Saturday, 26 October 2024

Kamala Harris Exposed: Ruthless Truancy Policies Hurt Black Families for Financial Gain

Kamala’s Troubling Legacy as Attorney General

Monica Crowley and filmmaker Joel Gilbert had a fiery discussion on Tuesday’s WarRoom and exposed shocking details about Kamala Harris’s time as California Attorney General, which finally came to light. Gilbert uncovered a critical story that shows how Harris, while in power, prioritized money over the welfare of black families and children.

Gilbert explained to Crowley how Harris authored a harsh truancy policy, disproportionately affecting black families. “She knew it would mostly affect black Americans,” Gilbert states, referring to Harris’s decision to prosecute parents of truant children.

SEE FULL STORY HERE-Arrested by Kamala

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A Ruthless Law Targeting Black Families

During her time as Attorney General, Kamala Harris implemented a law aimed at putting parents in jail if their children missed 10% of school days. Gilbert stresses that this law was more about money than education. “California schools received funding based on attendance, and truancy was costing $1.4 billion a year,” Gilbert says. Harris’s motive, according to Gilbert, wasn’t the children’s well-being but filling the state’s coffers.

One of the most tragic cases is Cheree Peoples, a nurse whose daughter suffered from sickle cell anemia, leading to frequent absences from school. Despite medical documentation, Harris’s office still arrested Peoples. “Kamala sent her most vicious prosecutors to go after these parents,” says Gilbert. This approach shows Harris’s lack of empathy and disregard for the struggles of black families.

“No Understanding of Mothers or the Black Community”

Both Crowley and Gilbert emphasize Harris’s disconnect from the communities she targeted. “Kamala has no experience…in common with the black community,” Gilbert asserts, referencing her background as the child of foreign students who grew up in Canada. This detachment, combined with her aggressive policies, caused irreparable harm to vulnerable families.

Peoples’ family, for example, suffered devastating consequences. They lost their home, as Peoples had to attend lengthy court battles while being unable to work. Her daughter, Shayla, even suffered a stroke due to the stress caused by the ordeal. This, Crowley suggests, is the legacy of Harris’s policies: “It wasn’t about the welfare of the child…it was all about money.”

Truancy Law’s Hidden Agenda: Funding Over Families

Harris’s focus was clear—funnel more money into California’s education system by targeting families through truancy laws. “She didn’t care about the kids or the families…just the money coming into the state,” says Crowley. Gilbert’s investigation shows that Harris cared little for the impact on minority communities. For her, it was a numbers game, prioritizing financial gain at the expense of human lives.

Crowley highlights how this should be a wake-up call, especially for black voters. “This is what happens when you vote based on race, not on what politicians will do for you.” She urges the Trump campaign to use Gilbert’s findings in political ads, suggesting it would be an eye-opener for black voters.

A Warning to Black Voters: “Don’t Trust Kamala Harris”

The message Gilbert and Crowley send is clear: Kamala Harris’s past actions should make voters question her motives. Gilbert points to the broader implications of her policies, saying, “This is what will happen to Black America if Kamala gets back in charge.” He believes Harris’s ruthless pursuit of power, no matter the cost, is something black voters need to hear.

Crowley agrees, encouraging the Trump campaign to run ads based on these stories. She suggests playing these ads during NFL games and on urban radio stations to ensure that black voters understand the real impact of Harris’s policies. “Kamala doesn’t care…she will come for you if it benefits her,” Crowley warns.

Kamala Harris’s Record of Abuse

Kamala Harris’s truancy policy exposed a dark side of her leadership. As Crowley and Gilbert reveal, her time as Attorney General was marked by a relentless pursuit of money, even at the expense of black families. Gilbert’s investigation serves as a stark reminder of the real-world consequences of Harris’s policies. Black voters, as Crowley states, should be wary of trusting her: “She does not have a flying witch about you, and she will come right at you.”

For more from Joel Gilbert- watch the full Tuesday segment:

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert Shines Light On Kamala Imprisoning Vulnerable Parents

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