Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
Submitted on March 24, 2024
Compliments of The Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899
The disintegration of New York City is accelerating. Illegal immigrants, homeless, breakdown in standards are destroying the financial capital of the world. Recommended reading is Edward Gibbon's “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”. The Visigoth immigrants initiated the fall of Rome. Below we have a New York Times article on a shoot out on the New York City subways which is symptomatic of New York City's rapid decline.
It is interesting to note that Texas against the orders of Washington has massed troops on their border with Mexico to block illegal immigrations.
Troops are being contributed by the southern states to Texas who were formerly part of the Confederacy. The President of the United States stood down. The US Army is in a woke shambles. The Supreme Court is in a panic and it is expected that they will sanction the Texas defense of their state. Should some event spark a civil war in the United States it should be noted that the counterproductive sanctions on North Korea have led to their becoming the primary source of hydrogen bomb nuclear missiles which are available on the black market to just about any buyer. Just about every nation in the Middle East has them. A word to the wise is sufficient.
North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb underground yielding earthquake dimensions of 6.3 on the Richter Scale.
An “earthquake” in North Korea may have been its most powerful nuclear test yet
Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Strikes Western Iran, At Least 70 Injured
While we compare the United States to Rome below a more apt comparison is to the Weimar Republic. There is an essential difference today in that the Weimar Republic dissolved in 1933 based on 50% unemployment but there can be other catalysts for revolution such as the Middle East that can bring down the entire world financial system by Iran blocking the Straits of Hormuz where the financial system is constructed in a manner that there are almost no safeguards against an implosion of the 618 trillion dollar derivative market that can be triggered by the Iranians blocking the Straits of Hormuz. We have none other than Warren Buffett saying that the implosion of the derivative structure as outlined would create a kind of nuclear financial explosion in the form of an unstoppable chain reaction. In the link below on the Straits of Hormuz the joint chiefs of staff have advised me that they cannot keep the channel open. If Russia joins in to cut off their oil production and that of their former provinces to their east then half the world oil supply would be cut off. See my letter to Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan on this subject in footnote one explaining the consequences which are not hard to imagine as we saw in the Weimar Republic or the French Revolution where the immediate cause was the shortage of bread. We are surrounded by systemic fragilities. We are not the only ones who know about this but so do our adversaries.
There are grave internal exposures that I am an expert in. I spent years on New York City committees trying to build more bridges for if the George Washington Bridge is knocked out the city cannot be supplied with essentials leading to the gravest of crises. The electrical grid is centralized in New York City and if it is knocked out the whole city will be out of electricity for at least a year before it could be turned back on according the the designer of this fiasco who told me that he desperately pleaded with the city to decentralize its electrical grid but they refused to listen as it cost more money. I could go on and on but that in itself makes the point. Congressman Jerrold Nadler joined me in that effort but we could make no headway. Washington would allocate no money.
As to mass immigration we have the example of Rome before us.
“Rome, once the capital of the world, is now the grave of the Roman people,” wrote Saint Jerome of a cataclysm that no one could have predicted. After several generations of Roman superiority and arrogance, the Visigothic “barbarian” mercenaries reminded their erstwhile masters of where the real military power lay.
1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its empire
Jerome (c. 340-420) “The Fate of Rome” (c. 409)
In the following letter to Agenuchia, a highborn lady of Gaul, Saint Jerome bemoans the fate of Rome, once so proud and powerful. The letter, dated 409, was written at a critical moment: the Visigoths had accepted a huge ransom to end their siege of Rome. I shall now say a few words of our present miseries. A few of us have hitherto survived them, but this is due not to anything we have done ourselves but to the mercy of the Lord. Savage tribes in countless numbers have overrun all parts of Gaul. The whole country between the Alps and the Pyrenees, between the Rhine and the Ocean, has been laid waste by hordes of Quadi, Vandals, Sarmatians, Alans, Gepids, Herules, Saxons, Burgundians, Allemanni and–alas! for the commonweal!–even Pannonians. For “Assur also is joined with them.” The once noble city of Moguntiacum has been captured and destroyed. In its church many thousands have been massacred. The people of Vangium after standing a long siege have been extirpated. The powerful city of Rheims, the Ambiani, the Altrebatae, the Belgians on the skirts of the world, Tournay, Spires, and Strasburg have fallen to Germany: while the provinces of Aquitaine and of the Nine Nations, of Lyons and of Narbonne are with the exception of a few cities one universal scene of desolation. And those which the sword spares without, famine ravages within. I cannot speak without tears of Toulouse which has been kept from failing hitherto by the merits of its reverend bishop Exuperius. Even the Spains are on the brink of ruin and tremble daily as they recall the invasion of the Cymry; and, while others suffer misfortunes once in actual fact, they suffer them continually in anticipation.
I say nothing of other places that I may not seem to despair of God's mercy. All that is ours now from the Pontic Sea to the Julian Alps in days gone by once ceased to be ours. For thirty years the barbarians burst the barrier of the Danube and fought in the heart of the Roman Empire. Long use dried our tears. For all but a few old people had been born either in captivity or during a blockade, and consequently they did not miss a liberty which they had never known. Yet who will hereafter credit the fact or what histories will seriously discuss it, that Rome has to fight within her own borders not for glory but for bare life; and that she does not even fight but buys the right to exist by giving gold and sacrificing all her substance? This humiliation has been brought upon her not by the fault of her Emperors who are both most religious men, but by the crime of a half-barbarian traitor who with our money has armed our foes against us. Of old the Roman Empire was branded with eternal shame because after ravaging the country and routing the Romans at the Allia, Brennus with his Gauls entered, Rome itself. Nor could this ancient stain be wiped out until Gaul, the birth-place of the Gauls, and Gaulish Greece, wherein they had settled after triumphing over East and West, were subjugated to her sway. Even Hannibal who swept like a devastating storm from Spain into Italy, although he came within sight of the city, did not dare to lay siege to it. Even Pyrrhus was so completely bound by the spell of the Roman name that destroying everything that came in his way, he yet withdrew from its vicinity and, victor though he was, did not presume to gaze upon what he had learned to be a city of kings. Yet in return for such insults–not to say such haughty pride–as theirs which ended thus happily for Rome, one banished from all the world found death at last by poison in Bithynia; while the other returning to his native land was slain in his own dominions. The countries of both became tributary to the Roman people. But now, even if complete success attends our arms, we can wrest nothing from our vanquished foes but what we have already lost to them. The poet Lucan describing the power of the city in a glowing passage says:
If Rome be weak, where shall we look for strength? we may vary his words and say:
If Rome be lost, where shall we look for help? or quote the language of Virgil:
Had I a hundred tongues and throat of bronze The woes of captives I could not relate. Or ev'n recount the names of all the slain. Even what I have said is fraught with danger both to me who say it and to all who hear it; for we are no longer free even to lament our fate. and are unwilling, nay, I may even say, afraid to weep for our sufferings.
Footnote one:
Letter to Jamie Dimon:
Mr. Jamie Dimon
J. P. Morgan Chase
Dear Jamie:
Here is a summary of the problem the international banking system faces if the BRICS, Arabian and Russian producers cut off the oil that Washington has not addressed in the calculations of the dangers that we face which are not entirely of a military nature in the Middle East.
With best wishes.
I was called upon to handle the 1987 emergency stock market crash and my point man at the Fed was Ted Truman. I just noticed an article that Ted Truman just wrote in the Financial Times so he is alive and kicking in his eighties. We just ordered the major firms to reverse their cash settlement rigs. Ted understood everything in a minute. He was the George Smiley at the Fed of the John Le Carre novels. What had happened was the major Wall Street firms were then experimenting with a new vehicle called cash settlement which they would use to move the market up by placing their cash settlement positions above the market that settled for cash before they moved the market up and below when they would move the market down. It took less money to move the indexes than they received from the cash settlement derivatives and settled their profits in cash. The swings became too large and went out of control on the downward swing. The self-correcting mechanism of buying back the security to cover the short was eliminated. These manipulations continue today in a more advanced form but as in Gamestop there is no regulation of the giants but vice versa.
We came in to order the players to place their positions above the market and drive it upwards coordinated with the Federal Reserve System which worked. The atmosphere was painted in the background by executives proclaiming they were buying their own stocks because the valuations were so cheap which in itself meant little. It was the counter-manipulation that counted. . A detailed explanation as to what happened is given in a link below entitled “Straits of Hormuz” under the subtitle “Stochastic Control Theory”.
I was also involved in ending the other grand manipulation of 2008 which forced the issuance of 27 trillion dollars in Federal Reserve Credit as they hesitated to follow my advice when in 1987 there are hardly a ripple. I was preoccupied in another emergency situation for the United States in 2008 but wrote out the rescue plan but they delayed its implementation for two months requiring 27 trillion dollars of new Federal Reserve Credit based on the delay when I came back to implement the plan. This could just as easily been rescued as in 1987. In matters such as this he who hesitates is lost.
When love once pleas admission to our hearts
(In spite of all the virtue we can boast)
The woman that deliberates is lost.
If we wish to understand what this meant from 1913-1914 to 2008 about two trillion of Federal Reserve Credit had been created. When I came in we had to create 27 trillion dollars to save the situation all of which was subsequently paid back. But we never showed any Federal Reserve Credit having been above two trillion dollars in 2008 as that would have created a world crisis which you can see for yourself in the third link. Here are the links. Link one covers the 27 trillion dollar cover on top of the two trillion base for their mistake, and link two the Federal Reserve balance sheet for 2008 showing no relative increase in credit which report was false.
Today we face another potential crisis of even greater magnitude as outlined below as our ability to control it is limited as the players are outside of our jurisdiction as noted in the next two quotes. The solution requires an understanding of the great danger the international financial system is in and requires decisive action to forestall an Arabian and Russian cutoff of potentially 25 to 50 percent of the world oil supply that would irretrievably implode the international financial system.
Here are warnings:
Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani warning supplies of Middle East oil to international markets could be put off because of the Israel-Gaza War.
The other reason this is very significant is because if a larger war were to kick off, oil would become the primary geostrategic global lightning rod. That’s because Iran can wreak havoc on global markets, transits via the known chokepoints of the Persian Gulf, etc. This is underscored by the fact that the Iranian minister called for a total oil embargo on Israel during this meeting:
Iranian Foreign Minister: We call on a total oil and gas embargo by the Islamic countries against nations that support Israel.
There is the potential of Iran shutting down of the Straits of Hormuz and Russia shutting down in Russia proper and their former provinces about half the world's oil supply if we include the Straits of Hormuz discussed below. This would bring down the entire world economy which is sitting on a notional value of derivatives of 618 trillion dollars. They say notional as most are not in the money but if the economy collapses with an oil cutoff Goldman Sachs oil derivative experts say that the exposure will rise in the notional derivatives who become in the money obliterating the world financial system. We compare this risk to the world GDP of 96.5 trillion dollars.
Warren Buffett's concern with derivatives is not their present value but the value in a crisis which is why he moved to eliminate derivatives in the Swiss insurance company that he bought some years back though it would take 50 years. A 618 trillion dollar derivative crash could be our Baron Louis de Rothschild bank's collapse in Vienna which was the Creditanstalt that triggered the collapse of the German economy in 1931 raising the unemployment to 50% if we include the itinerant workers that made the National Socialist revolution successful. 50% unemployment seems to be the key for the west today. The US system in 1933 weathered the 25% unemployment. We are saying if the US and European unemployment rises to 50% their governmental systems will similarly collapse as in Germany in 1933. This is entirely possible as we sit just above the abyss as the Middle East nears Armageddon.
Here are current comments by the Bank for International Settlements founded by Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht. Dr. Schacht, who was nicknamed the old wizard, stopped the German hyperinflation creating a gold backed mark though there was no gold behind it following the verses of Goethe in his Faust:
I am fed up with this endless how and when,
if there is no money let us make it then.
He was also behind ironically enough the creation of the Bank for International Settlements where once a month the central bankers meet in these times to chart the world financial system.
Here are the BIS comments:
The sharp increases in gross market values contrasted with the stability seen in the notional value of outstanding derivatives. These sagged by only $14 trillion to $618 trillion at end-2022 after a small rebound the previous period, continuing the sawtooth pattern evident since at least 2016 (Graph 1.B).
$2 Quadrillion Debt Precariously Resting On $2 Trillion Gold | GoldBroker.com
The main point that I am making is that this crisis over Palestine can pull down the entire world system through a crash in the derivative market. My piece is included below from 1987 crash when I supervised the rescue in the stock markets stemming from a rig of the cash settlement positions by the major Wall Street firms. The deep state ordered the major rigging firms to reverse their positions to drive the market up by placing their cash settlement positions above the market. As everyone knows it worked. I used this study as a point of reference since the same principles still apply today. The derivative exposure today is worse than then. I go into the Straits of Hormuz vulnerability there too that could bring down the 618 trillion dollar derivative structure and a detailed military analysis based on my lunch at the Harvard Club with General Barry McAffrey who was the Director of Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Chiefs of Staff which is still applicable today as to whether the US can keep the Straits of Hormuz open which they cannot. See detailed study in next link of the form of manipulation and the military analysis.
The Straits of Hormuz as a Trigger to World Depression
David Lifschultz
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