Friday, 25 October 2024

Outside of Jail, Steve Bannon said he Expects Fair Treatment from Bureau of Prisons Amid Unhinged Left

Steve Bannon, his daughter, and his associates held a historic press conference near the Danbury Correctional Facility. Bannon was due to begin his four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress. Despite facing protests and disruptions from radical and unhinged left-wing demonstrators who screamed and rang screeching cow bells in people’s ears, Bannon emphasized his commitment to free speech and condemned what he termed political persecution.

Bannon declared, “This is a war, a political war, and it shouldn’t be happening.”

Bannon expressed confidence in the quality of treatment he expected to receive in prison, emphasizing his preparedness both mentally and physically for the experience. Bannon, known for his provocative and defiant rhetoric, stated that he had attended military school and served in the Navy, which had prepared him for whatever prison might bring. He conveyed gratitude towards the Bureau of Prisons for their management and readiness, indicating a stance of resilience and readiness amidst his legal challenges.

He highlighted the impact of his imprisonment on pushing Congress to investigate on January 6, asserting, “If it took me going to prison to get the House of Representatives to start an investigation, then it was worth it.”

Maureen Bannon, CEO of War Room, spoke passionately, assuring viewers that the WarRoom show would continue unabated. “Nothing’s gonna change,” she affirmed, promising an even stronger program.

Steve Bannon reinforced his defiance against the political establishment, telling the crowd that he had selected Danbury specifically due to historical parallels with other political prisoners during the McCarthy era, likening his situation to a broader fight against political oppression. He labeled himself a “political prisoner of Nancy Pelosi, Merrick Garland, and Joe Biden,” alleging a conspiracy to silence dissent.

During the press conference, Bannon criticized media coverage and legal proceedings, particularly the treatment of former President Trump and allegations regarding the 2020 election. He asserted, “They’ve lied about everything,” referring to government officials and the media. Bannon expressed gratitude for the support while maintaining his steadfast stance against what he views as unjust legal actions. He also criticized the structure of the January 6 committee, demanding reforms for fairness and transparency.

Throughout the event, Bannon projected confidence in his mission, proclaiming, “They’re not gonna shut us down,” regarding efforts to stifle his influence and that of his allies. He pledged to continue his advocacy from prison, emphasizing his First Amendment rights and the resilience of the populist movement. Bannon’s associates echoed his sentiments, declaring that attempts to silence them would only strengthen their resolve and amplify their message.

As the press conference concluded, Bannon reiterated his readiness for imprisonment, emphasizing his preparedness and resolve. He vowed to continue fighting against what he perceived as corrupt political forces, stressing the need for transparency and accountability in government. The event underscored Bannon’s defiance and the broader implications of his legal battle on American politics, highlighting ongoing divisions over free speech, political integrity, and the limits of governmental authority.

MTG introduced a priest from a local parish, who offered words of encouragement and solidarity with Bannon and his cause, expressing prayers for strength and protection amidst the challenges Bannon faces. He highlighted the spiritual aspect of Bannon’s struggle, invoking divine support against what he characterized as the forces of tyranny and injustice. The priest’s remarks underscored a belief in Bannon’s role as a martyr-like figure standing up against political oppression, aligning his sacrifice with a broader spiritual and moral significance.

During the conference, Eric Prince, a former Navy SEAL and founder of the private military contractor Blackwater, expressed his stance on protecting Steve Bannon. He emphasized the importance of supporting Bannon in his legal battles, framing it as a defense against what he perceives as unjust political persecution. Prince stated, “Steve is a political prisoner. This is about free speech, about First Amendment rights.” His remarks underscored a belief in Bannon’s cause and the broader implications for free expression and political dissent.

Bannon is expected to be released Oct. 31. For more context watch:

Steve Bannon Final Remarks Before Entering Prison: Our Power Is Right Here… It’s NEXT MAN UP

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