Friday, 20 September 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 15, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 15, 2024

Sunday, 15 September 2024, 0:46 AM


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 15 Sept. 2024

Compiled Sun. 15 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

Earth Shattering Events On The Horizon
On Mon. 16 Sept. at 8pm EST
President Trump Was Set To Announce
The Launch of World Liberty Finance & Transition into Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
A Bank-less Revolution for Freedom & Financial Empowerment
That Gives Power Back to The People.

No Official Time Frame Has Been Given For
EBS Activation
Where We Will Isolate At Home For 3-6 Weeks
As Global Martial Law Suspends Media, Internet, Phone & Takes Over TV & Radio
To Present Eight Hour Documentaries 24/7 About What Is Going On
While the Military Takes Down Cabal-Controlled Governments Worldwide
And Makes Mass Arrests of Corrupt Global Elites
Stay Alert
Be Prepared
Pray For Help
God Always Wins

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Circle of Life, from The Lion King | Alex Boyé & The Tabernacle Choir (

He Lives in You, from The Lion King – Alex Boyé & The Tabernacle Choir (

Judy Note: “Standing on the edge of a profound transformation, we face a battle for America’s Soul. Deep State crimes run deeper than anyone realizes. Their reign of terror has lasted for decades filled with corruption, treason and outright destruction of the Republic. The corruption is too vast for anything less than Martial Law and Military Tribunals.” Restored Republic Vice President First Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Sat. 14 Sept. 2024

The UN’s “Pact for the Future” which the Deep State Cabal was sure to pass this week, would strip Nations of their Sovereignty and individuals of their Freedom. This Pact for the Future was another name for the Cabal’s fiat non-asset backed digital currency of their Great Reset – where they would have complete control over our bank accounts, and lives.




The Cabal’s Great Reset had failed to gain momentum in popularity after word got out of the Global Alliance’s BRICS nation’s gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset that gave back to The People, banker’s control of our own monies – eliminating the Deep State Cabal Banker privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS in the process.

On Mon. 16 Sept. the BRICS nations lead by President Trump will begin that Global Currency Reset transformation of the Global Financial System into Decentralized Finance (DeFi) through launch of a system called World Liberty Finance. DeFi will give The People true freedom and financial empowerment where banks across the Globe will no longer have control over people of the World’s financial affairs.

  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: Breaking: Trump’s Strategic Coup – Military Intelligence and Operations Elevate US to Global Superpower Status, Ground Command Implements Global Martial Law, FEMA Seizes Private Stockpiles! – – American Media Group
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: The current financial system, an engineered puppet show controlled by Elites, is collapsing under its own corruption. The collapse of the U.S. dollar signals the end of an era and ushers in the transformative promise of GESARA and NESARA—legislation that heralds the greatest wealth transfer in history, ensuring prosperity and financial freedom for all.
  • [Content Redacted]
  • Tucker Carlson interviews Megan Kelly: Megyn Kelly: Taylor Swift’s Extremist Transgender Ideology, Debate Reaction, & Cable News Collapse (
  • US VP Kamala Harris was born a boy in Benghazi. His parents, Donald Harris from Jamaica and Shyamala Gopalan from India, named him Kamal Aroush. He is not black, but half Indian and half Jamaican. At the time of his birth the parents were British citizens, not US citizens, and thus he/she is not even eligible to hold the office of US President. He/she later worked as a prostitute in the US, slept his/her way into California politics as a card carrying Marxist, as a chief prosecutor in San Francisco California not only refused to prosecute P*******e S*x Offenders, but covered up evidence and was illegally elected US Vice President through 2020 Election Fraud. He/she was tried and executed at GITMO for that Election Fraud and his/her actor was now running as the Democrat Party ineligible nominee for US President of a bankrupt and defunct Vatican/ UK Royalty/ Rothschild Banker-privately owned and corrupt US Inc. Corporation. Confusing, isn’t it? BREAKING: ABC News WHISTLEBLOWER says Kamala CHEATED! |
  • Tucker Carlson asks Russell Brand to pray for us: 
  • “I’m still voting for Joe Biden.” 
  • “You did good today. Let no one take away your happiness.”
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “Checkmate” …Trump on Truth Social Fri. 13 Sept. 2024! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 – – American Media Group
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 14, 2024 – The US Military News 
  • Fri. 13 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/13/24 “WW3 ALERT, RUSSIAN VESSELS IN UK WATERS, MIGRANT GAMGS IN TX, VT INTEL” (  
  • ***Important: TRB/AMF Holders – We won’t stop until we get answers: If you’ve put your trust in TRB/AMF products and still can’t access the promised value, you’re not alone. We understand your frustration, and we’re taking action. We’re gathering all holders to send a letter directly to President Trump’s office, demanding clarity and answers. Is this ever going to happen? Will we see the returns we were promised? Together, we will ask the tough questions and fight for the truth. Provide your name, email, and details in the form, and join us in this crucial mission. We will not rest until we know the truth. Stand with us today!

    ***Alert: Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. General Questions:
    Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
     Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

    Judy Note: Jenny Hill and I spent 18 years writing her biography “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming.

    “22 Faces” explains how childhood t*****e separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.

    Upon the soon to be re-publication of “22 Faces,” it would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.




    If you would like notification of the “22 Faces” re-publication release, please email me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and

    Possible Timing:

    Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 On EBS Activation …Q Trump on Telegram:

  • Absolutely no time frame has been given for EBS Activation. No one knows when it will happen, other than it will occur at the top of the hour. It was designed this way for a reason.
  • When it happens you are to follow EBS instructions to the letter.
  • Be ready for 3-6 weeks where everyone will be home.
  • There is no reason to panic as everything has been factored in.
  • Global Currency Reset:

  • On Mon. 16 Sept. at 8pm EST President Trump was set to announce the launch of World Liberty Finance and a transition into Decentralized Finance (DeFi). This is a Bank-less Revolution for Freedom & Financial Empowerment that would give power back to The People.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: “Guys, I’ve just been told that the RV has started as Iraq is officially live on the big screen. By tomorrow Mon. 16 Sept. we should have Tiers starting to receive payment, which is liquid money. Waiting to hear more later on. I’m very certain that notification should come any day now. Like I was told, September is the golden month. …I’m absolutely excited. Some people have been waiting for this for thirty years. We were told that this has started. It is liquid money. It is my opinion that notifications should be coming out today Sun. 15 Sept, or tomorrow Mon. 16 Sept. at the latest. Take care. Have a beautiful day.” …Wolverine
  • Later Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: “All banks have paid the transactions released yesterday in their accounts. Now they just need to send the notifications to those involved. You can celebrate because there is no turning back. They have up to 72 hours to finalize the transaction, with the risk of a fine of 20 billion per institution. The Hague Court entered this battle and brought order to this brothel.”
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 TNTRayren98: “Every source is saying it completed last night Fri. 13 Sept. We are awaiting start time.”
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 MarkZ: “I finally found a bond person NOT under an NDA. A really big bond deal. I did a little poking and was informed there is a final bond contract getting paid on the 18th. I find this interesting because it appears that starting on the 18th they are not making them sign an NDA on bond deals. I did a quick search and found another bond holder with an appointment just after the 18th….none of those require an NDA. To me this is huge good news and means they plan on having most bonds done by the 18th because then it won’t matter about the secrecy.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 JR VERIFIED bank story on Telegram: 1 million Dinar is showing on bank screens for $800 USD. That means that the Dinar is in play, tradable and the value is increasing. We’re not there yet, but there is movement.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: Trump Announced a Part of NESARA! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: Bombshell! RESTITUTION: The Future of America’s Economy, the US Debt Clock, and the XRPL Revolution – From US Inc. to USA Republic (video) – – American Media Group
  • BRICS Announces 34 New Countries Formally Applied to Join the Alliance
  • The US Dollar is Upgrading: Welcome to the Decentralized Future! …US Debt Clock on Telegram

  • On Mon. 16 Sept. at 8 pm EST the announcement of World Liberty Finance will officially mark our transition into Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a system designed for true freedom and financial empowerment. We are about to leaving the slow and outdated BIG banks behind.
  • This secret window posted on (9/12/2024) from the US Debt Clock proves that the plan is unfolding exactly as anticipated. We are upgrading the US dollar—it’s no longer just a currency. It’s a stock, it’s a bond, and it’s A BANKLESS REVOLUTION, that eliminates unnecessary middlemen and gives power back to the people.
  • We’ve talked about this for years, and now, it’s all coming to life. The future of finance is decentralized, and World Liberty Finance is the key to unlocking it.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Bond Payout by Batman

  • Payouts to the large bondholders will only take one week and not the 6-12 months stated. I know this as fact.
  • Redemption of the bonds will actually fund the GCR. This is how the gold will be transferred to back the new asset-backed currencies worldwide. Again, this is something I know as fact.
  • Payments being made this week will include instant liquidity.
  • The percentage of the monetary value of the legitimate bonds outstanding I believe will be well over 90%.
  • The facts I receive are not from another guru, or a Telegram channel or some other pundit. They come directly from the source. People can either accept that or dismiss it. If it helps some people, then great. If people don’t want to believe that or if they want to dismiss it then so be it.
  • Global Financial Crisis:

  • The USA is paying $3 BILLION a day in interest expenses.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Foreign Banks Now Officially Target UBS: The traditional foreign bank was long considered a dying model. Following the end of Credit Suisse, the remaining players were now planning to go on the offensive.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: JPMorgan Chief Jamie Dimon has warned US economy faces an outcome worse than a recession.
  • Many years ago a politician exposed the Central Bank Scam to Congress: “All banks across the Globe are presently broke because of their practice of Fractional Banking where they have lent money that they don’t have. They print and use money that has no backing. If any of us did that we would go to prison.”
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Canada: Hey folks. Your neighbor here, figured I’d share some info with you. I’m Canadian. Walmart here will stop accepting USD on September 23rd. I’ve been digging trying to find out why. No one seems to know, I’ve had people dance around the question. If been left on hold for more than 20 mins until I’ve had to hang up. The closest thing I got to an answer was from a manager that said “It has something to do with new security features on the bills, and our machines can’t recognize it or accept it.” Anyone have any idea what’s going on? …Jay Rider on Telegram
  • Sat 14 Sept. 2024 Dollar Collapse Imminent! How GESARA and NESARA Will Trigger the Largest Wealth Redistribution in History! …NESAR/GESARA on Telegram

  • The current financial system, a puppet show controlled by elites, is collapsing under its own corruption. We are not just facing an economic downturn but a global upheaval poised to dismantle the status quo.
  • The collapse of the U.S. dollar signals the end of an era and ushers in the transformative promise of GESARA and NESARA—legislation that heralds the greatest wealth transfer in history, ensuring prosperity and financial freedom for all.
  • This collapse has been engineered by financial elites, using the dollar as their tool to amass wealth while the masses suffer. As their system crumbles, GESARA and NESARA will reset the financial landscape, replacing corruption with equity and transparency, igniting the largest wealth redistribution the world has ever seen.
  • The 2008 Crisis Was Just a Warning: Looking back at the 2008 crisis, it’s clear the so-called recovery was a lie. The elites used the crisis to pilfer wealth under the disguise of economic recovery, with the Federal Reserve protecting their every move. But today’s impending collapse is far worse. The reckless monetary manipulations have led us here, with global debt levels exploding. What we are facing isn’t just economic mismanagement—it’s sabotage.
  • The Financial Apocalypse Is Here: The catastrophic policies of excessive liquidity and artificially low interest rates have destroyed the system from within. The dollar is dying, and as faith evaporates, a new gold-backed currency could rise, following the principles of GESARA and NESARA. This isn’t just about economics—it’s about the end of financial tyranny. We’re entering an era where power returns to the people and economic justice prevails.
  • Preparing for the Inevitable: As the old system implodes, the principles of GESARA and NESARA offer a path forward. It’s time to secure tangible assets and support the systemic changes that will restore dignity to the financial world. This is about more than survival—it’s about rebuilding an economy that works for everyone.
  • A Call to Arms: This isn’t just a collapse—it’s a controlled demolition. The elites have played their final hand, and now it’s our turn. The collapse of the dollar is inevitable, and GESARA’s promise is the only solution. The time for passivity is over. We must rally behind these reforms, tear down the old system, and usher in a new age of economic fairness.
  • This is our moment. The financial apocalypse is upon us, but so is the opportunity to create a new legacy. Will you stand by, or will you fight for the future GESARA and NESARA promise? The time to act is now.
  • Restored Republic:




  • The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (   How To Save America | Republic for USA (  
  • Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?

    Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: Breaking: The Next Phase of the War: NATO Approves Strikes on Russia – – American Media Group
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: I Do. The Cold War Never Truly Ended! – – American Media Group
  • [Content Redacted]

  • [Content Redacted]
  • The Real News for Sat. 14  Sept. 2024:

  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 France: Women in France moved by defiance of Gisèle Pelicot in mass r**e trial (**e-s****l-violence-4da8a8c5ca1b8fba85759ce4e9c0b77a
  • On Fri. 13 Sept. 2024 Trump announced that he intends to work with the state of Nevada to Build New Movie Studios to Rival Hollywood. Mark Wahlberg is on the same mission… to bring new Film Studios to Nevada. This is pretty amazing and if anyone is paying attention, you too can feel that we are on the cusp of something amazing.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 The Government is giving Venezuelan illegal migrants over $18k in food stamps.
  • British Broadcasting (BBC) reported the collapse of World Trade Center 7 approximately 20 minutes before its actual collapse.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: BREAKING NEWS: Maricopa County’s Election Numbers Under Fire! Fraud, Lies, and No Accountability—Where Are Our Leaders? (video) – – American Media Group
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: Oregon DMV admits to illegally registering hundreds of non-citizens since 2021 via motor voter program:
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 NYC: NYC Dem Rep Jerry Nadler mocked for appearing to sleep during testimony of migrant crime victims.
  • [Content Redacted]
  • [Content Redacted]

    Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

  • [Content Redacted]
  • “If you control the food, you control the people. That’s ultimately the end goal.” All around the world, unelected Globalist bodies like the World Economic Forum and UN are waging war against farmers, in an attempt to seize control of the global food supply, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled ‘No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?’
  • Med Beds

    Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brain Wave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators—Age Reversal Secrets Revealed, Turn 80 into 30! UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brain Wave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators—Age Reversal Secrets Revealed, Turn 80 into 30! – Gazetteller

  • Let’s cut to the chase. For too long, the truth about aging and human potential has been hidden. The elites have fought to keep us in the dark, but the curtain is finally being pulled back.
  • We’re on the verge of a revolution. A new era is upon us that shatters the limits of what it means to be human. Forget what you’ve been told about aging being inevitable. Reatomization and DNA Replicators have changed the game. Time is no longer a prison.
  • The mainstream won’t tell you the truth, but brain wave synchronization is the missing link to unlocking the full potential of Med Beds. This is how the elites have kept their edge for decades—training their brain waves to align with these technologies and unlock their hidden power.
  • It all comes down to synchronization. Alpha, theta, and gamma waves are the key. By training your brain, you can unlock the Med Beds’ full power. Alpha waves calm your mind, stabilizing you for basic rejuvenation. Theta waves? They’re the gateway to deep subconscious healing. Gamma waves? They allow you to take control of the healing process, directing the Med Bed’s tech with surgical precision.
  • Now, the DNA Replicator. This is forbidden tech—more than just genetic engineering. It taps into your body’s energy field, locating the optimal state of your DNA and reverting every cell to that moment. Nanobots map your DNA, finding mutations and weaknesses, then the Replicator uses scalar energy to rebuild and fortify your DNA. This means reversing your age down to 30, restoring your prime biological state.
  • The elites have been using this advanced technology for years. While the masses are kept in a cycle of sickness, they’re enhancing their bodies, boosting immunity, and sharpening their minds.
  • The real power comes from brain wave training. It’s the key to unlocking Med Bed healing. Without it, you’re just scratching the surface. Get your brain into alpha waves by meditating for 20 minutes a day. Once you master that, push yourself into theta—that’s where the deep healing begins. Want the ultimate edge? Train your brain to hit gamma waves, and watch your body regenerate like never before.
  • This is knowledge the elites have hidden for good reason. If the masses knew how to harness their brain power and activate these technologies, the entire system would collapse.
  • This is a call to action. The elites have been using these technologies to extend their lives and control humanity. No more. The DNA Replicator and Med Beds are ours to claim. Start your brain wave training today and prepare for the Med Bed revolution.
  • Don’t be their pawn—be the master of your fate. The future is here, and it’s time to take it back.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Warning: Something HUGE is About to Go Down: Martial Law and Military Tribunals on the Horizon …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy

  • Americans are standing on the edge of a profound transformation. The system is crumbling, and the signs are all around us. The “new normal” is breaking apart, and a seismic shift is coming. The Deep State is tightening its grip, but their days are numbered. The Republic is ready for a house cleaning like we’ve never seen before.
  • This isn’t just another political crisis—we are in a battle for the soul of America. The corruption is too deep for traditional justice. Military tribunals are not just a possibility; they’re an absolute necessity. The deep state has infiltrated every corner of our government, including the justice system. Expecting fair trials from these traitors? It’s laughable. The swamp creatures are deeply embedded, and they won’t let go without a brutal fight.
  • Martial law might be the only way to rip them out. The Democrat Party’s treason is on full display—acts of sedition at levels never before seen in U.S. history. The corruption runs too deep for anything less than drastic action. Martial law and military tribunals may be the only option to bring these traitors to justice. The American people are witnessing an epic battle between nationalists and globalists—a war for our future.
  • President Trump is the key player in this war. If he loses, the deep state will destroy him, and they’ll go after his family too. This isn’t just politics—this is survival. The deep state will stop at nothing to crush Trump and eradicate the movement. But this is our moment, and we must be ready for what’s coming. Stay vigilant, because the left will strike without warning. History is repeating itself, and the storm is here.
  • The Deep State’s crimes run deeper than anyone realizes. Their reign of terror has lasted for decades, filled with corruption, treason, and outright destruction of the Republic. The Bolshevik Revolution taught us that political change can come in an instant, and America is no different. Prepare for the fallout, because when the globalists fail, their rage will be unleashed.
  • We stand at a crossroads: military tribunals, martial law, or both. The corruption is too vast for anything less. The storm is coming, and only the strong will survive.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: BREAKING! NESARA’s September 11, 2024, Announcement Stopped by Elite Sabotage: Military Operations Now in Full Swing to Take Down the Cabal! … David Wilcock on Telegram




  • The script was meant to flip on September 11, 2024. NESARA—the long-awaited National Economic Security and Reformation Act—was set to mark the end of financial tyranny and the dawn of freedom. But the elites have once again played their desperate hand to delay what’s coming.
  • This delay wasn’t an accident. The Cabal—the shadow government pulling the strings—is terrified of NESARA. They know it means the end of their power, the end of their lies, and the crumbling of their empires. They’ve scrambled, resorting to sabotage to buy themselves more time, but their days are numbered.
  • Make no mistake: The military is still in position, preparing for the NESARA announcement. Everything is ready: gold reserves, secure deposits, awakened patriots, and galactic allies standing by to assist. The Cabal’s last-ditch efforts can’t stop what’s coming. They pulled every trick—misinformation, false flags, and sabotage—but NESARA’s arrival is inevitable.
  • Thousands of troops are standing by, fully aware of the real NESARA agenda. Covert Special Ops teams are dismantling the last vestiges of the old guard, removing traitors, securing communication lines, and setting up for the broadcast. There will be no power outages, no interference—when NESARA is announced, it will shake the world.
  • Just before the September 11 announcement, high-ranking officials loyal to the Cabal sabotaged the broadcast. Communications were intercepted, false intelligence misled the military, and critical moments were lost. Cyber Attacks targeted secure networks, all orchestrated to derail the mission.
  • But despite these delays, the noose is tightening. White hats within intelligence are neutralizing threats, dismantling hidden bases, and rounding up key figures. The military is tightening the screws, preparing for the final showdown. Dry runs of the NESARA announcement are already underway, ensuring no further disruptions. Over 200 banks are ready to flip the switch on a new gold-backed financial system.
  • The Cabal is terrified. Their fear is palpable. They know their time is up, and they’re throwing everything at this. Misinformation agents, bribery, disruptions to military supply chains—but these desperate moves only delay the inevitable. NESARA is a ticking time bomb, and every day brings us closer to detonation.
  • Why September 11? The date was chosen as a symbolic reclamation of one of the darkest days in modern history, a statement that the Cabal’s reign of cruelty is over. While the delay is infuriating, it only proves one thing: they’re scared. These last-minute games are the final gasp of a regime that knows its days are numbered.
  • As of September 13, 2024, the Military has regrouped and is pushing forward. They are closing in on the last Cabal holdouts, dismantling their networks piece by piece. The battle is not just physical; it’s psychological warfare. The cabal’s confidence is crumbling as their resources are cut off.
  • NESARA is not a possibility—it’s a certainty. The military is ready, the funds are secured, and patriots are in position. When the announcement comes, it will mark the end of an age of lies and the beginning of a new era of freedom and abundance.
  • The Cabal may have delayed us, but they cannot stop us. NESARA is coming, and they can’t change that now. Stay vigilant.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. EBS: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For …Ben Fulford on Telegram

  • U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark.
  • During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones? Only working for 911 calls. This is the global martial law we’ve been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout. But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest secrets of the elite—fraud, corruption, pedophilia, and their arrests—will play three times a day. The truth will be unleashed.
  • The military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for.
  • After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new quantum internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 U.N.’s New World Order: Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, and the Push for Total Control! …Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • World leaders are gathering in New York, but their true agenda is far more sinister. Behind closed doors, they’re pushing the Pact for the Future, a plan to strip nations of sovereignty and individuals of freedom. Forget cooperation—this is about total global control through digital IDs, vaccine passports, and relentless censorship. The elites are creating a global surveillance state, and the public is being deceived.
  • The 79th U.N. General Assembly isn’t a routine meeting—it’s a coronation. If the Pact passes, the U.N. Secretary-General will have the power to declare global emergencies at will, overriding governments and trampling freedoms. This isn’t about responding to crises—it’s about manufacturing them, justifying totalitarian measures under the guise of emergency response.
  • Who benefits from this power? Not the people—it’s the elite power brokers who thrive on chaos and control. The U.N. would override national sovereignty, dictate health policies, and enforce compliance through digital surveillance. The Secretary-General would become a global autocrat, silencing dissent on a global scale.
  • The Global Digital Compact is a Trojan horse for totalitarian control. Digital IDs and vaccine passports aren’t for convenience—they’re tools for surveillance. Governments will track your every move, restricting your freedoms. This is about digital shackles for humanity.
  • Critics like Francis Boyle call this an “end run around the U.N. charter,” an open power grab for a New World Order. This isn’t a conspiracy—it’s happening in plain sight.
  • The emergency powers in the Pact are a blank check for authoritarianism. The Secretary-General could mandate vaccines, lockdowns, and travel restrictions without any national consent. Imagine a world where digital mandates decide your ability to function.
  • Worse, these proposals are being drafted in secret. Independent journalist James Roguski exposed the U.N.’s lack of transparency. Revisions to the Global Digital Compact are happening behind closed doors. What are they hiding?
  • Even Dr. Meryl Nass warns the U.N. is positioning itself as the center of global control with undefined powers. This isn’t crisis management—it’s about creating a world where dissent is impossible.
  • The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset? It’s no coincidence. This is a coordinated effort to reshape the world, eroding personal freedoms. The WEF’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution” aligns perfectly with the U.N.’s push for centralized control.
  • As Tim Hinchliffe says, the Pact is just a relaunch of the Great Reset. The words might change, but the endgame stays the same: total control. This is about shaping humanity into a global socialist system, where no one can escape.
  • This is the moment. The Global Digital Compact’s focus on “disinformation” is just a license for censorship. It’s about absolute control over information.
  • The U.N. seeks to establish global vaccine passports that dictate your life. Without compliance, you are nothing—unable to work, unable to live.
  • Francis Boyle warns this Pact is laying the groundwork for a binding global treaty that turns the Secretary-General into an autocrat. This is more than a document—it’s a declaration of war on freedom.
  • We’re on the edge of a New World Order, and it’s closing in fast. The Pact for the Future is the blueprint for a world where every aspect of our lives is monitored, controlled, and dictated by the elite. The time to resist is now. If we don’t act, we’ll wake up in a world where freedom no longer exists. The fight for our future has begun.
  • [Content Redacted]

  • [Content Redacted]
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024: “I’m upset. America is upset. Kamala Harris should be upset.”  …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram

  • [Content Redacted]
  • I meant every word of what I said about Kamala Harris who panders for votes and spends more time cooking than talking policy.
  • I don’t care if the media finds my posts offensive. I found their claims that Donald Trump wasn’t shot to be offensive. I found their weaponization of government to be offensive. I found Joe Biden saying “Put Trump in a bulls eye to be offensive.” I find Kamala Harris allowing innocent young children to be k****d by illegal alien THIRD WORLD FILTH to be offensive.
  • I don’t care if people are upset. I’m upset everyday when I see this Cacklin communist witch and her colleague with Alzheimer’s destroying our country.
  • I hope Kamala is upset. She deserves to be very upset like every other American.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. The Dollar’s Collapse Is Here! NESARA and GESARA Will Unleash the Greatest Wealth Redistribution in History! …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram

  • The corrupt financial system run by shadowy elites is finally collapsing under its own weight. This isn’t just another economic downturn—it’s a global upheaval that’s about to tear apart their stranglehold on power!
  • The coming crash of the US dollar is the death knell of their era, and it ushers in the revolutionary promise of NESARA and GESARA. These aren’t just policies—they’re the key to unlocking the greatest transfer of wealth in history, breaking the chains of financial slavery and bringing prosperity and freedom to us, the people!
  • Here’s what they’ve been hiding: this collapse was planned by the elites, carefully orchestrated to maintain control while they siphon off unimaginable wealth. But they’ve lost control, and the illusion of stability is crumbling faster than they can contain it.
  • NESARA and GESARA are the real deal, ready to replace the corrupt system with one that’s built on fairness, transparency, and justice. This will be the greatest redistribution of wealth ever seen, taking from the global elites and returning it to the people!
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Bloodlines of Power: Exposing the Evil Elites Controlling Our World in the Eternal Battle of Good vs. Evil! …Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • Vladimir Putin: “The New World Order worships S***n.” The puppet masters pulling the strings behind global power—House of Saud, Rothschilds, Soros—are exposed. Their s*****c worship, secret funds, and hidden agendas fuel wars and corruption. This is the moment. The battle for humanity is here! We must rise up against those who believe they have ultimate control.
  • The Battle Between Good and Evil: The Puppet Masters Revealed: A war rages—one that’s rarely discussed but impacts everything. A secret war between light and darkness, where hidden powers control entire governments, economies, and global institutions. But a profound cleansing is underway to free our world from these puppet masters. They think they control everything, but a storm is coming—an unstoppable movement of truth.
  • At the core of this struggle is the oldest battle of all: good versus evil. History is littered with examples of this conflict, from wars and revolutions to subtle manipulations of society by unseen forces. Yet, despite everything, the good outnumber the bad. And that’s why we fight. We are watching a global awakening, and it’s terrifying the elites. They never expected this resistance.
  • The Puppet Masters: House of Saud, Rothschilds, Soros: These elites believe they control the world. The House of Saud wields unimaginable power with over $4 trillion, built on oil and secret deals. The Rothschild family, with their grip on banking and $2 trillion in assets, has shaped global finance for generations. Soros—he uses his $1 trillion to fund movements that advance his twisted agenda.
  • These names are just the surface. Their true power runs deeper than anyone imagines. Their wealth, hidden in slush funds and secret banks, is the fuel that drives wars, corruption, and domination.
  • The Feeder Systems of Evil: War and Corruption: Wars aren’t fought for freedom. They’re fought for profit. The elites profit off war like parasites. Every war we’ve seen, every conflict—it’s all part of their game. They create chaos, and they profit from it. Meanwhile, they keep the world distracted with false promises of environmentalism while secretly hoarding power.
  • Symbolism and Control: The Triangle and the Eye: The symbols of their control are all around us—the triangle, the Eye of Providence. These symbols represent power, control, deception. The triangle mirrors the three families who believe they hold all the cards. They use these symbols to flaunt their control over us. But now we see through their lies.
  • The Keystone of Power: Following the Bloodlines: To understand global control, we must follow the bloodlines. Power has been passed down for centuries within select families. These families—the House of Saud, Rothschilds, Soros—are merely the latest in a long line of rulers who have enslaved humanity. Remove the keystone, and their entire system falls apart.
  • S*****c Worship and Cults: And what fuels these elites? S*****c worship. Behind closed doors, they perform rituals, convinced that dark forces will grant them more power. Epstein Island was just a glimpse into their depravity. But this isn’t just about money—it’s about power over you, over us all.
  • Putin’s Warning: The New World Order Worships S***n: Even Vladimir Putin knows the truth: the New World Order is nothing less than a s*****c cult. His words are a stark reminder of what’s at stake.
  • The tide is turning. A deep cleansing is underway, and the battle between good and evil is entering its final stage. It’s time to stand up, refuse the lies, and tear down the puppet masters’ web of control. Humanity’s awakening cannot be stopped. The storm is here.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Trump vs. the Deep State: The Ultimate Showdown …Patrick B. Kennedy on Telegram

  • Donald Trump has never backed down from a fight, and now he’s targeting his biggest enemy yet: the Deep State. This is more than just a political battle—it’s a war against the corrupt elite that’s been running the show behind the scenes. From day one, Trump has made it clear that he’s on the side of the people, determined to drain the swamp and expose the rot at the highest levels of power. His latest promise to release the Epstein client list is another step in that fight, and it’s sending shockwaves through the establishment.
  • The Deep State, as Trump sees it, is a web of corruption—a group of unelected elites who control everything from government decisions to media narratives, thriving on secrecy and manipulation. The Epstein scandal fits perfectly into this picture. Why has the client list remained hidden for so long? Because it contains the names of powerful people who will do anything to stay protected. Hollywood elites, top-level politicians, and even royalty—they’re all terrified that Trump will expose them.
  • [Content Redacted]
  • This isn’t just a scandal—it’s a reckoning. Hollywood, already plagued by ethical scandals, might not survive the fallout. The biggest names in entertainment are shaking in their boots, and major studios are already preparing for the storm that’s about to hit. Trump’s about to tear down their empire, and they know it.
  • Political Fallout: The End of the Elite: But Hollywood isn’t the only target. The political establishment is in panic mode, too. Epstein’s associates include government officials, diplomats, and even royalty. If Trump releases the list, it’s not just a scandal—it’s the end of the political class as we know it. For years, people have suspected that a hidden cabal has been running things, pulling the strings, and sacrificing America’s interests for their own gain. The release of this list could prove it.
  • Imagine what happens when sitting politicians are linked to Epstein’s horrific activities. The government would crumble, and the deep state’s control would be shattered. Trump isn’t just promising change—he’s about to bring the whole system down. The people deserve the truth, and Trump is the only one willing to give it to them.
  • This battle is bigger than just an election—it’s about saving America from the elites who have betrayed it. The deep state’s days are numbered, and Trump is the one who will make sure they fall. Get ready—the truth is coming, and it’s going to hit like a bombshell.
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 The Power of Symbolism in Trump’s Communication …Mr. Pool on Telegram

  • Throughout his presidency, Trump has proven to be a master communicator, utilizing his speeches, social media, and even off-the-cuff remarks to convey deeper layers of meaning. He’s a strategist of suggestion, subtly dropping hints and stirring curiosity among those who are willing to look beyond the surface. The phrase “Cereal, Bacon, & Eggs” is just the latest in a series of calculated moves designed to engage critical thinkers and communicate in ways that evade mainstream scrutiny. For those paying attention, it’s clear: Trump is telling us to be ready-something big is on the horizon.
  • Decoding QD35: The Military Connection: For the uninitiated, QD35 might seem like an obscure reference, but for those in the loop, it’s a nod to military protocols. QD35 is a specific designation used in classified military communications, often as a reference to the deployment of strategic assets. Trump is hinting at something far larger here-a coordination of forces, a signal to prepare. This is where the message gets serious. Trump isn’t just speaking to the general public; he’s sending a message to those who are ready to act.
  • Why Timing Matters: Timing is everything in politics, especially for someone like Trump. The reference to a 35-second clip wasn’t just a casual comment; it was intentional. Trump understands the value of concise communication and knows how to use time to his advantage. Every second of that 35-second clip was a signal-a cue to listen closely and pay attention. By connecting this timing with the phrase “Cereal, Bacon, & Eggs,” Trump reinforces the idea that something significant is imminent, something that demands immediate attention.
  • The Importance of Staying Vigilant: Trump’s supporters have always known the importance of staying vigilant in a world filled with distractions, misinformation, and attempts to divert attention from what truly matters. The message embedded in “Cereal, Bacon, & Eggs” is a clear reminder to remain focused, to scrutinize the details, and to be prepared for what’s coming. In these times, when complacency is a constant threat, Trump’s words serve as a wake-up call. We cannot afford to let our guard down. We must stay informed, stay alert, and be ready to act. Trump understands this better than anyone, knowing that the enemy is always watching and waiting for an opportunity to strike.
  • Must Watch Videos:

  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “Checkmate” …Trump on Truth Social Fri. 13 Sept. 2024! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 – – American Media Group
  • Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 14, 2024 – The US Military News 
  • Fri. 13 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/13/24 “WW3 ALERT, RUSSIAN VESSELS IN UK WATERS, MIGRANT GAMGS IN TX, VT INTEL” (  
  • [Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]




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    Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 14, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 12, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 10, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 9, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


    Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 7, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
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    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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