Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Democrats Face Harsh Reality: Matt Boyle Exposes Biden’s Struggles and Trump’s Predicted Landslide Victory

In a Wednesday segment of the WarRoom program, acting host Ben Harnwell and Breitbart News Editor Matt Boyle discussed the internal turmoil within the Democratic Party since the Presidential debate last week. They highlighted the challenges the party faces with ailing Joe Biden’s candidacy and the looming threat for Democrats of a Donald Trump landslide victory.

Boyle emphasized that the Democrats are starting to realize that holding onto the White House is increasingly unlikely. He cited a leak from Biden’s super PAC revealing internal polling data that showed Trump leading significantly in key battleground states even before the debate.

“According to Democrats’ own internal numbers, Trump was winning in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan before the debate, and then after the debate, he’s blown that wide open,” Boyle noted.

According to Boyle, this data suggests that Trump is not just on track for a win but a mandate, potentially securing over 330 electoral votes.

Boyle explained that the Democrats are now fiercely debating whether Joe Biden or Kamala Harris would be a better candidate to minimize their losses in the Senate. “They are going to lose the U.S Senate majority,” Boyle asserted. He outlined the competitive Senate races in states like Ohio, Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, indicating a tough road ahead for the Democrats. The party’s strategy appears focused on damage control, aiming to reduce the extent of their losses to better position themselves for future elections.

The conversation also touched on the New York Times article suggesting Biden is considering continuing the race. Boyle remarked on the internal strife this has caused within the party, with factions debating who between Biden and Harris could better stem the losses in down-ticket races. “It’s all about the down ticket, and it’s all about power. It’s all about control. It’s all about the long game in Washington D.C.,” Boyle emphasized.

Boyle also mentioned how some Democratic donors are shifting their contributions away from the presidential race to focus on Senate and House campaigns. This strategic pivot underscores the party’s acceptance of the difficult path ahead and their efforts to maintain influence in Congress. Boyle stated, “The smarter Democrat donors are already moving their money into the low, the down-ticket races.”

Boyle dispelled the notion of a coordinated effort to sabotage Biden, suggesting instead that the party had deluded itself into believing Biden could turn things around.

“They actually believed their own BS,” Boyle said, highlighting how the debate performance starkly contrasted the party’s expectations.

Looking forward, Boyle emphasized the importance of Trump’s running mate selection and how it could impact his agenda if he wins. He noted that various names are being considered, from establishment figures like Glenn Youngkin to more America First candidates like JD Vance. “This is a incredibly important moment for our country and the future of it,” Boyle stressed.

Overall, Boyle painted a grim picture for the Democrats, who are grappling with internal divisions and a bleak electoral outlook. Their focus has shifted to minimizing losses and preparing for a potential Trump presidency. The stakes are high, and the decisions made in the coming weeks could shape the political landscape for years to come.

For more context, watch the full segment featuring Matt Boyle:

Matthew Boyle: Biden’s Own Super PAC Polling Revealed President Trump Landslide “BEFORE The Debate”

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