Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/3/2024 [PM]

Wednesday, July 3

Jenks: Apprehension Of Illegals Have Dropped Due To Mexican Border Enforcement Not American

Dave Brat and Rosemary Jenks discussed the Immigration Accountability Project (IAP) on the War Room, highlighting the critical need for accountability in immigration policy. Jenks emphasized that holding politicians accountable, including the Biden Administration and DHS Secretary Mayorkas, is essential. She criticized current immigration practices, stating that many immigrants enter illegally, and policies like “parole” are abused to allow quasi-legal entry. Jenks noted that Mexico is more effectively securing its border than the U.S., partly to help the Biden Administration claim lower illegal immigration numbers. She cited a House Judiciary Committee report revealing the Biden Administration has released 5.3 million illegal immigrants into the U.S., with an additional 1.9 million known “gotaways.” Jenks argued that an incoming administration, like Trump’s, should terminate parole programs and reinstate the “remain in Mexico” policy to prevent catch and release. She also highlighted the economic and social costs of illegal immigration, including crime and strain on public resources, and described the deadly impact of fentanyl smuggling by Mexican cartels with Chinese assistance. The IAP aims to hold accountable those responsible for these immigration issues.

Mills: Every One Of These Global Regional Conflicts Can Be Traced Back To China

Colonel John Mills, retired, and Dave Brat discussed the geopolitical landscape, emphasizing the influence of China on various global conflicts. Mills identified at least 14 regional conflicts, many of which he linked to China’s strategic ambitions to undermine the U.S. He highlighted major hot spots including Ukraine, where he described Russia as acting as a proxy for China, and the Middle East, where Iranian-backed groups like Hamas and Hezbollah are significantly influenced by China.

Mills also pointed out China’s presence in Latin America, including Chinese spy bases in Cuba and involvement with drug cartels. He emphasized the rise of populist leaders in the region who are pro-American but are receiving minimal support from the U.S. administration. In Asia, Mills discussed China’s strategic moves in Taiwan and the Solomon Islands, suggesting that China is bypassing direct confrontation with Taiwan by securing other strategic locations.

Mills criticized the current U.S. administration’s lack of clarity, resolve, and authenticity in foreign policy, contrasting it with the previous administration’s success in maintaining peace and prosperity. He argued for a robust policy that includes cutting off financial resources to China, strengthening diplomatic, military, and intelligence efforts, and showing genuine commitment to strategic partners.

Walsh: RINOs In Congress Voted To Sell Off Strategic gas Reserves In American Northeast

Dave Walsh, a War Room energy expert, provided insights on the Biden administration’s recent energy policies and their global implications. He criticized the release of 10 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, highlighting its negligible impact on U.S. gas prices given the country’s high daily consumption. Walsh emphasized the bipartisan responsibility, noting that many Republicans also supported the reserve’s depletion.

Walsh discussed the geopolitical landscape, particularly the increased flow of Russian pipeline gas into Western Europe, despite ongoing conflicts and sanctions. He pointed out that Europe continues to rely on significant quantities of Russian LNG, contradicting their support for the Ukraine war effort. This reliance has led to increased U.S. exports of LNG and crude oil to Europe, which in turn has affected domestic energy prices.

Regarding China, Walsh mentioned their strategic energy alignments, including pipeline projects with Russia, Iran, and Iraq, which will secure their energy needs in the long term. Meanwhile, China has capitalized on boycotted Russian oil supplies. Walsh concluded by stressing the need for the U.S. to educate its representatives on energy policies and their geopolitical consequences.

Antoni: Economic Hysteria Over Future Trump Presidency Completely Unfounded

EJ Antoni and Dave Brat discussed the implications of a potential Trump presidency on the U.S. economy, particularly in relation to the bond market. Antoni critiqued the Wall Street Journal’s negative outlook on Trump’s return, arguing that similar predictions in 2016 proved unfounded. He highlighted that Trump’s tariffs and immigration policies previously bolstered manufacturing and wages without causing inflation, contrary to critics’ claims.

Antoni explained that the current rise in interest rates is due to increased debt and concerns about the Treasury’s ability to repay, exacerbated by the Biden administration’s policies. He contended that Trump’s economic policies would alleviate stress on the Treasury markets, as they did during his first term. The expectation of strong economic growth under Trump would likely shift investments from low-yield bonds to higher-return stocks, forcing the Treasury to offer more competitive yields.

Antoni emphasized that the current economic challenges are a result of existing policies, not future Trump policies, and predicted that a Trump presidency would restore robust economic growth, attracting investments away from low-yield bonds to more lucrative opportunities.

Klippenstein: IRS Documents Updated To Include “Ability To Govern” Under Investigatory Purview

Natalie Winters and Ken Klippenstein explored the weaponization of the federal government against critics of the ruling class. Winters introduced Klippenstein, an investigative journalist known for exposing the collusion between big tech and federal agencies. They focused on Klippenstein’s latest findings about the IRS, which allegedly targets individuals threatening the government’s ability to govern, as outlined in new documents he obtained.

Klippenstein explained that the IRS manual prioritizes criminal investigations based on national security implications, a shift from traditional targets like foreign terror groups to domestic groups post-2021. This realignment intensified after events like January 6th and the George Floyd protests, leading to the creation of a domestic terrorism strategy under Biden.

The conversation highlighted the IRS’s expanded role in national security, working closely with agencies like the FBI and Homeland Security. Despite increased funding for the IRS, Klippenstein argued that the lack of transparency fuels public distrust and conspiracy theories. He emphasized the importance of primary source documentation in investigative reporting to uncover the true scope of these governmental actions.

Klippenstein also discussed the challenges journalists face due to the government’s secretive nature and the media’s reliance on authorized disclosures and information from think tanks and advocacy groups. He encouraged readers to engage with primary sources to form their own conclusions about these critical issues.

Justice: Another Big W For Moms For Liberty And The Title IX Changes

In a conversation between Tiffany Justice from Moms for Liberty and Natalie Winters, Justice shared news about a legal victory against Title IX changes proposed by the Biden Administration. The victory in the 10th Circuit means that public schools in Kansas, Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming cannot implement the new Title IX changes, which aimed to redefine sex to include gender identity and sexual orientation. This ruling impacts schools attended by members of Young America’s Foundation, Female Athletes United, and Moms for Liberty members.

Justice explained that the judge ruled the changes as unconstitutional, violating the Spending Clause, the First Amendment, and the Administrative Procedure Act. She urged listeners to join Moms for Liberty by July 15 to ensure their schools are protected from these changes.

The discussion also covered the Biden Administration’s shifting stance on gender-affirming care for minors. Despite recent claims of opposition to gender surgeries for kids, the Administration continues to support gender-affirming care, which Justice criticized. She emphasized that the Administration’s push for gender ideology is losing public support and could affect their chances in future elections. Justice concluded by urging parents to join Moms for Liberty to protect their children and public schools from the implementation of these Title IX changes.

Benz: Parasitic “Blob” Class Now Looking For New Host Body

Mike Benz discussed President Joe Biden’s perceived cognitive decline and its implications for national security, criticizing Biden’s longstanding role within the Washington establishment. Benz emphasized the Democratic Party’s desperation to find a suitable successor due to Biden’s inability to win the next election, pointing out the lack of candidates with the necessary foreign policy and intelligence experience. He highlighted Hunter Biden’s increasing involvement in White House affairs, contradicting previous claims of no business discussions between Joe and Hunter Biden, and suggested Hunter’s involvement stems from his deep ties to national security and international business. Benz expressed surprise at the intelligence community’s silence on Biden’s health issues, given their potential national security implications. He also mentioned key figures like Kamala Harris and Mike Donilon, noting their potential roles in maintaining continuity in the Democratic leadership, and highlighted BlackRock’s influence through figures like Tom Donilon. Additionally, Benz described USAID as a front for CIA operations, detailing its involvement in international interventions and suggesting it plays a significant role in the current immigration crisis. He noted Samantha Power’s influence in USAID and her husband’s new position at the Department of Homeland Security, suggesting their involvement in shaping immigration policies. Overall, Benz depicted a deeply interconnected political and intelligence establishment maneuvering strategically in response to Biden’s limitations.

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