Wednesday, 23 October 2024

“Blob” Class’s Search for a New Leader, Mike Benz Exposes Biden’s Weakness

Mike Benz delivered a robust critique of the current political landscape, focusing particularly on President Joe Biden’s fitness for office, the influence of the intelligence community, and the broader implications for national security and foreign policy.

Benz begins by discussing the uncertainty surrounding President Joe Biden’s political future, particularly his ability to remain in the presidential race. He metaphorically describes the political establishment’s search for a new leader: “The parasite is looking for a new host body.” Benz argues that Biden has been a long-serving member of the Washington power structure, often referred to as the “blob,” which includes the war industry, statecraft instruments, and intelligence community. These entities, he says, are looking for a new leader because they perceive Biden’s weakening condition as a liability.

Benz highlights Biden’s long history within this establishment, stating, “Joe Biden has been a faithful servant for over 40 years to that blob class.” He emphasizes that Biden’s perceived frailty and his nickname “Mr. Foreign Policy” are now sources of concern. The intelligence community’s silence on Biden’s cognitive abilities is particularly striking to Benz, who points out, “The commander-in-chief cannot keep his eyes open past 4 PM, and when the clock strikes about nine or ten, he turns into effectively a total vegetable.”

Benz underscores the critical role of a cogent president in handling national security emergencies. He questions Biden’s ability to make timely decisions: “National Security emergencies happen every week in some country, in somewhere, there are issues of grave concern to the CIA, to the Pentagon, to the State Department.” He stresses that Biden’s incapacities could compromise America’s ability to respond effectively to such crises.

According to Benz, the Democratic Party faces a significant challenge in finding a suitable replacement for Biden. He believes that many potential candidates lack the necessary foreign policy experience: “The Democrat Party has a lot of folks who are focused on domestic priorities… and who are simply not as well-versed in the secrets of the American Empire.” He mentions Kamala Harris as a potential candidate but notes her relative inexperience compared to Biden. He also suggests that Hillary Clinton could be a suitable replacement due to her extensive knowledge of foreign policy.

Benz told show host Natalie Winters, that he finds it fascinating that Hunter Biden is now involved in high-level White House meetings. This involvement contradicts previous claims that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s activities were separate. Benz states, “Hunter Biden is effectively acting as his proxy, teleporting into the West Wing to directly participate in essentially presidential matters.” He views Hunter Biden’s involvement as an extension of his father’s deep ties to the intelligence community and foreign dealings.

Benz also highlights the influence of Mike Donilon, a long-time advisor to Joe Biden, whose brother Tom Donilon is the chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute. Benz argues that this relationship underscores the intricate connections between political, intelligence, and financial institutions in the U.S. He describes Biden as a “BlackRock president” serving both corporate and intelligence interests.

Benz turned his attention to USAID, describing it as a “CIA front” rather than a mere charity organization. He recounts various instances where USAID has been involved in covert operations, such as creating a Twitter knockoff app in Cuba to incite revolt and running fake aid clinics in Colombia and Venezuela for paramilitary activities. Benz emphasizes that USAID’s inclusion in the National Security Council solidifies its role in shaping U.S. foreign policy.

Benz’s commentary paints a picture of a political and intelligence landscape fraught with complex relationships and hidden agendas. He raises critical questions about Joe Biden’s capacity to lead and the broader implications for U.S. national security. Benz’s analysis suggests that searching for a new leader within the Democratic Party is not just a political maneuver but a strategic necessity for maintaining the current power structure.

For more Context watch Benz’s full WarRoom segment:

Benz: Parasitic “Blob” Class Now Looking For New Host Body

Mike Benz is a commentator known for his critical analysis of U.S. politics, national security, and foreign policy. He often highlights the influence of intelligence agencies, corporate interests, and political figures, focusing on the Biden administration’s intricacies. Benz emphasizes issues related to President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities and Hunter Biden’s controversial roles. He critiques organizations like USAID, describing it as a front for covert intelligence operations. Active on platforms like Twitter, Benz is known for his skepticism of mainstream narratives and his efforts to reveal hidden agendas within the political establishment.

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