will”, among other things.
  • Illuminati Cabal Deep State Globalist Agenda:

  • Reformed ex-climate alarmist, Tom Harris: Wind turbines “require a backup fossil fuel plant that continues burning 90% of the time, making the wind turbine largely unnecessary and, in essence, just for show. This is a far cry from the environmentally friendly image that is presented to the public.”
  • 40 senators have co-sponsored a bill that would require you to upload your drivers license before being able to post online. They say it's to “protect children” but in reality,  they want your home address on file and to ensure you're not using a VPN. Wrong think will not be tolerated. Unbelievable.
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: HAARP remains very active in Iowa. Super Storms are being created to further the climate change propaganda.
  • The Globalists’ Disturbing Plan to Take Over the Food Supply: If you’ve wondered why climate change policies always seem to negatively impact farmers, it is not a coincidence. The truth is that they’re trying to put farmers out of business. But why? Well, if they succeed, then the pharmaceutical industry can essentially take over the food supply. Catherine Austin Fitts warns, “Once they have control of your transactions, they can dictate your health policies, and they can dictate what food you can and cannot buy. So, if they don’t want you buying pizza, you can’t buy pizza. If they want you to buy pizza made with insect-based flour, that’s what you’re going to get. They’re literally planning on getting rid of all the farmers and instituting food created synthetically in manufacturing laboratories … If they succeed in doing that, you and I will be eating lab-grown meat. That’s their plan.”
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: Cabal Caused Food Shortages:
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • ALL WARS have been started by a False Flag: Pearl Harbor in WW2, Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, 9/11 in Iraq. On 9/11, Building 7 fell without anything hitting it. 9/11 also stopped Nesara. Building WTC 7 was destroyed to prevent NESARA GESARA. What’s happening in Israel is to STOP GESARA. The ‘Revaluation’ of all currencies is HERE. The fleeing Khazarians have lost control of the world financial system. ALL the major ‘Oil-Producing’ countries have joined BRICS+ & they are primarily Arab countries. …The Joe Rogan Experience on Telegram Mon. 6 May 2024
  • Mon. 6 May War Alert NATO Prepares Major Attack on Russia:
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: The US Will Send Troops | Russia Responds As Harshly As Possible. Military Summary For 2024.05.06 | War and Conflict | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 NATO Prepares to Attack Russia:
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 US Tanks in Moscow:
  • Biden Crime Family:

  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Julian Assange: “The primary reason for all of these terrible protests is Crooked Joe Biden. He is unable to talk, unable to reason, unable to put two simple sentences together, unable to even climb 3 steps to a helicopter, or the main stairs to Air Force One. In other words, his mind and body are shot. He is also, and has always been, a very dishonest man, a Manchurian Candidate, of sorts, receiving money, for no apparent reason, from foreign countries, and blatantly prosecuting his Political Opponent in an attempt to win the Presidential Election of 2024. This is Election Interference only used by Third World Countries. Now we have the protests, and Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t know what to do — Next will be World War Three, and everything else! We are a Nation in Serious Decline, a Failing Nation, but we will not be a Failing Nation much longer. Four years ago we were a GREAT NATION, AND WE WILL SOON BE A GREAT NATION AGAIN!!! MAGA2024.”
  • JPMorgan Chase Bank previously filed a ‘suspicious activity’ report relating to Hunter Biden, and possible prostitution/human trafficking, indicated by his account’s unusual transactions.
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 OPEN LETTER TO THE MILITARY…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 6 May 2024

  • We the People are asking you to assist us to take our country and sovereignty back from the corporation and FED Banksters and corrupt politicians. We are FIRING every last one of them!!! They no longer represent us; therefore, they are FIRED!!!! 
  • We are done being slaves and paying taxes that our gov wastes our $$ and it's not even backed by gold, which is fiat worthless paper by illegal and corrupt FED!!! 
  • We want the 2020 election fixed; we know you all know JB the Pedo did NOT win.  We have the right to dissolve the gov when all other measures have been exhausted.
  • We have tried January 6th protests, Convoy’s, Multitudes of protests, going to school board meetings, Town meetings, Attending the Trump Rallies, the rightful winner!!
  • Social Media Warriors Voting: election machines rigged & It was ALL rigged, See the movie RIGGED and Mike Lendel’s Proof.
  • We have lost friends, family members thru covid, poisonous vaccines, and thru sharing the horrific truth of all hidden from us for decades, Kennedy assassination and 9/11 is just two of 100s of examples we could give.
  • We are tired of wars and paying for wars we DO NOT want!!!  We do NOT want to support any wars unless enemies attack us.
  • We want our country back and are demanding you act ASAP on our behalf, we want action, we want our sovereignty, we never agreed to be a mini corporation at birth and given all Capitol letters on our birth certificates!!!! We never agreed to be traded like cattle while others make $$ from us unknowingly.
  • We refuse to be slaves to the Deep State for one moment longer.
  • We want NESARA implemented ASAP.
  • We will put another much smaller government in place once these horrible, inept people are fired and prosecuted for their crimes against us and our CHILDREN.
  • Patriots who agree please share. Military reading this please take this message from We the people to your commanding officers. Please respond to us using the EAS system. Patriots this needs to go viral on every platform.
  • We the people have spoken. Military needs to act now on our behalf. Before we have no country left!!!!!
  • Respectfully, USA AMERICAN PEOPLE
  • The White Hat Military has initiated overt operations against the CIA Deep State Rockefeller, Rothschild and super Elite World Banking Corporation.
  • They connect to Treason, Coups, Human Trafficking, Epstein, plus Mainstream Media and Social Media control that runs Elections and creates coups by the Military Industrial Complex.
  • Cold War History

  • THE COLD WAR BEGAN IN 1947 AND ENDED IN 1991 WHEN THE USSR COLLAPSED but in some ways has never really ended.
  • In the early sixties thousands of Americans built bomb shelters in their back yards at the height of the Cold War.
  • THE UNITED STATES ALONE had produced over 70,000 nuclear warheads by 1990 and it's believed the USSR had around 45,000 when it crumbled in 1991 – more than enough nuclear power to destroy the world many times over.
  • JOHN F KENNEDY was on the cusp of stopping all of that from happening when he was cut down at Daley Plaza by our own Deep State Military Industrial Complex / CIA conglomeration that President Eisenhower had warned us about two and one half years earlier in his farewell address.
  • Mon. 6 May 2024 Banking Intel, Goldilocks:




  • Commercial Lenders (Relationship Managers) are currently receiving electronic messages to sign up for Foreign Currency Training.
  • Commercial and Investment Banks are a fundamental part of the Foreign Exchange Market.
  • Essentially, they are the ones that push trades through on behalf of their customers and high dollar clients.
  • Commercial Lenders (Relationship Managers) are the go-between by which all participants must trade when it comes to Foreign Currency Exchanges. 
  • Since they are the principal sellers (Wealth Managers) within the Forex Market, they are the person who gives someone else authority to act on a client's behalf.
  • Mon. 5 May 2024: Unveiling a tangled web of covert operations: …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 6 May 2024

  • CIA's Role: The CIA has been involved in the overthrow of over 70 countries worldwide, exerting its influence behind the scenes.
  • Unprecedented Coup: The United States finds itself embroiled in an open, overt coup, as the DNC and Deep State initiate plans to seize military power from Trump, sparking a power struggle.
  • CCP Turmoil: Xi Jinping takes drastic measures by arresting CCP officials, firing generals, and purging the military, all in anticipation of the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • German Leak: Military plans for World War III are leaked in Germany, leading to investigations and panic within their own military agencies.
  • Trump's Comeback: EU countries are preparing “silent cabinets” to align with Trump's imminent return, signaling a seismic shift in global politics.
  • Warning from Klaus Schwab's Second-in-Command: Yuval Noah Harari sends an alarming message to Davos, claiming that Trump's re-election will deal a devastating blow to the global order.
  • The Great Awakening: Over 2 billion people worldwide are part of the Great Awakening, a massive military alliance operation dedicated to dismantling the globalist Deep State Cabal system.
  • Strange Connections: A mind-boggling coincidence arises as coordinates from a Miami mall incident match those of Antarctica when flipped upside down. Mysteries deepen.
  • Jamie Dimon's Betrayal: Jamie Dimon abruptly turns against the DNC, defends MAGA, and challenges NATO. The unexpected shift raises questions about what transpired at the Davos group gathering.
  • A Promise from Trump: Trump declares that he will not create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), but speculation mounts that plans could change in late 2025, involving the USSF and Elon Musk.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy's Revelation: Vivek Ramaswamy's alleged shadow campaign for Trump comes to light, potentially leading to his involvement in the Trump administration.
  • DeSantis Endorses Trump: As predicted, DeSantis endorses Trump, aligning with military intelligence operations and the Devolution Plan.
  • Globalist Exposed: The worldwide exposure of globalist agendas hampers their attempts to regain power, as the Great Awakening operations gain momentum.
  • Nikki's Fate: Trump's influence looms large as Nikki faces a challenging battle. Meanwhile, rumors circulate about Michelle Obama's potential presidential run, with the Rock potentially endorsing her candidacy.
  • Rogan and Trump: Against expectations, Joe Rogan endorses Trump, and preparations are underway for Trump to appear on Rogan's podcast—conflicting earlier statements were merely strategic maneuvers.
  • 2024 Disclosure Leaks: Get ready for a deluge of real disclosures, unveiling shocking revelations, causing panic within the deep dark operations of DARPA, the CIA, and the Bush-Obama military-industrial regime.
  • Stay tuned as these unprecedented events continue to unfold and shape the fate of our world.
  • Mon. 5 May 2024 Unplugging from the Matrix starts here, David Wilcock.

    1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarian's)

    1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones (Khazarian's)

    1870 – 1930 – BIG PHARMA (Khazarian's)

    1871 –  Act of England [Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societie's] (Khazarian's)

    1912 – Titanic/Olympic Sinking (Who was onboard? What really happened?) Those who opposed the Federal Reserve killed.

    1913 – Federal Reserve (Khazarian's)

    1917 – The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government  1917 during the first world war (ROTHSCHILD's/Khazarian's)

    1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution




    1940 McDonald's – Khazarian's

    1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird. – (Khazarian's)

    1947 – CIA Formed – (Khazarian's)

    1948 – Israel Formed (Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)

    1949 – Mossad Formed – (Khazarian's)

    1963 – JFK – “I will splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter it into the winds”

    1967 – Operation Mockingbird Exposed.

    What happened next? Vietnam/Korean War's, CIA supplying world with Drugs to sedate them, Satanic music, Regime change's, Think Islamic Regime in Iran, Think LIMA AGREEMENT


    1. Borrower signs the bank’s Loan Contract and Mortgage.




    2. Borrower’s signature transforms the Loan Contract into a Financial Instrument worth the value of the agreed Loan amount.

    3. Bank Fails to disclose to borrower that the borrower created an asset.

    4. Loan Contract (Financial Instrument) asset deposited with the bank by borrower.

    5. Financial Instrument remains property of borrower since the borrower created it.

    6. Bank Fails to disclose the bank’s liability to the borrower for the value of the asset.

    7. Bank fails to give borrower a receipt for deposit of the borrower’s asset.

    8. New money credit is created on the bank books, credited against the borrower’s financial instrument.

    9. Bank fails to disclose to the borrower that the borrower’s signature created new money that is claimed by the bank as a Loan to the borrower.

    10. Loan amount credited to an account for borrower’s use.

    11. Bank deceives borrower by calling credit a “Loan” when it is an exchange for the deposited asset.




    12. Bank deceives public at large by calling this process Mortgage Lending, Loan and similar.

    13. Bank deceives borrower by charging Interest and fees when there is no value provided to the borrower by the bank.

    14. Bank provides none of its own money so the bank has no consideration in the transaction and so no true contract exists.

    15. Bank deceives borrower that the borrower’s self-created credit is a “Loan” from the bank, thus there is no full disclosure so no true contract exists. Borrower is the true creditor in the transaction. Borrower created the money. Bank provided no value.

    16. Bank deceives borrower that borrower is Debtor not Creditor

    17. Bank Hides it’s Liability by off balance-sheet accounting and only shows its Debtor ledger in order to deceive the borrower and the Court.

    18. Bank demands borrower’s payments without just cause. Deception-theft- fraud.

    19. Bank sells borrower’s Financial Instrument to a third party for profit.

    20. Sale of the Financial Instrument confirms it has intrinsic value as an asset, yet that value is not credited to the borrower as creator and depositor of the Instrument.

    21. Bank hides truth from the borrower, not admitting theft, nor sharing proceeds of the sale of the borrower’s Financial Instrument with the borrower.




    22. The borrower’s Financial Instrument is converted into a security through a trust or similar arrangement in order to defeat restrictions on transactions of Loan Contracts.

    23. The Security including the Loan Contract is sold to investors, despite the fact that such Securitization is Illegal.

    24. Bank is not the Holder in Due Course of the Loan Contract. Only the Holder in Due Course can claim on the Loan Contract.

    25. Bank deceives the borrower that the bank is Holder in Due Course of the Loan.

    Must Watch Videos:

  • Mon. 6 May 2024: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Big Week Ahead! The Storm Is Upon Us. Be Ready. When the Moment Arrives, We Are Ready to Go. Special Intel Report 5/6/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Sun. 5 May 2024 Situation Update: Situation Update: Operation Storm! President Trump Calls For Jack Smith To Be Arrested! Biden's Deep State Donors Also Fund Violent Protests! Global Nuclear Scare Event! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It's News (
  • Sun. 5 May 2024: Benjamin Fulford: BLACK SWAN EVENT WARNING 5/5/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
  • Mon. 6 May 2024: X22 Report — Episode 3345: Fed Begins Rate Cut Narrative, Counterinsurgency is Growing | Operation Disclosure Official
  • [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

    Read Full Report (Doc):

    Read Full Report (PDF):

    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 6, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 5, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 4, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 3, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official  


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 1, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 30, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
  • USA
  • Previous articleSupreme Father Channeled through Erena Velazquez for May 6, 2024
    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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