Sunday, 22 September 2024

Eric Adams Joins Drug Dealers For Burger King Meal, Gets Offered Marijuana: Report

Eric Adams Joins Drug Dealers For Burger King Meal, Gets Offered Marijuana: Report

Burger King; Cannabis Training University, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons; Krystalb97, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Cropped by Resist the Mainstream

New York City Mayor Eric Adams was spotted last Sunday sharing a Burger King meal with a group of men who allegedly had been using a location located just blocks from City Hall as their headquarters to deal drugs.

Adams offered the men jobs, while also receiving an offer himself to have some marijuana, a witness told the New York Post.

“No weed for you, sir?” the witness heard.

“Eh, pass,” answered Adams, according to the witness.

The very same Burger King is currently facing a lawsuit after it was accused of turning “Fulton Street into an open air drug bazaar,” with allegations that a group of 8-10 men have set the location up as a “base of operation, selling illegal drugs either at the entrance . . . or during inclement weather, selling illegal drugs within the Burger King restaurant itself.”

“They sat there for a solid hour,” the witness said of Adam's meetup at 106 Fulton St.

Numerous officers from the nearby First Precinct stood by and stopped passerbys from capturing photos, according to the witness.

Adams and the alleged drug dealers eventually walked outside, with the New York mayor directing his staff to assist the group in finding “something within the service that can help them,” per the witness.

Some locals shared their thoughts on Adams' hangout.

“It’s ridiculous. We’re complaining about the craziness out there, and [Adams] went and hung out with them for an hour. Crazy,” huffed one resident.

Meanwhile, a City Hall spokesperson refused to answer whether or not Adams had given job offers or received marijuana offers, instead simply commenting that “The behavior described in the complaints at the Burger King on Fulton Street will not be tolerated.”

A Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit filed earlier this month said that the “open-air drug bazaar” at Burger King is making life on Fulton Street a “nightmare.”


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