Sunday, 22 September 2024

Maryland Democrat Apologizes for Using Racial Slur in Congressional Budget Hearing

Maryland Democrat Apologizes for Using Racial Slur in Congressional Budget Hearing

Youtube, The Independent US, Cropped by Resist the Mainstream

A Democratic representative in US Congress apologized on Friday for using a racial slur during a hearing on tax policy, claiming that his use of a term was an unfortunate malapropism.

Representative David Trone, representing the splendid state of Maryland, made the offending remark during a hearing of the House Budget Committee. While attempting to convey his skepticism of Republican tax policies, Representative Trone uttered a wildly offensive slur.

“So this Republican jigaboo that it’s the tax rate that’s stopping business investment, it’s just completely faulty by people who have never run a business. They’ve never been there. They don’t have a clue what they’re talking about,” Trone said.

“Jigaboo” is known as disparaging term for a black person. Trone apologized for his colorful vocabulary, claiming that he meant to use the term “bugaboo”—an inoffensive slang term for a cause of inflated concern—which seems to make more sense in the context of Trone's speech.

“While attempting to use the word ‘bugaboo’ in a hearing, I used a phrase that is offensive,” Trone said. “That word has a long dark terrible history. It should never be used any time, anywhere, in any conversation. I recognize that as a white man, I have privilege. And as an elected official, I have a responsibility for the words I use — especially in the heat of the moment. Regardless of what I meant to say, I shouldn’t have used that language.”

Trone was addressing Shalanda Young, the Black director of the Office of Management and Budget, during a House Budget Committee meeting when he made the slip.

The incident is made all the more awkward for the fact that Trone is currently seeking election in a Democratic primary for an open Senate seat in Maryland—with an African-American woman as Trone's leading primary opponent.

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