Sunday, 27 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/17/2024 [PM]

Wednesday, July 17

Fleuette: Government Gangsters Picks Up Where Clinton Cash Left Off

Dan Fleuette talked to Jayne Zirkle about the movie version of Kash Patel’s book Clinton Cash, set to premiere on Thursday at the RNC Convention.  The film will then be released to the public.

Fleuette co-produced the film with WarRoom host Steve Bannon, a political prisoner, on the day his movie will premiere.

Davis: President Trump’s Acting AG Should Open Investigations Into Jack Smith

In their War Room conversation from the Republican Convention, Natalie Winters, who continued her rejection of calls for unity between Republicans, and Mike Davis, who discussed the legal and political challenges facing President Trump, Davis focused on Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Davis noted that Judge Eileen Cannon ruled Smith’s appointment violated constitutional clauses because the special counsel office was not statutorily created and lacked proper oversight. He expects the Biden Justice Department’s appeal won’t be resolved before the election. He recommends that Trump’s acting attorney general dismiss the cases and investigate Smith if Trump is re-elected.

Davis also criticized Gavin Newsom’s California legislation, which limits parental rights regarding children’s gender identity, as a severe state overreach. Winters highlighted Trump’s lead in recent polls, suggesting that the American public sees through Biden’s administration. Davis emphasized the need for early voting to avoid disruptions on Election Day.

The conversation praised Trump’s judicial appointments, noting that the Supreme Court is now better positioned to check executive overreach. Both Winters and Davis rejected any notion of unity with Democrats, who they believe are undermining conservative values. They stressed the importance of Trump’s continued influence in the Republican Party and the need for a robust America First agenda to address these challenges effectively.

Schilling: The American People Are Seeing Through Biden’s Lawfare

In a War Room discussion, Natalie Winters, who continued her theme of rejecting unity, and Terry Schilling criticized Governor Gavin Newsom’s legislation, which limits parental rights regarding children’s gender identity, arguing it places state authority above parental rights. Schilling emphasized this shift as unprecedented and part of a broader cultural warfare. He praised Trump’s judicial appointments for restoring constitutional principles essential to countering governmental overreach. Schilling urged Republicans to vote early in the 2024 election, warning of potential disruptions similar to the BLM riots in 2020. He attributed recent violence to Biden’s inflammatory rhetoric against Trump, asserting it fosters justification for extreme actions.

Schilling stressed the need for a united Republican party to ensure Trump’s agenda if re-elected, cautioning against entrenched bureaucrats who could undermine his policies. He emphasized the importance of judicial decisions and accountability in restoring constitutional governance and countering the weaponization of law for cultural agendas.

Rep. Burchett: Biden Admin Continues Cover Up After Cover Up Of Ineptitude

In their discussion, Natalie Winters and Congressman Tim Burchette focused on the aftermath of the assassination attempt and its implications for oversight. Burchette criticized the Biden administration and DHS Secretary Mayorkas for alleged cover-ups and incompetence regarding the security breach.

He emphasized the failure to secure the perimeter and raised concerns about the Secret Service’s preparedness and response. Burchette also criticized media coverage and perceived biases, suggesting a reluctance to investigate critically. He highlighted ongoing investigations by the House Oversight Committee into the incident and expressed skepticism about cooperation from the administration. The conversation underscored broader concerns within the GOP about security, media scrutiny, and partisan divides affecting legislative oversight.

Rep. Miller: Biden Administration Embarrassment Since Day One

In a conversation featuring Rep. Miller, Natalie Winters, and Tim Burchette, the focus was on the call for Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign amidst perceived failures. Miller emphasized the need for accountability, criticizing the Biden administration for various issues like Afghanistan and border security. There was frustration over the lack of consequences for these failures and a call for hearings to address them.

The discussion shifted to the role of congressional committees in accountability and the perception that efforts had shifted from criminal referrals to preparing for Trump’s potential return. Miller stressed the importance of holding accountable those who compromise conservative values, expressing confidence in Trump’s ability to enforce accountability if re-elected.

They also discussed messaging strategies at the RNC and challenges posed by Democratic policies like inflation and border security. The conversation touched on legislative efforts, including Miller’s bill on transgender athletes in sports, framed as protecting women’s opportunities under Title IX.

Overall, the conversation highlighted frustrations with current policies, calls for accountability, and a strong emphasis on preparing for future political battles under Trump’s leadership.


Delaware, Hawaii, And Virginia Are Fighting Hard For Trump And Against Corruption

In this segment of the War Room, Julian Murray from Delaware, Tamara Makai from Hawaii, and Delois Stallman from Virginia all expressed their enthusiastic support for President Trump and their roles within the Republican Party in their respective states. Julian highlighted efforts to deliver Delaware for Trump, emphasizing the absence of vote-by-mail and Trump’s popularity in the state.

Tamara discussed challenges in Hawaii, aiming to turn the state red amidst opposition from wealthy figures like Zuckerberg and Bezos. Delois focused on Virginia’s potential to shift Republican, citing recent rallies and efforts to maximize voter turnout. Their unified message underscored grassroots efforts and state-level strategies to support Trump’s agenda and Republican victories.

Pipko: America Needs To Be United Again

Jayne Zirkle interviews her friends about their experiences at the Convention.

Part one:

Emmons: Left Doesn’t Think What They’re Doing Is Violence

Part Two:

Black Lives MAGA Loves Trump At RNC Convention

Ben Bergquam interviews some convention attendees about their support for President Trump.

Part one:

Americans Are Ready To Take America To The Place Our Founding Fathers Dreamed It To Be

Part Two:

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