Sunday, 16 March 2025

Sony Thang: US-China Cold War ‘Blame Game’ Continues

Sony Thang: US-China Cold War 'Blame Game' Continues

Saturday, 27 April 2024, 21:54 PM


Sony Thang

April 26

WANG YI: “The United States still sticks to its misperception of China and presses ahead with its misguided policy to contain China. 

It has recently continued to woo its so-called allies in an attempt to provoke tensions at sea in the region and build networks to contain China at a faster pace. 

It has kept ratcheting up its unilateral sanctions and gone all out to constrain China’s development of science and technology. 

The United States should not view the world through the lens of Cold War and zero-sum mentality, and it should not say one thing but do another. 

The people of the world have clear eyes, and even more so for the Middle East people that can see easily who is on the right side of history and justice. 

What China brings to the world is cooperation, growth, stability and win-win. China’s development and rejuvenation enjoys strong internal impetus and conforms with the trend of history. 

It will not be stopped by any force.”





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