Friday, 25 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/13/2024 [SATURDAY]

Saturday, July 13

Mark Mitchell Offers Key Advice For MAGA’s Electoral Success This November

In a Saturday War Room discussion, Mark Mitchell, Rasmussen’s lead pollster, and Jack Posobiec analyze the evolving dynamics of the 2024 presidential race. Mitchell highlights Joe Biden’s declining approval and Donald Trump’s consistent lead, emphasizing Biden’s struggle to rebrand as an anti-establishment figure amid skepticism due to his long political tenure. They discuss how post-debate, Democrats rallied around Biden, despite criticism, while Trump gained ground among independents, fueled by internal Democratic discord and dissatisfaction with Biden’s leadership. Mitchell dismisses the impact of recent events, like Biden’s press conference, on altering voter perceptions, emphasizing ongoing concerns about Biden’s competence and election integrity. Overall, their discussion provides a data-driven exploration of current electoral trends and strategic insights shaping the upcoming election.

Jack Posobiec Calls Out Rupert Murdoch For Attempting To Select President Trump’s VP For Him

Jack Posobiec, broadcasting from Washington DC on July 13, 2024, discusses the upcoming RNC and Joe Biden’s campaign struggles. He critiques Biden’s recent rally in Michigan, questioning his ability to articulate a coherent message amid accusations of a national security crisis under his presidency. Posobiec criticizes media figures like Joy Reid for downplaying Biden’s challenges while highlighting Republican internal divisions over potential vice presidential candidates. He accuses Rupert Murdoch and other influencers of trying to manipulate Trump’s choices, aiming to end Trumpism with a corporate-friendly candidate. Posobiec asserts that Trump alone should decide his VP, dismissing attempts by establishment figures to influence this decision. He emphasizes the grassroots nature of Trump’s movement and announces upcoming appearances by prominent figures like Tucker Carlson and Peter Navarro at the RNC. Posobiec underscores the ongoing fight against political suppression, particularly referencing Steve Bannon’s incarceration, and rallies listeners to stay engaged in shaping the future of American politics.

Brian Costello: Trump “Needs To Call For The Removal Of Mike Turner As Chairman Of The House Intel”

In their conversation, Jack Posobiec and Brian Costello discuss deep-seated suspicions about efforts to undermine President Joe Biden’s administration. They critique the media’s portrayal of Biden’s health and the alleged manipulation of information by the intelligence community. Posobiec asserts a coordinated effort to protect Biden despite his perceived shortcomings, highlighting the withholding of tapes and alleged doctoring of transcripts. He calls for accountability within Congress, targeting figures like Speaker Johnson and House Intel Chairman Mike Turner, whom he accuses of shielding Biden and the intelligence community from scrutiny. Costello supports these claims, emphasizing Turner’s alleged ineffectiveness and ties to past controversies. They both underscore the media’s role in propagating narratives and influencing political outcomes through selective leaks and misinformation. The conversation reflects their belief in a concerted effort to manipulate public perception and political discourse, advocating for transparency and accountability in government operations.


Raheem Kassam And Jack Posobiec Discuss “The Masculine RNC Convention” Next Week, Potential VP Picks

Raheem Kassam and Jack Posobiec discuss the upcoming RNC convention and its implications for the Republican Party’s direction and VP pick. They note the lineup of speakers, including Tucker Carlson and Dana White, suggesting a departure from a moderate agenda towards a more assertive, grassroots-focused approach. They criticize potential VP candidates aligned with establishment interests, contrasting them with figures like JD Vance, who they view as embodying the populist spirit of the MAGA movement. They highlight border security and economic policy issues, framing them as battlegrounds between grassroots conservatives and establishment Republicans. Posobiec emphasizes supporting candidates who challenge conventional party norms, citing examples from sports and political activism to illustrate the movement’s momentum beyond Trump. The conversation underscores a broader narrative of internal party strife and the ongoing struggle for ideological dominance within the GOP.

Posobiec And Kassam Discuss Global Neo-Liberal Alliance Working To Block Any Nationalists Movements

In this segment, Jack Posobiec and Raheem Kassam cover multiple topics centered around political strategy, global events, and media influence. They announce the premiere of “Government Gangsters” on War Room Films, discussing its significance amidst the RNC and its lineup, including Cash Patel. Reflecting on their five years with War Room, they highlight Stephen K. Bannon’s role and the movement’s evolution. Kassam expresses disbelief at their journey, from Bannon’s ambitions to current challenges, framing him as a martyr for the MAGA cause. They critique establishment tactics in France and the UK, highlighting coalitions against populist movements. Kassam predicts strategies to sideline Biden, emphasizing media distrust and political maneuvering leading up to the elections. They foresee a swift and aggressive response to prevent a Biden resurgence, speculating on a narrative shift regarding Biden’s leadership. Their dialogue underscores ongoing global and domestic political tensions, driven by populist movements and media dynamics.

Raheem Kassam: “The Real Scenes Of Corruption And Deep Division” Will Be Seen At The DNC

In their discussion, Raheem Kassam and Jack Posobiec emphasize the strategic importance of the upcoming RNC convention amidst anticipated chaos at the Democratic Convention in Chicago. They stress the need for a calm, competent, and drama-free RNC event to contrast with perceived Democratic disorder. Kassam draws parallels to historical Democratic turmoil, critiquing media bias in covering such events. He advocates for showcasing competence and pragmatism to attract independents and centrists, emphasizing practical solutions over ideological purity. Posobiec echoes concerns about Democratic tactics, alleging cheating and corruption in elections, urging vigorous voter turnout to counter these challenges. Despite their usual hardline stances, both stress the urgency of mobilizing supporters to ensure electoral success, highlighting the high stakes in the upcoming political landscape. Their conversation underscores the importance of perception and voter engagement in shaping the narrative and outcomes of the upcoming conventions and elections.

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