Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Evangelical Mobilization Could Tip 2024 Election: Key States Targeted by Conservative Leader

Ralph Reed and Dave Bossie, two key conservative leaders, discussed their strategy to mobilize Evangelical and Christian voters ahead of the 2024 election on Tuesday’s WarRoom. Their efforts are centered on crucial battleground states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, which they believe could determine the next U.S. President.

Mobilizing Evangelical and Catholic Voters is Key to Victory

Ralph Reed from Faith and Freedom Coalition, a prominent figure in conservative Christian politics, emphasized that winning the 2024 election hinges on mobilizing both Evangelical Christians and faithful Roman Catholics. These groups make up a significant portion of the electorate, and their turnout is seen as critical for a Trump victory.

Reed highlighted that Trump currently holds a commanding lead among Evangelicals—84% to 15%—and has a slim majority among Catholics, leading 53% to 47%. This Catholic vote is especially significant, as no candidate has won the presidency without securing it since the 1960s.

Targeted Efforts in Battleground States

Reed identified three key battleground states where his team is focusing their efforts:

  • Georgia: Ground teams will knock on over 750,000 doors to ensure voter turnout among conservative Christians. This state remains a critical battleground, with its diverse population and history of tight races.
  • Pennsylvania is another major target, and the outreach efforts mirror those in Georgia. Pennsylvania’s swing status makes mobilizing the Christian vote essential.
  • Wisconsin: Although the smallest of the three states in population, Wisconsin is seen as a decisive battleground. According to Reed, a strong push in Wisconsin could be enough to secure a victory.
  • Other States Likely to Fall in Line

    Beyond the main focus, Reed expressed confidence that Trump will carry states like Arizona and Nevada, strengthening the path to a potential victory. However, the efforts in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin remain the top priority, as these states could ultimately decide the election outcome.

    Voter Outreach to Make the Difference

    The strategy is heavily reliant on grassroots voter outreach. Door-to-door engagement is seen as a critical method to ensure high turnout. Reed’s team plans to leverage this direct contact to educate voters and secure their support. To facilitate this, Reed encouraged volunteers to join their cause by visiting, where they can access voter education materials and take part in the campaign.

    Evangelicals and Catholics—A Crucial Coalition

    Reed underlined that about one-third of their outreach focus is on Catholic voters, acknowledging their pivotal role in key states across the Upper Midwest. This effort is not just about Evangelicals; it’s about a broader Christian coalition that includes conservative Protestants and pro-life Catholics.

    A Call to Activism for Conservative Supporters

    Dave Bossie, praised Reed’s efforts and invited the WarRoom audience to get involved. He noted that the listeners are eager to support causes they believe in, making the a prime outlet for action.

    Reed concluded with a call to action, urging listeners to download educational resources and join the door-to-door efforts to influence the election. He stressed the importance of grassroots participation to ensure a conservative victory in 2024.

    The Stakes Are High for 2024

    The mobilization of Evangelical and Christian voters is expected to be a decisive factor in the 2024 election. With targeted efforts in battleground states, conservative leaders like Ralph Reed are laying the groundwork for a potential Trump victory. By engaging a key coalition of religious voters, the campaign hopes to sway critical states and secure a win for the GOP.

    For more of our coverage of Ralph Reed:

    Lack of Trump Campaign Urgency for Ground Game Spurs Ralph Reed to Mobilize Christian Voters to Save the Republic

    Ralph Reed on The Power of Christian Voters: How Their Voice Can Shape Election Victory for Christian Values

    Ralph Reed Reveals The $62 Million Plan To Boost Evangelical Voter Participation

    For more from Reed:

    Ralph Reed On Christians Ability To Win The Election

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