Friday, 21 March 2025

Joy Behar Rails Against Robert F. Kennedy, Says He’s ‘Very Dangerous,’ And A ‘Threat’ To Biden

Joy Behar Rails Against Robert F. Kennedy, Says He's 'Very Dangerous,' And A 'Threat' To Biden

Screenshot / The View, Cropped by Resist the Mainstream

On Tuesday, “The View” co-host Joy Behar railed against Robert F. Kennedy Jr., arguing he is “very dangerous,” and a “threat” to President Joe Biden’s chances against former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

The show played a clip from Kennedy’s interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett on Monday, in which he argued that Biden is more of a threat to democracy than former President Trump. 

“I can make the argument that President Biden is the much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history – the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent,” he said. 

Kennedy’s Instagram account was banned after he shared claims regarding COVID-19 and vaccines, and he claimed that Biden had put pressure on the social media site to have him banned.

Behar went after him over those comments, arguing, “First of all, he’s a threat, I think more to Biden, just because of his name. That people out there, they’re not really looking into things. I think they think, 'oh Kennedy, Democrat, yeah I'll vote for him.'”

“Meanwhile, he is a conspiracy theorist, anti-science. His whole family is voting for Biden and this type of dangerous rhetoric that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than the man who wanted to throw over the government, overthrow the government,” she continued.

Co-host Sara Haines said Kennedy was “wrong in what he was saying,” and said Kennedy should be mad at Instagram, not Biden.  

“He's also wrong in what he’s saying. So he's talking about the First Amendment, it being the most important one, and that someone's squashing speech on social media, but President Biden is not responsible for private social media companies. The First Amendment is for the government, it does not apply, necessarily, to private companies who decide to ban you,” Haines argued. 

Behar chimed in again, adding that RFK Jr. is a “liar.”

Behar has previously issued warnings about the independent candidate. In March, she suggested that he would “destroy the election” and take votes from Biden, handing the election to Trump. 

“Someone has to ask him why are you doing this? Why do you want to destroy the election and hand it to Trump if possible?” Behar said, per Fox News. “He’s a Kennedy. His forefathers are rolling over in their graves. His own family is telling him — we already have one clown in the race. Do we need two of them?”

Behar is hardly alone in this line of thinking. Many Democrats in recent weeks have expressed concern at the prospect of Kennedy running in the election, and have repeatedly argued that he would lead to a Biden loss by giving voters a third option.

“All he can do is take away votes from President Biden and make it easier for Donald Trump to win. And we simply can’t afford to let that happen,” said Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Austin Davis

While some moderate conservatives were initially interested in Kennedy, his VP decision, Silicon Valley Tech Lawyer Nicole Shanahan, drew criticism from the right over her “far-left past.”

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