Saturday, 11 January 2025

The Best Is Yet To Come – Peace On Earth Edition

The Best Is Yet To Come – Peace On Earth Edition

Monday, 13 May 2024, 22:52 PM
An abode in the Himalayas, centered and calm


Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Parisse Deza, Contributing Writer

Submitted on May 13, 2024

Aloha Everyone,

I am thinking about this time as “holding the fort” – a time to stay especially calm and stable as the crazy-ass events of the outer world play out. There is a slow-but-steady flow of positive events taking the Field now, along with a great deal of Spiritual oomph coming in from beyond, and while we haven't reached completion yet, our crossing-over is well underway and is inevitable. Nations and states continue to state their preferences for real money over fake, science and law everyday uncover new evidence of what actually happened when we were told there was a pandemic, and more and more folks are coming into the understanding that they don't need a government to run their lives for them. All this movement says humanity is becoming more conscious and is stepping (or stumbling) towards enlightenment. 

So I will direct your attention to my new signature quote below as good instruction about how to handle this seemingly-precarious time we're in.

Many Blessings and Peace to All

        When you are calm and stable,
careful of attention,
the universal design is always clear,
open awareness is unobscured;
then, you have autonomy of action
and can deal with whatever arises.
-Li Dao-chun, Daoist master, 12C


The Best Is Yet To Come is a chronicler of humanity's evolution in consciousness during this transitional time; we feature articles and other presentations that mark the positive trend in our development.

To open the articles and videos in this edition, go to and simply scroll down.





Meet the ZiG: Zimbabwe's New 'Gold-Backed' Currency

4/25/24 – “Later this month, the ZiG (Zimbabwe Gold) will replace the current monetary unit, the Zimbabwean Real Time Gross Settlement dollar (RTGS). The ZiG marks a sixth attempt by the Zimbabwean government and central bank to introduce a currency unit that sets its monetary house in order. 

“One hopes, for the sake of the long-suffering citizens of Zimbabwe, that this time around the result of yet another monetary reconstitution is successful, fostering a stable general price level, a reliable monetary unit for saving and spending, and enhanced possibilities for economic calculation.”


Raw Milk at the Crossroads…Again

Well-researched and annotated article from the Weston Price foundation defending the use of raw milk…

4/23/24 – “Few of us were born when the forces for milk pasteurization launched the first major attack on Nature’s perfect food. In 1945, a magazine called Coronet published an article, ‘Raw Milk Can Kill You,’ blaming raw milk for an outbreak of brucellosis in a town called Crossroads, U.S.A., killing one-third of the inhabitants.

“Fortunately, raw milk drinkers are already skeptical of government pronouncements and are skilled at seeing through lies.  Both large and small raw milk dairy farms report that sales are booming. The current bird flu fracas is just another Crossroads, U.S.A., a bunch of lies fostered by a dishonest dairy industry taking aim at the competition.”

[OpDis Editor Note: Perhaps the outbreak was caused by the way the raw milk was stored and distributed. Our sanitary knowledge has greatly improved since 1945. This was a time where doctors thought cigarettes were good for your health.]





Tennessee Is First State to Criminalize Adults Who Help Minors Receive “Gender-Affirming” Care without Parental Consent

4/25/24 – “Tennessee’s GOP-controlled Statehouse on Thursday approved approval criminalizing adults who help minors receive gender-affirming care without parental consent, clearing the way for the first-in-the-nation proposal to be sent to Gov. Bill Lee’s desk for his signature.

“As the AP reports, the bill mirrors almost the same language from a so-called anti-abortion trafficking proposal Tennessee Republican lawmakers approved just a day prior.” 


Excess Deaths In Japan Hit 115,000 Following 3rd COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why

4/25/24 – “A new study on harms resulting from the COVID vaccine was published on April 8 in the U.S.-based peer-reviewed medical science journal Cureus. It represents the largest study to date on adverse effects of the COVID vaccine, and the results are shocking, to put it mildly.

“In the study, titled ‘Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan,’ five Japanese scientists used an entire dataset of the country’s 123 million population (Japan has the highest vaccination rate in the world) to study excess cancer mortalities coinciding with mass COVID vaccination.

“The study shows there were 1,568,961 total deaths in Japan in 2022. About 1,453,162 deaths were expected based on statistical predictions using pre-pandemic information, which means there were 115,799 excess deaths in 2022.”


A Compound Discovered on Easter Island Extends Life, Combats Alzheimer’s

4/29/24  “Scientists are still uncovering the secrets of a compound discovered 50 years ago on Easter Island. Produced by bacteria there, rapamycin appears to be a powerful life-extender and may be a transformative treatment for age-related diseases.

“The drug also exhibits rejuvenating effects. For example, it can stimulate hair regrowth and prevent hair loss in a short period. It reduces proteins related to aging in the skin and increases collagen. The drug has even shown positive effects in treating age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, as well as diabetes and heart and muscle conditions.”





Governor DeSantis Signs Legislation to Keep Lab-Grown Meat Out of Florida

5/1/24 – “Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1084 to prohibit the sale of lab-grown meat in the state of Florida. Florida is taking action to stop the World Economic Forum’s goal of forcing the world to eat lab-grown meat and insects, ‘an overlooked source of protein.’ While the World Economic Forum is telling the world to forgo meat consumption, Florida is increasing meat production, and encouraging residents to continue to consume and enjoy 100% real Florida beef.

“’Florida is taking a tremendous step in the right direction by signing first-in-the-nation legislation banning lab-grown meat. We must protect our incredible farmers and the integrity of American agriculture. Lab-grown meat is a disgraceful attempt to undermine our proud traditions and prosperity, and is in direct opposition to authentic agriculture,’ said Florida Commissioner of Agriculture, Wilton Simpson.”


The Scam of Government Explained in Less Than Five Minutes

For those who would like a brief, clear explanation about the nature of government, this is a good place to go. Detailed article and five minute video to explain the scam. -P

“In Government—The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! I break down the illegitimacy, illogical nature and criminality of ‘government’ in 150ish pages, with another 20 pages of endnotes cataloging 776 referencesIn this short clip from a podcast, I was able to break down the basics in Five (5) minutes flat.

“The weirdest thing about the scam of ‘Government’ is that ANYONE can understand its illogical nature and immorality. Here are the basics…”

      –Etienne de la Boetie2Art of Liberty


Arizona GOP Issues Resolution Declaring COVID-19 Jabs “Biological Weapons” and Calling for a Ban

It is interesting to notice that, after several years of constant resistance to the truth, not just non-mainstream doctors and scientists are being validated for their findings, but governments themselves are taking actions to correct their mistakes. -Parisse

5/02/24 – “The Republican Party of Arizona has just passed a ‘ban the jab’ resolution declaring COVID-19 vaccines to be ‘biological and technological weapons.’ They are also calling on the governor to ban the shots and seize existing vials so a forensic analysis can be conducted on their contents.




“It is also telling that the resolution calls for the vaccine vials to undergo a forensic analysis to determine their contents. This move is likely a reaction to the fact that we now know Pfizer withheld information about the makeup of the jabs from authorities, including potential DNA contamination.

“Florida Department of Health has also called for vaccine use to be halted.”


Missouri Senate Passes Nation’s Most Comprehensive Sound Money Legislation to the Chagrin of Private Central Bankers

Now we’re really getting somewhere  : )

5/2/24 – “We have some great news to share with you out of Missouri where the state Senate just voted to pass Senate Bill 735, also known as the Constitutional Money Act, to establish a sound money system in the Show-Me State.

“Described by Citizens for Sound Money (@4SoundMoney on X) as ‘the most comprehensive sound money bill in the country,’ SB 735 lays new groundwork for the use of gold and silver as legal tender in the United States.”


Forbidden Technologies and the Silencing of Their Inventors

Good, half-hour overview of one of the most heinous actions taken against humanity in the last hundred plus years – the erasing of inventions and inventors from the mainstream so the people could not access the higher level technology that would make their lives decent and humane, giving everyone the time and energy they need to pursue their spiritual cultivation and peaceful enjoyment of life. – Parisse 


The Secret History of Vaccines in 4 Minutes + the Untold Story of Polio

5/1/24 – “Author and medical historian Forrest Maready explains in a recent interview the history of vaccines and its connection to the Polio epidemic. He and Bret Weinstein discuss how vaccines are used to experiment on the population.”





BRICS Nations Are Now Openly Preparing for a Global Collapse of the Dollar

5/8/24 – “The BRICS group of countries are openly preparing for a potential global collapse of the dollar and talking about putting an alternative currency in place that could serve as a substitute.

“This is according to proclamations by Russia's executive director for the International Monetary Fund, Alexey Mozhin. He said that the downfalls of the current financial system are growing more obvious and pointed out how BRICS could step up in such an event and provide a viable alternative.

“According to Mozhin, BRICS member countries could develop a currency based on those of its members, including the Indian rupee, the Chinese yuan, the Brazilian real, the South African rand and the Russian ruble.

“He told the media: ‘Such a proposal is being discussed. In the event of the collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system, it will be necessary to turn the said BRICS accounting unit into a real currency, backed by exchange goods.’”


What Would I Do with a One-Acre Homestead?

Perky, informative, one minute video by an expert gardener…

5/9/24 – “I can picture it now. I’d start with a 500 square foot garden, plus a thousand square feet for produce to sell…”


Parisse Deza is new age Renaissance man and visionary with 50 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, visual artist, writer, Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept, and ordained minister in the Universal Life Church. He currently lives in Sedona, Arizona. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.




He is the co-creator and curator of The Best Is Yet To Come educational website for the new paradigm.

Go here for all his articles:


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