Friday, 18 October 2024

Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 19, 2024

Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 19, 2024

Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 23:51 PM


Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Wed. 19 June 2024

Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”

“My Fellow Americans, the Storm is Upon Us! Be Ready.”
…President Donald Trump Wed. 19 June 2024

Blackout at White House Mon. Morning 17 June 2024
Blackouts And Mass Arrests Occurring
Supreme Court To Announce Decision on Brunson Case
That would dissolve the Biden Administration and All of Congress
President Trump Said To Already Be Back as US President

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy Note:

Wed. 19 June 2024 Ginger, Ginger’s Liberty Lounge:

  • A personal friend who has a family member in a Middle East Parliament wrote, “Hey, dear Ginger, I just received a heads up from my family member in the Middle East, who said that, “President Trump is back as the President of the United States of America. They know this because they had a meeting at the U S. Embassy in the Middle East, and they saw evidence of have this change. Period!”
  • She went on to say, “You can be sure that President Trump has already been reinstated. I am assuming that the Bronson case was finally decided upon in the Supreme Court and actioned out.”
  • “Now I comprehend how Trump met with the Republicans in the Senate last week, and he actually presided over the meeting.”
  • Wolverine: My contact in the USA has also verified the source and said that it’s true that Trump is our president which is why Brunson appeared happy in the last video and why president Trump was at the meeting with all the republicans at Washington DC.
  • Wed. 19 June 2024: Just In Special Report: JFK Jr To Open for The 4th of July Fireworks Celebrations! | Politics | Before It's News ( 

  • Early Mon. morning 17 June 2024 between 3 and 6 am a blackout occurred in Washington DC around the White House. 
  • According to two separate witnesses at the scene, police and US troops were everywhere in the darkness. Military vans, buses and police cars pulled up to the White House, loaded passengers, took them down the road and across a bridge and then some vans came back empty to do a repeat.
  • Mustang Medic’s recording showed many buses and vans, some marked as Military, entering the Capitol grounds. Several people were taped getting out of their cars, showing IDs to guards and then walking into the grounds.
  • When it was over and seemingly on Q, fireworks lit up the sky. Reports from those on the ground claimed that by later that day the White House was closed up tight and remained so as of right now.
  • Evidently Biden’s team was not in the White House, but detained and arrested behind the scenes.
  • The US Military was expected to have arrested Harris on charges of treason, while invoking the 25th Amendment on Biden because of his dementia and subsequent inability to hold office.
  • The Deep State had plans to invoke the 25th on Biden, put Harris in his place and Pelosi as VP – not going to happen.
  • Juan O Savin reported that the US Interim Military Government was about to arrest Joe Biden and his traitor Deep State politicians in DC.
  • Crimes of these elite politicians have recently been exposed from findings of the Russia hoax Mueller probe, impeachments of Trump and Obamagate.
  • It was reported that to date, 260 Global Elites have been served, “The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death, or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, and then breached his warrant.
  • It was likely that rolling blackouts would occur in other areas of the country as arrests were being made. Communications would be cut off for a short period of time.
  • There’s some mayors, governors and judges out there with their names on some of the over 222, 286 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016.
  • Judy Note: Other reports say there were over 500,000 indictments on Global Elites worldwide. Charlie Ward just reported “Of the 450,000 indictments and Tribunals we are in the last 5-10,000 to complete.”
  • There were massive internet and network outages on the East Coast said to be a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units making arrests of Deep State bad guys.
  • All Corrupt Actors Have Exited The World Stage! And Their Propaganda Media Partners Will Have a Grand Finale Exit Soon Nowhere To Be Found.
  • Wed. 19 June 2024: Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes & Charlie Ward: It's Happening NOW!! Buckle Up! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( Charlie Ward: “The Supreme Court has heard the Brunson Case privately. We could see the banks collapse this next weekend. The Vatican has never been good; they’ve always had a weird relationship with young boys. There is going to be a change very soon from the old system to the new Starlink Quantum System. Certain members of the Royal Family and certain politicians are not here anymore. Of the 450,000 indictments and Tribunals we are in the last 5-10,000 to complete.”
  • Wed. 19 June 2024: Joe Biden is not, nor ever has been, president of the US. He was [allegedly] executed in 2019 for p*dophilia. Joe Biden is being played by Arthur Roberts behind a mask. Donald Trump is the legitimate US President who says, “I let them do their fraud to have enough proof to the World that the Alliance has all the evidence.” …Trump Explicit on Telegram Wed. 19 June 2024
  • Biden has imported over 11 million illegals from the most dangerous & anti-American countries in the world. Completely unvetted. Today, Crooked Joe Biden is granting mass amnesty. It's absolute lunacy, and it ends on Day One of the Trump administration. …The Hidden Truth on Telegram Wed. 19 June 2024
  • Predicted Timing of Events:

  • On Sun. 9 June 2024 Saudi Arabia refused to renew the US Inc. Petrodollar Contract and now the US Treasury in Washington DC has been boarded up and painted in Trump Orange.
  • Early Mon. Morning 17 June 2024: Blackout, Arrests occurred at White House.
  • Wed. 19 June 2024 Dinar Revaluation: Iraqi PMSudani announced on Iraqi TV that before the end of the holiday on Wed. 19 June, that Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate, including access to the new ATM’s and the lower denominations. The Dinar Revaluation was the Kingpin that would set off a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies for 209 Sovereign Nations.
  • Thurs. 20 June 2024 A new fence surrounded the Supreme Court in preparation for a major announcement on Thursday 20 June 2024.
  • On Sun. 23 June 2024 the US Dollar would devalue, paving the way for a Global Financial Crisis according to a Banker.
  • Tues. 25 June 2024 “Blackout Necessary: In one week (from Tues. 18 June) everything will change. Devastating information that is kept secret from the public. A big scandal happened this week, so we have it all. Donald Trump promised.” Q STORM 1776
  • Global Currency Reset:

    Wed. 19 June 2024 Wolverine: “Now you all know why it has started guys.




  • My contact in the USA has verified the source and said that it’s true that Trump is our president which is why Brunson appeared happy in the last video and why president Trump was at the meeting with all the Republicans at Washington DC.
  • Bond holders are getting paid and I’m very sure that either today or tomorrow those notifications for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be coming out. …I received a message from Zurich that it started a while ago. For us in Tier 4B we are to get it this week.”
  • Also I like to take a chance to thank Phil , Dr Kia Pruitt and above all Nancy Drew for bringing us all the live videos from Facebook on what’s happening in Washington as she was our RV reporter that broke the story.
  • Mon. 17 June 2024 RV Highlights Holy Ground Chat:

  • From Bond Banker Contact in Brazil: The Pentecostal Group is a group above the currency holders. It was notified in Dec. 2023 and finalized in Jan. 2024. I’ve not heard from them since they were on their way to the airport for payment.
  • The St. Germaine and Rodriguez Trusts have been open for some time and paying the country’s debts, which is NESARA/GESARA.
  • Dubiv1 and Dubi 2 have been paid.
  • The Farmer’s Claims started Dec. 23 2023.
  • Global Bond movement did not start until Jan. 2024.
  • Global Bond payments started March 2024.
  • The Whales, the huge Bond Holders have seen 1% in their QFS Accounts for a year or longer. They were not able to have access to the money until March 2024.
  • The GCR has started and continues. Now we as currency holders have to wait for our payout, which is not far behind.
  • MarkZ stated that he had heard that the 1% for the Whales, for the Historical Bonds, had been funded. I have received three other confirmations of that. Just because they are funded does not mean that the actual individuals have the money in their hands/accounts as it goes into a Escrow Account and they have to work with the Paymasters to prove that they don’t have any financial situations that need to be resolved, or are criminal (problems), but they have been funded that 1% and said that the back wall was the 15th of June. And it was the 15th of June. They adhered to that date.
  • Someone else said that he had heard that when it got to that point, that we were still two weeks out from that point.
  • Another person said they had heard 48-72 hours from that date of June 15th.
  • We are in the window right now. That would be the first opportunity for any notifications to come out, but it could also be two weeks.
  • I’ve also heard from a couple of high sources that there is supposed to be a big party on July 4.
  • Tues. 18 June 2024 MarkZ: “Sources close to the US Treasury seem to be clouding the timing, telling different groups different things. …I’m getting information on some really weird things that are going on. People with good credit and good incomes are having their loans not approved. I got from many sources in Reno that Sat. 15 June 2024 evening they released 1% to Bond Holders. That should kick off a cascade event.”
  • Mon. 17 June 2024 TNT: “Over the weekend the old ATM’s in Iraq were emptied out by the CBI, replaced with new machines, and loaded with the new, lower Dinar denominations. On Mon. 17 June 2024 Sudani announced on Iraqi TV that before the end of the holiday, which was Wed. 19 June, that the Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate and access to the new ATM’s and the lower denominations.”
  • [Note: No redactions in this report.]


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
  • USA
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