Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/5/2024 [PM]

Friday, July 5

Antoni: Biden Admin Has Shattered People’s Confidence In The US Dollar

EJ Antoni and Dave Brat discussed the negative impact of the Biden administration’s economic policies, highlighting the contrast with the Trump era. Antoni pointed out that Trump’s administration fostered free-flowing capital markets, making it easier for the government and private sectors to obtain financing. In contrast, the current administration has eroded confidence in the U.S. dollar, leading to its devaluation and higher interest rates on various loans due to reckless spending by the radical left. They argued that Biden is merely a figurehead with a real economic agenda driven by more radical elements. The discussion emphasized the significant loss in purchasing power affecting all aspects of life, including retirement savings, and the increased financial strain on retirees. Antoni also criticized inflation statistics as misleading, suggesting they understate the real economic pain. The conversation concluded with a call for hedging investments and recognizing that the current economic situation is unsustainable, urging a return to policies that ensure prosperity and financial stability.

Harrington: We’ve Been In A Constitutional Crisis Since November 3rd, 2020

In a discussion on the War Room, Dave Brat and Liz Harrington delved into the current political state, emphasizing a constitutional crisis since November 3, 2020, due to Joe Biden’s ineffectiveness as a commander-in-chief. Harrington criticized Biden as a mere figurehead, suggesting the country is run by unaccountable elites manipulating the media and government through intelligence agencies. She highlighted the influence of globalists and elite figures controlling national and global policies, asserting that Trump, independent and accountable only to the American people, disrupts this power structure. Harrington expressed hope for Trump’s return to restoring a robust executive and dismantling corruption, citing some favorable Supreme Court rulings as a sign of resilience. She underscored the necessity of re-electing Trump to revive constitutional governance and hinted at internal power dynamics within the Biden family, suggesting Jill Biden’s struggle to maintain control. Harrington concluded by sharing her social media handles, encouraging followers to stay updated on her advocacy for the War Room’s message.

Howell: Heritage Investigation Finds 10% Of Illegal Aliens Investigated Are Registered To Vote

In their conversation, Dave Brat and Mike Howell from the Heritage Foundation discuss the critical issues facing the United States, mainly focusing on border security and its implications for elections. Howell highlights Heritage’s extensive research exposing vulnerabilities in the electoral system due to illegal aliens being registered to vote. He emphasizes the alarming potential impact on elections, citing findings from North Carolina as indicative of a larger threat nationwide. Heritage’s efforts include legal challenges against NGOs facilitating illegal activities and advocating for legislative measures to prevent non-citizens from voting. They criticize the Biden administration for its perceived laxity on border control, accusing it of potentially exploiting illegal votes for electoral advantage. Howell stresses Heritage’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting election integrity against what they perceive as systemic vulnerabilities exacerbated by immigration policies. Their discussion underscores deep concerns about national security and the integrity of American elections amidst ongoing political turmoil and legislative battles.

Thayer: President Xi Has Been Chopping Wood, Meeting Putin While Biden Is Asleep

In a recent War Room discussion, Bradley Thayer and Dave Brat highlighted America’s vulnerabilities amid President Biden’s perceived leadership failures. Thayer pointed to China’s aggressive geopolitical moves under Xi Jinping, including alliances and pressure on regional allies like Taiwan and the Philippines. Brat criticized bipartisan support for engaging with China, arguing it undermines U.S. sovereignty. Both stressed the need to shift from corporate interests benefiting China to bolstering U.S. security and independence. Their analysis underscored the urgent call for a strategic reorientation to confront external threats and internal divisions, advocating for policies that prioritize America’s long-term national interests.

Gableman: Wisconsin Judge Rules Ballot Drop-Boxes Legal

Judge Gableman criticized Wisconsin’s State Supreme Court, controlled by leftist Democrats, for legalizing unsupervised dropboxes, overturning a previous ruling. He argued this decision compromises election security and undermines public confidence in the judiciary. Gableman highlighted the absurdity of the majority’s reasoning, where any municipal clerk, despite potential fraud risks, can collect ballots under the guise of being a “person.” He emphasized the ruling’s potential to facilitate fraud and accused justices of prioritizing politics over judicial integrity. The discussion underscored concerns about electoral fairness and judicial impartiality in Wisconsin.

Winters: DHS Simulated War Game Prepping For Plausible Nationwide Droughts And Blackouts

Natalie Winters talked about an article she wrote about the War Games for Droughts and Blackouts.

Bin Ladin: World Can See Biden Is Senile, Incapable, And Illegitimate President

Noor Bid Laden discussed how the Biden administration’s leadership flaws have damaged America’s image abroad, portraying it as ungovernable and chaotic. She criticized Biden’s alleged incompetence, claiming he was propped up by Democrat mega-donors rather than chosen by voters. She cited a tweet by David Sachs highlighting conspiracy theories now acknowledged as true, suggesting a deliberate effort to discredit the U.S. globally. Bid Laden argued that these tactics aim to undermine American sovereignty in favor of a centralized globalist agenda. She urged a return to America First policies to restore independence and counteract these globalist influences.

Beattie: Democrat Elites Are Especially Susceptible To Mainstream Media Propaganda

Speaking on the War Room podcast, Darren Beattie discussed the current turmoil within the Democratic Party regarding President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. He highlighted the media’s role in downplaying concerns over Biden’s health despite growing speculation and internal Democratic disarray. Beattie pointed out that the media’s previous gaslighting of Biden’s health now complicates efforts to remove him, as it would be seen as admitting their complicity. He emphasized Kamala Harris’s conspicuous silence regarding her proximity to the January 6th events, suggesting it contradicts the narrative pushed by Democrats about the seriousness of that day. Beattie speculated that Democrats, despite internal dissent and media scrutiny, may not replace Biden due to fears of electoral repercussions and a lack of viable alternatives within their ranks. He urged continued scrutiny on these issues, particularly Kamala Harris’s role and the media’s credibility in shaping public perception.

Emmons: TN Judge Releases Orders That Covenant Shooter Writings Will Never Be Released

Libby Emmons discussed the recent decision by Judge LaShia Miles to withhold the manifesto of Audrey Hale, the transgender Covenant School shooter. The judge cited copyright concerns, granting rights to the victims’ families, and feared that releasing the manifesto could inspire copycat crimes. Michael Patrick Leahy of the Tennessee Star attempted to obtain these documents, even facing contempt charges for protecting his sources. Emmons highlighted that Hale admired the Columbine shooters and had unreported homicidal ideations during therapy.

Emmons criticized the media’s response, noting the immediate focus on trans rights following the shooting rather than addressing the incident’s gravity. She argued that leftist media often spins narratives to vilify conservatives, Trump supporters, and the MAGA movement. Emmons pointed out the media’s bias in handling such events, suggesting a double standard when it comes to anti-trans or conservative-related violence.

She emphasized the importance of critical thinking and maintaining personal values amidst pervasive media bias, urging vigilance against misinformation. Emmons underscored that America’s future depends on citizens who can discern the truth, advocating for clear-headedness and resistance against media-driven falsehoods. She can be followed on Twitter and through her work at The Post Millennial and Human Events.

Tucker: Adjusted For Inflation, We’ve Lost 13% Of Our Real GDP Over The Last 3 Years

Jeffrey Tucker, president of the Brownstone Institute, criticizes the latest economic data, particularly the June jobs report, highlighting discrepancies and inaccuracies. He notes that the reported 206,000 non-farm payroll jobs include significant revisions and an increase in government and healthcare jobs, while sectors like leisure and hospitality lag. Tucker argues that the official unemployment rate, currently at 4.1%, underestimates real unemployment, which he suggests could be closer to 8% when considering those who have left the workforce.

Tucker is skeptical of the official inflation data, believing it severely underreports the true rate of inflation. He cites personal examples, such as a 70% increase in the price of paper towels over 16 months, and a 100% rise in olive oil prices within a year, to illustrate his point. He argues that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) excludes many relevant costs like taxes, insurance, and new fees, leading to an inaccurate representation of inflation. According to Tucker, real inflation could be between 35% and 50% over the last few years.

He also criticizes the reporting of GDP, claiming that nominal GDP growth is misleading due to government spending. Adjusted for a more realistic inflation rate, Tucker believes the U.S. GDP has contracted significantly, indicating a recession or even a depression.

Tucker blames both outdated data collection methods and intentional obfuscation by government agencies for these inaccuracies. He suggests that the Biden administration might be manipulating economic data to present a more favorable picture ahead of elections.

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