Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Expecting Steve Bannon’s Return: “Going Old Testament: Call to Offense and Coalition Building”

‘We Need Steve Bannon”

In the June 1, 2024, episode of WarRoom, Steve Bannon responded to a striking call from Megyn Kelly, who, in a fiery commentary, highlighted how lawfare was being used as a weapon against President Donald Trump. As Kelly reflected on the implications of Jack Smith’s latest legal maneuver, she turned to an unexpected figure for guidance: “You know who we need? Steve Bannon,” she declared. For Kelly, this was a line that America could not uncross, a moment where decisive action was necessary to restore balance: “They tasted blood today… and it’s going to continue happening.” She spoke of a necessary reckoning, a “tit for tat,” insisting that this strategy would ultimately come back to haunt the Democrats.

Bannon, always one to seize the moment, embraced Kelly’s fiery challenge, calling it “going Old Testament.” He laid out a rousing narrative, drawing inspiration from the Founding Fathers who overcame deep divisions to unite against a common enemy: the British Empire. “They built the foundation of the greatest country on Earth,” Bannon remarked, reminding his audience that despite personal animosities, historical figures like Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, and Burr managed to set aside their differences to achieve a higher purpose. He emphasized how their willingness to confront a global empire and sacrifice for future generations was exactly the grit needed today.

Bannon Will Return

“We need to be principled, but be ruthless,” Bannon urged, driving home the necessity of strength and strategy in the political battle ahead.

Bannon’s message was clear: in today’s political warfare, those who fight for America’s future must emulate that revolutionary generation’s unity and relentless drive. “We’re not just fighting for policy or elections; we’re fighting for the survival of our Republic,” Bannon stated.

He emphasized the urgency of building coalitions and going on the offensive, particularly with the November 5th elections approaching.

His release from Federal prison in late October,, where he is serving the end of his fourth-month sentence,  will give him just a handful of days to mobilize the populist movement in preparation for the election showdown.

Bannon Understands The Political Landscape Better Than Anyone

Throughout the June segment, Bannon painted a vivid picture of what was at stake. He compared today’s political landscape to the darkest moments before dawn, highlighting the need for a sense of urgency and action. “This is the dark of night right now, and we’re a long way before dawn,” he stated, emphasizing that the fight was far from over. Bannon argued that it wasn’t enough to resist merely; it was time to counterpunch and show the same resolve as the early revolutionaries when they fought for independence.

Bannon also called for a grassroots mobilization effort, invoking Barack Obama’s winning strategy in 2008. “We have to go door to door like Obama did in 2008,” he said, underscoring the importance of direct engagement with voters. Bannon’s rallying cry was a call to arms, urging his followers to get out and meet the people, to convince them in person that the populist movement was their best hope for reclaiming America.

Bannon Will Be On Offense and Lead Again

As Bannon closed out his segment, his message was unmistakable: the time for passive resistance had passed. It was time to go on offense, build coalitions, and fight relentlessly for the country’s future. “Offense, offense, offense—that’s how we win,” he concluded, issuing a final charge to his audience.

Bannon On The Need For A Door-To-Door Populist Mobilization Network In Support Of Trump’s Campaign

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