Friday, 25 October 2024

Messiah Mode - understanding Israel today

Meir Kahane
© Dan Balilty/APWith a portrait of late Rabbi Meir Kahane on the wall, left, a Jewish settler walks inside a building taken from a Palestinian family in Hebron, Nov. 16, 2008.
There was a time when I felt reasonably confident that the views of the Zionist extremist Meir Kahane would never become dominant in Israel. Surely, they would always be confined to the margins.

Then Netanyahu formed government with the religious extremists. How on earth did it turn out this way?

I failed to understand that Kahane was as much against the idea of Diaspora Jews he was against anything else, and how propaganda and activism towards this end would play out.

David Sheen explains it well. His presentation in 2019 effectively predicted the events unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank today, including scenes captured in videos that I had naively believed the West had buried in 1945.

Sheen begins with the views that have been preached by government-appointed rabbis to Israel's military. Those views even openly align with the racist and genocidal proclamations of Hitler — with the only difference being that Hitler was mistaken in identifying the master race with the Aryans.

The video explains "the four types" of Jews as they are aligned with the Jewish sacred books, the Torah and Talmud.
division jews faith society torah
© Neil Godfrey /Vridar
The video explains how the middle two, the nationalist and the religious (supremacist) have joined forces under Netanyahu.
israel election results torah adherance
© Neil Godfrey /VridarCaption

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