Wednesday, 12 March 2025

University YAF Chapter President Accosts Biological Male for Using Womens’ Restroom

University YAF Chapter President Accosts Biological Male for Using Womens' Restroom

Screenshot, Instagram @yaf_, Cropped by Resist the Mainstream

A female student at the University of Tampa, who serves as the chair of the university's branch of Young America's Foundation (YFA), was recently featured in a video accosting a biological male who the student claims was using the womens' restroom at same the time she was.

In a video released by YFA to Instagram on Friday, the woman (who also films the encounter) follows the colorfully-dressed, broad-shouldered bathroom intruder around campus, interrogating this individual over the matter.

“Excuse me, what are you doing in the womens' bathroom?” the YAF chair begins.

“I'm sorry?” replies the unusual creature.


“What are you doing in the womens' bathroom?” she reiterates.

“I'm peeing,” the aforesaid individual responds.

“Ok, but you're a man,” the YAF chair insists.


The male, clad in a bright green sports bra and pink shorts, issues a curt denial and begins to walk off, at which point said individual is followed by the YFA chairwoman, who continues to molest the aforesaid individual with hard-hitting questions.

“You're clearly a man, and you were just in the womens' bathroom. Do you know how much money I pay for this school, and now there's a man in my bathroom?”


“Well, you should talk to the administration,” the gender-atypical individual says, after which point said person remains silent throughout the remainder of the clip.

“Oh, I definitely will,” the YAF woman responds, before asking, “Why do you feel the need to go into womens' spaces as a man?”


The woman continues to follow the bathroom intruder throughout campus, badgering this individual with questions which go unanswered.

“Do you think women don't deserve their own private spaces? Nothing? Really?”

“The university of Tampa allows this. That's wonderful. They also have drag queens,” the YAF woman says, pivoting the camera to show a group of apparent drag queens walking by.

Whereas numerous blue states have laws requiring educational institutions to allow individuals to use the bathroom corresponding to their individual “gender identity,” Florida, where the interaction transpired, does not maintain such laws.

Last year, the state considered SB 1674, which requires “certain entities that maintain water closets or changing facilities to meet specified requirements” and authorizes “persons to enter a restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex only under certain circumstances; providing that specified persons who enter certain restrooms or changing facilities and refuse to depart when asked to do so commit the criminal offense of trespass.” The bill ultimately died in committee.

The Young America's Foundation is a conservative youth organization founded in 1969, known for promoting conservative ideas among young people in the United States. YAF emerged from the Young Americans for Freedom, which itself was established under the guidance of William F. Buckley in 1960, aligning from its inception with conservative principles and values. The foundation plays a significant role in American political culture by organizing conferences, seminars, and educational programs designed to foster conservative ideals. It has been instrumental in hosting and funding speaking engagements for prominent conservative leaders across college campuses nationwide. YAF also manages the National Journalism Center, which provides training to aspiring conservative journalists, emphasizing the fundamentals of objective reporting and values of free expression. Additionally, the foundation preserves and provides access to the Ronald Reagan Ranch, a symbol of Reagan's legacy, which serves educational and promotional purposes for Reagan's contributions to conservatism.

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