Sunday, 20 October 2024

US Occupation Troops in Germany, Japan, and Korea

US Occupation Troops in Germany, Japan, and Korea

Monday, 1 July 2024, 13:16 PM


Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

Submitted on July 1, 2024


Compliments of The Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899

We should start bringing the troops back home and close down most of the foreign bases excluding those which are necessary to protect critical natural resource supplies. We need hundreds of thousands of troops to seal the borders.  Then we should have a massive effort at arresting and deporting illegal aliens no matter how much it cost. 

Comment from United States veteran:

Korea is just as bad sir–even worse when I was there. You have no idea how many troops were whisked out of Korea in the middle of the night to stop the Koreans from rioting—and the US Korean Command head “funeral director” (or whatever the top guy is called–was also whisked away as he allowed the 

dumping of large amounts of formaldehyde + down the drain in Seoul–just the tip of the iceberg sir-++-so many mixed babies in the orphanages there-also—-more black than white—.  See footnote one.

There are 800 military bases in 70 countries almost all of whom are unnecessary. Their closing would make great contribution to ending the massive deficit on the international accounts of the United States.

The U.S. current account deficit in 2023 was $818.8 billion.




Now, let’s get down to business:

There are two ways to end the trade and current account deficit on the foreign exchange market which are tariffs or currency realignment to end the rigging by lowering the value of the dollar the latter of which I have been recommending for years.

Herbert Hoover moved to do this by tariffs as the Rothschild controlled central bank of the US refused to cooperate just as they do today. Andrew Mellon, a Rothschild agent, told Hoover 

that the central banks must be independent of governments which meant it had to stay under the control of the Rothschilds as today. So Hoover raised the tariffs to 59% from 40% and the 

Rothschilds engineered the stock market surge by the loose money supply and low margin requirements in order to create a crash in 1929 that would depose Hoover. The tariffs were blamed but not the engineered stock market speculation. Here is where the expression of the 

Rothschilds comes into play is that you buy when there is blood in the streets. The Rothschilds made a fortune buying the crashed stocks and real estate in New York City where hardly a building was not in receivership.

In the meantime the Rothschilds bought up gold as no one had the money to buy it in their induced depressions and after they put Roosevelt in had him devalue the dollar against gold 




where they made a stupendous killing. The Rothschilds then converted their gold into dollars and bought up the New York City real estate and stocks on the New York Stock Exchange 

at bargain levels.  You can prove this by looking at the stupendous French import records of gold (going into the hands of Baron Eduard de Rothschild) before Roosevelt came in as 

President so the Rothschilds made another killing when they had their Roosevelt devalue the dollar against gold and confiscate all the American gold from American citizens.  

This was the greatest robbery in all of history of a nation’s own citizens. There can be no doubt that Baron Eduard de Rothschild was the greatest of all geniuses but he eventually outsmarted 

himself in one of those ironies of history this greatest of all powers found himself fleeing Paris as the National Socialist soldiers marched into Paris singing songs of hatred against usury which was his control mechanism combined with the invention of valueless fiat money.

I am fed up with this endless how and when if there is no money let us make it then.

J. W. von Goethe, Faust Part Two

The key question here today is that the US currency was rigged by foreign central banks who purchased the dollars to enable them to dump their products on the United States collapsing the industrial strength of the United States. I proved this in my exchange with the then 

Secretary of the `Treasury Robert Ruben below. He complained about me to number one of the deep state who called me asking why I was writing to this nonentity that they kicked upstairs to Treasury after his usefulness at Goldman was up after the Milken era was ended.  

I replied that I wanted a written record for posterity and dear reader you have merely to click the link below to read it.  




I had advised Donald Trump that he could end this deficit by simply buying the foreign currencies to raise their value making their goods more expensive, and he ran with the idea as president, but it was shot down. This did not please the Rothschilds so Trump’s election was stolen such stealing is as American as apple pie as we saw in Baron Eduard de Rothschild’s purchase through Kuhn Loeb (Morty Schiff) of the votes in the Bronx bribing Boss Flynn on behalf of 

Franklyn Roosevelt or Joseph Kennedy’s purchase of the vote in Chicago by Mayor Daley on behalf of his son Jack just to name a few.

I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how. Joseph Stalin

The latest manipulation of the vote for Biden was done twenty-first century style through the untraceable votes in electronic voting machines which is the same plan for the next presidential election.

Robert Rubin Correspondence – David Lifschultz

The United States is going bankrupt and the present election will probably be the last opportunity to save the United States from plunging into a depression and revolution as in 1933 Germany where 50% unemployment overthrew the government. The handwriting is on the wall as in 1933.  

The United States in 1933 had 25% unemployment which was sufficient to replace Hoover as planned but not high enough to lead to revolution as in Germany. Next time the US will not be so lucky.

Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall:

  • Mene, mene, meaning that God has numbered Belshazzar’s days, the noun mene is taken as a verb, 
  • “to count, number.”
  • Tekel, God has weighed Belshazzar in the balance and found him wanting, he does not measure up to 
  • God’s standard. The root of the word shekel means “to weigh.”
  • (U)Parsin, literally split up or divided, meaning that the kingdom will be split between the Medes and the 
  • Persians. There is a double meaning here, the Aramaic root prs means to divide, and sounds like the 
  • name of the Persian Empire.
  • Footnote one:

    US Troops Continue To Terrorize Germans and Japanese

    JUN 27




    America’s foreign troop deployments are yet again causing international incidents. Citizens in nations hosting these bases are increasingly demanding US soldiers out of their country, but their leadership is unresponsive.

    Soldiers typically engage in elevated levels of criminal activity during war, but what makes US military personnel unusual is their long and sordid history of assaulting, murdering and raping the nearby population during peacetime.

    In the latest outrage, a 25-year-old black US Air Force mechanic stationed in Okinawa, Brennon Washington, has been indicted for the abduction and rape of a Japanese girl believed to be 13 or 14-years-old.

    Last December, Washington allegedly lured the girl into his car at a public park then raped her at his off-base residence. Under the US’ Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with Japan, local authorities are not allowed to detain and question American soldiers suspected of committing crimes against Japanese citizens until they are formally charged, with the sole exception being rape and murder. This arrangement often prevents local prosecutors from holding American criminals accountable, leading to a sense of impunity.

    Approximately 26,000 US troops are stationed on the islands of Okinawa. American authorities routinely ignore or even refuse to accept complaints filed by the Okinawan Prefecture demanding they crack down on the violent and chaotic behavior of their troops and civilian contractors. American soldiers engage in multiple sex crimes against Japanese women every year, but military authorities generally refuse to punish them beyond rank demotions and fines.

    Japanese civil society groups and the foreign ministry have asked US ambassador Rahm Emmanuel to condemn violence by American servicemen against Japanese citizens to no avail. Emmanuel, who is Jewish, has previously taken to X to promote the thoroughly debunked Hamas rape hoax.

    The lack of respect for the basic dignity of local people has stirred controversy and resentment. Last year, authorities sentenced American soldier Ridge Alkonis to three years in prison for reckless driving after he fell asleep at the wheel and killed an elderly Japanese woman and her son-in-law. Alkonis nodded off after a long hike with his family, neglecting his legal obligation to pull his car over.

    The soldier’s lawyers brought in a US Navy doctor who testified that he may have fallen unconscious after suffering from acute mountain sickness, a dubious claim refuted in advance by medical reports showing he was descending from the mountain and simply drove while drowsy. This bad faith American-style defense strategy enraged the Japanese judge, who interpreted it as a lack of remorse, leading to a stiff sentence.

    After serving 507 days in a local prison, President Joe Biden asked the Japanese government to transfer Alkonis to the United States under an agreement where he would serve the remainder of his three-year sentence in California. Upon return to the US, this understanding was quickly betrayed and Alkonis was freed 30 days later.

    In Germany, the NATO SOFA grants law enforcement even less power over US soldier conduct, as even murderers must be handed over to military authorities for internal punishment. Last summer, a group of American soldiers descended upon the small Rhineland-Palatinate town of Wittlich, where they began terrorizing people at the family-friendly Säubrennerkirmes fair. Following a dispute, the annoying thugs stabbed a young German security guard to death.




    The identities of the two suspects remains a mystery due to German privacy laws and the opacity of the US military court system. Following their detention by German police, they were handed over to American military officials for prosecution and the case was closed, infuriating relatives of the victim and locals. The incident rattled the town, prompting Mayor Joachim Rodenkirch to declare, “We’ve never experienced anything like this here.”

    In the United States, the media has created the impression that people in Germany, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere see American soldiers as liberators and protectors, but the facts show otherwise.

    Okinawans have twice elected Denny Tamaki, the mixed-race son of an American Marine who abandoned him as a baby, on a platform of removing US forces from the region.

    The pro-US Liberal Democratic Party has spent enormous amounts of money to defeat Tamaki, but he remains popular. The LDP, which was created by the CIA and has ruled Japan on Washington’s behalf as a one-party state since 1955, has repeatedly held that the World War II American military occupation’s presence is non-negotiable.

    Germans face a similar challenge on this matter. Surveys show Germans want the US troop presence in their land reduced or removed completely. Foreign policy analysts have warned Donald Trump to stop threatening Western Europe with removal of NATO forces if they don’t start subsidizing them because the people don’t want them there to begin with. In Foreign Policy, Michael John Williams put it succinctly: “Bases in Europe have always aided American hegemony more than local defense.”

    As in the case of Japan’s LDP, Germany’s two post-war institutional parties — the Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party — were created by the Allies and propped up by the CIA to manage the country in Washington’s interest. The founder of the CDU, Konrad Adenauer, was installed into power by American authorities following an informal agreement to support the Atlanticist project against parties seeking greater German sovereignty. Separating the German state from the American one is difficult due to the long chancellorships pro-US CDU officials have typically had, with Adenauer serving for 14 years and both Angela Merkel and Helmut Kohl ruling for 16 years each.

    Institutional anti-white racism appears to be playing a role in the permissiveness of military officials and the anarchy being exported. The Rand Corporation, which was tasked earlier this year with uncovering hidden bias against minorities in the military’s judicial system, instead found that while blacks and Mexicans were more likely to be tried for violations and crimes, they suffered court martials and expulsions at lower rates than whites accused of the same offenses.

    It is a matter of time before China and Russia, whose immediate national security interests are threatened by these bases, start making the case that US soldiers are a demonstrably greater threat to the safety and well-being of the people of Germany, Japan, Korea and elsewhere. If the rapes and murders continue at the current rate, a surge of global anti-Americanism is imminent.

    David Lifschultz
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