Thursday, 24 October 2024

Crisis of Confidence: The DOJ’s Integrity Under Scrutiny Ahead of the 2024 Election

Understanding public trust in the Department of Justice (DOJ) before the 2024 election is crucial because it directly impacts the legitimacy of the electoral process and the enforcement of laws that govern it. Public perception of the DOJ’s integrity and impartiality influences voter confidence in the fairness and transparency of elections. If a significant portion of the population views the DOJ as politically biased or corrupt, it can undermine faith in election outcomes, exacerbate political polarization, and fuel civil unrest. Moreover, the DOJ is critical in addressing electoral disputes, safeguarding voting rights, and ensuring that election laws are upheld. Therefore, gauging and addressing public trust in the DOJ is essential to maintaining democratic stability and ensuring that the 2024 election is conducted in an environment of trust and confidence.


Public perception of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is increasingly skeptical, with many Americans viewing the institution as overly politicized and unreliable. This distrust is fueled by several high-profile controversies and actions that have raised concerns about the integrity and impartiality of the DOJ.

According to polling, these factors have contributed to a growing belief that the DOJ is not functioning as an impartial guardian of justice but rather as a politically driven entity. This perception is reflected in surveys and public discourse, with many calling for reforms to restore trust and ensure the DOJ operates free from political influence.

According to a 2023 report from the US Department of  Justice Office of Inspector General, we have a problem to be worried about:

“Public trust in the federal government has approached near record lows.[1]  As of June 2023, fewer than 2-in-10 Americans say they trust the government in Washington to do what is right "just about always” (1 percent) or "most of the time” (15 percent).  These are among the lowest trust measures in nearly 7 decades of polling.  In light of today’s wide-spread lack of trust and negative views of government, a key facet of the Department’s challenge of strengthening public trust is ensuring that DOJ personnel fulfill their duties without any actual or perceived political influence or partisan consideration.”

But that doesn’t seem to be going very well, according to public polling.

Key issues contributing to this negative perception were identified in a  survey by Trafalgar, which revealed that 46.6% of Americans view the Department of Justice (DOJ) as overly political, corrupt, and untrustworthy.

Several key points of concern back this perception:

FBI’s Russia Collusion Narrative: Despite knowing that claims of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia were false, the FBI collaborated with Democratic operatives to propagate this story during the 2016 election. This involved strategic media leaks, falsifying FISA warrant applications, and lying to Congress.

Hunter Biden Laptop Story: The FBI convinced social media companies and the broader media that the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, even though they had the laptop and could have verified its authenticity.

Parental Free Speech Rights: The DOJ acted against parents across the U.S. in response to alleged threats against school boards, while failing to protect Americans from actual violence, such as attacks on pregnancy care centers.

Social Media Monitoring: The FBI monitored social media for “misinformation” or “disinformation,” flagging content not tied to any criminal conspiracy for removal by platforms.

Domestic Influence Operations: The FBI pressured social media companies to report more foreign influence than was actually occurring, aiming to suppress true information relevant to the 2020 presidential election.

Selective Prosecutions: The DOJ has aggressively prosecuted American citizens for minor offenses while dismissing cases against radical leftist groups such as Antifa.

Chilling Disfavored Conduct: The DOJ has threatened that actions not aligning with the liberal agenda “could” violate federal law, using the threat of litigation and sanctions to suppress state efforts on issues like abortion restrictions or preventing genital mutilation of children.

Election Integrity Lawsuits: The DOJ has sued multiple states over their efforts to enhance election integrity, indicating a contentious stance on state-level election regulations.


In general, most of the guests on the program would agree that to address the critical issue of restoring public trust in the DOJ, several comprehensive and strategic reforms must be implemented. These solutions focus on increasing transparency, accountability, and impartiality within the DOJ to rebuild confidence in its operations and ensure it functions as an unbiased enforcer of the law.

Enhanced Transparency: The DOJ should increase transparency by publicly disclosing decision-making processes and criteria for investigations and prosecutions. This includes providing detailed explanations for high-profile cases and clarifying the reasons behind prosecutorial decisions to counter perceptions of bias.

Independent Oversight: Establishing stronger independent oversight mechanisms is crucial. An independent review board or inspector general with the authority to investigate claims of misconduct or political influence within the DOJ can help ensure accountability and foster public trust.

Bipartisan Leadership: Appointing bipartisan leadership at key positions within the DOJ can help mitigate perceptions of political bias. Leaders with a reputation for impartiality and a commitment to justice should be prioritized to reinforce the department’s integrity.

Clear Communication Policies: The DOJ should implement clear communication policies that prevent unauthorized leaks and ensure consistent and accurate information is provided to the public. This would address concerns about strategic media leaks and misinformation.

Focus on Equal Enforcement: Ensuring that laws are enforced equally, regardless of political affiliation, is essential. The DOJ must demonstrate a balanced approach in its prosecutions, avoiding the appearance of selectively targeting specific groups or individuals.

Training and Education: Providing ongoing training for DOJ personnel on ethical standards, impartiality, and the importance of public trust can help reinforce the department’s commitment to unbiased law enforcement.

Public Engagement: Engaging with the public through town halls, forums, and other outreach initiatives can help the DOJ better understand and address public concerns. Open dialogue with communities can also help rebuild trust and demonstrate a commitment to serving all citizens fairly.

Reevaluating Priorities: The DOJ should periodically reevaluate its priorities and focus on addressing crimes and issues that most concern the public. This includes taking strong actions against all forms of violence and protecting the rights of all citizens.

By implementing these reforms, the DOJ can work towards restoring its reputation as an impartial and trustworthy institution. This, in turn, will enhance public confidence in the justice system and ensure a fair and transparent electoral process leading up to the 2024 election.


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