Saturday, 18 January 2025

Thomas Anderson: The Legal Situation of “Germany”

Thomas Anderson: The Legal Situation of “Germany”

Thursday, 14 March 2024, 8:55 AM


Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Thomas Anderson, Contributing Writer

Submitted on March 14, 2024

Dear Readers,

I am writing you to give you a short summary of what the actual legal status of Germany is in fact, there is no Germany, there is an area of land formerly know as Federal Republic of Germany and this area is part of a bigger area formerly known as the German Empire. And because of very recently published leaked discussions of Officers of the Bundeswehr, der German army, the Russians have now the legal right to simply quit and cancel the so called 4+2 contract, in which the end of the Russian occupation was decided and the so called Federal Republic of Germany then, so the general public was told, would grow a little by adding the area of the formerly know German Democratic Republic (DDR). Also in this contract, the “2” (West and East Germany) declared and signed, that “from their ground only peace will arise”, which sounds ridiculous after hearing this leaked conversation between German officers about how to best attack a bridge in Crimea and after a German member of parliament openly on television wants Ukraine to attack Moscow Ministry buildings directly ( (please join channel with link down below first before clicking on this link) and offered pro-active help in this matter. ( well… in the German Grundgesetz, the Basic Law (NOT a constitution!!), it is very clearly written: “the planning of an attack war is prohibited” so therefore, this member of German parliament openly in public and not by accident broke the law, the so called “constitution” and the 4+2-contract at the same time as it was nothing.

Therefore… the Russians could now legally (!!!) send their troops to Germany at ANY time without braking ANY international law.

On top of that, there are surely many Germans who would welcome them in order to get all the scumbags out of Berlin.

The legal situation of Germany

Lets dive into the legal situation of the so called “Germany”, to understand, why the German government and all members of parliament since 1990 should be arrested, now, at once, all together.

As a person who is born and lives in some country (let's take a German for example), one eventually develops the understanding that one lives in a country that is called a state, whose citizens live within a defined area within that countries borders and at least most of those inhabitants have a citizenship, which usually refers to people born within this area and bears the name of that state.

As a citizen of such a state, one habitually assumes that those who have been chosen to care for this state and its well-being and proper functioning do so to the best of their knowledge and at a high standard.

Since a state is a legal form, it seems logical to assume that within this legal sphere highly professional lawyers pay very close attention to how founding statutes, laws, regulations and their implementation find their way into written language and kept up-to-date.

As a citizen, you get the benefit of such accuracy, when you as a citizen literally have to pay attention to every comma, every parenthesis, every paragraph, and every subordinate clause, especially when it comes to paying taxes, fines, or taxes. This is by no means necessarily negative, but simply shows that with the help of precisely formulated laws and regulations it is possible to regulate very precisely the behavior within a community. Everything that is not regulated by paragraphs and articles with an law is not regulated and may therefore give rise to litigation in the future. The more precisely the law is formulated, the less work one has as a community later. Any contract in business does the same.

But what do we experience in relation to the “state” Federal Republic of Germany? There is knitting with a hot needle and not even a bit of legal diligence is allowed. If one then asks, even lawyers casually waved off with the remark “is logical” or “everybody knows that”.

If you would argue like this as a citizen at the tax office, you would very certain quickly get to know the almost phenomenal competence of an employee in the lower service there, who will tell, which comma you forgot to take notice of.

An example: the founding statutes of a state are called “constitution”. Only in exceptional cases, namely, when a state is occupied by foreign military and only for the duration of the occupation, this foreign power has the right to temporarily implement a basic law system according to the Haag Regulation, simply because a foreign military government has by no means right to act as a government under the original constitution of the occupied country.

In such a case, the community of all states of this planet agreed that this foreign power should create a legal order within the occupied territory of the occupied state. So it was written down in the Hague Regulation:

Art. 43. The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

One can do this within the framework of a “Basic Law” (german: “Grundgesetz”), one could alternatively call it “Transitional Order” or “Occupation Order”, you name it. Both others would have revealed the temporary character of such a regulation better than “Basic Law”. One might assume that this is the reason why this term has just been chosen to disguise this fact. In the area of ​​the German Democratic Republic, instead, a “constitution” was drafted and thus created in many details a legal form that comes closer to a state, than the “administrative provisional Federal Republic of Germany” (if you want listen to the german speech of Carlo Schmid, SPD, from Parliamentary Council on the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany and marvel at the words, values ​​and content that have been and still are clear then and now.)

Such a basic law, a “Grundgesetz”, should therefore, as well as a constitution, determine to which area this substitution-law regulation refers, to which people and, as a result, actually regulate all that is necessary precisely for the intended purpose, namely the maintenance of public order.

This concerns among other things, for example, the topic of citizenship, but also, for example, the topic of finance.

Let's start with the basics:

Let's start with the fundamentals: the “Grundgesetz” is almost always referred to as the constitution of Germany. Most of the german people think, that the parliament of the early Federal Republic negociated this Grundgesetz and then voted for it. The simple truth is very much different. Eleven american lawyers met in Herrenchiemsee (a city of southern Germany), drafted the Grundgesetz and then handed it over to the Parliamentary Council to vote for it with “yes”. “No” was never an option.

The Federal Republic of Germany has a “Federal Constitutional Court”, a “constitutional protection agency”, “constitutional court judges” and much more.

But the simple truth is: Article 146 of the Grundgesetz clearly states:

“This Grundgesetz (…) loses its validity on the day on which a constitution enters into force, which was decided by the German people in free decision(/voting/election).”

So the result is very clear: the Grundgesetz is NOT a constitution and was thought of from the beginning on as to be exchanged at some point of time by a “constitution”.

Why is the Grundgesetz called the Grundgesetz? We have already learned this above, because according to Hague Regulation, an occupied country must be given the opportunity during the occupation by a foreign power to act to maintain law and order within a legal and executive framework during the non-governmental / occupation period.

And this is exactly what the preamble of the Grundgesetz says in all editions before 1990, the year of the so called “reunification of Germany”:

“… to give state life a new order for a transitional period (…)”.

The Grundgesetz is thus a transitional aid made by occupiers for occupied country.
Carlo Schmid also says very clearly in his speech that the Grundgesetz should be passed by the parliamentary council and that it also may be discussed, but by no means “CHANGED”.
This dependence is also underlined by the title of the whole work: there is ” Grundgesetz for the Federal Republic of Germany” and not ” Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany”.
In everyday usage such a distinction may not always be important, but in laws every word, every syllable, and every comma has meaning!

In normal language usage Germany likes to be equated with the Federal Republic of Germany. The Grundgesetz does not do this!

One of the earlier plans after the capitulation of the German WEHRMACHT was, to completely wipe out Germany.

Following the capitulation of the German Armed Forces and the occupation of the German Reich in 1945, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic were then established, as well as other areas were placed under Polish, French, Russian and other administration.

This article is still valid today within the framework of the Grundgesetz. That means, by law, the preamble already itself breaks the law!

If one assumes here that Germans are members of the German people and the Grundgesetz applies to the entire German people, one encounters here the contradiction that either the regions listed in the preamble include all of the German people or the definition of Article 116. only one of them is possible. Is a preamble part of the law? Does it merely have an introductory function or does it have legislative powers?

The commentaries leave no doubt here: a preamble is an introduction. Not more. Not less. It is not a part of the law and its paragraphs and articles. Therefore, a preamble does not have the same legislative and regulatory character as an article or paragraph within the text of the law. Aside from the contradiction here in relation to the question of who the Grundgesetz applies to, or who or where the German people are, Article 144 still explicitly refers to Article 23 in its old (repealed) form.

So somebody forgot the change or delete this link and article..

It certainly urges the suspicion, as if something has been “knitted with a hot needle”…

Where does the Grundgesetz apply when it is specified nowhere in the legal text, i.e. in the articles?
Let's save this question for later and come to something else.

In Article 139, all laws adopted by the Allied victorious powers (including so-called “orders” (of the High Commissioner for example) are confirmed in their validity and by law bypass the Grundgesetz. The provisions adopted thus continue to apply without any limitation in time or content.




That's the Grundgesetz!

There is a rumor that I would like to share with you. I call it a rumor because until today I have not been able to see or even present the relevant documents. If you are able to get these documents, please do it !! I KNOW that they do exist, however, the governments do all they can to hide them away from public eye.

The process is reported quickly: on 17.sep.1990, the US Secretary of State in power, James Baker in his capacity as a High Commissionaire of the Allied Western powers informed the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany that he made use of his powers and hereby cancelled article 23 of the Grundgesetz.

On the very same day, Eduard Shevardnadze, those times Russian Foreign Minister, in his capacity as High Commissionaire for the Russian occupying forces, informed the Government of the German Democratic Republic that he was exercising his respective powers and deleted the constitution of the German Democratic Republic.

Cautiously, this means: the scope of the Grundgesetz has been deleted with effect of Sep. 18th 1990 by of the deletion of article 23 and thus the “state territory” of the Federal Republic of Germany has become thin air, at the same time the Constitution of the German Republic was deleted and thus this republic itself dissolved also into thin air and again a few days later, on October 1, 1990, something that no longer exists (German Democratic Republic) based on an article 23 (which there was no longer at that time) joined something, which has moved from reality onto from then on the fiction of only being a printed paperwork of each Grundgesetz (West Germany).

I repeat: the Germans since 1990 live in a country, which is neither German Federal Republic nor German Democratic Republic. Not the German Empire (because, as you already know now, that was a bigger area).The first has no area where its laws apply to and the second has no constitution and the third is a bigger area of which the two former German states only were part of (the left/western part and the middle/center part).

What does the Grundgesetz say to such situations? If someone has knowingly provided or allowed, that the existing order of the Grundgesetz is disturbed or even eliminated, according to Article 20 this justifies every German citizen to resist and fight him!

Even more!

“If, in the exercise of a public office entrusted to him, one violates the official duty incumbent on him (…)” (…) in the case of intent or gross negligence “the right to capture this person is reserved (Article 34). Meaning: you can not hide behind an official title or duty. Because there is no country, no state, every “official” person who claims to be / have an official duty, is wrong by law. Not the position/title is responsible but the person behind it. Everybody is responsible because you can and should know, what you are doing in what framework.

So, on Sep. 23rd 1990, someone of the members of the German parliament should have known what they are doing while deciding to delete Article 23, or they should have known that the deletion was done on a higher order, or, should this have been concealed before, during or after the Vote, I ask myself very seriously: why did none of them ask public questions or open this information to the public?

If the Allies think they have to dissolve the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, then the German citizens like to know about that!

Quite up to date, we hear from the German mainstream media, that the complete abolition of German citizenship was already decided for the end of 2017 but then postponed due to public echo.

If this is all indeed so, that points to a policy of the Allies in 1990, which is obviously very different from that of the Federal German Government, those times and now!

Did the then federal German government knowingly deceive the German people? Have they simply continued with the Federal Republic without a legal basis? If yes why? Only because the (quite attractive) salaries, positions, pensions of the deputies in this Federal Republic Parliament? What about the current members of German parliament? Do those know about all this? Or not? What would be worse?

Should the Allies, with their obvious objective (the dissolution of the two German states and the gradual or even immediate re-establishment of the German Reich within its borders of December 31, 1937, not support the German people in this case NOW, IMMEDIATELY, and URGENTLY in the resistance to an apparently conscious criminally acting small group of politicians who knowingly, deliberately, illegally and insidiously cheat and betray the German people and the rest of the world since 1990? Is this perhaps the reason for Trump's very clear scolding against Merkel's policy?

If the problems mentioned above are all vain and easy to explain then someone can tell in public immediately and obviously, where the Grundgesetz applies, why the accession took place on 01.oct.1990 although already on 23.09.1990 the deletion of article 23 was done.

I would be glad if someone could finally explain it. Still, it's time for explanations! It's time to put evidence on the table! The german Federal Constitutional Court itself, an organ of the Federal Republic of Germany, explicitly state in its judgment of 31.July.1973: “The German Reich still exists (BVerfGE 2, 266 (277); 3, 288 (319 f.); 5, 85 ( 126); 6, 309 (336, 363)), still has legal capacity (…)” ´but can not act at the moment due to a missing government´.

One should assume that anyone who expresses this precisely, namely that the German Reich still exists, finds his path protected on the safe ground of the argumentation and rules of the German Constitutional Court itself! In fact, its different: if you say so, you are automatically named a right wing extremist, NAZI and worse and possibly put into prison.

Another very interesting fact is, that in the early 1980ties an employee of the DEUTSCHE REICHSBAHN (the railway company of the DEUTSCHES REICH) in East-Berlin, who was head of the works council of the DEUTSCHE REICHSBAHN in East-Berlin, wondered, why he did not have a passport of the German Democratic Republic, nor one of the German Federal Republic, but only a DIENSTAUSWEIS (service identity card = member of staff) of the DEUTSCHE REICHSBAHN. Well, he found out that at once after the surrender of the WEHRMACHT, the Allied confiscated all and everything of the DEUTSCHES REICH, except the DEUTSCHE REICHSBAHN. This one stayed intact as a special asset and was therefore the only left legally intact item of the DEUTSCHES REICH. So, all members of staff were in fact neither citizens of the western nor the eastern part of Germany, but only members of staff of that Railway company and, not it gets important, could act as the only left members of an official item of the governmental items of the DEUTSCHES REICH. He found out, that according to international law and regulations all claims of country become time-barred after 40 years. He thought this through and came to the same conclusion as the German Constitutional Court: the German Reich still exists (he was member of staff) and could not act due to a missing government. His next idea was: ok, why not claiming this and address the Allied forces on basis of this rules and ask for being set up as a provisional government. Of course his very next thought was: “if I do so, the STASI (eastern German secret service) will get me within a few hours and I will disappear forever”. Well, any way, Wolfgang Gerhard Günther Ebel did so in 1984 and in fact was invited shortly after that by the FBI in Berlin and again only some weeks later, was introduced as the provisional acting Reichs-Chancellor of the DEUTSCHES REICH and some other titles, which were important within the legal framework of this situation, especially regarding greater Berlin, kingdom of Prussia etc. Together with the FBI and other institutions he worked out a plan to have the reunification of the 2 western and middle parts of Germany within the time until end of 1989.

He publicly held a speech with international press attending in front of the REICHSTAG in Berlin in 1987 when I remember it right, where he announced all this in public.

He wrote letters with these facts to ALL MEMBERS of the German parliament with registered mail receipt in 1988 and 1989.

So, NOBODY can say, he didn’t know.

Even Ronald Reagan, on his visit to Berlin in 1987 in his famous speech sent out a cryptic message for all those who understood:

“Yet, I do not come here to lament. For I find in Berlin a message of hope, even in the shadow of this wall, a message of triumph.”

One must know: the office of Reich-chancellor Ebel was very close to and in the shadow of the Berlin wall. It was a very small normal typical Berlin style villa and obviously full of microphones, because Mr. Ebel at that time suggested to me, to go “dancing in a disco” to talk privately.

So everything was done and it finally happened and the German people were all lied to. It was neither the success of peaceful demonstrations, nor the success of the courage of a very brave and lonesome railwayguy. It was neither the heroic story of the east-German refuges in the German embassies of Hungary and other countries, it was an evil plan to calmly confiscate the belonging of another country, in this case, the secretly seize the German Democratic Republic out of the hands of the Soviet Union – to steal a state.

On the way to this so called reunification, the German government under Helmut Kohl gave order to a very famous and big law firm in a small city in the south of Germany. Please excuse me not naming him directly. You will later learn why. They had 100 lawyers and the official order to negotiate with the Russian government about the details of the retreat of the soviet army from the German Democratic Republic (“Eastern Germany”). After months of intensive work in Russia and Germany the plan and draft contract was finished. Among the details within this contract was the payment of 8,5billion Deutsche Mark to Russia for the construction of houses for the homecoming soldiers, creating jobs etc.

Helmut Kohl received that package in person from the boss of that law firm, said “thank you” and “from here I take over”. Helmut Kohl then spent much time in some very famous sauna visits together with his buddy president Mikhail Gorbachev. The outcome was the finished worked over contract, which was then again handed over to that law firm for completion and execution. The boss of the law firm at once recognized very important changes within the contract. One of the more important ones was the payment of now not only 8,5 but 85 billion Deutsche Mark. “This is not my contract” he said to Kohl. “I know.” Was the answer.

The boss of this lawfirm only once explained this detailed story in public many yeas ago. Shortly after that his company melted down to only him and his son and he was ruined forever. You may guess, why and how and by whom.

I did not attend that meeting myself, but my tutor and old friend, who died some years ago did and around 50-80 people more people in southern Germany. The boss of that law firm refused to me personally to talk about this in public again.

85 Billion Deutsche Mark is a HUGE amount of money. The German government didn’t have that money. Only the German state owned pension fund had this money. This fund was built up over decades and had so much money, that even if nobody would pay for his job insurance or pension fund at a given time, they still would be able to pay out all pensions for 1,5 years from those reserves. Well, that's the past. Today this pension fund has reserve of only some weeks. Guess, why…

According to rumors I heard, the German government paid out 85 billion Deutsche Mark to CREDIT SUISSE, from there on 8,5 billion were paid out to the Russian government and the rest was 50/50 sent out to Helmut and Michail.

Further rumors report after that claim, that Kohl was a very well paid consultant to the Credit Suisse and Gorbachev bought him self a nice castle in St. Petersburg and other things.

Within those years Germany had some trouble with terror attacks of the ROTE ARMEE FRAKTION (“RAF”). First they killed Hans Martin Schleyer. Their claim of responsibility, a book many centimeters thick with very educated argumentation why they did so, was found on site.
Not long after that, most of them were arrested, the so called “First Generation of the RAF”. But the terror went on.

Just now, 2024, March, the German media are full with the arrest of a former member of the RAF, a woman called Klatte and the hunt for another member, who is still on the run as of this writing.

The 2nd generation of the RAF killed Alfred Herrhausen, CEO of Deutsche Bank that time. Herrhausen had an assistant, Hilmar Kopper, who followed him on this position. Herrhausen was a man, who was proud of what he was doing and very well knew, how the world of finances worked. He was educated in a special elite school of the Third Reich, called NAPOLA and he was very proud of that. He often like to say: “money rules the world – money, that is the banks – and the banks, that is me!”

The banks all over the world had financed developing countries all over and all of them knew: the money will never come back. The German tax system allowed the German banks, of course also the DEUTSCHE BANK, to build up tax-free reserves in the amount of (when I remember it correct) 60% of the volume of those loans to cover possible losses. The DEUTSCHE BANK did so and therefore Herrhausen did not fear the complete loss of these loans at all. The American system however allowed only 30% reserves (again, when I remember it correctly) and so all the big players in the market stood with one's back to the wall and feared a lot what Herrhausen did those days.

Among them also the Chase Manhattan Bank. Koppers duty was to prepare the biggest deal in history ever (that time) and DEUTSCHE BANK wanted to buy Chase Manhattan.

Herrhausen knew, that he was in danger all the time. His security was on one level with the one of Kohl those days, if not better. They way from his home to his office was controlled multiple times a day by special police forces. He had an armored car of highest quality, one car going in front of his and another car going behind his car, equipped with armed elite forces.

On one day, only a short time after the successful takeover of Chase Manhattan Bank, he drove to his office, suddenly the car in front of him accelerated very fast and disappeared behind the next corner, while at the same time, the car behind him stopped and waited. His car was then hit by a bomb.

Herrhausens car had only one weak point: behind the B-pillar, the space and metal column between the front and rear door,  on the right side there was a small area of interest. If this was hit by a bomb, there was a small chance, that parts of interior paneling could get weakend and damaged. Exactly this happened. Herrhausen was hit by a piece of plastic on his legs inner side and, still alive, loosing a lot of blood.

After some minutes of being scared, frightened and petrified, the elite forces came back to life and rushed out of their car to the car of Herrhausen. They found Herrhausen alive on the backseat – and took instead care for the driver.

Herrhausen died that day in that car on the backseat. The claim of responsibility found on site was a letter format white piece of paper with the letters “R A F” on it.

His successor Hilmar Kopper at once concentrated on the inner German market and left alone the US market and was no danger anymore to the American banking landscape.

The next victim of the RAF was Detlev Karsten Rohwedder. He was a very successful liquidator, who then became head of the DEUTSCHE TREUHAND, the company, which took over ALL companies of the DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATIC REPUBLIC and his duty was to privatize those. He took this job very seriously, after he came from a very successful liquidation of a big bankrupt steel company, where he managed to keep on job ALL thousands of workers, needed NO Tax money to save the company and left the company delivering profits after he finished.

His plan for the former East-German companies was to slowly sell company by company of the DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATIC REPUBLIC and try to not use any tax money and build up a real middle class in that society and area by not selling to any huge international big player or bank. There were more than 25.000 companies and he sold only 750 within in the first 6 months. Also he belonged to the best protected people in the country, also his way from home to office was protected and in his house, all windows armored glass, except the first floor, there those works were not finished.

One day, from the flat straight over the street, just when he talked to his wife in the bedroom upstairs, a first shot lacerated his lung, aorta and heart. A real master shot. To question this first shot, the next few shots targeted random areas in the room nearby to empty the gun-magazine.

Rohwedder died that day. The claim of responsibility found on site was a letter format white piece of paper with the letters “R A F” on it.

His successor was Mrs. Birgit Breuel. Birgit Breuel had a different approach. Sell us much as you and don’t care about using tax money. She sold thousands of companies very fast, preferably to American banks. Tax money was used to pay for environmental reparation on the area of Bitterfeld and elsewhere for the old refineries. Billions and billions. Many companies were sold for 1 DM / Euro as a symbolic price. For example the BERLINER SPARKASSE, a bank, was sold for some (I think it was 14) million. That sounds quite ok, at least not only a symbolic price. But the BERLINER SPARKASSE sat on loan contract for more than 4 billion, which ALL were paid later by those clients. That makes the purchase price very unpleasantly low. Birgit Breuel sold many of those companies to American banks. Only one bank from the US did not buy: Chase Manhattan…

What you should know about Birgit Breuel: she is a born Muenchmeyer, from the Banking house Muenchmeyer Hengst &Co.. That was the banking company which took over the former Schiff banking house in Germany after it was seized by the government. Birgit Breuel later took over the world expo in Hannover and left it as a complete disaster for the tax payer. Hundreds of millions loss, a marketing EMP for that region. Of course the German tax payer had to pay for this disaster.

Shortly after that, there were elections in Germany and Kohl and his finance minister Theo Waigel won the election. Shortly after the election (only 3 months later) they had to admit, that they found the biggest whole in the governments household ever. 500 billions (!!!!) were lost. Mostly due to pension responsibilities from the sold TREUHAND Companies, of which Mrs. Breuel was so kind to leave that duty to the tax payer instead of letting the buyer of the company pay for it, for environmental rehabilitation services within vast areas of former “East-Germany” and much more.

You can imagine, that when you run a ministry of finance, such knowledge does not come out within only 3 months. It was simply held behind the scenes to not ruin the election results for the CDU, the party of Helmut Kohl.

So, the finance minister does not run the ministry, he changes every few years. The man in charge is the secretary of state in that position, who was responsible for the cover up and not doing anything against it. That man was then Horst Köhler, who later not only became president of the IWF but also president of Germany.

The best fitting words for such circumstances is “OH S..T!” or preferably “F..k!”

So, what do we learn….

Germany is run by a small group of people of the top floors and in government there are a lot of gangsters.

The German people has suffered from those and they don’t have clue about it. They have paid literally hundreds of billions to wedontyetknowexactly.

And the german people don’t even have citizenship. Below the word “nationality” in the passport of every German there is written “German”

I´ll keep you posted (as long as I can)






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