Friday, 25 October 2024

Closing the Deal:

As we enter the final stretch toward Election Day, the WarRoom Posse is proving to be more engaged and motivated than ever. Every day, this determined group is putting their "shoulders to the wheel,” working hard to ensure that no effort is overlooked in the fight to save our nation.

“We must assume we are behind and have to dig out every last vote!” – Steve Bannon

From door-knocking in battleground states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona, to phone banking, texting, and writing Get Out The Vote (GOTV) postcards from home, the Posse is showing remarkable dedication. The enthusiasm and commitment we’re witnessing is inspiring. The Posse knows that now is the moment to “close the deal,” as Grace Chong emphasized in her WarRoom GOTV segment. They understand what’s at stake, and they are stepping up.

The WarRoom Posse is using key tools to maximize their impact, from door-knocking to phone banking. Their popular platforms provide the resources needed to increase early voting and ensure every voter is reached., Scott Presler is a leading conservative activist, known for his efforts in registering tens of thousands of Republicans to vote across the country., founded Cliff Maloney, is another crucial resource, especially in Pennsylvania. By focusing on reaching low-propensity voters, this platform ensures a strong grassroots effort. Maloney’s leadership and strategy have made PA Chase an invaluable tool for voter registration and door-knocking campaigns in this vital battleground state.

And it’s not just Pennsylvania. Across the nation, teams are mobilizing to get out the vote. Whether you’re knocking on doors or working from home, every single effort is making a difference, especially in reaching those critical Low Propensity Voters who can tip the balance in key states.

Organizations like Turning Point Action are stepping up by mobilizing thousands of activists to AZ and WI, helping with ballot chasing—the method for ensuring that low-propensity voters are informed about why it’s critical and motivated to GOTV and for voters who have received mail-in ballots get them filled out and returned on time.

Through voter outreach methods, voters are being informed about their voting options and encouraged to vote early, if possible, to avoid any last-minute obstacles on Election Day. "You need to make a plan, register, and vote any way possible,” Trump emphasized in a video launching the effort. A key resource for this is, which provides vital information on registering, voting options, and the importance of this historic election. The energy in the MAGA movement is stronger than ever, and with these tools, we are more organized and motivated to make a difference.

For anyone of the WarRoom Posse eager to jump in and make a difference, in these last critical weeks, these resources are a great place to start:

US Election Assistance Commission –  links from state election offices on registering to vote, updating your information, options to cast a ballot, and where to vote.

TP Action APP – A must-have for grassroots activists, connecting volunteers with critical tasks and updates.

Early Vote Action APP – Helps  volunteers stay focused on early voting efforts. – An essential resource hiring workers to knock on doors for in Pennsylvania.

NVgop APP – For Nevada residents looking to contribute locally.

MASF.Online – Offers in-person job opportunities as door knockers and stay-at-home volunteer opportunities.

Trump Talk – A phone banking tool to increase voter turnout while protecting your phone number.

Eac.Gov/Voters – Each state and territory administers elections differently. For each state, you will find links to information including the state election office, local election office directory.

U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote), – together with Overseas Vote and US.VOTE initiatives, serves the citizens of the United States with voter services and election services and information for local, state, and over-seas voting.

This is our moment, and we cannot let up. This election is about more than just politics; it’s about the future of our country. As grassroots warriors, it’s up to us to make sure we "close the deal.”

Every door knocked, every phone call made, every postcard sent—it all moves us one step closer to victory. The Posse is the backbone of this movement, and together, we will secure America’s future.

*** Next Man Up ***

*cover artwork & photo by Art Activist Jenna Leonard Thank you Jenna.


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