Sunday, 27 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 6/27/2024 [PM]

Thursday, June 27

Glenn: Debate Is Physical And Mental Challenge For Joe Biden

Brian Glenn reported from the ground in Georgia, where President Trump had landed, to a group of supporters who cheered for him and warmly welcomed him ahead of the big CNN debate with Democrat Joe Biden.

Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At “The Scene Of The Crime” In Fulton County

Liz Harrington talked about her article at the WarRoom about Georgia elections. How Georgia Was Stolen

Martin: The Steal Happened In Georgia In 2020 And Can Happen Again In 2024

Jenny Beth Martin talked about her report from Georgia, where she believes the election will be stolen. She encourages people to sign up with her organization to be poll workers.


Wren: Senate And Election Officials In AZ Exhibiting Odd Behavior About Key Fob Thief

Caroline Wren entered the conversation with Jenny Beth Martin and Liz Harington to talk about her findings about elections in Arizona and to add new details to her investigation into the election situation from that state with the man arrested for stealing a key fob associated with election security there.

Showalter: Biden Admin Releases “CYA” Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

Brandon Showalter talked about new details from his research into the situation of Transgender surgeries for minors.


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