Saturday, 05 October 2024

Lighting strike kills shepherd, 200 head of sheep and goats in eastern Tajikistan

© Emergencies Committee
Lightning struck a herd of small cattle in eastern Tajikistan, killing a shepherd and 200 head of sheep and goats, the Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan said on June 14.

The tragedy reportedly took place at 02:46 am on June 13 in Sangvor district (Rasht Valley in eastern Tajikistan) in the summer pasture located in Karashura area bordering Lakhsh district, where three shepherds from Dousti district of Khatlon province were herding small cattle.

The shepherds pitched a tent and installed a solar photovoltaic panel above it. They reportedly didn't remove it during the storm and it was the panel that became the "conductor" during the thunderstorm and lightning, according to the Emergencies Committee.

One shepherd was reportedly killed and two others sustained various injuries from a lightning strike.

The lighting also killed 200 head of sheep and goats, an official source within the Emergencies Committee said, noting that they have not heard about such numbers killed by lightning strikes before.

Having received information, employees of the Emergencies Committee's office in Lakhsh district together with local residents arrived at the scene of the accident. They lowered the shepherd's body down and handed it over to the relevant authorities. They reportedly brought the shepherd's body down from the mountains and handed it over to the relevant authorities.

The Emergencies Committee once again asks residents and guest of Tajikistan to follow safety rules in mountains
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