Saturday, 07 September 2024

Enough Games! Congressman Eli Crane Questions Official Narrative on Trump Assassination Attempt

Congressman Eli Crane, a former Navy Seal Snipper, joined the WarRoom on Wednesday and shed light on the numerous unanswered questions surrounding the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump earlier in July.

Crane began by expressing his disbelief in the mainstream account of the assassination attempt, stating, “Many of us have been… calling this out for months that, you know, they were going to try and assassinate Trump.”

He drew parallels between this event and historical instances where the official government explanations were met with public skepticism, such as the JFK assassination. Crane emphasized that the American public is wary of accepting surface narratives without substantial evidence.

The congressman criticized the portrayal of the suspect of the shooting as a lone 20-year-old actor, arguing that the narrative seems too simplistic given the stakes involved.

“I’m not quick to jump to and buy into every conspiracy theorist, you know, out there,” Crane noted, “but we can’t forget all that before we even start looking at the facts of this case.”

One of Crane’s main concerns was the security setup during Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He highlighted the absence of Secret Service counter-sniper teams on a water tower that provided a strategic vantage point over the venue. According to Crane, “If Secret Service would have put their counter-sniper teams on that water tower… he wouldn’t have even made it close to that roof.” He argued that the oversight allowed the shooter to access a position where they could take multiple shots at Trump.

Crane also questioned the Secret Service’s claim that the roof from which the shooter allegedly fired was too steep to place snipers. “We walked right up that thing, no problem,” Crane said, emphasizing that he and a 70-year-old colleague easily accessed the roof. This observation led Crane to suspect that there may have been a deliberate choice not to position security personnel effectively.

During his investigation, Crane visited a building adjacent to the shooter’s position, which he told Brat had a clear view of the rooftop where the shots were fired. The business owner confirmed that law enforcement and Secret Service had full access to the building and likely positioned themselves in strategic locations. “It would have been so easy for anybody looking out that window to dispatch the shooter,” Crane pointed out. He suggested that even with a handgun, the shooter could have been easily neutralized, raising questions about why this was not done.

Crane’s observations led him to demand accountability and transparency from the authorities responsible for the security that day. “We got a lot of questions that need answering,” he insisted.

He urged for an investigation to uncover who was responsible for the security arrangements and why certain decisions were made.

Crane also referenced Robert Hagan’s article from the Washington Post, which he argued attempted to justify an assassination attempt on Trump. “That whole article was an attempt to justify… why an assassination on former President Donald Trump… was rational justified and needed,” Crane stated.

He pointed out the repeated efforts by the media and political opponents to demonize Trump, drawing connections between this rhetoric and the alleged assassination attempt.

Crane warned that the ongoing attempts to undermine Trump—whether through assassination, legal battles, or media portrayals—are indicative of a broader strategy to remove him from the political landscape. “They knew they couldn’t beat him fair and square,” Crane asserted, referring to the numerous efforts to impeach, bankrupt, and imprison Trump.

The discussion with Brat concluded with a call for a deeper investigation into the incident, emphasizing the need to address these critical security lapses and hold those responsible accountable. Crane’s commitment to uncovering the truth resonated with viewers, reinforcing his role as a vigilant watchdog in pursuing justice.

For more context, watch the full WarRoom segment featuring Eli Crane:

Rep. Eli Crane Debunks USSS Reasons For Security Failure After Visiting Sight Of Shooting


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