Thursday, 24 October 2024

Raffensperger, Fulton County Try to Ram Through 2020 Clean Up Crew as ‘Independent Monitors’ for 2024

The Georgia Secretary of State is quickly, and quietly, trying to approve a monitoring team for Fulton County in 2024 that consists of people instrumental in running the corrupt 2020 Presidential Election and its fraudulent recounts.

Fulton County’s Board of Registration and Elections voted Thursday to approve a proposal created by Ryan Germany, Raffensperger’s general counsel during 2020, that assigned himself and several others to observe the upcoming presidential election who were involved in covering up the last one.

Far from being "independent,” the team is full of people invested in pushing the false narrative that Joe Biden won Georgia. The list includes Germany; Carter Jones, the last monitor who witnessed the double scanning of ballots in Fulton County and numerous chain of custody violations, but claimed there was no fraud; Monica Childers, who worked for Voting Works during the hand count audit, which ran the ARLO system that included numerous fraudulent entries giving Joe Biden at least 4,081 false votes; and Matt Mashburn, the former acting director of the State Election Board who sicced the FBI on Kevin Moncla after he asked the Board to "properly investigate” serious evidence of fraud detailed in complaints to the Board.

The fallout from the bombshell 2020 Election recount complaint, brought by Moncla and Joe Rossi, and the Secretary of State’s attempt to cover it up at the May State Election Board hearing, continues. On Tuesday, the Board voted to bring up the matter, SEB-2023-025, again in the August meeting, with an opportunity to reopen the investigation.

Moncla and Rossi’s complaints revealed Fulton County did not have the ballots to justify its results in 2020, which included more than enough unsubstantiated votes to alter the outcome of the Election. Despite attempts by State Election Board Chair John Fervier to keep discussion of the complaint behind closed doors, Dr. Janice Johnston was able to secure an opportunity for rebuttal for the complainants. Though time was limited, Raffensperger’s general counsel Charlene McGowan was exposed as misleading the Board by falsely claiming ballot images, of which there are 17,852 missing from the machine recount, have nothing to do with counting votes. The rebuttal period also revealed at least 8,110 duplicate ballots were counted statewide, in a pattern that suggests they were inserted purposefully, and not at random.

"New batches of ballots were nefariously created by pulling a few ballots from several different batches of ballots that had already been scanned  and combining them to make what would appear to be a unique or regular batch,” said Moncla. This was 100 percent an intentional act to hide the tell-tale sign of batches with a repeat mirrored sequence of ballots.

"The evidence we submitted to the State Election Board on Tuesday is irrefutable proof of intentional election fraud,” he said. "Words I have never spoken, and ones I take very seriously."

Moncla and Phillip Davis, a software developer who presented findings during the rebuttal, are preparing to release more evidence in the coming days. "I can state that no Georgia voter should have any confidence in the results of the 2020 election,” Moncla said. "There is more that call the results into question than there is to substantiate the outcome.”

The Georgia State Election Board will hold a meeting at 4 p.m. on Friday.

The idea of an "independent” monitoring team was cooked up by former State Election Board member and mail-in ballot lobbyist Ed Lindsey. Lindsey had a proposal ready to respond to SEB-2023-025 before its findings were even presented to the Board on May 7. Lindsey later resigned.

During the meeting Lindsey said he was "in discussions with the Secretary of State’s office and with Fulton” and they decided the case should be resolved with a "mutually agreeable” monitor — the same language used by Germany in his proposal — prior to the investigation being presented to the Board.

In other words, the cover up of the complaint was well underway before the May 7 meeting. The findings by the state included the disingenuous claim that it was "inconclusive” whether at least 3,125 duplicates were counted in the official results, when the cast vote record clearly shows they were counted.

With Board member Rick Jeffares absent from the May 7 meeting, Dr. Johnston’s motions to refer the investigation to the Attorney General’s office were not seconded. The Board did agree to Lindsey’s letter of reprimand for Fulton County and a monitor for 2024, however, the monitor proposal was contingent on the Board reaching an agreement "before the July hearing.” That did not happen.

The Germany plan previously failed to be adopted by Fulton County and was said to have been withdrawn. It was then resubmitted by Fervier and already approved by McGowan, the lawyer who shepherded SEB-2023-025 for the Secretary of State, despite the Board not agreeing to it before or during the July 9 meeting.

The so-called monitoring team, according to the Germany proposal, will provide "impartial” reports from "experts in Georgia election administration.”

The "impartial” real time monitoring will be coming from Germany, Raffensperger’s right hand man, and Childers, who likes to retweet Stephen Richer and Chris Krebs, and who thinks it "needs to be said” that President Trump’s "blatant falsehoods about elections” will lead to "violence.”


Childers is also friendly with Noah Praetz, the co-founder of the Elections Group, a shadowy group that appeared in major Swing State cities in 2020 and was sent the Fulton County machine recount results that showed they were over 17,000 votes short, the basis of the very complaint that is the impetus for why Fulton County needs another monitor in the first place.

The monitoring team proposal was never sufficient to remedy the issues raised in SEB2023-025, and the complainants are calling for a real investigation to force the Secretary of State to account for their numerous misrepresentations made before the State Election Board. The issue could be addressed at Friday afternoon’s Board meeting, which was called by Dr. Johnston.

"There needs to be an independent monitor, an independent investigation,” said Harry MacDouglad, an attorney who represented Moncla before the State Election Board. "You cannot rely on the investigative reports given to you by the Secretary of State’s office.

"They are sweeping things under the rug.”

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