Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Israel's short-lived glory celebrated by kneejerk polemicists

© AP/Times of Israel/Times of India/KJNHassan Nasrallah • Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel finally succeeded in killing the Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah to almost orgiastic ecstasies in the West. Many are now celebrating that Israel has achieved an 'extraordinary decapitation' of Hezbollah's entire leadership in sequence: first "eliminating" the low echelon footsoldiers via the pager attack, then higher ups with radios and Hollywood-like missile strikes, all the way up to a final decapitating attack on the top heads themselves.

This is meant to be an unprecedented show of precision and planning the likes of which the world has never seen before. Israel admitted the pager attack itself took 15 years to plan, setting up shell companies within shell companies, and even having those companies actually produce and ship real products for several years in order to first build up a reputation of authenticity for them, so they would be entrusted when the time came to distribute the lethal devices.

And what did they get for 15 years' worth of work and planning? There isn't a single shred of evidence I'm aware of that the attack took any real Hezbollah members out. All I saw were hospitals soaked in the blood of civilian casualties and collateral, and oceans of Hasbarah dreck claiming legions of Hezbollah were washed away by the Zionist's supremacy.

Just note how similar today's claims are to those from the 2006 Lebanon War — from wiki:
It was later reported that the Israel Air Force after midnight, 13 July, attacked and destroyed 59 stationary medium-range Fajr rocket launchers positioned throughout southern Lebanon. Operation Density allegedly only took 34 minutes to carry out but was the result of six years of intelligence gathering and planning. Between half and two-thirds of Hezbollah medium-range rocket capability was estimated by the IDF to have been wiped out. According to Israeli journalists Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff the operation was "Israel's most impressive military action" and a "devastating blow for Hezbollah". In the coming days IAF allegedly also attacked and destroyed a large proportion of Hezbollah's long range Zelzal-2 missiles.

"All the long-range rockets have been destroyed," chief of staff Halutz allegedly told the Israeli government, "We've won the war."
Read the bolded portions above, then compare to today's shallow jubilations.

Now even figures like Dugin have heralded the supremacy of Israel's actions as an exemplar or epitome of how nations should fight their enemies, with zero restraint and decisive authority.
"It is unpleasant to admit, but Israel's radical determination in the ruthless destruction of its enemies clearly contrasts with the behavior of not only these enemies, but also ourselves in relations with the Kyiv regime. Israel is playing ahead, and it is now clear that it provoked Hamas to attack, which did not bring any fruits to the Resistance at all, and Israel managed to destroy the leadership of the forces antagonistic to it in the Middle East and easily carry out a large-scale genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza.

Again - whoever is faster is right. Whoever acts more decisively and recklessly wins. But we are cautious and constantly wavering. By the way, Iran is the same. This is a road to nowhere. Gaza is gone. Hamas's leadership is gone. Now Hezbollah's leadership is gone. And Iranian President Raisi is gone. And his pager is gone. But Zelensky is here. And Kyiv stands as if nothing had happened. We either enter the game for real, or... I don't want to think about the second option. But in modern wars, timing, speed, dromocracy decide everything. The Zionists act quickly, ahead of the curve. Boldly. And they win. That's what we should do."

- Alexander Dugin
"Whoever acts more decisively and recklessly wins." What did Israel win, exactly? You don't "win" by killing a figurehead. Would Russia "win" by killing Zelensky in a strike?

The problem is, such blandishments miss the greater nuances: Israel is able to do what it does against its neighbors thanks entirely to the system of Western hegemony which endows Israel with omnipotent-like powers of commerce and military alike.

For instance, many have exulted over Israel's "remarkable" ability to infiltrate all its enemies' organizations with spies, allowing them to pinpoint the locations of figures like Nasrallah or Ismail Haniyeh. But just like North Korea has been artificially starved via decades' long sanctions and embargo regimes compared to the South, so does Israel have unquantifiably unfair economic advantages over all its neighbors which ultimately make it quite elementary to wield decisive sway and subversion over them. It's no different to how US "won" the fraudulent Iraqi war by merely paying off a host of poor Iraqi generals with blood money; to them a cool million bucks is a lifetime treasure, while to the US State Dept it's pocket change.

By keeping neighbors poor with the help of the predominantly predatory Western economic model — which includes the dollar reserve currency dominion, policies like Memorandum 200, etc. — Israel is easily able to leverage money onto artificially impoverished nations like Lebanon and even Iran in order to pay off the needed people to become turncoat agents. Israel is flush with endless billions of cash from the taxpayers of the world's richest nations which is utilized to bribe the desperate and needy in these countries to provide intelligence — which is likely how the locations of Nasrallah, Haniyeh, etc., were obtained.

In short, it's not a "miracle" of operational capabilities but rather Israel's historic handicap against its neighbors which allows the achievement of whatever small victories are laid claim to.
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