Sunday, 27 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 6/27/2024 [AM]

Thursday, June 27

Steve Bannon: “President Trump’s Crushing Him [Biden] On Being A Defender Of Democracy”

Steve Bannon remarked on the significant events of a historic week, emphasizing recent Supreme Court developments and a compelling new cold open for his show. He praised Alex Wagner from MSNBC, noting that she was the only one from major networks who addressed a critical poll. Bannon mentioned the poll’s insights into democracy and the ongoing discourse about its preservation, particularly in the context of President Biden’s actions and debate preparations.

Bannon highlighted that, contrary to the Democratic narrative of being defenders of democracy, the Washington Post poll indicated that swing state voters perceive Donald Trump as the stronger defender of democracy, with a substantial lead among independent voters—a 13-point spread. He commended Wagner’s coverage of this topic and promised to delve deeper into these issues in future segments of his show.

Mike Davis Calls Out Supreme Court

In a discussion between Mike Davis and Steve Bannon, they analyzed a recent 5-4 Supreme Court ruling on an EPA case concerning the Clean Air Act. The majority, including Justices Gorsuch, Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh, ruled that the EPA must collaborate with states, challenging federal overreach. Justice Barrett, with the three liberal justices, dissented.

Davis emphasized that this ruling is part of a broader effort to curtail the administrative state’s power. He explained that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are dedicated to limiting these powers, consistent with constitutional principles. Bannon noted Barrett’s cautiousness, attributing it to her academic background, which sometimes leads to indecisiveness.

They highlighted the importance of restoring power to the states, aligning with the Constitution’s division of powers among government branches. Davis criticized the consolidation of power by administrative agencies over the past 70 years, resulting in unelected bureaucrats making policy decisions.

Davis praised the Supreme Court’s goal of re-establishing constitutional boundaries, viewing it as a long-term project influenced by Trump’s appointments. Bannon underscored federalism and the need to devolve powers back to the states. They also discussed Justice Alito’s strong dissent in another case, criticizing the court for avoiding tough decisions under political pressure from the Biden administration.

Part One:

Davis On Supreme Court SEC Ruling: “These Agencies Were Set Up To Be Insulated From Accountability”

Part Two:

Steve Bannon And Mike Davis React To Idaho Emergency-Abortion Leaks And Ruling

Part Three:

Bannon On Joe Biden: “We Know He’s Illegitimate, But He Does Sleepovers At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue”

Steve Bannon discussed three critical Supreme Court cases set to be decided soon: Chevron deference, the Fisher case, and an immunity issue. He emphasized their potential impact on President Trump’s campaign against Biden, particularly regarding federal spending and administrative state limitations. Bannon suggested these decisions would provide Trump with substantial political ammunition.

He noted the strategic timing of the decisions, speculating they were postponed to avoid influencing the current debate. Bannon highlighted the importance of these cases for the conservative agenda, describing a coordinated effort by various groups to dismantle the administrative state through legislative and executive means.

Bannon underscored the role of political power in achieving these goals, crediting Trump’s influence on the judiciary. He emphasized the long-term nature of this project, viewing it as essential for reducing federal overreach and restoring constitutional governance. Bannon also discussed the broader implications for federalism and the importance of deconstructing the administrative state to return power to the states.

He concluded by critiquing the Biden administration’s approach, particularly regarding democracy and misinformation, contrasting it with the conservative movement’s efforts to protect individual liberties and limit government power.

Steve Bannon Responds To Alex Wagner

Steve Bannon praised Alex Wagner for her show’s opening. Bannon emphasized that the segments focused on the conservative movement and its influence, underscoring the role of information warfare.

He proudly identified as part of the right-wing movement and referenced a Financial Times article about French far-right leader Bardella’s vow to fight cultural battles, suggesting a growing right-wing influence in Europe. Bannon linked this to a broader trend, including Nigel Farage’s rise in the UK and Trump’s increased chances in the U.S., citing a poll showing Trump’s odds at 66 percent.

Bannon highlighted a Washington Post poll indicating Trump’s lead on the democracy issue despite intense media scrutiny and the January 6th Committee’s investigations. He stressed the centrality of democracy to Biden’s administration but argued that Trump is winning the debate.

Finally, Bannon discussed the Republican House’s efforts to address the actions of Nancy Pelosi’s tenure, framing it as part of a long, tough fight to save the Republic, with many more battles and sacrifices to come.

Jack Posobiec Previews New Book

Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec discussed various topics, focusing on their book, Unhumans, which Bannon was signing for a special “Political Prisoner Edition.” They emphasized the significance of the conservative movement and the ongoing cultural and political battles. Bannon mentioned using proceeds from the book for a good cause, aiming to make something culturally relevant.

They discussed the situation with Mike Davis, who was targeted by protesters during a Trump-related event, and Posobiec’s role in managing the situation. The conversation highlighted the importance of information warfare and the influence of their show.

Posobiec referenced an Axios story about Michelle Obama, suggesting internal conflicts within the Democratic Party and a potential replacement for Biden. They also touched on the Biden family’s controversies, including Hunter Biden’s scandalous behavior and the strained relationships within the family. Bannon and Posobiec criticized the Biden administration and expressed their belief in a growing right-wing movement.

The discussion underscored their view that the conservative movement is gaining momentum, with influential figures like Trump and international right-wing leaders on the rise. They portrayed the political landscape as a battle for cultural and democratic values, with their book, Unhumans, symbolizing their fight against perceived corruption and misinformation.

Caroline Wren Exposes How The FBI Has Targeted A Woman For Reporting Ashley Biden’s Diary

In a conversation with Steve Bannon and Caroline Wren, she discussed her involvement with the FBI regarding Ashley Biden’s diary. Wren explained that she was present at a fundraiser a few months before the 2020 election when someone approached her with the diary, found in an apartment along with male prescriptions. Upon reading the diary, Wren found its contents alarming, containing references to federal crimes and drug use. Concerned about the authenticity and potential legal implications, she contacted campaign attorneys, who then reached out to the FBI, advising them to collect the diary as it contained evidence of crimes. However, the FBI did not respond for three days, and the diary was eventually handed over to James O’Keefe of Project Veritas. Wren emphasized that the original finder of the diary did not steal it but discovered it in a trash bag under a bed in an apartment they moved into. She expressed frustration that the FBI, who later aggressively pursued O’Keefe, did not initially act on the evidence she reported. This story highlights a perceived discrepancy in the handling of the case and the challenges faced in attempting to report and manage such sensitive information.


Patrick Gives Preview On Biden’s Economic Lies That Will be Perpetuated At Presidential Debate

In a conversation between Philip Patrick and Steve Bannon, the focus was on critiquing Joe Biden’s economic policies and their perceived failures. Philip Patrick highlighted several points: Biden’s claims of reducing deficits despite significant annual deficits, the inflated housing market, stagnant wages trailing inflation, and the overall financial strain on middle-class Americans. Patrick criticized Biden’s handling of economic matters, predicting that Trump would likely win the next election due to public disillusionment with Biden’s policies.

Steve Bannon emphasized the nation’s looming challenges, such as impending debt ceiling battles, expiring tax cuts, and the escalating national debt projected to reach unprecedented levels. Bannon criticized Biden for exacerbating these issues and questioned the rationale behind policies that could potentially weaken the nation’s economic standing globally. Both speakers expressed skepticism about Biden’s claims of financial strength, citing underlying vulnerabilities and advocating for Trump’s return to address what they perceive as systemic economic mismanagement under Biden’s administration.

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