Thursday, 12 December 2024

The Destruction of US Productivity Gains by Naked Shorting

The Destruction of US Productivity Gains by Naked Shorting

Thursday, 7 November 2024, 18:20 PM


Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

Submitted on November 7, 2024

The Destruction of US Productivity Gains By Naked Shorting

Compliments of The Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899

The uncensored version of the report on naked shorting is below. It is interesting that the naked short presently having sold naked short in Genoil of about 400 million shares in an effort to destroy the company reacted to this letter below by placing a 40 million share bid for the Genoil stock that they had crashed. Genoil is controlled by the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899 that can survive such efforts as naked shorting as it has an iron rule never to borrow money for 125 years. The graveyard of naked shorting for those who borrowed has cost the US trillions of dollars in lost productivity in these bankruptcies as evidenced rather conspicuously in recent years by the Gamestop debacle.

Nothing has been done to prevent these destructive efforts as we see below which are against the law.  These are illegal as if that matters. The House and Senate Judiciary Committees know about this and have done nothing. The US industrial success was based on encouraging inventors as Henry Ford in mass production and Thomas Edison in light bulbs where small undercapitalized companies created the inventions that made the US great but if these are subject as today to illegal naked short squeezes it denies the United States the creativity that yielded the greatest economy in the world.

Very few realize the greatness of President Clinton’s encouragement of the dot com era that despite its abuses major new technologies were developed creating such great profits that President Clinton left office with great surpluses.  In a long conversation that I had with Bill Clinton at a reception he explained to me that his teacher at Georgetown University Carol Quigley taught him this and encapsulated it in his book “The Evolution of Civilizations”. All of this was squandered by the grotesque and wild expenditures on unnecessary wars of George W. Bush who must be accounted one of the worst presidents in history. And since then new ideas have been destroyed by the naked short sellers for decades as there is no law enforcement against the monied classes in the know.





The good thing about this is the German traitor Scholz, who cooperated in the bombing of the Nord Stream, is out. This was covered by Seymour Hersh in his famous scoop.

And my friend Donald Trump is in as President.

Fortune Magazine – DKL & Donald J. Trump – David Lifschultz

The issue with the euro, yen, etc. is currency rigging that Trump will end. This is covered in my exchange with Robert Rubin then Secretary

Robert Rubin Correspondence – David Lifschultz

And how through the currency rigging profits were made replacing American manufacturing with imports reflected by the fact that Chinese steel production is ten times that of the United States. The United States steel production is about the same as Russia. The power of a nation is in its power of production so that in 1945 the United States was about half the GDP of the entire world built by giants as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, etc.. It since has been a long decline for the United States as experienced by Spain, England, France, etc. of other empires.




And internal US industries were destroyed by the Paul Singers.

Tucker Carlson: How Paul Singer, Hedge Funds Are Destroying Rural America

We discuss below how Genoil can solve any oil emergency that happens in the Middle East by creating offsetting volumes of oil to replace in 30 to 60 days the knocked out oil if the western nations declare an emergency so parts are available for assembling the replacement upgraders within 30 to 60 days.

The article below on the Gulf States discusses the potential cutoff of 20 million barrels a day of oil by being bombed out in a Middle East war.  If we carefully evaluate the thought experiment in footnote one, the Genoil technology can increase the production of the world oil supply by over 24 million barrels a day to make up for this in 30 to sixty days. Genoil’s technology has the potential save the world economy. Genoil therefore represents a national security interest of the United States.

If a state of emergency should be declared in the event of an the oil cut off from the Middle East or about 24 million barrels a day, the emergency rollout of the Genoil technology can be accomplished in 30 to 60 days making up the 24 million barrel shortfall if the western nations order the suppliers of parts for our equipment to be delivered within thirty days to sixty days as a national security priority as assembly time is no more than a month. In other words, all other orders for parts would be held back.  It otherwise is three years time as manufacturers usually have backlogs for parts of up to three years. Genoil accomplished this. 30 day turnaround in the ConocoPhilips test when they required us to dismantle the Genoil upgrader and rebuild it at their Canadian ConocoPhillips site in a 30 day period which successful test is found at with that of Lukoil. So we know the assembly times if we have the parts.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the UAE are keen to de-escalate the situation, the Gulf sources told Reuters.  We hope their efforts are successful. No one wants all the Middle East oil production destroyed but Genoil is invaluable as an insurance policy.

Gulf states ask US to stop Israel – Reuters


The Genoil approach revolutionizes the oil industry so it has been long in coming due to the resistance to change. The data used in the  thought experiment is derived from the footnote one. The control of the oil industry is the control of the world as it presently stands as explained in footnote two as the world economy is utterly dependent for 100 million barrels a day on this form of energy. France  had shifted to nuclear power based on their guaranteed supply of uranium by an African colony but that source is now in jeopardy and  at the very least they will have to pay market prices which will be substantially more. This is aside from the fact that those who live near these nuclear power plants will be subject to a higher rates of cancer. France on a per capita basis has the highest cancer rates in the world and the largest number of nuclear power facilities per capita in the world.




Let us hypothetically say we have a fund with over one trillion dollars in it and they are analyzing the value of Genoil. First, the footnote  shows that Genoil can make for the user of its technology $30.00 a barrel if the price of oil is $100.00 per barrel. Five dollars of the  $35.00 was for Genoil royalty. It is 35% in any case. If the fund can line up 20 million barrels of production a day from major producers as partners times 30 dollars profit per barrel, then the profit for the group would be 600 million dollars a day. If we multiply that by 365  days we come to an annual profit of 219 billion dollars. If we use the yardstick of ten times earnings the value generated by the Genoil  technology would be 2.19 trillion dollars.  If we gain the world market of 100 million barrels a day, the value would be 1.095 quadrillion.  

Genoil itself would generate $5.00 a barrel. On 100 million barrels a day Genoil would generate 500 million dollars a day or 182.5 billion  dollars a year. Then at ten times earnings it would be 1.825 trillion dollars.  

Any professional oil engineer can validate the technology by looking at the Genoil website. The Genoil technology was proven in tests  with ConocoPhillips and Lukoil among many others but those two can be found at website.

As we demonstrate in footnote one, oil is the base of energy for the entire world economy having largely replaced coal. The ability to convert to solar and wind power would take at least century as the capital required alone would be about all investment capital for the next fifty years. Therefore, the control of oil is the control of the world for the foreseeable future.

David Lifschultz
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