Saturday, 04 January 2025

Choosing what to Believe

What elephant?
© Off-Guardian"What elephant?"
There was a time in a galaxy far, far, away that you didn't have the luxury of "choosing" what to believe. The job at hand was to figure out what the truth was and believe in that — the truth.

Now, it seems we don't need to do that if we don't want to. Now we can choose — if we don't like an option, we can cast it aside and believe something else that makes us feel better. That way we can create the reality we want — or so we think.

Truth doesn't matter anymore. In fact, to the people who are guilty of this choosing idea, there really is no "truth" per se, anything is game as long as we believe it. Might as well pick something pleasant.

This brings me to the popular spiritual tenet that you do indeed create your own reality. Obviously, this is too complex a topic to bring into this tiny article. Suffice it to say, I actually believe in this tenet, but it is difficult to explain, and definitely has some explaining to do before understanding it.

In this article I am not talking about this quantum idea of consciousness collapsing the wave potential. I am talking about how we navigate a material reality as a material being who has chosen to be part of this reality. If we are engaged in this manifest game, then we do have to stick to some material rules. That's all I will say about this so as not to confuse the issue beyond comprehension, which would be very easy to do.

However, I do believe that this "new age-y" way of thinking may have a major role in how we handle what we are facing today. And I wonder if, in its rather simplistic presentation (only thinking about rainbows and unicorns when the world is falling apart) could be part of the agenda's original plan to send us all into never-never land so we don't take responsibility for the mess we have gotten into — or take on the responsibility of getting ourselves out of it.

Just the other day I was talking to someone who has obviously chosen to live in the sunshine of positive thinking about the reality of the world today. She really didn't want to hear what I had to say about the real world but did listen carefully.

Finally, she said, "That is pretty dark, I really don't want to see the world that way, so I will choose to see it differently."

Really? Does she really have that option?

I suppose so, considering that she is not yet being led into the gulag or the gas chamber. She right now does seem to have the option to "look at the world differently" — the agenda is currently giving us that option. It would not take too much effort, or be too much of a sacrifice, to live in the sunshine these days — particularly if you had enough money to do so.

Right now, it would only take a middle-class income to travel a few times a year to a nice sunny beach, to afford to eat just about anything you wanted, to avoid most diseases or afflictions a person might encounter in their everyday life, to go to concerts, movies, sporting events, etc. when the desire moved you. In our carefree middle-class life, we can be free to play video games, watch TV, lounge around and do nothing when appropriate (and even when not).

All these things are indeed options, and most of them are doable, most of the time. At least temporarily. Why choose to live in a world where some powerful faction is planning on taking all of that away — and soon? "I don't want to believe that!" they say.

Most people choosing the "happy" reality to believe in, do acknowledge there are problems. They know it isn't all as perfect as they would like to think it is, but they trust the powers out there to take care of any problems they might run into (in the US you can boil those problems down to one word, "Trump"). "They know what they are doing!" they exclaim. Yeah, they probably do know what they are doing — they certainly know how to accomplish their own agenda — which is not in our best interest, regardless of what they tell us.

The problems are relatively easy to resolve (I'm being cynical). Things like pandemics — scary as hell at first — but "they" figured it out with a "warp-speed" vaccine (isn't science amazing? Just like in the movies!), now tens of millions of deaths have been avoided. All is good again. That's only because there never was a pandemic, certainly not in the way they described it to be, and the solution they came up with is really what we need to worry about. But that is too dark — genocide is too dark — the wanton destruction of humanity is too dark — "I don't want to think about that," they bleat.

Other issues that are problems (sprinkled here and there to keep things "real") are either eventually solved by the omnipresent government and the miracle-performing efforts of science, or just ignored. Most of them are ignored, obviously. Some that are not ignored are presented as "debates" so the politicians have something to promise their constituents, but most are covered up.

Things like poison food, fluoride, endless wars in numerous countries (not counting the "obvious" wars the politicians use to their advantage), suicide amongst the youth (and everyone else), video, drug, cellphone, and porn addiction, prescription drug abuse, a murderous pharmaceutical industry, a militarized police force, chemtrails, fake global warming, weather engineering, farmers being destroyed — if I kept listing these I would be on page 100 before running out of things to list.

Ignored. Covered up. Never chosen by the people to look at, even if brought to their attention forcibly because these things are too dark, and who would choose any of this to be their reality?

The curious thing about all of this is thinking that we even have a choice. The relatively "happy" choice is predominant in the culture (at least in the US, Canada, UK and much of Europe). Not many people are starving, or work in slave camps, or are literally at war. As mentioned earlier, most people have the resources to do most of what they want to do, leisure time, fun and games, bread and circuses. And if things get too rough some cannabis or alcohol (Soma) comes in handy as an instant escape.

But looks are deceiving, as they say. As a therapist, I see people every day who simply can't put their finger on why they are so unhappy. And even if at the present moment most of us don't have to worry about putting food on the table, I think that "present moment" is soon going to flit away.

Inflation is running rampant, safety in the streets is quickly eroding due to a weakened police force (or one that is too focused on control and violence) as well as because of millions of illegal aliens swarming the borders, freedoms are daily being restricted and our economic system is trembling on its feeble legs about to catastrophically collapse.

Soon, there may be only one option in what to believe — the truth. And it probably isn't going to be pretty.
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