Sunday, 12 January 2025

Shadow of Ezra: Let this Sink in, there’s a Reason Why Iran Hates the US

Shadow of Ezra: Let this Sink in, there's a Reason Why Iran Hates the US

Monday, 20 May 2024, 1:09 AM


Shadow of Ezra

The 1953 coup in Iran, known as Operation Ajax, was a pivotal event in the history of Iran and its relationship with the Western world. 

This covert operation, orchestrated by the United States and the United Kingdom, successfully overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and reinstated Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as Iran’s leader. (In 1953, Mosaddegh was arrested, tried, and sentenced to three years in solitary confinement. Following his imprisonment, he spent the remainder of his life under house arrest until his death in 1967.)

The operation was driven by the strategic interests of the US and UK, particularly due to Iran's vast oil reserves and its geopolitical importance during the Cold War. 

Before the coup, Mosaddegh was a popular figure in Iran, known for his nationalist policies and his decision to nationalize the country’s oil industry, which had been under British control through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. 

This move was seen as a threat to Western interests, prompting the CIA and MI6 to plan and execute the coup. The operation was complex, involving CIA-funded agents, propaganda, and the harassment of political and religious leaders. 

Despite challenges, including the shah’s hesitation to sign the royal decrees prepared by the CIA, the coup succeeded and had far-reaching consequences for Iran and its relationship with the West.

The shah's return to power marked the beginning of increased Western influence in Iran, but it also sowed the seeds for the Islamic Revolution of 1979, which ultimately overthrew the shah and established the current Islamic Republic. Today, the 1953 coup is seen as a significant event that continues to impact Iran's political landscape and its relations with the West. 




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Insider Times

CIA/Mossad had been desperately attempting the regime changes in Iran throughout, then finally they got successful in installing Khomeini.


Defend the Republic

The United States overthrew the last Democratically elected government in Iran, let that sink in.





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  • Shadow of Ezra
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