Sunday, 22 September 2024

A Prayer for Peter Navarro

Peter Navarro is in prison. And Politico, in its glee, tells us what it’s really all about.

"He’s the first member of Trump’s White House to face imminent jail time over events stemming from the 2020 vote.”

The 2020 Election was stolen from the American People, and it took less than 4 years for the Biden regime to jail those who spoke the truth and tried to do something about it. 

Will he be the last? Unlikely. The answer is simple: If your elections start to look like a third world country, don’t be surprised if your country starts to look like one.

And many more have already been arrested, in states pivotal to the steal. Should we count on scandal to save us? Not in a land that has no shame. Besides, there are countless other Fani Willis’s waiting in the wings to prosecute the political enemies at the behest of the evil ruling class, who are just as corrupt, if not quite as debaucherous. 

The real scandal is that these charges are being brought in the first place. They indicted the most popular incumbent president in history for asking Americans to tune into a public state legislature hearing, which happened to be covering the most corrupt election in Georgia history. "Contempt of Congress”? The feeling is mutual. And if it is a crime, then they will have to indict well over 100 million of us. 

Politico claims Navarro’s crime was refusing to provide "testimony or documents” to "congressional investigators probing Trump’s bid to subvert the 2020 election,” citing "Congress’ need for Navarro’s information.”  They could have read the Navarro Report

But they were never interested in the mountains of evidence the election was stolen. Their entire purpose was to cover it up. One cannot subvert something that has already been subverted. And the so-called "congressional investigators,” the UnSelect Committee, was a group of hacks and thugs who have spent their lives subverting America and our God-given rights, slowly and surely corrupting and perverting our constitutional system meant to uphold the rule of law and keep us free. 

And we are very far removed from the America of old. A nation founded upon heroes pledging their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor is now led by villains with no honor, who steal the fortunes of others, so they can continue to sacrifice the lives of the innocent.

Thankfully, our appeal in this battle does not rely on the mercy of Chief Justice John Roberts. Our appeal is to one, the only one, who shakes the foundations of prisons. The one who heals the brokenhearted, proclaims liberty to the captives, recovers sight to the blind, and sets at liberty those who are oppressed. Let’s call on Him today for my friend Peter Navarro. 

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