Sunday, 27 October 2024

Ben Bergquam Reporting with Truth and Grit While Watching the Decline of Corporate Media

Ben Bergquam, a self-described "immersion journalist,” shared his perspectives on media, truth, and the current state of America during a live conversation at the Republican National Committee (RNC) with Kash Patel on the WarRoom. Bergquam’s journey from grassroots activism to becoming a prominent journalist with Real America’s Voice is marked by a dedication to truth-telling, which he told Patel he believes is sorely lacking in mainstream media today.

Reflecting on his path, Bergquam noted, “I was just a grassroots guy in California, saw our country going to hell, and I said, why is nobody telling the truth about this stuff?”

This realization propelled him into a career where he felt compelled to expose the realities he believed were being ignored or misrepresented by traditional news outlets. “This was years ago, this was, you know, back before President Trump announced he was running,” he added, underscoring how long he has been committed to this mission.

Bergquam’s work has taken him to the frontlines of various geopolitical hotspots, providing him with a firsthand perspective on issues that he feels are often manipulated by the media. “If you guys haven’t watched Ben’s videos non-stop, you gotta go to his social media,” Patel emphasized, highlighting the reach and impact of Bergquam’s reporting. His approach is deeply personal and direct, often involving dangerous and high-stakes environments, which he navigates to bring what he considers the unvarnished truth to his audience.

In his view, the mainstream media is complicit in perpetuating false narratives. He criticized their response to a recent attempt on President Trump’s life, saying, “The mainstream media, their complicity in this… not a single one of them will denounce the assassination attempt against President Trump.” This accusation underscores his belief that the media is not just failing in its duty to report facts but is actively participating in a broader agenda.

Bergquam also discussed the decline of traditional media and the rise of what he terms the “ascendant media,” which he believes represents a new wave of truth-focused journalism. “The fake news propaganda media is dying,” he proclaimed, contrasting it with his brand of journalism, which he insists is gaining traction among people who are tired of biased reporting. This sentiment is driven by his encounters with various forms of opposition and danger, including physical attacks by groups like Antifa. “I’ve experienced, you know, Antifa attacking me, the stitches I’ve had on my head, spit I’ve had in my mouth,” he recounted, highlighting the personal risks he takes to report what he sees as the truth.

For more context, watch the full Ben Bergquam segment from Wednesday’s WarRoom:

Ben Bergquam: “We Are The Ascendant Media While The Fake News Propaganda Media Is Dying”

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