Friday, 25 October 2024

Biden Crushed in Polls Over Thursday’s “Big Boy” Speech, WarRoom Exposes

In the WarRoom on Friday, US Rep. Matt Gaetz and Richard Baris, also known as “People’s Pundit,” exposed numerous problems with the state of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party’s prospects for victory in November, heavily emphasizing recent polling data and its implications.

 “This is the ugliest poll for Joe Biden we’ve ever seen,” Baris said and highlighted a dire assessment of Biden’s current national standing.

Barris pointed Gaetz to internal and public polls that aligned in their negativity toward Biden’s presidency, telling Gaetz that it indicated a significant downturn in public confidence. The Friday conversation centered on Biden’s Thursday night public gaffes, such as confusing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which Baris suggested had intensified concerns about Biden’s mental understanding and ability to lead effectively.

“We’re seeing this concern over who is running the country,” Baris emphasized, noting that such perceptions were challenging to reverse through traditional means like economic data releases. He pointed out that typically, it is the Democratic candidate who enjoys a lead in mid-year polls, not the Republican challenger, further underscoring Biden’s precarious position.

The discussion then turned to the gendered response in polling, with Baris highlighting a significant gap in support between men and women. “President Trump’s lead among men right now is like 28 points,” Baris noted, indicating a substantial advantage for the former president among male voters. This gender disparity, he argued, stemmed from perceptions of Biden’s weakness and decline, qualities that men might find less appealing in a leader.

Regarding Vice President Kamala Harris, Baris painted a similarly grim picture. He described Harris as facing high unfavorability ratings and suggested she lacked the broad appeal necessary to bolster the Democratic ticket. Comparing her unfavorably to Biden, Baris remarked, “Even in his diminished capacity, I would argue that Scranton Joe is still a more appealing candidate than Kamala Harris.” He substantiated this claim with polling data showing Harris’s poor performance in key battleground states crucial for electoral success.

The conversation also touched on internal Democratic dynamics and frustrations. Baris referenced reports of discontent among Biden’s advisors and Democratic insiders, who allegedly feel sidelined or ignored in expressing concerns about Biden’s leadership capabilities. He highlighted a quote alleging that dissenting views within Biden’s inner circle were met with resistance, reinforcing a narrative of internal strife within the administration.

Baris remained skeptical in response to questions about potential strategies, including testing Harris against Trump in hypothetical match-ups. He argued that such efforts might either bolster Biden’s position or prepare the ground for a transition away from him, indicating uncertainty and division within Democratic ranks about the best path forward.

Throughout their discussion, Baris maintained a critical stance on the Biden administration’s handling of public perception and internal dissent, painting a picture of a presidency under strain and a party struggling to rally around a coherent strategy. His analysis underscored the challenges facing Democrats as they navigate internal divisions and attempt to regain electoral momentum amidst widespread skepticism about their leadership and policy direction.

Baris’s insights into polling data and public sentiment provided a comprehensive view of the current political landscape, highlighting significant obstacles for the Biden administration and the Democratic Party heading into the next election cycle.

His emphasis on gendered voter responses and Harris’s electoral challenges offered a nuanced understanding of the complexities facing Democrats as they seek to maintain political relevance and voter support amid shifting public opinion.

For more on the poling- watch the full WarRoom segment:

Richard Baris On Biden’s Polling Following Democrats’ Deserting Biden

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