Thursday, 19 September 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/23/2024 [AM]

Tuesday, July 23

Rep. Nancy Mace Destroys USSS Director Cheatle In Hearing

In a recent conversation between Dave Brat and Congresswoman Nancy Mace on the WarRoom, Mace voiced strong criticism of the current political climate and laid out her plans to hold public officials accountable. She expressed frustration with a perceived lack of accountability and transparency, highlighting Kimberly Cheatle’s Monday testimony, which Mace felt was evasive. Mace’s sentiment was encapsulated in her critical quote: “What she did yesterday to come into the House of Representatives…was just full of it,” she said, pointing to the frustration even within her party over a culture of deflection and avoidance.

Mace announced that she filed a motion to impeach Cheatle, highlighting its historical significance. She stated, “It is historic, but historic times call for historic measures,” emphasizing the urgency of her actions. The motion was filed as a privileged motion, meaning Congress would be compelled to vote on it within 48 hours. Mace stressed the need for action beyond rhetoric, calling for a robust debate on impeachment’s constitutional responsibilities.

She also discussed potential bipartisan support for her motion and the implications of impeachment as a political process. “High crimes and misdemeanors as a political question, only able to be defined by the House of Representatives,” she noted, arguing that failure of duty warrants such measures.

When asked about solutions to governance issues, Mace advocated for defunding as a tool against misuse of power and contempt of Congress for those avoiding accountability. She urged the public to demand action from Congress members, asserting that it’s not enough to “talk a big game” without action.

The conversation concluded with Mace expressing confidence in Donald Trump’s unifying effect on the party and the nation. She highlighted the importance of accountability within the Republican Party to address critical issues like border security, inflation, spending, and endless wars. Mace stated, “Donald Trump is showing you can be pro-life and pro-women,” emphasizing his role in the upcoming elections and the potential for the party to achieve significant victories.

How The DHS Plans To Censor Millions of American By Renaming Elections As “Critical Infrastructure”

In this conversation with Dave Brat on The WarRoom, Mike Benz discussed the influence of various government factions and corporate entities, which he called the “blob.” Benz explains that the term “blob” originated from Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser, Ben Rhodes, who described it as “an apparatus within the U.S government more powerful than the presidency.” Benz elaborates, saying this blob consists of a nexus between “the Pentagon, the State Department, and the CIA in the intelligence community” and the corporate and financial stakeholders that influence them.

Benz highlights the role of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a key player in this dynamic, stating, “DHS plays a really interesting role in all this because DHS has now served for about seven years as one of the main connective tissues between the foreign policy establishments’ Department of Dirty Tricks abroad being laundered against U.S citizens here at home.” He explained that DHS’s mission expanded beyond counterterrorism, now overseeing agencies like TSA and the Secret Service.

Benz emphasizes manipulating the concept of democracy, claiming, “Our definition of democracy is now completely indistinguishable from autocracy.” He highlights how DHS declared “the metaphysical concept of elections as critical infrastructure,” allowing them to claim jurisdiction over “tweets on the internet” as cyber attacks. This move gave DHS power to control public discourse, leading to “a hundred million Americans censored as a result.” Benz concludes that these actions reveal how intertwined government and corporate interests shape policies and narratives.

Kamala Harris’s Border Plan

In a conversation with Dave Brat and Todd Bensman, we discussed the Biden administration’s approach to illegal immigration, emphasizing Vice President Kamala Harris’ stance. Bensman explained that to understand Harris’ real views, one must look back at her 2018-2020 presidential campaign. He noted, “Where she falls on illegal immigration is firmly in the militant, violent leftist, far-left fringe camp of the progressive left.” According to Bensman, Harris has consistently supported abolishing ICE and ending deportation and detention, reflecting a radical approach to immigration policy.

Bensman discussed the public’s growing awareness of immigration issues, especially in major cities like New York and San Francisco, which are “filled up to the brim with illegals.” He pointed out that while the issue may not have gained traction initially, it is now “one of the one or two apex problem areas to most American voters.” He explained, “There are hundreds of thousands of immigrants in New York City and more in Chicago and Denver. Everybody can see this now. You don’t really need the media down at the border anymore like you did in the first couple of years of it because it’s everywhere.”

As for Harris’ role as Vice President, Bensman criticized her handling of border issues, noting her denial of any problems and refusal to take responsibility. He described her “root causes campaign” as “absolutely absurd,” stating that it was merely a “fig leaf for allowing unmitigated, unimpeded mass migration.” Bensman warned that if Harris becomes President, “we know exactly what’s going to happen with her,” predicting a continuation of her radical immigration policies.

Caroline Wren: Kamala Harris’s VP Pick Will Be Mark Kelly

In this segment with Dave Brat, Caroline Wren offered her insights on the political landscape, mainly focusing on Kamala Harris’ position within the Democratic Party. Wren stated, “Kamala Harris is terrible. She’s not a good candidate but also the Democrats have a history of putting up terrible candidates, and that then end up in office.” She highlighted that despite Harris’ weaknesses, the Democrats are likely to stick with her as their candidate, suggesting that their strategy involves projecting an open convention to maintain flexibility: “The reason why Obama and a couple others haven’t come out is they are wanting to play this game… and then they’ll end up saying, okay, we’re with her or, if something disastrous happens with her, they can replace her.”

Wren also discussed potential running mates for Harris, noting the Democrats’ possible choices. She speculated that Arizona Senator Mark Kelly might be a strong contender for the Vice Presidential spot, stating, “I think there’s a good chance it ends up being… their astronaut candidate, Senator Mark Kelly.” She dismissed other options, like Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and California Governor Gavin Newsom, due to various shortcomings and potential controversies.

Additionally, Wren examined the funding dynamics, noting Kamala Harris’ significant fundraising efforts, with $100 million reportedly raised via ActBlue. She described ActBlue as “the largest money laundering operation in the country” and expressed concern about the Democrats’ financial advantage. Despite this, Wren emphasized the importance of a strong ground game and grassroots organizing, urging Republicans to be proactive in swing states and ensure they are prepared for any challenges during the election.

Bachmann Reveals Democrats’ Coup After Biden Delegates Presidential Powers To Administrative State

In the following conversation with Dave Brat and Michele Bachmann, Bachmann expressed her concerns over a recent executive order signed by President Joe Biden, which she argues delegates significant presidential powers to the Secretaries of State and Treasury. Bachmann emphasizes the seriousness of this move, stating, “This executive order is delegating presidential powers to the Secretaries of Treasury and Secretary of State, both as to the Ukraine flush fund and to future executive orders.”

Bachmann criticizes the Biden administration for acting without transparency and suggests that these actions are part of a broader strategy by “coup actors” to consolidate power before a new president takes office in January 2025. She describes this as a deliberate move to bypass Vice President Kamala Harris and concentrate power in specific cabinet members, raising questions about who is truly in charge at the White House. She also highlights concerns about Biden’s absence due to his COVID diagnosis, suggesting, “So Joe Biden is this aberration when nobody has COVID; somehow, he has COVID, and he’s still able to sign executive orders.”

Bachmann stresses that the Biden administration’s decisions aim to weaken and push the United States towards global governance, opposing Trump’s “America First” agenda. She calls on Trump to appoint leaders who prioritize American sovereignty and reject globalist agendas, stating, “He is the anti-globalist president, so he’s got to choose people who are America First, who understand American sovereignty, who reject global governance.”

The discussion touches on the potential dangers of appointing Wall Street globalists to key government positions, and Bachmann urges grassroots leadership to maintain national sovereignty. The segment ends with Brat thanking Bachmann and promising to have her back on the show for further discussion.

Melody Jennings Highlights Cruciality Of Get Out To Vote Effort

In this conversation, Melody Jennings and Dave Brat, Jennings identified specific misleading narratives that are circulating among conservatives, which she believes are discouraging people from voting. She highlighted the influence of figures like Derek Johnson, who promotes the false claim that “Trump planned this assassination attempt with the military and the White House,” leading followers to believe that “the military’s in control, sit back, don’t do anything.” Jennings warned that these ideas are dangerous, as they convince people not to vote by making them think that “Trump is currently the commander-in-chief, which is completely a fantastical lie.”

Another group Jennings discussed is the sovereign citizen movement, which tells people to “dump your citizenship” and “don’t vote” because they believe the U.S. is a corporation. She expressed concern about the reach of these narratives. Jennings told Brat that she sees these beliefs as a threat to democracy, urging conservatives to abandon these “fantastical solutions that are warping your mind” and to get out and vote.

Brat added to the discussion, emphasizing the need for evidence and accountability: “If you’re involved in a group that cannot provide you with evidence on paper of what they’re talking about, check out.” He acknowledged the danger of these misleading groups and warned against their influence on social media.

Jennings urged listeners to focus on real civic engagement, stating, “I am imploring conservatives and Trump lovers to let go of these fantastical solutions.” She promoted her books, which aim to dispel these myths and encourage voter participation, emphasizing the necessity of staying informed and engaged in the democratic process.

Patrick K. O’Donnell Reveals Democrats’ Long History Of Hijacking “Democracy” Term

In discussing democracy and leadership, Patrick O’Donnell and Dave Brat analyze the historical parallels between past and present U.S. presidencies, focusing on character and leadership. O’Donnell, a renowned military historian, emphasizes the importance of these qualities in defining a presidency. He critiques current political leadership by referencing George Washington, who “relinquished power” despite having the opportunity to be the king of America. He highlights the stark contrast between Washington’s integrity and Joe Biden’s political situation, describing it as “farcical.”

The conversation draws comparisons between Washington and other historical figures, including Abraham Lincoln, whose leadership during the Civil War was marked by resilience and statesmanship. O’Donnell suggests that Lincoln’s ability to preserve the union and his forgiveness were crucial in overcoming the challenges of his time. He argues that today’s leadership lacks similar qualities, with President Trump being a notable exception. “President Trump embodies many of these essential elements,” O’Donnell asserts, suggesting that Trump’s leadership style mirrors those historical figures’ focus on core American values.

Brat echoes these sentiments, criticizing the Democratic Party for their narrative control and political maneuvering. He states, “It’s the Democrats’ favorite self-aggrandizing term for themselves… the Democracy controls the press and the narrative,” drawing a parallel to the Civil War era, where the press was similarly controlled. Brat acknowledges the left’s rhetoric, describing it as “slicing and dicing” and often lacking substance. He emphasizes that the core issues at stake are liberty and freedom, values deeply rooted in “the Judeo-Christian tradition” and essential to American democracy.

The discussion concludes with O’Donnell highlighting Trump’s practical approach to policy, focusing on issues like the border invasion and massive spending, which resonate with many Americans. He underscores the need for leadership that prioritizes Liberty and freedom, contrasting this with what he perceives as the left’s obsession with power and control.

O’Donnell encourages readers to explore his book The Unvanquished, which delves into leadership and personal sovereignty and offers insights into how “a small group of individuals can change the course of history.”

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