Friday, 25 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/12/2024 [PM]

Friday, July 12

Hammer: Democrats Have No One To Blame But Themselves For Their Current Predicament

Josh Hammer and Dave Brat talk the turmoil within the Democratic Party. Hammer attributes the Democrats’ predicament to their own actions, highlighting President Biden’s noticeable decline since 2022 and citing numerous public mishaps that were downplayed by his supporters. He discusses internal conflicts, particularly between the Biden and Obama camps, noting that Obama allies like David Axelrod are now vocal about Biden stepping down. Hammer also touches on the Democrats’ strategic maneuvering, mentioning figures like Gretchen Whitmer and Kamala Harris.

Brat explores the influence of globalist elites and government coordination on democratic institutions, emphasizing their impact on public discourse. Hammer notes a racial divide among Democrats calling for Biden to step aside, with white members of Congress being more outspoken.

As for the Republican strategy, Hammer advises staying out of the Democrats’ internal conflict and focusing on key issues like deconstructing the administrative state and immigration reform, mainly through initiatives like Project 2025.

Logan: “Global Cult” Made Of Foreign Factions Are Represented In Organizations Like UN/WTO

Lara Logan and Dave Brat discuss the extensive influence of globalist politics on national and international scales. Logan explains that a “global cult,” consisting of factions worldwide, manipulates geopolitical events. She highlights the U.S. government’s paradoxical relationships with adversaries like Iran and traces historical events, such as Jimmy Carter’s election, to these hidden networks. Logan connects these globalist activities to cultural Marxism, which she claims has infiltrated American institutions like the Franklin Institute and Columbia University, leading to the degradation of American traditions.

Brat emphasizes the coordination between global organizations, such as the UN, WHO, and WTO, and their domestic counterparts in pushing agendas like climate change and controlling public discourse. Logan underscores the significance of affinity groups (e.g., BLM, Tides Foundation) in advancing the globalist agenda, suggesting a concerted effort to undermine national sovereignty. Both stress the need for vigilance against these globalist forces to preserve individual freedoms and national identity.

Bin Ladin: “Global Octopus” Structure Setup To Enslave Humanity And Control Every Aspect Of Life

Mike Davis and Dave Brat discuss the current political landscape, emphasizing the Biden administration and the upcoming Republican National Convention. David Bossy joins briefly, criticizing the Biden administration and expressing skepticism about Biden leaving office voluntarily. He predicts a fierce resistance from Biden’s camp to relinquish power, describing it as “kicking and screaming.”

Mike Davis comments on a recent Supreme Court decision related to big tech and government coercion, noting disappointment in the court’s ruling due to insufficient standing. He argues that while President Trump’s transformation of the judiciary to a constitutionalist majority is significant, the courts sometimes disappoint. Davis advocates for addressing big tech issues through antitrust laws, suggesting that breaking up companies like Google and YouTube would reduce censorship. He highlights the need for updating antitrust laws over relying on Section 230 reforms, as current legislative support for such reforms is lacking. Davis concludes by mentioning his upcoming appearance at the Republican National Convention and his ongoing work in legal and political analysis.

Bossie: Jill Biden Is Never Walking Away From The White House

David Bossie and Dave Brat discuss the current chaotic political environment, with Bossie highlighting his role as co-chairman of the upcoming Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Bossie criticizes the Biden administration, asserting that Jill Biden will not allow Joe Biden to leave the White House without a fight, describing it as a “kicking and screaming” scenario. He expresses skepticism about Biden’s willingness to step down, despite widespread criticism of his presidency. Bossie refers to the Biden administration and its supporters as the “zombie Brigade,” indicating a belief that they are clinging to power despite evident issues. The conversation underscores a shared perspective that the Biden presidency is fraught with challenges and controversies that have been evident since his election. Bossie hints at further developments and events, indicating more to come from the Republican side.

Davis: President Trump Has The Republican Party United And Strong

Mike Davis and Dave Brat discuss a recent Supreme Court decision, the Murphy case, which Davis criticizes for dismissing evidence of government coercion over Big Tech companies. Davis highlights that the Supreme Court’s reluctance to address this issue contrasts with the significant constitutional changes brought by President Trump’s administration. He advocates for updating and enforcing antitrust laws to break up Big Tech, arguing that companies like Google and YouTube would behave differently if they were competitors rather than a unified entity. Davis believes antitrust action is more viable than Section 230 reforms, which lack current political support. Brat and Davis emphasize the importance of supporting initiatives like Senator Mike Lee’s SAVE Act, aimed at preventing illegal immigrants from voting. They also promote the Article III Project, encouraging donations and social media engagement. Davis stresses that foundational freedoms are necessary for a truly free market, addressing contemporary challenges posed by Big Tech.

Rep. Burchett: Biden Is Conflicted And Compromised And Is A National Security Issue

In a conversation between Ben Harnwell and Congressman Tim Burchett, Burchett emphasizes the national security concerns linked to President Biden’s capability to serve. He criticizes the influence of Biden’s associates and the potential conflicts of interest involving the president’s doctor. Burchett underscores the need for GOP members to prioritize national interests over party politics, citing the risk of compromised decision-making in crisis situations. He calls for bringing in neurology experts to assess Biden’s fitness and advocates for transparency regarding the president’s health records, urging more aggressive action from GOP colleagues.

Harnwell and Burchett discuss the lack of accountability and performative actions within the GOP, contrasting it with the Democrats’ more aggressive tactics. Burchett points out the GOP’s failure to fulfill promises once elected, contributing to national debt and ineffective governance. He calls for holding GOP members accountable and removing those who fail to deliver, highlighting the disillusionment among voters. Burchett’s frustration with “performative” Republicans aligns with the War Room audience’s sentiments. He concludes by providing his contact details for continued engagement with his actions and updates.

Spakovsky: Project 2025 Criticism Fabricated By Media To Distract From Biden’s Issues

In a discussion between Ben Harnwell and Hans Von Spakovsky, the focus was on Project 2025, a comprehensive policy proposal book. They discussed how this 900-page document, developed over a year by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative groups, aims to reform federal government agencies by returning them to their core functions. Despite criticism from President Biden and his allies, Spakovsky views the attention as positive, believing that public scrutiny will highlight the common-sense nature of the proposals.

Spakovsky mentioned that President Trump, currently in campaign mode, hasn’t had time to review the document but is expected to support it if re-elected. He drew parallels to Ronald Reagan’s administration, noting that Reagan had implemented similar recommendations from a Heritage Foundation document. The project also includes preparing a database of vetted individuals to fill thousands of political appointments, ensuring efficient implementation of these policies. This initiative aims to avoid missed opportunities from Trump’s first term and provide a structured approach for the potential second term.

Dr. Malone: Global Alliance For Responsible Media Using Advertising Links To Censor Speech Globally

In a recent discussion, Dr. Robert Malone and Ben Harnwell delved into freedom and censorship issues. Dr. Malone discussed his dramatic weight loss and hinted at revealing dietary tips, but the main focus shifted to his new book and ongoing work. He emphasized that the core issues impacting society today are centered around freedom—specifically economic freedom and freedom of speech.

Dr. Malone recounted his experiences with censorship, particularly in the UK, where stringent regulations have intimidated media outlets like GB News. He highlighted a recent report by the House Judiciary Committee on the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), an organization linked with the World Economic Forum. GARM, which includes major global advertisers, has allegedly targeted and demonetized platforms and individuals, including Joe Rogan, for discussing topics like COVID-19 vaccines that challenge mainstream narratives.

Dr. Malone expressed concerns about globalist efforts to suppress free speech under the guise of combating hate speech and protecting children. He noted the growing influence of major corporations in controlling online discourse and the erosion of platforms like Wikipedia, which he described as increasingly biased. The discussion underscored the broader battle against censorship and the defense of individual freedoms.

Allen: Musk Is Paving The Way For Tech That Won’t Bolster Traditional Life

In a discussion between Ben Harnwell and Joe Allen, they got into recent developments regarding Elon Musk and Neuralink. Allen provided an update on Neuralink’s progress, highlighting Musk’s vision of the device as a medical tool and a means to enhance human capabilities, potentially making people “superhuman.” Allen noted that this notion of transhumanism is often criticized by conservatives, yet Musk is seen as a savior figure among many on the right.

Allen expressed concern over this dichotomy, emphasizing that despite his popularity among conservatives, Musk is pushing for technological advancements that could significantly alter traditional ways of life. He pointed out that Musk’s reintegration of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) into the X platform (formerly Twitter) aligns with efforts to regulate content, contradicting the platform’s image as a bastion of free speech.

Harnwell noted the irony in conservatives viewing X as a place for prohibited ideas while it partners with organizations like GARM. Allen warned that viewing Musk as a hero might be misguided, as his transhumanist agenda doesn’t necessarily align with conservative values. He stressed that the drive towards a transhuman future could come from libertarian forces rather than left-wing or globalist ones.

The discussion ended with Allen promoting his book “Dark Aeon” and his podcast, where he further explores themes related to technology and its impact on society. He urged conservatives to critically assess Musk’s influence and the broader implications of transhumanism.

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